%%% Modified by Evgeniy Khramtsov <xram@jabber.ru>
%%% Implemented queue for bind() requests to prevent pending binds.
+%%% Modified by Christophe Romain <christophe.romain@process-one.net>
+%%% Improve error case handling
+%%% Modified by Mickael Remond <mremond@process-one.net>
+%%% Now use ejabberd log mechanism
%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
-vc('$Id$ ').
%%% active_bind - sent bind() request and waiting for response
-%%-export([Function/Arity, ...]).
%% External exports
--export([start_link/1, start_link/5, start_link/6]).
+-export([start_link/1, start_link/5]).
'and'/1,'or'/1,'not'/1,modify/3, mod_add/2, mod_delete/2,
mod_replace/2, add/3, delete/2, modify_dn/5, bind/3]).
--export([debug_level/2, get_status/1]).
%% gen_fsm callbacks
-export([init/1, connecting/2,
-define(LDAP_VERSION, 3).
--define(RETRY_TIMEOUT, 5000).
+-define(RETRY_TIMEOUT, 500).
-define(BIND_TIMEOUT, 10000).
-define(CMD_TIMEOUT, 100000).
-define(MAX_TRANSACTION_ID, 65535).
-record(eldap, {version = ?LDAP_VERSION,
- hosts, % Possible hosts running LDAP servers
+ hosts, % Possible hosts running LDAP servers
host = null, % Connected Host LDAP server
- port = 389 , % The LDAP server port
+ port = 389, % The LDAP server port
fd = null, % Socket filedescriptor.
rootdn = "", % Name of the entry to bind as
passwd, % Password for (above) entry
id = 0, % LDAP Request ID
- log, % User provided log function
bind_timer, % Ref to bind timeout
dict, % dict holding operation params and results
- bind_q, % Queue for bind() requests
- debug_level % Integer debug/logging level
- }).
+ bind_q % Queue for bind() requests
+ }).
%%% API
gen_fsm:start_link({local, Reg_name}, ?MODULE, [], []).
start_link(Name, Hosts, Port, Rootdn, Passwd) ->
- Log = fun(_N, Fmt, Args) -> io:format("---- " ++ Fmt, [Args]) end,
- Reg_name = list_to_atom("eldap_" ++ Name),
- gen_fsm:start_link({local, Reg_name}, ?MODULE, {Hosts, Port, Rootdn, Passwd, Log}, []).
-start_link(Name, Hosts, Port, Rootdn, Passwd, Log) ->
Reg_name = list_to_atom("eldap_" ++ Name),
- gen_fsm:start_link({local, Reg_name}, ?MODULE, {Hosts, Port, Rootdn, Passwd, Log}, []).
-%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
-%%% Set Debug Level. 0 - none, 1 - errors, 2 - ldap events
-%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
-debug_level(Handle, N) when integer(N) ->
- Handle1 = get_handle(Handle),
- gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(Handle1, {debug_level,N}).
+ gen_fsm:start_link({local, Reg_name}, ?MODULE, {Hosts, Port, Rootdn, Passwd}, []).
%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Get status of connection.
init([]) ->
case get_config() of
- {ok, Hosts, Rootdn, Passwd, Log} ->
- init({Hosts, Rootdn, Passwd, Log});
+ {ok, Hosts, Rootdn, Passwd} ->
+ init({Hosts, Rootdn, Passwd});
{error, Reason} ->
{stop, Reason}
-init({Hosts, Port, Rootdn, Passwd, Log}) ->
+init({Hosts, Port, Rootdn, Passwd}) ->
{ok, connecting, #eldap{hosts = Hosts,
port = Port,
rootdn = Rootdn,
passwd = Passwd,
id = 0,
- log = Log,
dict = dict:new(),
- bind_q = queue:new(),
- debug_level = 0}, 0}.
+ bind_q = queue:new()}, 0}.
