Problem: No popup window support.
Solution: Add initial code for popup windows. Add the 'wincolor' option.
src/option.c \
src/option.h \
src/popupmnu.c \
+ src/popupwin.c \
src/quickfix.c \
src/regexp.c \
src/regexp_nfa.c \
src/proto/ \
src/proto/ \
src/proto/ \
+ src/proto/ \
src/proto/ \
src/proto/ \
src/proto/ \
prompt buffer where only the last line can be edited, meant
to be used by a plugin, see |prompt-buffer|
{only when compiled with the |+channel| feature}
+ popup buffer used in a popup window, see |popup|.
+ {only when compiled with the |+textprop| feature}
This option is used together with 'bufhidden' and 'swapfile' to
specify special kinds of buffers. See |special-buffers|.
This option is not used for <F10>; on Win32 and with GTK <F10> will
select the menu, unless it has been mapped.
+ *'wincolor'* *'wcr'*
+'wincolor' 'wcr' string (default empty)
+ local to window
+ Highlight group name to use for this window instead of the Normal
+ color |hl-Normal|.
*'window'* *'wi'*
'window' 'wi' number (default screen height - 1)
A popup window can be used for such things as:
- briefly show a message without changing the command line
- prompt the user with a dialog
-- display information while typing
+- display contextual information while typing
- give extra information for auto-completion
The text in the popup window can be colored with |text-properties|. It is
also possible to use syntax highlighting.
+The default color used is "Pmenu". If you prefer something else use the
+"highlight" argument or the 'wincolor' option, e.g.: >
+ hi MyPopupColor ctermbg=lightblue guibg=lightblue
+ call setwinvar(winid, '&wincolor', 'MyPopupColor')
+'hlsearch' and match highlighting are not displayed in a popup window.
A popup window has a window-ID like other windows, but behaves differently.
The size can be up to the whole Vim window and it overlaps other windows.
It contains a buffer, and that buffer is always associated with the popup
- balloon, see |balloon-eval|
+WINDOW POSITION AND SIZE *popup-position*
+The height of the window is normally equal to the number of lines in the
+buffer. It can be limited with the "maxheight" property. You can use empty
+lines to increase the height.
+The width of the window is normally equal to the longest line in the buffer.
+It can be limited with the "maxwidth" property. You can use spaces to
+increase the width.
+By default the 'wrap' option is set, so that no text disappears. However, if
+there is not enough space, some text may be invisible.
Example how to use syntax highlighting of a code snippet.
the scroll offset into account.
Probably 2. is the best choice.
-Positioning relative to the popup-menu to avoid overlapping with it; add a
-function to get the position and size of the popup-menu.
-- Put code in popupwin.c
-- Use win_update() for displaying
-- At first redraw all windows NOT_VALID when the popup moves or hides.
-- At first always display the popup windows at the end of update_screen(),
- lowest zindex first.
-- Later make it more efficient and avoid flicker
-- Use a separate list of windows, one for each tab and one global. Also put
- "aucmd_win" in there.
-- add optional {buf} command to execute(). Only works for a buffer that is
- visible in a window in the current tab or in a popup window.
- E.g. for execute('syntax enable', 'silent', bufnr)
+- Code is in popupwin.c
+- handle screen resize in screenalloc().
+- Support tab-local popup windows, use tp_first_popupwin and
+ first_tab_popupwin. Swap like with firstwin/curwin.
+- Make redrawing more efficient and avoid flicker.
+- implement all the unimplemented features.
- a string
- a list of strings
- a list of text lines with text properties
+ {not implemented yet}
{options} is a dictionary with many possible entries.
See |popup_create-usage| for details.
let winid = popup_create('hello', {})
let bufnr = winbufnr(winid)
call setbufline(bufnr, 2, 'second line')
+< In case of failure zero is returned.
+popup_close({id}) *popup_close()*
+ Close popup {id}. The window and the associated buffer will
+ be deleted.
popup_dialog({text}, {options}) *popup_dialog()*
+ {not implemented yet}
Just like |popup_create()| but with these default options: >
call popup_create({text}, {
\ 'pos': 'center',
popup_notification({text}, {options}) *popup_notification()*
+ {not implemented yet}
Show the {text} for 3 seconds at the top of the Vim window.
This works like: >
call popup_create({text}, {
popup_atcursor({text}, {options}) *popup_atcursor()*
+ {not implemented yet}
Show the {text} above the cursor, and close it when the cursor
moves. This works like: >
call popup_create({text}, {
popup_menu({text}, {options}) *popup_menu()*
+ {not implemented yet}
Show the {text} near the cursor, handle selecting one of the
items with cursorkeys, and close it an item is selected with
Space or Enter. {text} should have multiple lines to make this
popup_show({id}) *popup_show()*
+ {not implemented yet}
If {id} is a hidden popup, show it now.
popup_hide({id}) *popup_hide()*
+ {not implemented yet}
If {id} is a displayed popup, hide it now. If the popup has a
filter it will not be invoked for so long as the popup is
popup_move({id}, {options}) *popup_move()*
+ {not implemented yet}
Move popup {id} to the position speficied with {options}.
{options} may contain the items from |popup_create()| that
specify the popup position: "line", "col", "pos", "maxheight",
popup_filter_menu({id}, {key}) *popup_filter_menu()*
+ {not implemented yet}
Filter that can be used for a popup. It handles the cursor
keys to move the selected index in the popup. Space and Enter
can be used to select an item. Invokes the "callback" of the
popup_filter_yesno({id}, {key}) *popup_filter_yesno()*
+ {not implemented yet}
Filter that can be used for a popup. It handles only the keys
'y', 'Y' and 'n' or 'N'. Invokes the "callback" of the
popup menu with the 1 for 'y' or 'Y' and zero for 'n' or 'N'
popup_setoptions({id}, {options}) *popup_setoptions()*
+ {not implemented yet}
Override options in popup {id} with entries in {options}.
popup_getoptions({id}) *popup_getoptions()*
+ {not implemented yet}
Return the {options} for popup {id}.
-popup_close({id}) *popup_close()*
- Close popup {id}.
+popup_getposition({id}) *popup_getposition()*
+ {not implemented yet}
+ Return the position and size of popup {id}. Returns a Dict
+ with these entries:
+ col screen column of the popup, one-based
+ line screen line of the popup, one-based
+ width width of the popup in screen cells
+ height height of the popup in screen cells
+win_execute({id}, {command})
+ {not implemented yet}
+ Like `execute()` but in the context of window {id}.
+ The window will temporarily be made the current window,
+ without triggering autocommands.
+ Example: >
+ call win_execute(winid, 'syntax enable')
*:popupclear* *:popupc*
:popupc[lear] Emergency solution to a misbehaving plugin: close all popup
- 'swapfile' is off
- 'bufhidden' is "hide"
- 'buflisted' is off
+- 'undolevels' is -1: no undo at all
TODO: more
The window does have a cursor position, but the cursor is not displayed.
- a string
- a list of strings
- a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary has these entries:
+ {not implemented yet}
text String with the text to display.
props A list of text properties. Optional.
Each entry is a dictionary, like the third argument of
"cursor", "cursor+1" or "cursor-1" to use the line of
the cursor and add or subtract a number of lines;
default is "cursor-1".
