1.21 API for URL parsing/splitting
1.23 Offer API to flush the connection pool
1.24 TCP Fast Open for windows
- 1.25 Remove the generated include file
2. libcurl - multi interface
2.1 More non-blocking
Mac OS. Windows supports TCP Fast Open starting with Windows 10, version 1607
and we should add support for it.
-1.25 Remove the generated include file
- When curl and libcurl are built, one of the public include files are
- generated and is populated with a set of defines that are derevid from sizes
- and constants for the particular target architecture that build is made. For
- platforms that can select between 32 bit and 64 bit at build time, this
- approach makes the libcurl build only create a set of public headers suitable
- for one of the architectures and not both. If you build libcurl for such a
- platform and you want to allow applications to get built using either 32/64
- version, you must generate the libcurl headers once for each setup and you
- must then add a replacement curl header that would itself select the correct
- 32 or 64 bit specific header as necessary.
- Your curl/curl.h alternative could then look like (replace with suitable CPP
- variable to check):
- #ifdef ARCH_32bit
- #include <curl32/curl.h>
- #else /* ARCH_64bit */
- #include <curl64/curl.h>
- #endif
- A fix would either (A) fix the 32/64 setup automatically or even better (B)
- work away the architecture specific defines from the headers so that they can
- be used for all architectures independently of what libcurl was built for.
2. libcurl - multi interface
2.1 More non-blocking