// fields used in the inspector which need to be periodically refreshed
Torrent.Fields.StatsExtra = [
- 'activityDate',
setField: function(o, name, value)
- var changed = !(name in o) || (o[name] !== value);
- if (changed)
- o[name] = value;
- return changed;
+ if (o[name] === value)
+ return false;
+ o[name] = value;
+ return true;
// fields.files is an array of unions of RPC's "files" and "fileStats" objects.
refresh: function(data)
if (this.refreshFields(data))
- $(this).trigger('dataChanged');
+ $(this).trigger('dataChanged', this);
needsMetaData: function(){ return this.getMetadataPercentComplete() < 1; },
getActivity: function() { return this.getDownloadSpeed() + this.getUploadSpeed(); },
getPercentDoneStr: function() { return Transmission.fmt.percentString(100*this.getPercentDone()); },
- getPercentDone: function() {
- var finalSize = this.getSizeWhenDone();
- if (!finalSize) return 1.0;
- var left = this.getLeftUntilDone();
- if (!left) return 1.0;
- return (finalSize - left) / finalSize;
- },
+ getPercentDone: function() { return this.fields.percentDone; },
getStateString: function() {
switch(this.getStatus()) {
case Torrent._StatusStopped: return this.isFinished() ? 'Seeding complete' : 'Paused';
return (a - b) || Torrent.compareByRatio(ta, tb);
+Torrent.compareTorrents = function(a, b, sortMethod, sortDirection)
+ var i;
+ switch(sortMethod)
+ {
+ case Prefs._SortByActivity:
+ i = Torrent.compareByActivity(a,b);
+ break;
+ case Prefs._SortByAge:
+ i = Torrent.compareByAge(a,b);
+ break;
+ case Prefs._SortByQueue:
+ i = Torrent.compareByQueue(a,b);
+ break;
+ case Prefs._SortByProgress:
+ i = Torrent.compareByProgress(a,b);
+ break;
+ case Prefs._SortByState:
+ i = Torrent.compareByState(a,b);
+ break;
+ case Prefs._SortByRatio:
+ i = Torrent.compareByRatio(a,b);
+ break;
+ default:
+ i = Torrent.compareByName(a,b);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (sortDirection === Prefs._SortDescending)
+ i = -i;
+ return i;
* @param torrents an array of Torrent objects
* @param sortMethod one of Prefs._SortBy*
this.remote = new TransmissionRemote(this);
// Initialize the implementation fields
- this._current_search = '';
- this._torrents = { };
- this._rows = [ ];
+ this.filterText = '';
+ this._torrents = { };
+ this._rows = [ ];
+ this.dirtyTorrents = { };
// Initialize the clutch preferences
// tell jQuery to copy the dataTransfer property from events over if it exists
+ $(document).delegate('#torrent_list > li', 'click', function(ev) {tr.setSelectedRow(ev.currentTarget.row);});
+ $(document).delegate('#torrent_list > li', 'dblclick', function(e) {tr.toggleInspector();});
$('#torrent_upload_form').submit(function() { $('#upload_confirm_button').click(); return false; });
if (iPhone) {
var tr = this;
var search_box = $('#torrent_search');
- search_box.bind('keyup click', function() {tr.setSearch(this.value);});
+ search_box.bind('keyup click', function() {
+ tr.setFilterText(this.value);
+ });
if (!$.browser.safari)
if (this.value == '') {
this.value = 'Filter';
- tr.setSearch(null);
+ tr.setFilterText(null);
}).bind('focus', function() {
if ($(this).is('.blur')) {
- setSearch: function(search) {
- this._current_search = search ? search.trim() : null;
- this.refilter();
+ setFilterText: function(search) {
+ this.filterText = search ? search.trim() : null;
+ this.refilter(true);
setSortMethod: function(sort_method) {
this.setPref(Prefs._SortMethod, sort_method);
- this.refilter();
+ this.refilter(true);
setSortDirection: function(direction) {
this.setPref(Prefs._SortDirection, direction);
- this.refilter();
+ this.refilter(true);
- onTorrentChanged: function(ev)
+ onTorrentChanged: function(tor)
+ var id = tor.getId();
+ // update our dirty fields
+ this.dirtyTorrents[id] = true;
+ // enqueue a filter refresh
// if this torrent is in the inspector, refresh the inspector
else {
var tr = this;
t = tr._torrents[id] = new Torrent(o);
- $(t).bind('dataChanged',function(ev) {tr.onTorrentChanged(ev);});
+ this.dirtyTorrents[id] = true;
+ $(t).bind('dataChanged',function(ev,tor) {tr.onTorrentChanged(tor);});
if(!('name' in t.fields) || !('status' in t.fields)) // missing some fields...
