--- /dev/null
+* Copyright (C) 2012, International Business Machines Corporation and *
+* others. All Rights Reserved. *
+<project name="currency-numeric" default="build" basedir=".">
+ <property name="out.dir" value="${basedir}/out"/>
+ <property name="src.dir" value="${basedir}/src"/>
+ <property name="classes.dir" value="${out.dir}/bin"/>
+ <property name="res.dir" value="${out.dir}/res"/>
+ <property name="xml.dir" value="${out.dir}/xml"/>
+ <property name="base.url" value="http://www.currency-iso.org/"/>
+ <property name="current.xml" value="dl_iso_table_a1.xml"/>
+ <property name="historic.xml" value="dl_iso_tables_a3.xml"/>
+<target name="build" depends="check, resource" description="Verify ICU's local data and generate ISO 4217 alpha-numeric code mapping data resource"/>
+<target name="classes" description="Build the Java tool">
+ <mkdir dir="${classes.dir}"/>
+ <javac srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${classes.dir}"
+ target="1.6" encoding="UTF-8" includeAntRuntime="false"/>
+<target name="_checkLocalXml">
+ <condition property="isLocalXml">
+ <and>
+ <available file="${basedir}/${current.xml}"/>
+ <available file="${basedir}/${historic.xml}"/>
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+<target name="_localXml" depends="_checkLocalXml" if="isLocalXml">
+ <echo message="Using local ISO 4217 XML data files"/>
+ <copy file="${current.xml}" todir="${xml.dir}"/>
+ <copy file="${historic.xml}" todir="${xml.dir}"/>
+<target name="_downloadXml" unless="isLocalXml">
+ <echo message="Downloading ISO 4217 XML data files"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${xml.dir}"/>
+ <get src="${base.url}${current.xml}" dest="${xml.dir}"/>
+ <get src="${base.url}${historic.xml}" dest="${xml.dir}"/>
+<target name="xmlData" depends="_localXml, _downloadXml" description="Prepare necessary ISO 4217 XML data files">
+<target name="check" depends="classes, xmlData" description="Verify if ICU's local mapping data is synchronized with the XML data">
+ <java classname="com.ibm.icu.dev.tool.currency.Main"
+ classpath="${classes.dir}"
+ failonerror="true">
+ <arg value="check"/>
+ <arg value="${xml.dir}/${current.xml}"/>
+ <arg value="${xml.dir}/${historic.xml}"/>
+ </java>
+<target name="resource" depends="classes" description="Build ISO 4217 alpha-numeric code mapping data resource">
+ <mkdir dir="${res.dir}"/>
+ <java classname="com.ibm.icu.dev.tool.currency.Main"
+ classpath="${classes.dir}"
+ failonerror="true">
+ <arg value="build"/>
+ <arg value="${res.dir}"/>
+ </java>
+ <echo message="ISO 4217 numeric code mapping data was successfully created in ${res.dir}"/>
+<target name="clean" description="Delete build outputs">
+ <delete dir="${out.dir}"/>
\ No newline at end of file