-/* NetHack 3.6 botl.c $NHDT-Date: 1433088374 2015/05/31 16:06:14 $ $NHDT-Branch: status_hilite $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.56 $ */
+/* NetHack 3.6 botl.c $NHDT-Date: 1433097925 2015/05/31 18:45:25 $ $NHDT-Branch: status_hilite $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.57 $ */
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
const char *const enc_stat[] = { "", "Burdened", "Stressed",
"Strained", "Overtaxed", "Overloaded" };
-struct istat_s {
- long time;
- unsigned anytype;
- anything a;
- char *val;
- int valwidth;
- int idxmax;
- enum statusfields fld;
+STATIC_OVL NEARDATA int mrank_sz =
+ 0; /* loaded by max_rank_sz (from u_init) */
+STATIC_DCL const char *NDECL(rank);
-/* If entries are added to this, botl.h will require updating too */
-struct istat_s initblstats[MAXBLSTATS] = {
- { 0L, ANY_STR, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 80, 0, BL_TITLE},
- { 0L, ANY_INT, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 10, 0, BL_STR},
- { 0L, ANY_INT, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 10, 0, BL_DX},
- { 0L, ANY_INT, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 10, 0, BL_CO},
- { 0L, ANY_INT, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 10, 0, BL_IN},
- { 0L, ANY_INT, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 10, 0, BL_WI},
- { 0L, ANY_INT, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 10, 0, BL_CH},
- { 0L, ANY_STR, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 40, 0, BL_ALIGN},
- { 0L, ANY_LONG, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 20, 0, BL_SCORE},
- { 0L, ANY_LONG, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 20, 0, BL_CAP},
- { 0L, ANY_LONG, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 30, 0, BL_GOLD},
- { 0L, ANY_INT, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 10, 0, BL_ENE},
- { 0L, ANY_INT, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 10, 0, BL_ENEMAX},
- { 0L, ANY_LONG, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 10, 0, BL_XP},
- { 0L, ANY_INT, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 10, 0, BL_AC},
- { 0L, ANY_INT, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 10, 0, BL_HD},
- { 0L, ANY_INT, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 20, 0, BL_TIME},
- { 0L, ANY_UINT, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 40, 0, BL_HUNGER},
- { 0L, ANY_INT, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 10, 0, BL_HP},
- { 0L, ANY_INT, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 10, 0, BL_HPMAX},
- { 0L, ANY_STR, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 80, 0, BL_LEVELDESC},
- { 0L, ANY_LONG, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 20, 0, BL_EXP},
- { 0L, ANY_MASK32,{(genericptr_t)0L},(char *)0, 0, 0, BL_CONDITION}
-static struct fieldid_t {
- const char *fieldname;
- enum statusfields fldid;
-} fieldids[] = {
- {"title", BL_TITLE},
- {"strength", BL_STR},
- {"dexterity", BL_DX},
- {"constitution", BL_CO},
- {"intelligence", BL_IN},
- {"wisdom", BL_WI},
- {"charisma", BL_CH},
- {"alignment", BL_ALIGN},
- {"score", BL_SCORE},
- {"carrying-capacity", BL_CAP},
- {"gold", BL_GOLD},
- {"power", BL_ENE},
- {"power-max", BL_ENEMAX},
- {"experience-level", BL_XP},
- {"armor-class", BL_AC},
- {"HD", BL_HD},
- {"time", BL_TIME},
- {"hunger", BL_HUNGER},
- {"hitpoints", BL_HP},
- {"hitpoints-max", BL_HPMAX},
- {"dungeon-level", BL_LEVELDESC},
- {"experience", BL_EXP},
- {"condition", BL_CONDITION},
+STATIC_DCL void NDECL(bot1);
+STATIC_DCL void NDECL(bot2);
+ char newbot1[MAXCO];
+ register char *nb;
+ register int i, j;
+ Strcpy(newbot1, plname);
+ if ('a' <= newbot1[0] && newbot1[0] <= 'z')
+ newbot1[0] += 'A' - 'a';
+ newbot1[10] = 0;