return true;
- refilter: function()
+ sortRows: function(rows)
+ {
+ var i, tor, row,
+ id2row = {},
+ torrents = [];
+ for (i=0; row=rows[i]; ++i) {
+ tor = row.getTorrent();
+ torrents.push(tor);
+ id2row[ tor.getId() ] = row;
+ }
+ Torrent.sortTorrents(torrents, this[Prefs._SortMethod],
+ this[Prefs._SortDirection]);
+ for (i=0; tor=torrents[i]; ++i)
+ rows[i] = id2row[ tor.getId() ];
+ },
+ refilter: function(rebuildEverything)
+ var i, id, t, row, sel;
delete this.refilterTimer;
- // make a filtered, sorted array of our torrents
+ // get a temporary lookup table of selected torrent ids
+ sel = { };
+ for (i=0; row=this._rows[i]; ++i)
+ if (row.isSelected())
+ sel[row.getTorrentId()] = row;
+ if (rebuildEverything)
+ for (id in this._torrents)
+ this.dirtyTorrents[id] = ~0;
+ // rows that overlap with dirtyTorrents need to be refiltered.
+ // those that don't are 'clean' and don't need refiltering.
+ var dirty_rows = [];
+ var clean_rows = [];
+ for (i=0; row=this._rows[i]; ++i) {
+ if(row.getTorrentId() in this.dirtyTorrents)
+ dirty_rows.push(row);
+ else
+ clean_rows.push(row);
+ }
+ // remove the dirty rows from the dom
+ var elementsToRemove = $.map(dirty_rows.slice(0), function(r) {
+ return r.getElement();
+ });
+ $(elementsToRemove).remove();
+ // drop any dirty rows that don't pass the filter test
+ var tmp = [];
var filter_mode = this[Prefs._FilterMode];
- var filter_text = this._current_search;
+ var filter_text = this.filterText;
var filter_tracker = this.filterTracker;
- var keep = $.grep(this.getAllTorrents(), function(t) {
- return t.test(filter_mode, filter_text, filter_tracker);
- });
- Torrent.sortTorrents(keep, this[Prefs._SortMethod], this[Prefs._SortDirection]);
+ for (i=0; row=dirty_rows[i]; ++i) {
+ t = row.getTorrent();
+ if (t.test(filter_mode, filter_text, filter_tracker))
+ tmp.push(row);
+ delete this.dirtyTorrents[t.getId()];
+ }
+ dirty_rows = tmp;
+ // make new rows for dirty torrents that pass the filter test
+ // but don't already have a row
+ var renderer = this.torrentRenderer;
+ for (id in this.dirtyTorrents) {
+ t = this._torrents[id];
+ if (t.test(filter_mode, filter_text, filter_tracker)) {
+ var is_selected = t.getId() in sel;
+ row = new TorrentRow(renderer, this, t, is_selected);
+ row.getElement().row = row;
+ dirty_rows.push(row);
+ }
+ }
- // maybe rebuild the rows
- if (this._force_refilter || !this.matchesTorrentList(keep))
+ // sort the dirty rows
+ this.sortRows (dirty_rows);
+ // now we have two sorted arrays of rows
+ // and can do a simple two-way sorted merge.