%% Func: StateName/2
%% {stop, Reason, NewStateData} |
%% {stop, Reason, Reply, NewStateData}
-handle_sync_event({debug_level, N}, _From, StateName, S) ->
- {reply, ok, StateName, S#eldap{debug_level = N}};
handle_sync_event(_Event, _From, StateName, S) ->
{reply, {StateName, S}, StateName, S}.
%% Packets arriving in various states
handle_info({tcp, _Socket, Data}, connecting, S) ->
- log1("eldap. tcp packet received when disconnected!~n~p~n", [Data], S),
+ ?DEBUG("eldap. tcp packet received when disconnected!~n~p", [Data]),
{next_state, connecting, S};
handle_info({tcp, _Socket, Data}, wait_bind_response, S) ->
{error, _Reason} -> {next_state, StateName, S}
-handle_info({tcp_closed, _Socket}, _All_fsm_states, S) ->
+handle_info({tcp_closed, _Socket}, Fsm_state, S) ->
+ ?WARNING_MSG("LDAP server closed the connection: ~s:~p~nIn State: ~p",
+ [S#eldap.host, S#eldap.port ,Fsm_state]),
F = fun(_Id, [{Timer, From, _Name}|_]) ->
gen_fsm:reply(From, {error, tcp_closed}),
dict:map(F, S#eldap.dict),
- retry_connect(),
- {next_state, connecting, S#eldap{fd = null,
- dict = dict:new(), bind_q=queue:new()}};
+ {ok, NextState, NewS} = connect_bind(S#eldap{fd = null,
+ dict = dict:new(),
+ bind_q=queue:new()}),
+ {next_state, NextState, NewS};
handle_info({tcp_error, _Socket, Reason}, Fsm_state, S) ->
- log1("eldap received tcp_error: ~p~nIn State: ~p~n", [Reason, Fsm_state], S),
+ ?DEBUG("eldap received tcp_error: ~p~nIn State: ~p", [Reason, Fsm_state]),
+ %% XXX wouldn't it be safer to try reconnect ?
+ %% if we were waiting a result, we may mait forever
+ %% cause request is probably lost....
{next_state, Fsm_state, S};
%% Timers
%% Make sure we don't fill the message queue with rubbish
handle_info(Info, StateName, S) ->
- log1("eldap. Unexpected Info: ~p~nIn state: ~p~n when StateData is: ~p~n",
- [Info, StateName, S], S),
+ ?DEBUG("eldap. Unexpected Info: ~p~nIn state: ~p~n when StateData is: ~p",
+ [Info, StateName, S]),
{next_state, StateName, S}.
{Name, Request} = gen_req(Command),
Message = #'LDAPMessage'{messageID = Id,
protocolOp = {Name, Request}},
- log2("~p~n",[{Name, Request}], S),
+ ?DEBUG("~p~n",[{Name, Request}]),
{ok, Bytes} = asn1rt:encode('ELDAPv3', 'LDAPMessage', Message),
- ok = gen_tcp:send(S#eldap.fd, Bytes),
- Timer = erlang:start_timer(?CMD_TIMEOUT, self(), {cmd_timeout, Id}),
- New_dict = dict:store(Id, [{Timer, From, Name}], S#eldap.dict),
- {ok, S#eldap{id = Id,
- dict = New_dict}}.