+ Sprintf(nb = eos(newbot1), " the ");
-struct istat_s blstats[2][MAXBLSTATS];
+ if (Upolyd) {
+ char mbot[BUFSZ];
+ int k = 0;
-static boolean blinit = FALSE, update_all = FALSE;
+ Strcpy(mbot, mons[u.umonnum].mname);
+ while (mbot[k] != 0) {
+ if ((k == 0 || (k > 0 && mbot[k - 1] == ' ')) && 'a' <= mbot[k]
+ && mbot[k] <= 'z')
+ mbot[k] += 'A' - 'a';
+ k++;
+ }
+ Strcpy(nb = eos(nb), mbot);
+ } else
+ Strcpy(nb = eos(nb), rank());
-STATIC_DCL void NDECL(init_blstats);
-STATIC_DCL char *FDECL(anything_to_s, (char *, anything *, int));
-STATIC_DCL void FDECL(s_to_anything, (anything *, char *, int));
-STATIC_OVL int FDECL(percentage, (struct istat_s *, struct istat_s *));
-STATIC_OVL int FDECL(compare_blstats, (struct istat_s *, struct istat_s *));
-STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(assign_hilite, (char *, char *, char *, char *, BOOLEAN_P));
-STATIC_DCL const char *FDECL(clridx_to_s, (char *, int));
-STATIC_DCL void NDECL(bot1);
-STATIC_DCL void NDECL(bot2);
+ Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " ");
+ i = mrank_sz + 15;
+ j = (nb + 2) - newbot1; /* aka strlen(newbot1) but less computation */
+ if ((i - j) > 0)
+ Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), "%*s", i - j, " "); /* pad with spaces */
+ if (ACURR(A_STR) > 18) {
+ if (ACURR(A_STR) > STR18(100))
+ Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), "St:%2d ", ACURR(A_STR) - 100);
+ else if (ACURR(A_STR) < STR18(100))
+ Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), "St:18/%02d ", ACURR(A_STR) - 18);
+ else
+ Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), "St:18/** ");
+ } else
+ Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), "St:%-1d ", ACURR(A_STR));
+ Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), "Dx:%-1d Co:%-1d In:%-1d Wi:%-1d Ch:%-1d",
+ Sprintf(nb = eos(nb),
+ (u.ualign.type == A_CHAOTIC)
+ ? " Chaotic"
+ : (u.ualign.type == A_NEUTRAL) ? " Neutral" : " Lawful");
+ if (flags.showscore)
+ Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " S:%ld", botl_score());
+ curs(WIN_STATUS, 1, 0);
+ putstr(WIN_STATUS, 0, newbot1);
+ char newbot2[MAXCO];
+ register char *nb;
+ int hp, hpmax;
+ int cap = near_capacity();
-STATIC_OVL NEARDATA int mrank_sz =
- 0; /* loaded by max_rank_sz (from u_init) */
-STATIC_DCL const char *NDECL(rank);
+ hp = Upolyd ? u.mh : u.uhp;
+ hpmax = Upolyd ? u.mhmax : u.uhpmax;
+ if (hp < 0)
+ hp = 0;
+ (void) describe_level(newbot2);
+ Sprintf(nb = eos(newbot2), "%s:%-2ld HP:%d(%d) Pw:%d(%d) AC:%-2d",
+ encglyph(objnum_to_glyph(GOLD_PIECE)), money_cnt(invent), hp,
+ hpmax, u.uen, u.uenmax, u.uac);
+ if (Upolyd)
+ Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " HD:%d", mons[u.umonnum].mlevel);
+ else if (flags.showexp)
+ Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " Xp:%u/%-1ld", u.ulevel, u.uexp);
+ else
+ Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " Exp:%u", u.ulevel);
+ if (flags.time)
+ Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " T:%ld", moves);
+ if (strcmp(hu_stat[u.uhs], " ")) {
+ Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " ");
+ Strcat(newbot2, hu_stat[u.uhs]);
+ }
+ if (Confusion)
+ Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " Conf");
+ if (Sick) {
+ if (u.usick_type & SICK_VOMITABLE)
+ Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " FoodPois");
+ if (u.usick_type & SICK_NONVOMITABLE)
+ Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " Ill");
+ }
+ if (Blind)
+ Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " Blind");
+ if (Stunned)
+ Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " Stun");
+ if (Hallucination)
+ Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " Hallu");
+ if (Slimed)
+ Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " Slime");