+ {only number is implemented}
col screen column where to position the popup; can use
"cursor" to use the column of the cursor, "cursor+99"
and "cursor-99" to add or subtract a number of
columns; default is "cursor"
+ {only number is implemented}
pos "topleft", "topright", "botleft" or "botright":
defines what corner of the popup "line" and "col" are
used for. Default is "botleft". Alternatively
- "center" can be used to position the popup somewhere
- near the cursor.
+ "center" can be used to position the popup in the
+ center of the Vim window.
+ {not implemented yet}
flip when TRUE (the default) and the position is relative
to the cursor, flip to below or above the cursor to
avoid overlap with the |popupmenu-completion| or
another popup with a higher "zindex"
+ {not implemented yet}
maxheight maximum height
minheight minimum height
+ {not implemented yet}
maxwidth maximum width
minwidth minimum width
+ {not implemented yet}
hidden when TRUE the popup exists but is not displayed; use
`popup_show()` to unhide it.
+ {not implemented yet}
tab when -1: display the popup on all tabs; when 0 (the
default): display the popup on the current tab;
otherwise the number of the tab page the popup is
displayed on; when invalid the current tab is used
+ {only -1 and 0 are implemented}
title text to be displayed above the first item in the
popup, on top of any border
+ {not implemented yet}
wrap TRUE to make the lines wrap (default TRUE)
- highlight highlight group name to use for the text, defines the
- background and foreground color
+ {not implemented yet}
+ highlight highlight group name to use for the text, stored in
+ 'wincolor'
+ {not implemented yet}
border list with numbers, defining the border thickness
above/right/below/left of the popup; an empty list
uses a border of 1 all around
+ {not implemented yet}
borderhighlight highlight group name to use for the border
+ {not implemented yet}
borderchars list with characters, defining the character to use
for the top/right/bottom/left border; optionally
followed by the character to use for the
topright/botright/botleft/topleft corner; an empty
list can be used to show a double line all around
+ {not implemented yet}
zindex priority for the popup, default 50
time time in milliseconds after which the popup will close;
when omitted |popup_close()| must be used.
+ {not implemented yet}
moved "cell": close the popup if the cursor moved at least
one screen cell; "word" allows for moving within
|<cword>|, "WORD" allows for moving within |<cWORD>|,
a list with two numbers specifies the start and end
+ {not implemented yet}
filter a callback that can filter typed characters, see
+ {not implemented yet}
callback a callback to be used when the popup closes, e.g. when
using |popup_filter_menu()|, see |popup-callback|.
+ {not implemented yet}
Depending on the "zindex" the popup goes under or above other popups. The
completion menu (|popup-menu|) has zindex 100. For messages that occur for a
+{not implemented yet}
These are similar to the third argument of |prop_add()|, but not exactly the
same, since they only apply to one line.
col starting column, counted in bytes, use one for the
POPUP FILTER *popup-filter*
+{not implemented yet}
A callback that gets any typed keys while a popup is displayed. The filter is
-not invoked for as long as the popup is hidden.
+not invoked when the popup is hidden.
The filter can return TRUE to indicate the key has been handled and is to be
discarded, or FALSE to let Vim handle the key as usual in the current state.
+In case it returns FALSE and there is another popup window visible, that
+filter is also called. The filter of the popup window with the highest zindex
+is called first.
The filter function is called with two arguments: the ID of the popup and the
POPUP CALLBACK *popup-callback*
+{not implemented yet}
A callback that is invoked when the popup closes. Used by
|popup_filter_menu()|. Invoked with two arguments: the ID of the popup and
the result, which would usually be an index in the popup lines, or whatever
$(OUTDIR)/os_win32.o \
$(OUTDIR)/pathdef.o \
$(OUTDIR)/popupmnu.o \
+ $(OUTDIR)/popupwin.o \
$(OUTDIR)/quickfix.o \
$(OUTDIR)/regexp.o \
$(OUTDIR)/screen.o \
$(OUTDIR)\os_win32.obj \
$(OUTDIR)\pathdef.obj \
$(OUTDIR)\popupmnu.obj \
+ $(OUTDIR)\popupwin.obj \
+ $(OUTDIR)\popupwin.obj \
$(OUTDIR)\quickfix.obj \
$(OUTDIR)\regexp.obj \
$(OUTDIR)\screen.obj \
$(OUTDIR)/popupmnu.obj: $(OUTDIR) popupmnu.c $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/popupwin.obj: $(OUTDIR) popupwin.c $(INCL)
$(OUTDIR)/quickfix.obj: $(OUTDIR) quickfix.c $(INCL)
$(OUTDIR)/regexp.obj: $(OUTDIR) regexp.c regexp_nfa.c $(INCL)
proto/ \
proto/ \
proto/ \
+ proto/ \
proto/ \
proto/ \
proto/ \
# Makefile for Vim on OpenVMS
# Maintainer: Zoltan Arpadffy <>
-# Last change: 2019 May 11
+# Last change: 2019 May 24
# This has script been tested on VMS 6.2 to 8.2 on DEC Alpha, VAX and IA64
# with MMS and MMK
if_cscope.c if_xcmdsrv.c fileio.c findfile.c fold.c getchar.c \
hardcopy.c hashtab.c indent.c insexpand.c json.c list.c main.c mark.c \
menu.c mbyte.c memfile.c memline.c message.c misc1.c misc2.c move.c \
- normal.c ops.c option.c popupmnu.c quickfix.c regexp.c search.c \
+ normal.c ops.c option.c popupmnu.c popupwin.c, quickfix.c regexp.c search.c \
sha256.c sign.c spell.c spellfile.c syntax.c tag.c term.c termlib.c \
textprop.c ui.c undo.c usercmd.c userfunc.c version.c screen.c \
window.c os_unix.c os_vms.c pathdef.c \
fileio.obj findfile.obj fold.obj getchar.obj hardcopy.obj hashtab.obj \
indent.obj insexpand.obj json.obj list.obj main.obj mark.obj \
menu.obj memfile.obj memline.obj message.obj misc1.obj misc2.obj \
- move.obj mbyte.obj normal.obj ops.obj option.obj popupmnu.obj \
+ move.obj mbyte.obj normal.obj ops.obj option.obj popupmnu.obj popupwin.obj\
quickfix.obj regexp.obj search.obj sha256.obj sign.obj spell.obj \
spellfile.obj syntax.obj tag.obj term.obj termlib.obj textprop.obj \
ui.obj undo.obj usercmd.obj userfunc.obj screen.obj version.obj \
ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
gui.h beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
+popupwin.obj : popupwin.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
+ ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
+ gui.h beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
+ globals.h
quickfix.obj : quickfix.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
gui.h beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
os_unix.c \
auto/pathdef.c \
popupmnu.c \
+ popupwin.c \
pty.c \
quickfix.c \
regexp.c \
objects/os_unix.o \
objects/pathdef.o \
objects/popupmnu.o \
+ objects/popupwin.o \
objects/pty.o \
objects/quickfix.o \
objects/regexp.o \ \ \ \
+ \ \ \ \
objects/popupmnu.o: popupmnu.c
$(CCC) -o $@ popupmnu.c
+objects/popupwin.o: popupwin.c
+ $(CCC) -o $@ popupwin.c
objects/pty.o: pty.c
$(CCC) -o $@ pty.c
auto/osdef.h ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h option.h beval.h \
proto/ structs.h regexp.h gui.h alloc.h ex_cmds.h spell.h \
proto.h globals.h
+objects/popupwin.o: popupwin.c vim.h protodef.h auto/config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
+ auto/osdef.h ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h option.h beval.h \
+ proto/ structs.h regexp.h gui.h alloc.h ex_cmds.h spell.h \
+ proto.h globals.h
objects/pty.o: pty.c vim.h protodef.h auto/config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
auto/osdef.h ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h option.h beval.h \
proto/ structs.h regexp.h gui.h alloc.h ex_cmds.h spell.h \
- if (buf->b_ml.ml_mfp != NULL)
+ if (buf->b_ml.ml_mfp != NULL && !bt_popup(buf))
// find a window for this buffer and save some values
aucmd_prepbuf(&aco, buf);
// back to using the current window.
