// RUN: cat %t/crash-report-header-*.sh | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECKSH "%s"
// REQUIRES: crash-recovery
-// because of the glob (*.h, *.sh)
-// REQUIRES: shell
#pragma clang __debug parser_crash
// CHECK: Preprocessed source(s) and associated run script(s) are located at:
// CHECK-NEXT: note: diagnostic msg: {{.*}}.h
// RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECKSH %s -input-file %t/crash-report-*.sh
// REQUIRES: crash-recovery
-// because of the glob (*.m, *.sh)
-// REQUIRES: shell
-// FIXME: This XFAIL is cargo-culted from crash-report.c. Do we need it?
-// XFAIL: mingw32
@import simple;
const int x = MODULE_MACRO;
// CHECKSH-NOT: "-fmodules-cache-path="
// CHECKSH: "crash-report-modules-{{[^ ]*}}.m"
-// CHECKSH: "-ivfsoverlay" "crash-report-modules-{{[^ ]*}}.cache/vfs/vfs.yaml"
+// CHECKSH: "-ivfsoverlay" "crash-report-modules-{{[^ ]*}}.cache{{(/|\\\\)}}vfs{{(/|\\\\)}}vfs.yaml"
// RUN: cat "%t/crash report spaces"-*.sh | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECKSH "%s"
// REQUIRES: crash-recovery
-// because of the glob (*.c, *.sh)
-// REQUIRES: shell
#pragma clang __debug parser_crash
// CHECK: Preprocessed source(s) and associated run script(s) are located at:
// CHECK-NEXT: note: diagnostic msg: {{.*}}.c
// RUN: cat %t/crash-report-*.sh | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECKSH %s
// REQUIRES: crash-recovery
-// because of the glob (*.c, *.sh)
-// REQUIRES: shell
#pragma clang __debug parser_crash
// CHECK: Preprocessed source(s) and associated run script(s) are located at:
// CHECK-NEXT: note: diagnostic msg: {{.*}}crash-report-{{.*}}.c