+ if (cap > UNENCUMBERED)
+ Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " %s", enc_stat[cap]);
+ curs(WIN_STATUS, 1, 1);
+ putmixed(WIN_STATUS, 0, newbot2);
+ if (youmonst.data) {
+ bot1();
+ bot2();
+ }
+ context.botl = context.botlx = 0;
/* convert experience level (1..30) to rank index (0..8) */
+/* provide the name of the current level for display by various ports */
+char *buf;
- char newbot1[MAXCO];
- register char *nb;
- register int i, j;
- Strcpy(newbot1, plname);
- if ('a' <= newbot1[0] && newbot1[0] <= 'z')
- newbot1[0] += 'A' - 'a';
- newbot1[10] = 0;
- Sprintf(nb = eos(newbot1), " the ");
+ int ret = 1;
- if (Upolyd) {
- char mbot[BUFSZ];
- int k = 0;
+ /* TODO: Add in dungeon name */
+ if (Is_knox(&u.uz))
+ Sprintf(buf, "%s ", dungeons[u.uz.dnum].dname);
+ else if (In_quest(&u.uz))
+ Sprintf(buf, "Home %d ", dunlev(&u.uz));
+ else if (In_endgame(&u.uz))
+ Sprintf(buf, Is_astralevel(&u.uz) ? "Astral Plane " : "End Game ");
+ else {
+ /* ports with more room may expand this one */
+ Sprintf(buf, "Dlvl:%-2d ", depth(&u.uz));
+ ret = 0;
+ }
+ return ret;
- Strcpy(mbot, mons[u.umonnum].mname);
- while (mbot[k] != 0) {
- if ((k == 0 || (k > 0 && mbot[k - 1] == ' ')) && 'a' <= mbot[k]
- && mbot[k] <= 'z')
- mbot[k] += 'A' - 'a';
- k++;
- }
- Strcpy(nb = eos(nb), mbot);
- } else
- Strcpy(nb = eos(nb), rank());
+/* =======================================================================*/
- Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " ");
- i = mrank_sz + 15;
- j = (nb + 2) - newbot1; /* aka strlen(newbot1) but less computation */
- if ((i - j) > 0)
- Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), "%*s", i - j, " "); /* pad with spaces */
- if (ACURR(A_STR) > 18) {
- if (ACURR(A_STR) > STR18(100))
- Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), "St:%2d ", ACURR(A_STR) - 100);
- else if (ACURR(A_STR) < STR18(100))
- Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), "St:18/%02d ", ACURR(A_STR) - 18);
- else
- Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), "St:18/** ");
- } else
- Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), "St:%-1d ", ACURR(A_STR));
- Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), "Dx:%-1d Co:%-1d In:%-1d Wi:%-1d Ch:%-1d",
- Sprintf(nb = eos(nb),
- (u.ualign.type == A_CHAOTIC)
- ? " Chaotic"
- : (u.ualign.type == A_NEUTRAL) ? " Neutral" : " Lawful");
- if (flags.showscore)
- Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " S:%ld", botl_score());
- curs(WIN_STATUS, 1, 0);
- putstr(WIN_STATUS, 0, newbot1);
+struct istat_s {
+ long time;
+ unsigned anytype;
+ anything a;
+ char *val;
+ int valwidth;
+ int idxmax;
+ enum statusfields fld;
+/* If entries are added to this, botl.h will require updating too */
+struct istat_s initblstats[MAXBLSTATS] = {
+ { 0L, ANY_STR, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 80, 0, BL_TITLE},
+ { 0L, ANY_INT, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 10, 0, BL_STR},
+ { 0L, ANY_INT, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 10, 0, BL_DX},
+ { 0L, ANY_INT, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 10, 0, BL_CO},
+ { 0L, ANY_INT, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 10, 0, BL_IN},
+ { 0L, ANY_INT, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 10, 0, BL_WI},
+ { 0L, ANY_INT, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 10, 0, BL_CH},
+ { 0L, ANY_STR, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 40, 0, BL_ALIGN},
+ { 0L, ANY_LONG, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 20, 0, BL_SCORE},
+ { 0L, ANY_LONG, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 20, 0, BL_CAP},
+ { 0L, ANY_LONG, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 30, 0, BL_GOLD},