if (win == NULL && aucmd_win == NULL)
- win_alloc_aucmd_win();
+ aucmd_win = win_alloc_popup_win();
if (aucmd_win == NULL)
win = curwin;
// unexpected results.
aco->use_aucmd_win = TRUE;
aucmd_win_used = TRUE;
- aucmd_win->w_buffer = buf;
-#if defined(FEAT_SYN_HL) || defined(FEAT_SPELL)
- aucmd_win->w_s = &buf->b_s;
- ++buf->b_nwindows;
- win_init_empty(aucmd_win); // set cursor and topline to safe values
- // Make sure w_localdir and globaldir are NULL to avoid a chdir() in
- // win_enter_ext().
- VIM_CLEAR(aucmd_win->w_localdir);
+ win_init_popup_win(aucmd_win, buf);
aco->globaldir = globaldir;
globaldir = NULL;
// Split the current window, put the aucmd_win in the upper half.
// We don't want the BufEnter or WinEnter autocommands.
int force, // when TRUE, ignore autocmd_busy
buf_T *buf) // buffer for <abuf>
+ if (bt_popup(buf))
+ return FALSE;
return apply_autocmds_group(event, fname, fname_io, force,
win_T *win, /* if not NULL, set b_last_cursor */
buf_T *buf,
int action,
- int abort_if_last UNUSED)
+ int abort_if_last)
int is_curbuf;
int nwindows;
bt_prompt(buf_T *buf)
- return buf != NULL && buf->b_p_bt[0] == 'p';
+ return buf != NULL && buf->b_p_bt[0] == 'p' && buf->b_p_bt[1] == 'r';
+ * Return TRUE if "buf" is a buffer for a popup window.
+ */
+ int
+bt_popup(buf_T *buf)
+ return buf != NULL && buf->b_p_bt != NULL
+ && buf->b_p_bt[0] == 'p' && buf->b_p_bt[1] == 'o';
if (aucmd_win != NULL)
abort = abort || set_ref_in_item(&aucmd_win->w_winvar.di_tv, copyID,
+ for (wp = first_popupwin; wp != NULL; wp = wp->w_next)
+ abort = abort || set_ref_in_item(&wp->w_winvar.di_tv, copyID,
+ for (wp = first_tab_popupwin; wp != NULL; wp = wp->w_next)
+ abort = abort || set_ref_in_item(&wp->w_winvar.di_tv, copyID,
+ if (tp != curtab)
+ for (wp = tp->tp_first_popupwin; wp != NULL; wp = wp->w_next)
+ abort = abort || set_ref_in_item(&wp->w_winvar.di_tv, copyID,
/* tabpage-local variables */
if (nr >= LOWEST_WIN_ID)
+ {
+ // popup windows are in a separate list
+ for (wp = (tp == NULL || tp == curtab)
+ ? first_tab_popupwin : tp->tp_first_popupwin;
+ wp != NULL; wp = wp->w_next)
+ if (wp->w_id == nr)
+ return wp;
+ for (wp = first_popupwin; wp != NULL; wp = wp->w_next)
+ if (wp->w_id == nr)
+ return wp;
return NULL;
+ }
return wp;
#ifdef FEAT_PERL
{"perleval", 1, 1, f_perleval},
+ {"popup_close", 1, 1, f_popup_close},
+ {"popup_create", 2, 2, f_popup_create},
{"pow", 2, 2, f_pow},
/* n */ 285,
/* o */ 305,
/* p */ 317,
- /* q */ 356,
- /* r */ 359,
- /* s */ 379,
- /* t */ 447,
- /* u */ 492,
- /* v */ 503,
- /* w */ 521,
- /* x */ 535,
- /* y */ 545,
- /* z */ 546
+ /* q */ 357,
+ /* r */ 360,
+ /* s */ 380,
+ /* t */ 448,
+ /* u */ 493,
+ /* v */ 504,
+ /* w */ 522,
+ /* x */ 536,
+ /* y */ 546,
+ /* z */ 547
/* m */ { 1, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16 },
/* n */ { 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 8, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
/* o */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 11, 0, 0, 0 },
- /* p */ { 1, 0, 3, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 9, 0, 0, 16, 17, 26, 0, 27, 0, 28, 0 },
+ /* p */ { 1, 0, 3, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 10, 0, 0, 17, 18, 27, 0, 28, 0, 29, 0 },
/* q */ { 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
/* r */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 14, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
/* s */ { 2, 6, 15, 0, 19, 23, 0, 25, 26, 0, 0, 29, 31, 35, 39, 41, 0, 49, 0, 50, 0, 62, 63, 0, 64, 0 },
/* z */ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
-static const int command_count = 559;
+static const int command_count = 560;
EX(CMD_popup, "popup", ex_popup,
+EX(CMD_popupclear, "popupclear", ex_popupclear,
EX(CMD_ppop, "ppop", ex_ptag,
- * +textprop Text properties
+ * +textprop Text properties and popup windows
#if defined(FEAT_EVAL) && defined(FEAT_SYN_HL)
- * All windows are linked in a list. firstwin points to the first entry,
- * lastwin to the last entry (can be the same as firstwin) and curwin to the
- * currently active window.
+ * All regular windows are linked in a list. "firstwin" points to the first
+ * entry, "lastwin" to the last entry (can be the same as firstwin) and
+ * "curwin" to the currently active window.
+ * When switching tabs these swapped with the pointers in "tabpage_T".
EXTERN win_T *firstwin; /* first window */
EXTERN win_T *lastwin; /* last window */
EXTERN win_T *aucmd_win; /* window used in aucmd_prepbuf() */
EXTERN int aucmd_win_used INIT(= FALSE); /* aucmd_win is being used */
+EXTERN win_T *first_tab_popupwin; // first popup window local to tab page
+EXTERN win_T *first_popupwin; // first global popup window
* The window layout is kept in a tree of frames. topframe points to the top
* of the tree.
