> over the water, then polymorphed into a non-flying creature
> leaves you standing on the water (you can kill the creature
> too and you're still on the water when you shouldn't be).
> - When floating from levitation over water and being held and
> removing levitation, you will fall into the water and drown or
> crawl back onto land. If you crawl back onto land you're no
> longer being held.
> The first situation seems to be a bug, the second a possible
> exploit. Both situations don't seem very correct, if you're
> being held it seems you should not fall into the water/lava
> until you are no longer being held. [patch contributed] It
> will keep the hero held up on over the water until released if
> his size is smaller than or equal to the size of the monster
> holding him. [<email deleted>, patch
> supplied]
A recent patch ensured that you ended up in the water when
This patch is less ambitious than <Someone>'s
contribution, where he actually had the monster hold you up.
Perhaps that can be tackled for the trunk later.
non-weapon iron objects should rust when dipped in fountains since
iron weapons rust
suppress "turn to flee" message if monster is mfrozen
+don't silently interrupt monster's hold on you if Levitation/Flying ends
+ while over water
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
/* check for falling into pool - added by GAN 10/20/86 */
if(!Flying) {
+ if (!u.uswallow && u.ustuck) {
+ if (sticks(youmonst.data))
+ You("aren't able to maintain your hold on %s.",
+ mon_nam(u.ustuck));
+ else
+ pline("Startled, %s can no longer hold you!",
+ mon_nam(u.ustuck));
+ u.ustuck = 0;
+ }
/* kludge alert:
* drown() and lava_effects() print various messages almost
* every time they're called which conflict with the "fall