+ case gen_tcp:send(S#eldap.fd, Bytes) of
+ ok ->
+ Timer = erlang:start_timer(?CMD_TIMEOUT, self(), {cmd_timeout, Id}),
+ New_dict = dict:store(Id, [{Timer, From, Name}], S#eldap.dict),
+ {ok, S#eldap{id = Id, dict = New_dict}};
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
gen_req({search, A}) ->
case asn1rt:decode('ELDAPv3', 'LDAPMessage', Pkt) of
{ok,Msg} ->
Op = Msg#'LDAPMessage'.protocolOp,
- log2("~p~n",[Op], S),
+ ?DEBUG("~p",[Op]),
Dict = S#eldap.dict,
Id = Msg#'LDAPMessage'.messageID,
{Timer, From, Name, Result_so_far} = get_op_rec(Id, Dict),
case asn1rt:decode('ELDAPv3', 'LDAPMessage', Pkt) of
{ok,Msg} ->
- log2("~p", [Msg], S),
+ ?DEBUG("~p", [Msg]),
check_id(S#eldap.id, Msg#'LDAPMessage'.messageID),
case Msg#'LDAPMessage'.protocolOp of
{bindResponse, Result} ->
connect_bind(S) ->
Host = next_host(S#eldap.host, S#eldap.hosts),
TcpOpts = [{packet, asn1}, {active, true}, {keepalive, true}, binary],
+ ?INFO_MSG("LDAP connection on ~s:~p", [Host, S#eldap.port]),
case gen_tcp:connect(Host, S#eldap.port, TcpOpts) of
{ok, Socket} ->
case bind_request(Socket, S) of
{ok, wait_bind_response, NewS#eldap{fd = Socket,
host = Host,
bind_timer = Timer}};
- {error, _Reason} ->
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("LDAP bind failed on ~s:~p~nReason: ~p", [Host, S#eldap.port, Reason]),
- erlang:send_after(?RETRY_TIMEOUT, self(),
- {timeout, retry_connect}),
+ retry_connect(),
{ok, connecting, S#eldap{host = Host}}
- {error, _Reason} ->
- erlang:send_after(?RETRY_TIMEOUT, self(),
- {timeout, retry_connect}),
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("LDAP connection failed on ~s:~p~nReason: ~p", [Host, S#eldap.port, Reason]),
+ retry_connect(),
{ok, connecting, S#eldap{host = Host}}
authentication = {simple, S#eldap.passwd}},
Message = #'LDAPMessage'{messageID = Id,
protocolOp = {bindRequest, Req}},
- log2("Message:~p~n",[Message], S),
+ ?DEBUG("Bind Request Message:~p~n",[Message]),
{ok, Bytes} = asn1rt:encode('ELDAPv3', 'LDAPMessage', Message),
- ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, Bytes),
- {ok, S#eldap{id = Id}}.
+ case gen_tcp:send(Socket, Bytes) of
+ ok -> {ok, S#eldap{id = Id}};
+ Error -> Error
+ end.
%% Given last tried Server, find next one to try
next_host(null, [H|_]) -> H; % First time, take first
case file:consult(File) of
{ok, Entries} ->
case catch parse(Entries) of
- {ok, Hosts, Port, Rootdn, Passwd, Log} ->
- {ok, Hosts, Port, Rootdn, Passwd, Log};
+ {ok, Hosts, Port, Rootdn, Passwd} ->
+ {ok, Hosts, Port, Rootdn, Passwd};
{error, Reason} ->
{error, Reason};
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
get_hosts(host, Entries),
get_integer(port, Entries),
get_list(rootdn, Entries),
- get_list(passwd, Entries),
- get_log(log, Entries)}.
+ get_list(passwd, Entries)}.
get_integer(Key, List) ->
case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, List) of
throw({error, "No Entry in Config for " ++ atom_to_list(Key)})
-get_log(Key, List) ->
- case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, List) of
- {value, {Key, Value}} when function(Value) ->
- Value;
- {value, {Key, _Else}} ->
- false;
- false ->
- fun(_Level, Format, Args) -> io:format("--- " ++ Format, Args) end
- end.
get_hosts(Key, List) ->
lists:map(fun({Key1, {A,B,C,D}}) when integer(A),
bump_id(#eldap{id = Id}) ->
Id + 1.
-%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
-%%% Log routines. Call a user provided log routine Fun.
-%%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
-log1(Str, Args, #eldap{log = Fun, debug_level = N}) -> log(Fun, Str, Args, 1, N).
-log2(Str, Args, #eldap{log = Fun, debug_level = N}) -> log(Fun, Str, Args, 2, N).
-log(Fun, Str, Args, This_level, Status) when function(Fun), This_level =< Status ->
- catch Fun(This_level, Str, Args);
-log(_, _, _, _, _) ->
- ok.