+# define PV_WCR OPT_WIN(WV_WCR)
#ifdef FEAT_DIFF
{(char_u *)NULL, (char_u *)0L}
+ {"wincolor", "wcr", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_RWIN,
+ (char_u *)VAR_WIN, PV_WCR,
+ {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)NULL}
{"window", "wi", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF,
(char_u *)&p_window, PV_NONE,
{(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} SCTX_INIT},
static char *(p_scbopt_values[]) = {"ver", "hor", "jump", NULL};
static char *(p_debug_values[]) = {"msg", "throw", "beep", NULL};
static char *(p_ead_values[]) = {"both", "ver", "hor", NULL};
-static char *(p_buftype_values[]) = {"nofile", "nowrite", "quickfix", "help", "terminal", "acwrite", "prompt", NULL};
+static char *(p_buftype_values[]) = {"nofile", "nowrite", "quickfix", "help", "terminal", "acwrite", "prompt", "popup", NULL};
static char *(p_bufhidden_values[]) = {"hide", "unload", "delete", "wipe", NULL};
static char *(p_bs_values[]) = {"indent", "eol", "start", NULL};
case PV_BRI: return (char_u *)&(curwin->w_p_bri);
case PV_BRIOPT: return (char_u *)&(curwin->w_p_briopt);
+ case PV_WCR: return (char_u *)&(curwin->w_p_wcr);
case PV_SCBIND: return (char_u *)&(curwin->w_p_scb);
case PV_CRBIND: return (char_u *)&(curwin->w_p_crb);
to->wo_bri = from->wo_bri;
to->wo_briopt = vim_strsave(from->wo_briopt);
+ to->wo_wcr = vim_strsave(from->wo_wcr);
to->wo_scb = from->wo_scb;
to->wo_scb_save = from->wo_scb_save;
to->wo_crb = from->wo_crb;
+ check_string_option(&wop->wo_wcr);
+ clear_string_option(&wop->wo_wcr);
+ , WV_WCR
#ifdef FEAT_DIFF
--- /dev/null
+/* vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 noet:
+ *
+ * VIM - Vi IMproved by Bram Moolenaar
+ *
+ * Do ":help uganda" in Vim to read a list of people who contributed.
+ * Do ":help credits" in Vim to see a list of people who contributed.
+ * See README.txt for an overview of the Vim source code.
+ */
+ * Implementation of popup windows. See ":help popup".
+ */
+#include "vim.h"
+ * Go through the options in "dict" and apply them to buffer "buf" displayed in
+ * popup window "wp".
+ */
+ static void
+apply_options(win_T *wp, buf_T *buf UNUSED, dict_T *dict)
+ wp->w_maxwidth = dict_get_number(dict, (char_u *)"maxwidth");
+ wp->w_maxheight = dict_get_number(dict, (char_u *)"maxheight");
+ wp->w_winrow = dict_get_number(dict, (char_u *)"line");
+ wp->w_wincol = dict_get_number(dict, (char_u *)"col");
+ wp->w_zindex = dict_get_number(dict, (char_u *)"zindex");
+ * popup_create({text}, {options})
+ */
+ void
+f_popup_create(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv)
+ win_T *wp;
+ buf_T *buf;
+ dict_T *d;
+ int nr;
+ // Check arguments look OK.
+ if (!(argvars[0].v_type == VAR_STRING
+ && argvars[0].vval.v_string != NULL
+ && STRLEN(argvars[0].vval.v_string) > 0)
+ && !(argvars[0].v_type == VAR_LIST
+ && argvars[0].vval.v_list != NULL
+ && argvars[0].vval.v_list->lv_len > 0))
+ {
+ emsg(_(e_listreq));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (argvars[1].v_type != VAR_DICT || argvars[1].vval.v_dict == NULL)
+ {
+ emsg(_(e_dictreq));
+ return;
+ }
+ d = argvars[1].vval.v_dict;
+ // Create the window and buffer.
+ wp = win_alloc_popup_win();
+ if (wp == NULL)
+ return;
+ rettv->vval.v_number = wp->w_id;
+ wp->w_p_wrap = TRUE; // 'wrap' is default on
+ buf = buflist_new(NULL, NULL, (linenr_T)0, BLN_NEW|BLN_LISTED|BLN_DUMMY);
+ if (buf == NULL)
+ return;
+ ml_open(buf);
+ curbuf = buf;
+ set_string_option_direct((char_u *)"buftype", -1,
+ (char_u *)"popup", OPT_FREE|OPT_LOCAL, 0);
+ set_string_option_direct((char_u *)"bufhidden", -1,
+ (char_u *)"hide", OPT_FREE|OPT_LOCAL, 0);
+ curbuf = curwin->w_buffer;
+ buf->b_p_ul = -1; // no undo
+ buf->b_p_swf = FALSE; // no swap file
+ buf->b_p_bl = FALSE; // unlisted buffer
+ win_init_popup_win(wp, buf);
+ nr = (int)dict_get_number(d, (char_u *)"tab");
+ if (nr == 0)
+ {
+ // popup on current tab
+ wp->w_next = first_tab_popupwin;
+ first_tab_popupwin = wp;
+ }
+ else if (nr < 0)
+ {
+ // global popup
+ wp->w_next = first_popupwin;
+ first_popupwin = wp;
+ }
+ else
+ // TODO: find tab page "nr"
+ emsg("Not implemented yet");
+ // Add text to the buffer.
+ if (argvars[0].v_type == VAR_STRING)
+ // just a string
+ ml_append_buf(buf, 0, argvars[0].vval.v_string, (colnr_T)0, TRUE);
+ else if (argvars[0].vval.v_list->lv_first->li_tv.v_type == VAR_STRING)
+ {
+ listitem_T *li;
+ linenr_T lnum = 0;
+ char_u *p;
+ // list of strings
+ for (li = argvars[0].vval.v_list->lv_first; li != NULL;
+ li = li->li_next)
+ if (li->li_tv.v_type == VAR_STRING)
+ {
+ p = li->li_tv.vval.v_string;
+ ml_append_buf(buf, lnum++,
+ p == NULL ? (char_u *)"" : p, (colnr_T)0, TRUE);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ // TODO: handle a list of dictionaries
+ emsg("Not implemented yet");
+ // Delete the line of the empty buffer.
+ curbuf = buf;
+ ml_delete(buf->b_ml.ml_line_count, FALSE);
+ curbuf = curwin->w_buffer;
+ // Deal with options.
+ apply_options(wp, buf, argvars[1].vval.v_dict);
+ // set default values
+ if (wp->w_zindex == 0)
+ wp->w_zindex = 50;
+ // TODO: Compute the size and position properly.