+ { 0L, ANY_INT, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 10, 0, BL_ENE},
+ { 0L, ANY_INT, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 10, 0, BL_ENEMAX},
+ { 0L, ANY_LONG, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 10, 0, BL_XP},
+ { 0L, ANY_INT, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 10, 0, BL_AC},
+ { 0L, ANY_INT, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 10, 0, BL_HD},
+ { 0L, ANY_INT, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 20, 0, BL_TIME},
+ { 0L, ANY_UINT, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 40, 0, BL_HUNGER},
+ { 0L, ANY_INT, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 10, 0, BL_HP},
+ { 0L, ANY_INT, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 10, 0, BL_HPMAX},
+ { 0L, ANY_STR, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 80, 0, BL_LEVELDESC},
+ { 0L, ANY_LONG, {(genericptr_t)0L}, (char *)0, 20, 0, BL_EXP},
+ { 0L, ANY_MASK32,{(genericptr_t)0L},(char *)0, 0, 0, BL_CONDITION}
+static struct fieldid_t {
+ const char *fieldname;
+ enum statusfields fldid;
+} fieldids[] = {
+ {"title", BL_TITLE},
+ {"strength", BL_STR},
+ {"dexterity", BL_DX},
+ {"constitution", BL_CO},
+ {"intelligence", BL_IN},
+ {"wisdom", BL_WI},
+ {"charisma", BL_CH},
+ {"alignment", BL_ALIGN},
+ {"score", BL_SCORE},
+ {"carrying-capacity", BL_CAP},
+ {"gold", BL_GOLD},
+ {"power", BL_ENE},
+ {"power-max", BL_ENEMAX},
+ {"experience-level", BL_XP},
+ {"armor-class", BL_AC},
+ {"HD", BL_HD},
+ {"time", BL_TIME},
+ {"hunger", BL_HUNGER},
+ {"hitpoints", BL_HP},
+ {"hitpoints-max", BL_HPMAX},
+ {"dungeon-level", BL_LEVELDESC},
+ {"experience", BL_EXP},
+ {"condition", BL_CONDITION},
+struct istat_s blstats[2][MAXBLSTATS];
+static boolean blinit = FALSE, update_all = FALSE;
+STATIC_DCL void NDECL(init_blstats);
+STATIC_DCL char *FDECL(anything_to_s, (char *, anything *, int));
+STATIC_DCL void FDECL(s_to_anything, (anything *, char *, int));
+STATIC_OVL int FDECL(percentage, (struct istat_s *, struct istat_s *));
+STATIC_OVL int FDECL(compare_blstats, (struct istat_s *, struct istat_s *));
+STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(assign_hilite, (char *, char *, char *, char *, BOOLEAN_P));
+STATIC_DCL const char *FDECL(clridx_to_s, (char *, int));
-/* provide the name of the current level for display by various ports */
-char *buf;
- int ret = 1;
+ char buf[BUFSZ];
+ register char *nb;
+ static int idx = 0, idx_p, idxmax;
+ boolean updated = FALSE;
+ unsigned anytype;
+ int i, pc, chg, cap;
+ struct istat_s *curr, *prev;
+ boolean valset[MAXBLSTATS], chgval = FALSE;
- /* TODO: Add in dungeon name */
- if (Is_knox(&u.uz))
- Sprintf(buf, "%s ", dungeons[u.uz.dnum].dname);
- else if (In_quest(&u.uz))
- Sprintf(buf, "Home %d ", dunlev(&u.uz));
- else if (In_endgame(&u.uz))
- Sprintf(buf, Is_astralevel(&u.uz) ? "Astral Plane " : "End Game ");
- else {
- /* ports with more room may expand this one */
- Sprintf(buf, "Dlvl:%-2d ", depth(&u.uz));
- ret = 0;
+ if (!blinit)
+ panic("bot before init.");
+ if (!youmonst.data) {
+ context.botl = context.botlx = 0;
+ update_all = FALSE;
+ return;
- return ret;
- char newbot2[MAXCO];
- register char *nb;
- int hp, hpmax;
- int cap = near_capacity();
+ cap = near_capacity();
+ idx_p = idx;
+ idx = 1 - idx; /* 0 -> 1, 1 -> 0 */
- hp = Upolyd ? u.mh : u.uhp;
- hpmax = Upolyd ? u.mhmax : u.uhpmax;
+ /* clear the "value set" indicators */
+ (void) memset((genericptr_t) valset, 0, MAXBLSTATS * sizeof(boolean));
- if (hp < 0)
- hp = 0;
- (void) describe_level(newbot2);
- Sprintf(nb = eos(newbot2), "%s:%-2ld HP:%d(%d) Pw:%d(%d) AC:%-2d",
- encglyph(objnum_to_glyph(GOLD_PIECE)), money_cnt(invent), hp,
- hpmax, u.uen, u.uenmax, u.uac);
+ /*
+ * Player name and title.
