Problem: Mode is not cleared when leaving Insert mode with mapped Esc.
Solution: Clear the mode when redraw_cmdline is set. (closes #4269)
EXTERN int cmdline_row;
-EXTERN int redraw_cmdline INIT(= FALSE); /* cmdline must be redrawn */
-EXTERN int clear_cmdline INIT(= FALSE); /* cmdline must be cleared */
-EXTERN int mode_displayed INIT(= FALSE); /* mode is being displayed */
-EXTERN int no_win_do_lines_ins INIT(= FALSE); /* don't insert lines */
+EXTERN int redraw_cmdline INIT(= FALSE); // cmdline must be redrawn
+EXTERN int redraw_mode INIT(= FALSE); // mode must be redrawn
+EXTERN int clear_cmdline INIT(= FALSE); // cmdline must be cleared
+EXTERN int mode_displayed INIT(= FALSE); // mode is being displayed
+EXTERN int no_win_do_lines_ins INIT(= FALSE); // don't insert lines
#if defined(FEAT_CRYPT) || defined(FEAT_EVAL)
-EXTERN int cmdline_star INIT(= FALSE); /* cmdline is crypted */
+EXTERN int cmdline_star INIT(= FALSE); // cmdline is crypted
EXTERN int exec_from_reg INIT(= FALSE); /* executing register */
/* Clear or redraw the command line. Done last, because scrolling may
* mess up the command line. */
- if (clear_cmdline || redraw_cmdline)
+ if (clear_cmdline || redraw_cmdline || redraw_mode)
if (no_update)
static void
- if (redraw_cmdline)
+ if (redraw_cmdline || redraw_mode)
|| !redrawing()
|| (char_avail() && !KeyTyped))
- redraw_cmdline = TRUE; // show mode later
+ redraw_mode = TRUE; // show mode later
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* If clear_cmdline is TRUE, clear the rest of the cmdline.
* If clear_cmdline is FALSE there may be a message there that needs to be
* cleared only if a mode is shown.
+ * If redraw_mode is TRUE show or clear the mode.
* Return the length of the message (0 if no message).
mode_displayed = TRUE;
- if (need_clear || clear_cmdline)
+ if (need_clear || clear_cmdline || redraw_mode)
msg_didout = FALSE; /* overwrite this message */
length = msg_col;
else if (clear_cmdline && msg_silent == 0)
/* Clear the whole command line. Will reset "clear_cmdline". */
+ else if (redraw_mode)
+ {
+ msg_pos_mode();
+ msg_clr_eos();
+ }
/* In Visual mode the size of the selected area must be redrawn. */
win_redr_ruler(lastwin, TRUE, FALSE);
redraw_cmdline = FALSE;
+ redraw_mode = FALSE;
clear_cmdline = FALSE;
return length;
exe buf . 'bwipe!'
call delete(testfile)
+func Test_mode_message_at_leaving_insert_with_esc_mapped()
+ if !has('terminal') || has('gui_running')
+ return
+ endif
+ " Set custom statusline built by user-defined function.
+ let testfile = 'Xtest.vim'
+ call writefile([
+ \ 'set laststatus=2',
+ \ 'inoremap <Esc> <Esc>00',
+ \ ], testfile)
+ let rows = 10
+ let buf = term_start([GetVimProg(), '--clean', '-S', testfile], {'term_rows': rows})
+ call term_wait(buf, 200)
+ call assert_equal('run', job_status(term_getjob(buf)))
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, "i")
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^-- INSERT --\s*$', term_getline(buf, rows))})
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<Esc>")
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^\s*$', term_getline(buf, rows))})
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, ":qall!\<CR>")
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('dead', job_status(term_getjob(buf)))})
+ exe buf . 'bwipe!'
+ call delete(testfile)
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 1192,