+ // Default position is in middle of the screen, assuming a small popup
+ if (wp->w_winrow == 0)
+ wp->w_winrow = Rows > 5 ? Rows / 2 - 2 : 0;
+ else
+ --wp->w_winrow; // option value is one-based
+ if (wp->w_wincol == 0)
+ wp->w_wincol = Columns > 20 ? Columns / 2 - 10 : 0;
+ else
+ --wp->w_wincol; // option value is one-based
+ // TODO: set width based on longest text line and the 'wrap' option
+ wp->w_width = wp->w_maxwidth == 0 ? 20 : wp->w_maxwidth;
+ if (wp->w_maxwidth > 0 && wp->w_width > wp->w_maxwidth)
+ wp->w_width = wp->w_maxwidth;
+ if (wp->w_width > Columns - wp->w_wincol)
+ wp->w_width = Columns - wp->w_wincol;
+ // TODO: adjust height for wrapped lines
+ wp->w_height = buf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
+ if (wp->w_maxheight > 0 && wp->w_height > wp->w_maxheight)
+ wp->w_height = wp->w_maxheight;
+ if (wp->w_height > Rows - wp->w_winrow)
+ wp->w_height = Rows - wp->w_winrow;
+ wp->w_vsep_width = 0;
+ redraw_all_later(NOT_VALID);
+ * popup_close({id})
+ */
+ void
+f_popup_close(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv UNUSED)
+ int nr = (int)tv_get_number(argvars);
+ popup_close(nr);
+ void
+popup_close(int nr)
+ win_T *wp;
+ win_T *prev = NULL;
+ for (wp = first_popupwin; wp != NULL; prev = wp, wp = wp->w_next)
+ if (wp->w_id == nr)
+ {
+ if (prev == NULL)
+ first_popupwin = wp->w_next;
+ else
+ prev->w_next = wp->w_next;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (wp == NULL)
+ {
+ prev = NULL;
+ for (wp = first_tab_popupwin; wp != NULL; prev = wp, wp = wp->w_next)
+ if (wp->w_id == nr)
+ {
+ if (prev == NULL)
+ first_tab_popupwin = wp->w_next;
+ else
+ prev->w_next = wp->w_next;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (wp != NULL)
+ {
+ win_free_popup(wp);
+ redraw_all_later(NOT_VALID);
+ }
+ void
+ while (first_popupwin != NULL)
+ popup_close(first_popupwin->w_id);
+ while (first_tab_popupwin != NULL)
+ popup_close(first_tab_popupwin->w_id);
+ void
+ex_popupclear(exarg_T *eap UNUSED)
+ close_all_popups();
+#endif // FEAT_TEXT_PROP
# include ""
# endif
+# include ""
# include ""
# endif
# include ""
int bt_terminal(buf_T *buf);
int bt_help(buf_T *buf);
int bt_prompt(buf_T *buf);
+int bt_popup(buf_T *buf);
int bt_nofile(buf_T *buf);
int bt_dontwrite(buf_T *buf);
int bt_dontwrite_msg(buf_T *buf);
--- /dev/null
+/* popupwin.c */
+void f_popup_create(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
+void f_popup_close(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
+void popup_close(int nr);
+void close_all_popups(void);
+void ex_popupclear(exarg_T *eap);
+/* vim: set ft=c : */
void curwin_init(void);
void win_init_empty(win_T *wp);
int win_alloc_first(void);
-void win_alloc_aucmd_win(void);
+win_T *win_alloc_popup_win(void);
+void win_init_popup_win(win_T *wp, buf_T *buf);
void win_init_size(void);
void free_tabpage(tabpage_T *tp);
int win_new_tabpage(int after);
void win_enter(win_T *wp, int undo_sync);
win_T *buf_jump_open_win(buf_T *buf);
win_T *buf_jump_open_tab(buf_T *buf);
+int win_unlisted(win_T *wp);
+void win_free_popup(win_T *win);
void win_append(win_T *after, win_T *wp);
void win_remove(win_T *wp, tabpage_T *tp);
int win_alloc_lines(win_T *wp);
static schar_T *current_ScreenLine;
+static void update_popups(void);
static void win_update(win_T *wp);
static void win_redr_status(win_T *wp, int ignore_pum);
static void win_draw_end(win_T *wp, int c1, int c2, int draw_margin, int row, int endrow, hlf_T hl);
+// flags for screen_line()
+#define SLF_RIGHTLEFT 1
+#define SLF_POPUP 2
* Redraw the current window later, with update_screen(type).
* Set must_redraw only if not already set to a higher value.
mch_memmove(ScreenLines2 + off,
screenline2 + r * cols,
(size_t)cols * sizeof(schar_T));
- screen_line(cmdline_row + r, 0, cols, cols, FALSE);
+ screen_line(cmdline_row + r, 0, cols, cols, 0);
ret = 4;
curwin->w_lines_valid = 0; /* don't use w_lines[].wl_size now */
return FAIL;
+ // TODO: avoid redrawing everything when there is a popup window.
+ if (first_popupwin != NULL || first_tab_popupwin != NULL)
+ type = NOT_VALID;
updating_screen = TRUE;
#ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
did_intro = TRUE;
+ // Display popup windows on top of the others.
+ update_popups();
#ifdef FEAT_GUI
/* Redraw the cursor and update the scrollbars when all screen updating is
* done. */
+ static void
+ win_T *wp;
+ win_T *lowest_wp;
+ int lowest_zindex;
+ // Reset all the VALID_POPUP flags.
+ for (wp = first_popupwin; wp != NULL; wp = wp->w_next)
+ wp->w_valid &= ~VALID_POPUP;
+ for (wp = first_tab_popupwin; wp != NULL; wp = wp->w_next)
+ wp->w_valid &= ~VALID_POPUP;
+ // TODO: don't redraw every popup every time.
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ // Find the window with the lowest zindex that hasn't been updated yet,
+ // so that the window with a higher zindex is drawn later, thus goes on
+ // top.
+ lowest_zindex = INT_MAX;
+ lowest_wp = NULL;
+ for (wp = first_popupwin; wp != NULL; wp = wp->w_next)
+ if ((wp->w_valid & VALID_POPUP) == 0
+ && wp->w_zindex < lowest_zindex)
+ {
+ lowest_zindex = wp->w_zindex;
+ lowest_wp = wp;
+ }
+ for (wp = first_tab_popupwin; wp != NULL; wp = wp->w_next)
+ if ((wp->w_valid & VALID_POPUP) == 0
+ && wp->w_zindex < lowest_zindex)
+ {
+ lowest_zindex = wp->w_zindex;
+ lowest_wp = wp;
+ }
+ if (lowest_wp == NULL)
+ break;
+ win_update(lowest_wp);
+ lowest_wp->w_valid |= VALID_POPUP;
+ }
#if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(PROTO)
screen_line(row + W_WINROW(wp), wp->w_wincol, (int)wp->w_width,
- (int)wp->w_width, FALSE);
+ (int)wp->w_width, 0);
* Update w_cline_height and w_cline_folded if the cursor line was
int attr_pri = FALSE; /* char_attr has priority */
int area_highlighting = FALSE; /* Visual or incsearch highlighting
in this line */
- int attr = 0; /* attributes for area highlighting */
+ int vi_attr = 0; /* attributes for Visual and incsearch
+ highlighting */
int area_attr = 0; /* attributes desired by highlighting */
int search_attr = 0; /* attributes desired by 'hlsearch' */
#ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
int get_term_attr = FALSE;
- int term_attr = 0; /* background for terminal window */
+ int win_attr = 0; // background for whole window
/* draw_state: items that are drawn in sequence: */
#define WL_START 0 /* nothing done yet */
int feedback_col = 0;
int feedback_old_attr = -1;
+ int screen_line_flags = 0;
int syntax_flags = 0;
extra_check = TRUE;
get_term_attr = TRUE;
- term_attr = term_get_attr(wp->w_buffer, lnum, -1);
+ win_attr = term_get_attr(wp->w_buffer, lnum, -1);
if (fromcol >= 0)
area_highlighting = TRUE;
- attr = HL_ATTR(HLF_V);
+ vi_attr = HL_ATTR(HLF_V);
#if defined(FEAT_CLIPBOARD) && defined(FEAT_X11)
if ((clip_star.available && !clip_star.owned
- && clip_isautosel_star())
+ && clip_isautosel_star())
|| (clip_plus.available && !clip_plus.owned
- && clip_isautosel_plus()))
- attr = HL_ATTR(HLF_VNC);
+ && clip_isautosel_plus()))
+ vi_attr = HL_ATTR(HLF_VNC);
if (fromcol == tocol)
tocol = fromcol + 1;
area_highlighting = TRUE;
- attr = HL_ATTR(HLF_I);
+ vi_attr = HL_ATTR(HLF_I);
+ if (*wp->w_p_wcr != NUL)
+ {
+ int attr = syn_name2attr(wp->w_p_wcr);
+ // 'wincolor' highlighting for the whole window
+ if (attr != 0)
+ {
+ win_attr = attr;
+ area_highlighting = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bt_popup(wp->w_buffer))
+ {
+ screen_line_flags |= SLF_POPUP;
+ if (win_attr == 0)
+ {
+ win_attr = HL_ATTR(HLF_PNI);
+ area_highlighting = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
* 'nowrap' or 'wrap' and a single line that doesn't fit: Advance to the
* first character to be displayed.