+ */
+ buf[0] = '\0';
+ Strcpy(buf, plname);
+ if ('a' <= buf[0] && buf[0] <= 'z')
+ buf[0] += 'A' - 'a';
+ buf[10] = 0;
+ Sprintf(nb = eos(buf), " the ");
+ if (Upolyd) {
+ char mbot[BUFSZ];
+ int k = 0;
+ Strcpy(mbot, mons[u.umonnum].mname);
+ while (mbot[k] != 0) {
+ if ((k == 0 || (k > 0 && mbot[k - 1] == ' ')) && 'a' <= mbot[k]
+ && mbot[k] <= 'z')
+ mbot[k] += 'A' - 'a';
+ k++;
+ }
+ Sprintf1(nb = eos(nb), mbot);
+ } else
+ Sprintf1(nb = eos(nb), rank());
+ Sprintf(blstats[idx][BL_TITLE].val, "%-29s", buf);
+ valset[BL_TITLE] = TRUE; /* indicate val already set */
+ /* Strength */
+ buf[0] = '\0';
+ blstats[idx][BL_STR].a.a_int = ACURR(A_STR);
+ if (ACURR(A_STR) > 18) {
+ if (ACURR(A_STR) > STR18(100))
+ Sprintf(buf, "%2d", ACURR(A_STR) - 100);
+ else if (ACURR(A_STR) < STR18(100))
+ Sprintf(buf, "18/%02d", ACURR(A_STR) - 18);
+ else
+ Sprintf(buf, "18/**");
+ } else
+ Sprintf(buf, "%-1d", ACURR(A_STR));
+ Strcpy(blstats[idx][BL_STR].val, buf);
+ valset[BL_STR] = TRUE; /* indicate val already set */
+ /* Dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, charisma. */
+ blstats[idx][BL_DX].a.a_int = ACURR(A_DEX);
+ blstats[idx][BL_CO].a.a_int = ACURR(A_CON);
+ blstats[idx][BL_IN].a.a_int = ACURR(A_INT);
+ blstats[idx][BL_WI].a.a_int = ACURR(A_WIS);
+ blstats[idx][BL_CH].a.a_int = ACURR(A_CHA);
+ /* Alignment */
+ Strcpy(blstats[idx][BL_ALIGN].val,
+ (u.ualign.type == A_CHAOTIC)
+ ? "Chaotic"
+ : (u.ualign.type == A_NEUTRAL) ? "Neutral" : "Lawful");
+ /* Score */
+ blstats[idx][BL_SCORE].a.a_long =
+ botl_score();
+ 0;
+ /* Hit points */
+ blstats[idx][BL_HP].a.a_int = Upolyd ? u.mh : u.uhp;
+ blstats[idx][BL_HPMAX].a.a_int = Upolyd ? u.mhmax : u.uhpmax;
+ if (blstats[idx][BL_HP].a.a_int < 0)
+ blstats[idx][BL_HP].a.a_int = 0;
+ /* Dungeon level. */
+ (void) describe_level(blstats[idx][BL_LEVELDESC].val);
+ valset[BL_LEVELDESC] = TRUE; /* indicate val already set */
+ /* Gold */
+ blstats[idx][BL_GOLD].a.a_long = money_cnt(invent);
+ /*
+ * The tty port needs to display the current symbol for gold
+ * as a field header, so to accomodate that we pass gold with
+ * that already included. If a window port needs to use the text
+ * gold amount without the leading "$:" the port will have to
+ * add 2 to the value pointer it was passed in status_update()
+ * for the BL_GOLD case.
+ *
+ * Another quirk of BL_GOLD is that the field display may have
+ * changed if a new symbol set was loaded, or we entered or left
+ * the rogue level.
+ */
+ Sprintf(blstats[idx][BL_GOLD].val, "%s:%ld",
+ encglyph(objnum_to_glyph(GOLD_PIECE)),
+ blstats[idx][BL_GOLD].a.a_long);
+ valset[BL_GOLD] = TRUE; /* indicate val already set */
+ /* Power (magical energy) */
+ blstats[idx][BL_ENE].a.a_int = u.uen;
+ blstats[idx][BL_ENEMAX].a.a_int = u.uenmax;
+ /* Armor class */
+ blstats[idx][BL_AC].a.a_int = u.uac;
+ /* Monster level (if Upolyd) */
if (Upolyd)
- Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " HD:%d", mons[u.umonnum].mlevel);
- else if (flags.showexp)
- Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " Xp:%u/%-1ld", u.ulevel, u.uexp);
+ blstats[idx][BL_HD].a.a_int = mons[u.umonnum].mlevel;
- Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " Exp:%u", u.ulevel);
+ blstats[idx][BL_HD].a.a_int = 0;
+ /* Experience */
+ blstats[idx][BL_XP].a.a_int = u.ulevel;
+ blstats[idx][BL_EXP].a.a_int = u.uexp;
+ /* Time (moves) */
+ blstats[idx][BL_TIME].a.a_long = moves;
+ /* Hunger */
+ blstats[idx][BL_HUNGER].a.a_uint = u.uhs;
+ *(blstats[idx][BL_HUNGER].val) = '\0';
+ if (strcmp(hu_stat[u.uhs], " ") != 0)
+ Strcpy(blstats[idx][BL_HUNGER].val, hu_stat[u.uhs]);
+ valset[BL_HUNGER] = TRUE;
+ /* Carrying capacity */
+ *(blstats[idx][BL_CAP].val) = '\0';
+ blstats[idx][BL_CAP].a.a_int = cap;
+ if (cap > UNENCUMBERED)
+ Strcpy(blstats[idx][BL_CAP].val, enc_stat[cap]);
+ valset[BL_CAP] = TRUE;
+ /* Conditions */
- if (flags.time)
- Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " T:%ld", moves);
- if (strcmp(hu_stat[u.uhs], " ")) {
- Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " ");
