?? ??? 2016 PHP 7.0.6
- Core:
- . Fixed bug #71414 (Fatal error when using interface trait and inheritance). (krakjoe)
- . Fixed bug #71359 ( Coalescing operator on classes with overridden __get() method). (krakjoe)
+ . Fixed bug #71414 (Inheritance, traits and interfaces). (krakjoe)
+ . Fixed bug #71359 (Null coalescing operator and magic). (krakjoe)
. Fixed bug #71930 (_zval_dtor_func: Assertion `(arr)->gc.refcount <= 1'
failed). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #71914 (Reference is lost in "switch"). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #71735 (Double-free in SplDoublyLinkedList::offsetSet). (Stas)
- Standard:
- . Fixed bug #71827 (substr_replace bug when length type is string). (krakjoe)
+ . Fixed bug #71827 (substr_replace bug, string length). (krakjoe)
. Fixed bug #71891 (header_register_callback() and
register_shutdown_function()). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #71884 (Null pointer deref (segfault) in