- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/optimizer/path/costsize.c,v 1.14 1997/04/09 02:13:41 vadim Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/optimizer/path/costsize.c,v 1.15 1997/04/24 15:49:30 vadim Exp $
return _disable_cost_;
if ( !_enable_hashjoin_ )
temp += _disable_cost_;
-/* temp += outercost + (nrun + 1) * innercost; */
- /*
- the innercost shouldn't be used it. Instead the
- cost of hashing the innerpath should be used
- ASSUME innercost is 1 for now -- a horrible hack
- - jolly
- */
+ /*
+ temp += outercost + (nrun + 1) * innercost;
+ *
+ * the innercost shouldn't be used it. Instead the
+ * cost of hashing the innerpath should be used
+ *
+ * ASSUME innercost is 1 for now -- a horrible hack
+ * - jolly
temp += outercost + (nrun + 1);
+ *
+ * But we must add innercost to result. - vadim 04/24/97
+ */
+ temp += outercost + innercost + (nrun + 1);
temp += _cpu_page_wight_ * (outersize + nrun * innersize);
Assert(temp >= 0);