. Fixed bug #65769 (localeconv() broken in TS builds). (Anatol)
. Fixed bug #65230 (setting locale randomly broken). (Anatol)
. Fixed bug #68583 (Crash in timeout thread). (Anatol)
- . Fixed bug #68594 (Use after free vulnerability in unserialize()).
- (CVE-2014-8142) (Stefan Esser)
+ . Fixed bug #65576 (Constructor from trait conflicts with inherited
+ constructor). (dunglas at gmail dot com)
. Fixed bug #68676 (Explicit Double Free). (Kalle)
+ - CGI:
+ . Fix bug #68618 (out of bounds read crashes php-cgi). (Stas)
- cURL:
. Fixed bug #67643 (curl_multi_getcontent returns '' when
CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER isn't set). (Jille Timmermans)