* Handle highlighting the last used search pattern and matches.
* Do this for both search_hl and the match list.
+ * Not in a popup window.
cur = wp->w_match_head;
shl_flag = FALSE;
- while ((cur != NULL || shl_flag == FALSE) && !number_only)
+ while ((cur != NULL || shl_flag == FALSE) && !number_only
+ && !(screen_line_flags & SLF_POPUP))
if (shl_flag == FALSE)
off = (unsigned)(current_ScreenLine - ScreenLines);
col = 0;
if (wp->w_p_rl)
* rightmost column of the window. */
col = wp->w_width - 1;
off += col;
+ screen_line_flags |= SLF_RIGHTLEFT;
char_attr = saved_char_attr;
- char_attr = 0;
+ char_attr = win_attr;
|| (number_only && draw_state > WL_NR))
screen_line(screen_row, wp->w_wincol, col, -(int)wp->w_width,
- HAS_RIGHTLEFT(wp->w_p_rl));
+ screen_line_flags);
/* Pretend we have finished updating the window. Except when
* 'cursorcolumn' is set. */
#ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
|| ((int)vcol_prev == fromcol_prev
&& vcol_prev < vcol /* not at margin */
&& vcol < tocol))
- area_attr = attr; /* start highlighting */
+ area_attr = vi_attr; /* start highlighting */
else if (area_attr != 0
&& (vcol == tocol
|| (noinvcur && (colnr_T)vcol == wp->w_virtcol)))
char_attr = 0;
+ if (char_attr == 0)
+ char_attr = win_attr;
* Get the next character to put on the screen.
wp->w_s->b_syn_error = TRUE;
has_syntax = FALSE;
+ syntax_attr = 0;
did_emsg = save_did_emsg;
+ // combine syntax attribute with 'wincolor'
+ if (win_attr != 0)
+ syntax_attr = hl_combine_attr(win_attr, syntax_attr);
if (wp->w_s->b_syn_slow)
has_syntax = FALSE;
diff_hlf != (hlf_T)0 ||
# endif
- term_attr != 0 ||
+ win_attr != 0 ||
# endif
line_attr != 0
) && (
if (diff_hlf == HLF_TXD)
diff_hlf = HLF_CHD;
- if (attr == 0 || char_attr != attr)
+ if (vi_attr == 0 || char_attr != vi_attr)
char_attr = HL_ATTR(diff_hlf);
if (wp->w_p_cul && lnum == wp->w_cursor.lnum)
# endif
- if (term_attr != 0)
+ if (win_attr != 0)
- char_attr = term_attr;
+ char_attr = win_attr;
if (wp->w_p_cul && lnum == wp->w_cursor.lnum)
char_attr = hl_combine_attr(char_attr,
&& (int)wp->w_virtcol <
wp->w_width * (row - startrow + 1) + v
&& lnum != wp->w_cursor.lnum)
- || draw_color_col)
+ || draw_color_col
+ || win_attr != 0)
&& !wp->w_p_rl
# endif
else if (draw_color_col && VCOL_HLC == *color_cols)
ScreenAttrs[off++] = HL_ATTR(HLF_MC);
- ScreenAttrs[off++] = 0;
+ ScreenAttrs[off++] = win_attr;
- if (VCOL_HLC >= rightmost_vcol)
+ if (VCOL_HLC >= rightmost_vcol && win_attr == 0)
screen_line(screen_row, wp->w_wincol, col,
- (int)wp->w_width, HAS_RIGHTLEFT(wp->w_p_rl));
+ (int)wp->w_width, screen_line_flags);
screen_line(screen_row, wp->w_wincol, col - boguscols,
- (int)wp->w_width, HAS_RIGHTLEFT(wp->w_p_rl));
+ (int)wp->w_width, screen_line_flags);
boguscols = 0;
screen_line(screen_row, wp->w_wincol, col,
- (int)wp->w_width, HAS_RIGHTLEFT(wp->w_p_rl));
+ (int)wp->w_width, screen_line_flags);
* "endcol" gives the columns where valid characters are.
* "clear_width" is the width of the window. It's > 0 if the rest of the line
* needs to be cleared, negative otherwise.
- * "rlflag" is TRUE in a rightleft window:
+ * "flags" can have bits:
+ * SLF_POPUP popup window
+ * SLF_RIGHTLEFT rightleft window:
* When TRUE and "clear_width" > 0, clear columns 0 to "endcol"
* When FALSE and "clear_width" > 0, clear columns "endcol" to "clear_width"
int coloff,
int endcol,
int clear_width,
- int rlflag UNUSED)
+ int flags UNUSED)
unsigned off_from;
unsigned off_to;
max_off_to = LineOffset[row] + screen_Columns;
- if (rlflag)
+ if (flags & SLF_RIGHTLEFT)
/* Clear rest first, because it's left of the text. */
if (clear_width > 0)
if (clear_width > 0
- && !rlflag
+ && !(flags & SLF_RIGHTLEFT)
- if (clear_width > 0)
+ if (clear_width > 0
+ && !(flags & SLF_POPUP) // no separator for popup window
+ )
- /* For a window that's left of another, draw the separator char. */
- if (col + coloff < Columns)
+ // For a window that has a right neighbor, draw the separator char
+ // right of the window contents.