- Strcat(newbot2, hu_stat[u.uhs]);
- }
- if (Confusion)
- Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " Conf");
- if (Sick) {
- if (u.usick_type & SICK_VOMITABLE)
- Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " FoodPois");
- if (u.usick_type & SICK_NONVOMITABLE)
- Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " Ill");
- }
if (Blind)
- Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " Blind");
- if (Stunned)
- Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " Stun");
+ blstats[idx][BL_CONDITION].a.a_ulong |= BL_MASK_BLIND;
+ else
+ blstats[idx][BL_CONDITION].a.a_ulong &= ~BL_MASK_BLIND;
+ if (Confusion)
+ blstats[idx][BL_CONDITION].a.a_ulong |= BL_MASK_CONF;
+ else
+ blstats[idx][BL_CONDITION].a.a_ulong &= ~BL_MASK_CONF;
+ if (Sick && u.usick_type & SICK_VOMITABLE)
+ blstats[idx][BL_CONDITION].a.a_ulong |= BL_MASK_FOODPOIS;
+ else
+ blstats[idx][BL_CONDITION].a.a_ulong &= ~BL_MASK_FOODPOIS;
+ if (Sick && u.usick_type & SICK_NONVOMITABLE)
+ blstats[idx][BL_CONDITION].a.a_ulong |= BL_MASK_ILL;
+ else
+ blstats[idx][BL_CONDITION].a.a_ulong &= ~BL_MASK_ILL;
if (Hallucination)
- Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " Hallu");
+ blstats[idx][BL_CONDITION].a.a_ulong |= BL_MASK_HALLU;
+ else
+ blstats[idx][BL_CONDITION].a.a_ulong &= ~BL_MASK_HALLU;
+ if (Stunned)
+ blstats[idx][BL_CONDITION].a.a_ulong |= BL_MASK_STUNNED;
+ else
+ blstats[idx][BL_CONDITION].a.a_ulong &= ~BL_MASK_STUNNED;
if (Slimed)
- Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " Slime");
- if (cap > UNENCUMBERED)
- Sprintf(nb = eos(nb), " %s", enc_stat[cap]);
- curs(WIN_STATUS, 1, 1);
- putmixed(WIN_STATUS, 0, newbot2);
+ blstats[idx][BL_CONDITION].a.a_ulong |= BL_MASK_SLIMED;
+ else
+ blstats[idx][BL_CONDITION].a.a_ulong &= ~BL_MASK_SLIMED;
- if (youmonst.data) {
- bot1();
- bot2();
+ /*
+ * Now pass the changed values to window port.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < MAXBLSTATS; i++) {
+ if (((i == BL_SCORE) && !flags.showscore)
+ || ((i == BL_EXP) && !flags.showexp)
+ || ((i == BL_TIME) && !flags.time) || ((i == BL_HD) && !Upolyd)
+ || ((i == BL_XP || i == BL_EXP) && Upolyd))
+ continue;
+ anytype = blstats[idx][i].anytype;
+ curr = &blstats[idx][i];
+ prev = &blstats[idx_p][i];
+ chg = 0;
+ if (update_all || ((chg = compare_blstats(prev, curr)) != 0)
+ || ((chgval = (valset[i] && strcmp(blstats[idx][i].val,
+ blstats[idx_p][i].val)))
+ != 0)) {
+ idxmax = blstats[idx][i].idxmax;
+ pc = (idxmax) ? percentage(curr, &blstats[idx][idxmax]) : 0;
+ if (!valset[i])
+ (void) anything_to_s(curr->val, &curr->a, anytype);
+ if (anytype != ANY_MASK32) {
+ status_update(i, (genericptr_t) curr->val,
+ valset[i] ? chgval : chg, pc);
+ } else {
+ status_update(i,
+ /* send pointer to mask */
+ (genericptr_t) &curr->a.a_ulong, chg, 0);
+ }
+ updated = TRUE;
+ }
+ /*
+ * It is possible to get here, with nothing having been pushed
+ * to the window port, when none of the info has changed. In that
+ * case, we need to force a call to status_update() when
+ * context.botlx is set. The tty port in particular has a problem
+ * if that isn't done, since it sets context.botlx when a menu or
+ * text display obliterates the status line.
+ *
+ * To work around it, we call status_update() with ficticious
+ * index of BL_BOGUS (-1).
+ */
+ if (context.botlx && !updated)
+ status_update(BL_BOGUS, (genericptr_t) 0, 0, 0);
context.botl = context.botlx = 0;
+ update_all = FALSE;
return result;
- char buf[BUFSZ];
- register char *nb;
- static int idx = 0, idx_p, idxmax;
- boolean updated = FALSE;
- unsigned anytype;
- int i, pc, chg, cap;
- struct istat_s *curr, *prev;
- boolean valset[MAXBLSTATS], chgval = FALSE;
- if (!blinit)
- panic("bot before init.");
- if (!youmonst.data) {
- context.botl = context.botlx = 0;
- update_all = FALSE;
- return;
- }
- cap = near_capacity();
- idx_p = idx;
- idx = 1 - idx; /* 0 -> 1, 1 -> 0 */
- /* clear the "value set" indicators */
- (void) memset((genericptr_t) valset, 0, MAXBLSTATS * sizeof(boolean));
- /*
- * Player name and title.