+ var rows = []
+ var ci=0, cmax=clean_rows.length;
+ var di=0, dmax=dirty_rows.length;
+ var sort_method = this[Prefs._SortMethod];
+ var sort_direction = this[Prefs._SortDirection];
+ var list = this._torrent_list;
+ while (ci!=cmax || di!=dmax)
- var old_sel = this.getSelectedTorrents();
- var new_sel_count = 0;
+ var push_clean;
- // make the new rows
- var tr = this;
- var rows = [ ];
- var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
- var renderer = this.torrentRenderer;
- for (var i=0, tor; tor=keep[i]; ++i)
- {
- var is_selected = old_sel.indexOf(tor) !== -1;
- var row = new TorrentRow(renderer, this, tor, is_selected);
- row.setEven((i+1) % 2 == 0);
- if (is_selected)
- new_sel_count++;
- if (!iPhone) {
- var b = row.getToggleRunningButton();
- if (b)
- $(b).click({r:row}, function(ev) {tr.onToggleRunningClicked(ev);});
- }
- $(row.getElement()).click({r: row}, function(ev) {tr.onRowClicked(ev,ev.data.r);})
- .dblclick(function() {tr.toggleInspector();});
- fragment.appendChild(row.getElement());
+ if (ci==cmax)
+ push_clean = false;
+ else if (di==dmax)
+ push_clean = true;
+ else {
+ var ctor = clean_rows[ci].getTorrent();
+ var dtor = dirty_rows[di].getTorrent();
+ var c = Torrent.compareTorrents(ctor, dtor, sort_method, sort_direction);
+ push_clean = (c < 0);
+ }
+ if (push_clean)
+ rows.push(clean_rows[ci++]);
+ else {
+ var row = dirty_rows[di++];
+ var e = row.getElement();
+ if (ci !== cmax)
+ list.insertBefore(e, clean_rows[ci].getElement());
+ else
+ list.appendChild(e);
- $('ul.torrent_list').empty();
- delete this._rows;
- this._rows = rows;
- this._torrent_list.appendChild(fragment);
+ }
- if (old_sel.length !== new_sel_count)
- this.selectionChanged();
+ // update our implementation fields
+ this._rows = rows;
+ this.dirtyTorrents = { };
- delete this._force_refilter;
- }
+ // jquery's even/odd starts with 1 rather than 0, so invert the logic here
+ var elements = $.map(rows.slice(0), function(r){return r.getElement();});
+ $(elements).filter(":odd").addClass('even');
+ $(elements).filter(":even").removeClass('even');
// sync gui
- setFilter: function(mode)
+ setFilterMode: function(mode)
// set the state
this.setPref(Prefs._FilterMode, mode);
// refilter
- this.refilter();
+ this.refilter(true);
refreshFilterPopup: function()
div.innerHTML = '<span class="filter-img"></span>'
+ '<span class="filter-name">' + tr.getStateString(s) + '</span>'
+ '<span class="count">' + counts[s] + '</span>';
- $(div).click({'state':s}, function(ev) { tr.setFilter(ev.data.state); $('#filter-popup').dialog('close');});
+ $(div).click({'state':s}, function(ev) {
+ tr.setFilterMode(ev.data.state);
+ $('#filter-popup').dialog('close');
+ });
$('#filter-by-state .row').remove();
div.innerHTML = '<span class="filter-img"></span>'
+ '<span class="filter-name">All</span>'
+ '<span class="count">' + torrents.length + '</span>';
- $(div).click(function() {tr.setFilterTracker(null); $('#filter-popup').dialog('close');})
+ $(div).click(function() {
+ tr.setFilterTracker(null);
+ $('#filter-popup').dialog('close');
+ });
for (var i=0, name; name=names[i]; ++i) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = '<img class="filter-img" src="http://'+o.domain+'/favicon.ico"/>'
+ '<span class="filter-name">'+ name + '</span>'
+ '<span class="count">'+ o.count + '</span>';
- $(div).click({domain:o.domain}, function(ev) { tr.setFilterTracker(ev.data.domain); $('#filter-popup').dialog('close');});
+ $(div).click({domain:o.domain}, function(ev) {
+ tr.setFilterTracker(ev.data.domain);
+ $('#filter-popup').dialog('close');
+ });
$('#filter-by-tracker .row').remove();
var id = '#show-tracker-' + key;
- this.refilterSoon();
+ this.refilter(true);
/* example: "tracker.ubuntu.com" returns "ubuntu.com" */
// update the ui: torrent list
this.torrentRenderer = compact ? new TorrentRendererCompact()
: new TorrentRendererFull();
- this._force_refilter = true;
- this.refilter();
+ this.refilter(true);