+ if (coloff + col < Columns)
int c;
wp->w_winbar_items[item_idx].wb_menu = NULL; /* end marker */
screen_line(wp->w_winrow, wp->w_wincol, (int)wp->w_width,
- (int)wp->w_width, FALSE);
+ (int)wp->w_width, 0);
int wo_arab;
-# define w_p_arab w_onebuf_opt.wo_arab /* 'arabic' */
+# define w_p_arab w_onebuf_opt.wo_arab // 'arabic'
int wo_bri;
-# define w_p_bri w_onebuf_opt.wo_bri /* 'breakindent' */
+# define w_p_bri w_onebuf_opt.wo_bri // 'breakindent'
char_u *wo_briopt;
-# define w_p_briopt w_onebuf_opt.wo_briopt /* 'breakindentopt' */
+# define w_p_briopt w_onebuf_opt.wo_briopt // 'breakindentopt'
+ char_u *wo_wcr;
+# define w_p_wcr w_onebuf_opt.wo_wcr // 'wincolor'
#ifdef FEAT_DIFF
int wo_diff;
-# define w_p_diff w_onebuf_opt.wo_diff /* 'diff' */
+# define w_p_diff w_onebuf_opt.wo_diff // 'diff'
long wo_fdc;
typedef struct tabpage_S tabpage_T;
struct tabpage_S
- tabpage_T *tp_next; /* next tabpage or NULL */
- frame_T *tp_topframe; /* topframe for the windows */
- win_T *tp_curwin; /* current window in this Tab page */
- win_T *tp_prevwin; /* previous window in this Tab page */
- win_T *tp_firstwin; /* first window in this Tab page */
- win_T *tp_lastwin; /* last window in this Tab page */
- long tp_old_Rows; /* Rows when Tab page was left */
- long tp_old_Columns; /* Columns when Tab page was left */
- long tp_ch_used; /* value of 'cmdheight' when frame size
- was set */
+ tabpage_T *tp_next; // next tabpage or NULL
+ frame_T *tp_topframe; // topframe for the windows
+ win_T *tp_curwin; // current window in this Tab page
+ win_T *tp_prevwin; // previous window in this Tab page
+ win_T *tp_firstwin; // first window in this Tab page
+ win_T *tp_lastwin; // last window in this Tab page
+ win_T *tp_first_popupwin; // first popup window in this Tab page
+ long tp_old_Rows; // Rows when Tab page was left
+ long tp_old_Columns; // Columns when Tab page was left
+ long tp_ch_used; // value of 'cmdheight' when frame size
+ // was set
#ifdef FEAT_GUI
int tp_prev_which_scrollbars[3];
- /* previous value of which_scrollbars */
+ // previous value of which_scrollbars
char_u *tp_localdir; // absolute path of local directory or
int tp_diff_invalid; // list of diffs is outdated
int tp_diff_update; // update diffs before redrawing
- frame_T *(tp_snapshot[SNAP_COUNT]); /* window layout snapshots */
+ frame_T *(tp_snapshot[SNAP_COUNT]); // window layout snapshots
#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
- dictitem_T tp_winvar; /* variable for "t:" Dictionary */
- dict_T *tp_vars; /* internal variables, local to tab page */
+ dictitem_T tp_winvar; // variable for "t:" Dictionary
+ dict_T *tp_vars; // internal variables, local to tab page
- void *tp_python_ref; /* The Python value for this tab page */
+ void *tp_python_ref; // The Python value for this tab page
- void *tp_python3_ref; /* The Python value for this tab page */
+ void *tp_python3_ref; // The Python value for this tab page
int w_id; /* unique window ID */
- buf_T *w_buffer; /* buffer we are a window into (used
- often, keep it the first item!) */
+ buf_T *w_buffer; /* buffer we are a window into */
+ win_T *w_prev; /* link to previous window */
+ win_T *w_next; /* link to next window */
#if defined(FEAT_SYN_HL) || defined(FEAT_SPELL)
synblock_T *w_s; /* for :ownsyntax */
- win_T *w_prev; /* link to previous window */
- win_T *w_next; /* link to next window */
int w_closing; /* window is being closed, don't let
autocommands close it too. */
int w_width; /* Width of window, excluding separation. */
int w_vsep_width; /* Number of separator columns (0 or 1). */
pos_save_T w_save_cursor; /* backup of cursor pos and topline */
+ int w_zindex;
+ int w_maxheight; // "maxheight" for popup window
+ int w_maxwidth; // "maxwidth" for popup window
pos.col = 0;
- screen_line(term->tl_toprow + pos.row, 0, pos.col, Columns, FALSE);
+ screen_line(term->tl_toprow + pos.row, 0, pos.col, Columns, 0);
term->tl_dirty_row_start = MAX_ROW;
#ifdef FEAT_MENU
+ winbar_height(wp)
- , wp->w_wincol, pos.col, wp->w_width, FALSE);
+ , wp->w_wincol, pos.col, wp->w_width, 0);
term->tl_dirty_row_start = MAX_ROW;
term->tl_dirty_row_end = 0;
test_perl \
test_plus_arg_edit \
test_popup \
+ test_popupwin \
test_preview \
test_profile \
test_prompt_buffer \
test_tagjump \
test_taglist \
test_tcl \
- test_termencoding \
test_termcodes \
+ test_termencoding \
test_terminal \
test_terminal_fail \
test_textformat \
test_paste.res \
test_perl.res \
test_plus_arg_edit.res \
+ test_popupwin.res \
test_preview.res \
test_profile.res \
test_prompt_buffer.res \
test_system.res \
test_tab.res \
test_tcl.res \
- test_termencoding.res \
test_termcodes.res \
+ test_termencoding.res \
test_terminal.res \
test_terminal_fail.res \
test_textformat.res \
--- /dev/null
+>1+0&#ffffff0| @73
+|2| @73
+|3| @8|h+0fd7ff255|e|l@1|o| |t|h|e|r|e| @8|r+0#0000001#ffd7ff255| |o|n|e| @8| +0#0000000#ffffff0@30
+|4| @22|a+0#0000001#ffd7ff255|n|o|t|h|e|r| |t|w|o| @8| +0#0000000#ffffff0@30
+|5| @22|a+0#0000001#ffd7ff255|n|o|t|h|e|r| |t|h|r|e@1| @6| +0#0000000#ffffff0@30
+|6| @73
+|7| @73
+|8| @73
+|9| @73
+@57|1|,|1| @10|T|o|p|
--- /dev/null
+" Tests for popup windows
+if !has('textprop')
+ finish
+source screendump.vim
+func Test_simple_popup()
+ if !CanRunVimInTerminal()
+ return
+ endif
+ call writefile([
+ \ "call setline(1, range(1, 100))",
+ \ "let winid = popup_create('hello there', {'line': 3, 'col': 11})",
+ \ "hi PopupColor ctermbg=lightblue",
+ \ "call setwinvar(winid, '&wincolor', 'PopupColor')",
+ \ "let winid2 = popup_create(['another one', 'another two', 'another three'], {'line': 3, 'col': 25})",
+ \], 'XtestPopup')
+ let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XtestPopup', {'rows': 10})
+ call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popupwin_01', {})
+ " clean up
+ call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
+ call delete('XtestPopup')
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 1391,
* off off w_botline not valid
* on off not possible
-#define VALID_WROW 0x01 /* w_wrow (window row) is valid */
-#define VALID_WCOL 0x02 /* w_wcol (window col) is valid */
-#define VALID_VIRTCOL 0x04 /* w_virtcol (file col) is valid */
-#define VALID_CHEIGHT 0x08 /* w_cline_height and w_cline_folded valid */
-#define VALID_CROW 0x10 /* w_cline_row is valid */
-#define VALID_BOTLINE 0x20 /* w_botine and w_empty_rows are valid */
-#define VALID_BOTLINE_AP 0x40 /* w_botine is approximated */
-#define VALID_TOPLINE 0x80 /* w_topline is valid (for cursor position) */
+#define VALID_WROW 0x01 // w_wrow (window row) is valid
+#define VALID_WCOL 0x02 // w_wcol (window col) is valid
+#define VALID_VIRTCOL 0x04 // w_virtcol (file col) is valid
+#define VALID_CHEIGHT 0x08 // w_cline_height and w_cline_folded valid
+#define VALID_CROW 0x10 // w_cline_row is valid
+#define VALID_BOTLINE 0x20 // w_botine and w_empty_rows are valid
+#define VALID_BOTLINE_AP 0x40 // w_botine is approximated
+#define VALID_TOPLINE 0x80 // w_topline is valid (for cursor position)
+#define VALID_POPUP 0x100 // popup has been redrawn
* Terminal highlighting attribute bits.
win_copy_options(oldp, newp);
+ static int
+win_valid_popup(win_T *win)
+ win_T *wp;
+ for (wp = first_popupwin; wp != NULL; wp = wp->w_next)
+ if (wp == win)
+ return TRUE;
+ for (wp = first_tab_popupwin; wp != NULL; wp = wp->w_next)
+ if (wp == win)
+ return TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
* Check if "win" is a pointer to an existing window in the current tab page.
if (wp == win)
return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
+ return win_valid_popup(win);
return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
+ return win_valid_popup(win);
return FALSE;
+ * Close the buffer of "win" and unload it if "free_buf" is TRUE.
+ * "abort_if_last" is passed to close_buffer(): abort closing if all other
+ * windows are closed.
+ */
+ static void
+win_close_buffer(win_T *win, int free_buf, int abort_if_last)
+#ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
+ // Free independent synblock before the buffer is freed.
+ if (win->w_buffer != NULL)
+ reset_synblock(win);
+ // When the quickfix/location list window is closed, unlist the buffer.
+ if (win->w_buffer != NULL && bt_quickfix(win->w_buffer))
+ win->w_buffer->b_p_bl = FALSE;
+ // Close the link to the buffer.
+ if (win->w_buffer != NULL)
+ {
+ bufref_T bufref;
+ set_bufref(&bufref, curbuf);
+ win->w_closing = TRUE;
+ close_buffer(win, win->w_buffer, free_buf ? DOBUF_UNLOAD : 0,
+ abort_if_last);
+ if (win_valid_any_tab(win))
+ win->w_closing = FALSE;
+ // Make sure curbuf is valid. It can become invalid if 'bufhidden' is
+ // "wipe".
+ if (!bufref_valid(&bufref))
+ curbuf = firstbuf;
+ }
* Close window "win". Only works for the current tab page.
* If "free_buf" is TRUE related buffer may be unloaded.
if (win->w_closing || (win->w_buffer != NULL
&& win->w_buffer->b_locked > 0))
return FAIL; /* window is already being closed */
- if (win == aucmd_win)
+ if (win_unlisted(win))
- emsg(_("E813: Cannot close autocmd window"));
+ emsg(_("E813: Cannot close autocmd or popup window"));
return FAIL;
if ((firstwin == aucmd_win || lastwin == aucmd_win) && one_window())
-#ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
- // Free independent synblock before the buffer is freed.
- if (win->w_buffer != NULL)
- reset_synblock(win);
- // When the quickfix/location list window is closed, unlist the buffer.
- if (win->w_buffer != NULL && bt_quickfix(win->w_buffer))
- win->w_buffer->b_p_bl = FALSE;
- /*
- * Close the link to the buffer.
- */
- if (win->w_buffer != NULL)
- {
- bufref_T bufref;
- set_bufref(&bufref, curbuf);
- win->w_closing = TRUE;
- close_buffer(win, win->w_buffer, free_buf ? DOBUF_UNLOAD : 0, TRUE);
- if (win_valid_any_tab(win))
- win->w_closing = FALSE;
- /* Make sure curbuf is valid. It can become invalid if 'bufhidden' is
- * "wipe". */
- if (!bufref_valid(&bufref))
- curbuf = firstbuf;
- }
+ win_close_buffer(win, free_buf, TRUE);
if (only_one_window() && win_valid(win) && win->w_buffer == NULL
&& (last_window() || curtab != prev_curtab
(void)win_free_mem(aucmd_win, &dummy, NULL);
aucmd_win = NULL;
+ close_all_popups();
+# endif
while (firstwin != NULL)
(void)win_free_mem(firstwin, &dummy, NULL);
wp->w_topfill = 0;
wp->w_botline = 2;
-#ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
+#if defined(FEAT_SYN_HL) || defined(FEAT_SPELL)
wp->w_s = &wp->w_buffer->b_s;
- * Init "aucmd_win". This can only be done after the first
- * window is fully initialized, thus it can't be in win_alloc_first().
+ * Allocate and init a window that is not a regular window.
+ * This can only be done after the first window is fully initialized, thus it
+ * can't be in win_alloc_first().
- void
+ win_T *
- aucmd_win = win_alloc(NULL, TRUE);
- if (aucmd_win != NULL)
+ win_T *wp;
+ wp = win_alloc(NULL, TRUE);
+ if (wp != NULL)
- win_init_some(aucmd_win, curwin);
- RESET_BINDING(aucmd_win);
- new_frame(aucmd_win);
+ // We need to initialize options with something, using the current
+ // window makes most sense.
+ win_init_some(wp, curwin);
+ new_frame(wp);
+ return wp;
+ * Initialize window "wp" to display buffer "buf".
+ */
+ void
+win_init_popup_win(win_T *wp, buf_T *buf)
+ wp->w_buffer = buf;
+ ++buf->b_nwindows;
+ win_init_empty(wp); // set cursor and topline to safe values
+ // Make sure w_localdir and globaldir are NULL to avoid a chdir() in
+ // win_enter_ext().
+ VIM_CLEAR(wp->w_localdir);
# ifdef FEAT_DIFF
# endif
+ while (tp->tp_first_popupwin != NULL)
+ popup_close(tp->tp_first_popupwin->w_id);
for (idx = 0; idx < SNAP_COUNT; ++idx)
clear_snapshot(tp, idx);
#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
- if (wp != aucmd_win)
+ if (win_valid_any_tab(wp))
win_remove(wp, tp);
if (autocmd_busy)
+ * Return TRUE if "wp" is not in the list of windows: the autocmd window or a
+ * popup window.
+ */
+ int
+win_unlisted(win_T *wp)
+ return wp == aucmd_win || bt_popup(wp->w_buffer);
+ * Free a popup window. This does not take the window out of the window list
+ * and assumes there is only one toplevel frame, no split.
+ */
+ void
+win_free_popup(win_T *win)
+ win_close_buffer(win, TRUE, FALSE);
+ vim_free(win->w_frame);
+ win_free(win, NULL);
* Append window "wp" in the window list after window "after".
* Return TRUE if there is only one window (in the current tab page), not
* counting a help or preview window, unless it is the current window.
- * Does not count "aucmd_win".
+ * Does not count unlisted windows.
if (wp->w_id == id)
return wp;
+ // popup windows are in a separate list
+ for (wp = tp->tp_first_popupwin; wp != NULL; wp = wp->w_next)
+ if (wp->w_id == id)
+ return wp;
+ for (wp = first_popupwin; wp != NULL; wp = wp->w_next)
+ if (wp->w_id == id)
+ return wp;
return NULL;