-/* SCCS Id: @(#)shk.c 3.5 2006/06/21 */
+/* SCCS Id: @(#)shk.c 3.5 2006/10/30 */
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
extern struct obj *thrownobj; /* defined in dothrow.c */
STATIC_VAR NEARDATA long int followmsg; /* last time of follow message */
+STATIC_VAR const char and_its_contents[] = " and its contents";
+STATIC_VAR const char the_contents_of[] = "the contents of ";
STATIC_DCL void FDECL(setpaid, (struct monst *));
STATIC_DCL long FDECL(addupbill, (struct monst *));
struct monst *shkp = 0;
long ltmp, cltmp, gltmp;
+ int contentscount;
boolean container;
if (!billable(&shkp, obj, *u.ushops, TRUE))
obj->no_charge = 0;
- } else /* i.e., !container */
+ contentscount = count_unpaid(obj->cobj);
+ } else { /* !container */
add_one_tobill(obj, dummy, shkp);
+ contentscount = 0;
+ }
if (!muteshk(shkp) && !silent) {
char buf[BUFSZ];
Strcat(buf, "; only");
obj->quan = 1L; /* fool xname() into giving singular */
- pline("%s %ld %s %s %s.\"", buf, ltmp, currency(ltmp),
- (save_quan > 1L) ? "per" : "for this", xname(obj));
+ pline("%s %ld %s %s %s%s.\"", buf, ltmp, currency(ltmp),
+ (save_quan > 1L) ? "per" :
+ (contentscount && !obj->unpaid) ?
+ "for the contents of this" : "for this",
+ xname(obj), (contentscount && obj->unpaid) ?
+ and_its_contents : "");
obj->quan = save_quan;
} else if(!silent) {
- if(ltmp) pline_The("list price of %s is %ld %s%s.",
- the(xname(obj)), ltmp, currency(ltmp),
- (obj->quan > 1L) ? " each" : "");
+ if (ltmp) pline_The("list price of %s%s%s is %ld %s%s.",
+ (contentscount && !obj->unpaid) ?
+ the_contents_of : "",
+ the(xname(obj)),
+ (contentscount && obj->unpaid) ?
+ and_its_contents : "",
+ ltmp, currency(ltmp),
+ (obj->quan > 1L) ? " each" : "");
else pline("%s does not notice.", Monnam(shkp));
"... the contents of the <bag>. Sell them?"
"... your items in the <bag>. Sell them?"
- Sprintf(qbuf, "%s offers%s %ld gold piece%s for%s %s ",
+ Sprintf(qbuf, "%s offers%s %ld gold piece%s for %s%s ",
shkname(shkp), short_funds ? " only" : "",
offer, plur(offer),
(cltmp && !ltmp) ? (only_partially_your_contents ?
- " your items in" : " the contents of") : "",
+ "your items in " : the_contents_of) : "",
obj->unpaid ? "the" : "your");
one = (obj->quan == 1L && !cltmp);
Sprintf(qsfx, "%s. Sell %s?",
(cltmp && ltmp) ? (only_partially_your_contents ?
- " and items inside" : " and its contents") : "",
+ " and items inside" : and_its_contents) : "",
one ? "it" : "them");
(void)safe_qbuf(qbuf, qbuf, qsfx,
obj, xname, simpleonames,
register struct obj *otmp;
char buf[BUFSZ], price[40];
- long cost;
+ long cost = 0L;
int cnt = 0;
+ boolean contentsonly = FALSE;
winid tmpwin;
struct monst *shkp = shop_keeper(inside_shop(u.ux, u.uy));
if (otmp->oclass == COIN_CLASS) continue;
cost = (otmp->no_charge || otmp == uball || otmp == uchain) ? 0L :
get_cost(otmp, (struct monst *)0);
+ contentsonly = !cost;
if (Has_contents(otmp))
cost += contained_cost(otmp, shkp, 0L, FALSE, FALSE);
if (!cost) {
Strcpy(price, "no charge");
+ contentsonly = FALSE;
} else {
Sprintf(price, "%ld %s%s", cost, currency(cost),
- otmp->quan > 1L ? " each" : "");
+ (otmp->quan) > 1L ? " each" : "");
- Sprintf(buf, "%s, %s", doname(otmp), price);
+ Sprintf(buf, "%s%s, %s",
+ contentsonly ? the_contents_of : "", doname(otmp), price);
putstr(tmpwin, 0, buf), cnt++;
if (cnt > 1) {
display_nhwindow(tmpwin, TRUE);
} else if (cnt == 1) {
- if (first_obj->no_charge || first_obj == uball || first_obj == uchain){
- pline("%s!", buf); /* buf still contains the string */
+ if (!cost) {
+ /* "<doname(obj)>, no charge" */
+ pline("%s!", upstart(buf)); /* buf still contains the string */
} else {
- /* print cost in slightly different format, so can't reuse buf */
- cost = get_cost(first_obj, (struct monst *)0);
- if (Has_contents(first_obj))
- cost += contained_cost(first_obj, shkp, 0L, FALSE, FALSE);
- pline("%s, price %ld %s%s%s", doname(first_obj),
- cost, currency(cost), first_obj->quan > 1L ? " each" : "",
- shk_embellish(first_obj, cost));
+ /* print cost in slightly different format, so can't reuse buf;
+ cost and contentsonly are already set up */
+ Sprintf(buf, "%s%s",
+ contentsonly ? the_contents_of : "", doname(first_obj));
+ pline("%s, price %ld %s%s%s", upstart(buf),
+ cost, currency(cost), (first_obj->quan > 1L) ? " each" : "",
+ contentsonly ? "." : shk_embellish(first_obj, cost));