The output is similar to the manual [configuration validation](
+## <a id="icinga2-api-types"></a> Types
+You can retrieve the configuration object types by sending a `GET` request to URL
+endpoint `/v1/types`.
+Each response entry in the results array contains the following attributes:
+ Attribute | Type | Description
+ ---------------|--------------|---------------------
+ name | string | The type name.
+ plural_name | string | The plural name.
+ fields | dictionary | Available fields including details on e.g. the type and attribute accessibility.
+ abstract | boolean | Whether objects of this type are abstract.
+ base | boolean | The base type this type inherits from (e.g. `Service` inherits fields and prototype methods from `Checkable`).
+ prototype_keys | string array | Available prototype methods.
+In order to view a specific configuration object type specify its name inside the URL path:
+ $ curl -k -s -u root:icinga 'https://localhost:5665/v1/types/Object' | python -m json.tool
+ {
+ "results": [
+ {
+ "abstract": false,
+ "fields": {
+ "type": {
+ "array_rank": 0.0,
+ "attributes": {
+ "config": false,
+ "navigation": false,
+ "no_user_modify": false,
+ "no_user_view": false,
+ "required": false,
+ "state": false
+ },
+ "id": 0.0,
+ "type": "String"
+ }
+ },
+ "name": "Object",
+ "plural_name": "Objects",
+ "prototype_keys": [
+ "clone",
+ "notify_attribute",
+ "to_string"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
## <a id="icinga2-api-console"></a> Console