call assert_equal(cmds, l)
let l = getcompletion('list ', 'sign')
call assert_equal(['Testing'], l)
+ let l = getcompletion('de*', 'sign')
+ call assert_equal(['define'], l)
+ let l = getcompletion('p?', 'sign')
+ call assert_equal(['place'], l)
+ let l = getcompletion('j.', 'sign')
+ call assert_equal(['jump'], l)
" Command line completion tests
call delete('Xtags')
set tags&
+ edit a~b
+ enew
+ call assert_equal(['a~b'], getcompletion('a~', 'buffer'))
+ bw a~b
+ if has('unix')
+ edit Xtest\
+ enew
+ call assert_equal(['Xtest\'], getcompletion('Xtest\', 'buffer'))
+ bw Xtest\
+ endif
call assert_fails("call getcompletion('\\\\@!\\\\@=', 'buffer')", 'E871:')
call assert_fails('call getcompletion("", "burp")', 'E475:')
call assert_fails('call getcompletion("abc", [])', 'E475:')
call feedkeys(":chist\<Esc>\<Esc>", 'xt')
call assert_equal('"g/a\xb/clearjumps', @:)
set wildchar&
+ " should be able to complete a file name that starts with a '~'.
+ if has('unix')
+ call writefile([], '~Xtest')
+ call feedkeys(":e \\~X\<Tab>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal('"e \~Xtest', @:)
+ call delete('~Xtest')
+ endif
+" Test for 'wildignorecase'
+func Test_cmdline_wildignorecase()
+ CheckUnix
+ call writefile([], 'XTEST')
+ set wildignorecase
+ call feedkeys(":e xt\<Tab>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal('"e XTEST', @:)
+ set wildignorecase&
+ call delete('XTEST')
func Test_cmdline_write_alternatefile()
call assert_equal('AAA AAAA AAAAA', g:Sline)
call assert_equal('"b A', @:)
+ " when using longest completion match, matches shorter than the argument
+ " should be ignored (happens with :help)
+ set wildmode=longest,full
+ set wildmenu
+ call feedkeys(":help a*\t\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal('"help a', @:)
+ set wildmenu&
delcommand MyCmd
delfunc T
com! -nargs=? -complete=custom,min DoCmd
call assert_fails("call feedkeys(':DoCmd \t', 'tx')", 'E118:')
+ " custom completion for a pattern with a backslash
+ let g:ArgLead = ''
+ func! CustCompl(A, L, P)
+ let g:ArgLead = a:A
+ return ['one', 'two', 'three']
+ endfunc
+ com! -nargs=? -complete=customlist,CustCompl DoCmd
+ call feedkeys(":DoCmd a\\\t", 'xt')
+ call assert_equal('a\', g:ArgLead)
+ delfunc CustCompl
delcom DoCmd