- */
- buf[0] = '\0';
- Strcpy(buf, plname);
- if ('a' <= buf[0] && buf[0] <= 'z')
- buf[0] += 'A' - 'a';
- buf[10] = 0;
- Sprintf(nb = eos(buf), " the ");
- if (Upolyd) {
- char mbot[BUFSZ];
- int k = 0;
- Strcpy(mbot, mons[u.umonnum].mname);
- while (mbot[k] != 0) {
- if ((k == 0 || (k > 0 && mbot[k - 1] == ' ')) && 'a' <= mbot[k]
- && mbot[k] <= 'z')
- mbot[k] += 'A' - 'a';
- k++;
- }
- Sprintf1(nb = eos(nb), mbot);
- } else
- Sprintf1(nb = eos(nb), rank());
- Sprintf(blstats[idx][BL_TITLE].val, "%-29s", buf);
- valset[BL_TITLE] = TRUE; /* indicate val already set */
- /* Strength */
- buf[0] = '\0';
- blstats[idx][BL_STR].a.a_int = ACURR(A_STR);
- if (ACURR(A_STR) > 18) {
- if (ACURR(A_STR) > STR18(100))
- Sprintf(buf, "%2d", ACURR(A_STR) - 100);
- else if (ACURR(A_STR) < STR18(100))
- Sprintf(buf, "18/%02d", ACURR(A_STR) - 18);
- else
- Sprintf(buf, "18/**");
- } else
- Sprintf(buf, "%-1d", ACURR(A_STR));
- Strcpy(blstats[idx][BL_STR].val, buf);
- valset[BL_STR] = TRUE; /* indicate val already set */
- /* Dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, charisma. */
- blstats[idx][BL_DX].a.a_int = ACURR(A_DEX);
- blstats[idx][BL_CO].a.a_int = ACURR(A_CON);
- blstats[idx][BL_IN].a.a_int = ACURR(A_INT);
- blstats[idx][BL_WI].a.a_int = ACURR(A_WIS);
- blstats[idx][BL_CH].a.a_int = ACURR(A_CHA);
- /* Alignment */
- Strcpy(blstats[idx][BL_ALIGN].val,
- (u.ualign.type == A_CHAOTIC)
- ? "Chaotic"
- : (u.ualign.type == A_NEUTRAL) ? "Neutral" : "Lawful");
- /* Score */
- blstats[idx][BL_SCORE].a.a_long =
- botl_score();
- 0;
- /* Hit points */
- blstats[idx][BL_HP].a.a_int = Upolyd ? u.mh : u.uhp;
- blstats[idx][BL_HPMAX].a.a_int = Upolyd ? u.mhmax : u.uhpmax;
- if (blstats[idx][BL_HP].a.a_int < 0)
- blstats[idx][BL_HP].a.a_int = 0;
- /* Dungeon level. */
- (void) describe_level(blstats[idx][BL_LEVELDESC].val);
- valset[BL_LEVELDESC] = TRUE; /* indicate val already set */
- /* Gold */
- blstats[idx][BL_GOLD].a.a_long = money_cnt(invent);
- /*
- * The tty port needs to display the current symbol for gold
- * as a field header, so to accomodate that we pass gold with
- * that already included. If a window port needs to use the text
- * gold amount without the leading "$:" the port will have to
- * add 2 to the value pointer it was passed in status_update()
- * for the BL_GOLD case.
- *
- * Another quirk of BL_GOLD is that the field display may have
- * changed if a new symbol set was loaded, or we entered or left
- * the rogue level.
