-my $debug = 0;
-my @files = (
- "postgis.sql.in.c",
- "geography.sql.in.c",
- "long_xact.sql.in.c"
- );
+$ENV{"LC_ALL"} = "C";
+use Cwd;
+my $cwd = &Cwd::cwd();
+my $svn_exe = `which svn`;
my $rev = 0;
-foreach $f (@files)
- my $file = "./postgis/$f";
- if( -f $file )
- {
- my $r = 0;
- open(F, $file);
- while(<F>)
- {
- $r = $1 if /\$Id: \S+ (\d+) /;
- }
- print "$f got revision $r\n" if $debug && $r;
- $rev = $r if $r > $rev;
- }
- else
- {
- die "Could not open input file $f\n";
- }
+# We have a repo and can read from it
+if ( $svn_exe && -d ".svn" ) {
+ my $svn_info;
+ $svn_info = `svn info`;
+ if ( $svn_info =~ /Last Changed Rev: (\d+)/ ) {
+ $rev = $1;
+ open(OUT,">$cwd/svnrevision.h");
+ print OUT "#define SVNREV $rev\n";
+ close(OUT);
+ }
+ else {
+ die "Unable to find revision in svn info\n";
+ }
+# No repo, but there's a version file in the tarball
+elsif ( -f "svnrevision.h" ) {
+ my $svn_revision_file = `cat svnrevision.h`;
+ if ( $svn_revision_file =~ /SVNREV (\d+)/ ) {
+ $rev = $1;
+ }
+ else {
+ die "svnrevision.h has an unexpected format\n";
+ }
+else {
+ die "Unable read svnrevision.h or svn repository metadata\n";
-print "\nMaximum scripts revision: $rev\n\n" if $debug;
-print $rev if ! $debug;
+print $rev;