get_iq_namespace/1, iq_query_info/1,
iq_query_or_response_info/1, is_iq_request_type/1,
iq_to_xml/1, parse_xdata_submit/1,
- is_standalone_chat_state/1,
+ unwrap_carbon/1, is_standalone_chat_state/1,
add_delay_info/3, add_delay_info/4,
timestamp_to_legacy/1, timestamp_to_iso_basic/1, timestamp_to_iso/2,
now_to_utc_string/1, now_to_local_string/1,
children = [{xmlcdata, i2l(Count)}]}
| Arr].
+-spec unwrap_carbon(xmlel()) -> xmlel().
+unwrap_carbon(#xmlel{name = <<"message">>} = Stanza) ->
+ case unwrap_carbon(Stanza, <<"sent">>) of
+ #xmlel{} = Payload ->
+ Payload;
+ false ->
+ case unwrap_carbon(Stanza, <<"received">>) of
+ #xmlel{} = Payload ->
+ Payload;
+ false ->
+ Stanza
+ end
+ end;
+unwrap_carbon(Stanza) -> Stanza.
+-spec unwrap_carbon(xmlel(), binary()) -> xmlel() | false.
+unwrap_carbon(Stanza, Direction) ->
+ case fxml:get_subtag(Stanza, Direction) of
+ #xmlel{name = Direction, attrs = Attrs} = El ->
+ case fxml:get_attr_s(<<"xmlns">>, Attrs) of
+ NS when NS == ?NS_CARBONS_2;
+ NS == ?NS_CARBONS_1 ->
+ case fxml:get_subtag_with_xmlns(El, <<"forwarded">>,
+ #xmlel{children = Els} ->
+ case fxml:remove_cdata(Els) of
+ [#xmlel{} = Payload] ->
+ Payload;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end;
+ false ->
+ false
+ end;
+ _NS ->
+ false
+ end;
+ false ->
+ false
+ end.
-spec is_standalone_chat_state(xmlel()) -> boolean().
is_standalone_chat_state(#xmlel{name = <<"message">>, children = Els}) ->
filter_chat_states({C2SState, _OutStanzas} = Acc, Host,
#xmlel{name = <<"message">>} = Stanza) ->
- case jlib:is_standalone_chat_state(Stanza) of
+ case jlib:is_standalone_chat_state(jlib:unwrap_carbon(Stanza)) of
true ->
?DEBUG("Got standalone chat state notification", []),
queue_add(chatstate, Stanza, Host, C2SState);