- */
- Sprintf(blstats[idx][BL_GOLD].val, "%s:%ld",
- encglyph(objnum_to_glyph(GOLD_PIECE)),
- blstats[idx][BL_GOLD].a.a_long);
- valset[BL_GOLD] = TRUE; /* indicate val already set */
- /* Power (magical energy) */
- blstats[idx][BL_ENE].a.a_int = u.uen;
- blstats[idx][BL_ENEMAX].a.a_int = u.uenmax;
- /* Armor class */
- blstats[idx][BL_AC].a.a_int = u.uac;
- /* Monster level (if Upolyd) */
- if (Upolyd)
- blstats[idx][BL_HD].a.a_int = mons[u.umonnum].mlevel;
- else
- blstats[idx][BL_HD].a.a_int = 0;
- /* Experience */
- blstats[idx][BL_XP].a.a_int = u.ulevel;
- blstats[idx][BL_EXP].a.a_int = u.uexp;
- /* Time (moves) */
- blstats[idx][BL_TIME].a.a_long = moves;
- /* Hunger */
- blstats[idx][BL_HUNGER].a.a_uint = u.uhs;
- *(blstats[idx][BL_HUNGER].val) = '\0';
- if (strcmp(hu_stat[u.uhs], " ") != 0)
- Strcpy(blstats[idx][BL_HUNGER].val, hu_stat[u.uhs]);
- valset[BL_HUNGER] = TRUE;
- /* Carrying capacity */
- *(blstats[idx][BL_CAP].val) = '\0';
- blstats[idx][BL_CAP].a.a_int = cap;
- if (cap > UNENCUMBERED)
- Strcpy(blstats[idx][BL_CAP].val, enc_stat[cap]);
- valset[BL_CAP] = TRUE;
- /* Conditions */
- if (Blind)
- blstats[idx][BL_CONDITION].a.a_ulong |= BL_MASK_BLIND;
- else
- blstats[idx][BL_CONDITION].a.a_ulong &= ~BL_MASK_BLIND;
- if (Confusion)
- blstats[idx][BL_CONDITION].a.a_ulong |= BL_MASK_CONF;
- else
- blstats[idx][BL_CONDITION].a.a_ulong &= ~BL_MASK_CONF;
- if (Sick && u.usick_type & SICK_VOMITABLE)
- blstats[idx][BL_CONDITION].a.a_ulong |= BL_MASK_FOODPOIS;
- else
- blstats[idx][BL_CONDITION].a.a_ulong &= ~BL_MASK_FOODPOIS;
- if (Sick && u.usick_type & SICK_NONVOMITABLE)
- blstats[idx][BL_CONDITION].a.a_ulong |= BL_MASK_ILL;
- else
- blstats[idx][BL_CONDITION].a.a_ulong &= ~BL_MASK_ILL;
- if (Hallucination)
- blstats[idx][BL_CONDITION].a.a_ulong |= BL_MASK_HALLU;
- else
- blstats[idx][BL_CONDITION].a.a_ulong &= ~BL_MASK_HALLU;
- if (Stunned)
- blstats[idx][BL_CONDITION].a.a_ulong |= BL_MASK_STUNNED;
- else
- blstats[idx][BL_CONDITION].a.a_ulong &= ~BL_MASK_STUNNED;
- if (Slimed)
- blstats[idx][BL_CONDITION].a.a_ulong |= BL_MASK_SLIMED;
- else
- blstats[idx][BL_CONDITION].a.a_ulong &= ~BL_MASK_SLIMED;
- /*
- * Now pass the changed values to window port.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < MAXBLSTATS; i++) {
- if (((i == BL_SCORE) && !flags.showscore)
- || ((i == BL_EXP) && !flags.showexp)
- || ((i == BL_TIME) && !flags.time) || ((i == BL_HD) && !Upolyd)
- || ((i == BL_XP || i == BL_EXP) && Upolyd))
- continue;
- anytype = blstats[idx][i].anytype;
- curr = &blstats[idx][i];
- prev = &blstats[idx_p][i];
- chg = 0;
- if (update_all || ((chg = compare_blstats(prev, curr)) != 0)
- || ((chgval = (valset[i] && strcmp(blstats[idx][i].val,
- blstats[idx_p][i].val)))
- != 0)) {
- idxmax = blstats[idx][i].idxmax;
- pc = (idxmax) ? percentage(curr, &blstats[idx][idxmax]) : 0;
- if (!valset[i])
- (void) anything_to_s(curr->val, &curr->a, anytype);
- if (anytype != ANY_MASK32) {
- status_update(i, (genericptr_t) curr->val,
- valset[i] ? chgval : chg, pc);
- } else {
- status_update(i,
- /* send pointer to mask */
- (genericptr_t) &curr->a.a_ulong, chg, 0);
- }
- updated = TRUE;
- }
- }
- /*
- * It is possible to get here, with nothing having been pushed
- * to the window port, when none of the info has changed. In that
- * case, we need to force a call to status_update() when
- * context.botlx is set. The tty port in particular has a problem
- * if that isn't done, since it sets context.botlx when a menu or
- * text display obliterates the status line.
- *
- * To work around it, we call status_update() with ficticious
- * index of BL_BOGUS (-1).
- */
- if (context.botlx && !updated)
- status_update(BL_BOGUS, (genericptr_t) 0, 0, 0);
- context.botl = context.botlx = 0;
- update_all = FALSE;