Move the entries that match fixes34.2 entries into fixes34.2 on the trunk
rather than in fixes35.0 as per earlier discussion.
avoid panic when secondary weapon is cursed while generating bones level
don't crash when applying a figurine, candle, or bell that gets used up
grammar bits
+two invisible monsters hitting one another should not be visible
+if only one monster in a monster-vs-monster fight is visible, show an I symbol
+ for the other one whether it is an attacker or defender
+display "It" and not "The invisible <pet>" when an invisible pet eats food.
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
infravision or ESP
display "lotus juice", not "lotu juice" for the fruit juice name
statue of any golem hit with stone-to-flesh spell animates as flesh golem
-two invisible monsters hitting one another should not be visible
-if only one monster in a monster-vs-monster fight is visible, show an I symbol
- for the other one whether it is an attacker or defender
-display "It" and not "The invisible <pet>" when an invisible pet eats food.
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes