- (IBAction) showLicense: (id) sender
- [fLicenseView setString: [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile: [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource: @"COPYING" ofType: nil]]];
+ NSString * licenseText = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile: [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource: @"COPYING" ofType: nil]
+ usedEncoding: nil error: NULL];
+ [fLicenseView setString: licenseText];
[fLicenseCloseButton setTitle: NSLocalizedString(@"OK", "About window -> license close button")];
[NSApp beginSheet: fLicenseSheet modalForWindow: [self window] modalDelegate: nil didEndSelector: nil contextInfo: nil];
NSAlert * alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init];
[alert addButtonWithTitle: NSLocalizedString(@"OK", "Save log alert panel -> button")];
- [alert setMessageText: [NSString stringWithFormat: NSLocalizedString(@"Log Could Not Be Saved",
- "Save log alert panel -> title")]];
- [alert setInformativeText: [NSString stringWithFormat:
+ [alert setMessageText: NSLocalizedString(@"Log Could Not Be Saved", "Save log alert panel -> title")];
+ [alert setInformativeText: [NSString stringWithFormat:
NSLocalizedString(@"There was a problem creating the file \"%@\".",
- "Save log alert panel -> message"), [[panel filename] lastPathComponent]]];
+ "Save log alert panel -> message"), [[panel filename] lastPathComponent]]];
[alert setAlertStyle: NSWarningAlertStyle];
[alert runModal];
[fRPCWhitelistArray addObject: @""];
[fRPCWhitelistTable reloadData];
- int row = [fRPCWhitelistArray count] - 1;
- [fRPCWhitelistTable selectRow: row byExtendingSelection: NO];
+ const int row = [fRPCWhitelistArray count] - 1;
+ [fRPCWhitelistTable selectRowIndexes: [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex: row] byExtendingSelection: NO];
[fRPCWhitelistTable editColumn: 0 row: row withEvent: nil select: YES];