#include "zoneparser-tng.hh"
#include "logger.hh"
#include "dnsrecords.hh"
-#include "rec-lua-conf.hh"
-#include <thread>
-#include "ixfr.hh"
-#include "rpzloader.hh"
#include "root-addresses.hh"
extern int g_argc;
return "reloading failed, see log\n";
-void RPZIXFRTracker(const ComboAddress& master, boost::optional<DNSFilterEngine::Policy> defpol, uint32_t maxTTL, size_t zoneIdx, const TSIGTriplet& tt, size_t maxReceivedBytes, const ComboAddress& localAddress, std::shared_ptr<DNSFilterEngine::Zone> zone, const uint16_t axfrTimeout)
- uint32_t refresh = zone->getRefresh();
- DNSName zoneName = zone->getDomain();
- shared_ptr<SOARecordContent> sr;
- while (!sr) {
- try {
- sr=loadRPZFromServer(master, zoneName, zone, defpol, maxTTL, tt, maxReceivedBytes, localAddress, axfrTimeout);
- if(refresh == 0) {
- refresh = sr->d_st.refresh;
- }
- zone->setSerial(sr->d_st.serial);
- }
- catch(const std::exception& e) {
- theL()<<Logger::Warning<<"Unable to load RPZ zone '"<<zoneName<<"' from '"<<master<<"': '"<<e.what()<<"'. (Will try again in "<<refresh<<" seconds...)"<<endl;
- }
- catch(const PDNSException& e) {
- theL()<<Logger::Warning<<"Unable to load RPZ zone '"<<zoneName<<"' from '"<<master<<"': '"<<e.reason<<"'. (Will try again in "<<refresh<<" seconds...)"<<endl;
- }
- if (!sr) {
- if (refresh == 0) {
- sleep(10);
- } else {
- sleep(refresh);
- }
- }
- }
- for(;;) {
- DNSRecord dr;
- dr.d_content=sr;
- sleep(refresh);
- L<<Logger::Info<<"Getting IXFR deltas for "<<zoneName<<" from "<<master.toStringWithPort()<<", our serial: "<<getRR<SOARecordContent>(dr)->d_st.serial<<endl;
- vector<pair<vector<DNSRecord>, vector<DNSRecord> > > deltas;
- ComboAddress local(localAddress);
- if (local == ComboAddress())
- local = getQueryLocalAddress(master.sin4.sin_family, 0);
- try {
- deltas = getIXFRDeltas(master, zoneName, dr, tt, &local, maxReceivedBytes);
- } catch(std::runtime_error& e ){
- L<<Logger::Warning<<e.what()<<endl;
- continue;
- }
- if(deltas.empty())
- continue;
- L<<Logger::Info<<"Processing "<<deltas.size()<<" delta"<<addS(deltas)<<" for RPZ "<<zoneName<<endl;
- auto luaconfsLocal = g_luaconfs.getLocal();
- const std::shared_ptr<DNSFilterEngine::Zone> oldZone = luaconfsLocal->dfe.getZone(zoneIdx);
- /* we need to make a _full copy_ of the zone we are going to work on */
- std::shared_ptr<DNSFilterEngine::Zone> newZone = std::make_shared<DNSFilterEngine::Zone>(*oldZone);
- int totremove=0, totadd=0;
- for(const auto& delta : deltas) {
- const auto& remove = delta.first;
- const auto& add = delta.second;
- if(remove.empty()) {
- L<<Logger::Warning<<"IXFR update is a whole new zone"<<endl;
- newZone->clear();
- }
- for(const auto& rr : remove) { // should always contain the SOA
- if(rr.d_type == QType::NS)
- continue;
- if(rr.d_type == QType::SOA) {
- auto oldsr = getRR<SOARecordContent>(rr);
- if(oldsr && oldsr->d_st.serial == sr->d_st.serial) {
- // cout<<"Got good removal of SOA serial "<<oldsr->d_st.serial<<endl;
- }
- else
- }
- else {
- totremove++;
- L<<(g_logRPZChanges ? Logger::Info : Logger::Debug)<<"Had removal of "<<rr.d_name<<" from RPZ zone "<<zoneName<<endl;
- RPZRecordToPolicy(rr, newZone, false, defpol, maxTTL);
- }
- }
- for(const auto& rr : add) { // should always contain the new SOA
- if(rr.d_type == QType::NS)
- continue;
- if(rr.d_type == QType::SOA) {
- auto newsr = getRR<SOARecordContent>(rr);
- // L<<Logger::Info<<"New SOA serial for "<<zoneName<<": "<<newsr->d_st.serial<<endl;
- if (newsr) {
- sr = newsr;
- }
- }
- else {
- totadd++;
- L<<(g_logRPZChanges ? Logger::Info : Logger::Debug)<<"Had addition of "<<rr.d_name<<" to RPZ zone "<<zoneName<<endl;
- RPZRecordToPolicy(rr, newZone, true, defpol, maxTTL);
- }
- }
- }
- L<<Logger::Info<<"Had "<<totremove<<" RPZ removal"<<addS(totremove)<<", "<<totadd<<" addition"<<addS(totadd)<<" for "<<zoneName<<" New serial: "<<sr->d_st.serial<<endl;
- newZone->setSerial(sr->d_st.serial);
- /* we need to replace the existing zone with the new one,
- but we don't want to touch anything else, especially other zones,
- since they might have been updated by another RPZ IXFR tracker thread.
- */
- g_luaconfs.modify([zoneIdx, &newZone](LuaConfigItems& lci) {
- lci.dfe.setZone(zoneIdx, newZone);
- });
- }
std::shared_ptr<SyncRes::domainmap_t> parseAuthAndForwards()
-#include "rpzloader.hh"
-#include "zoneparser-tng.hh"
#include "dnsparser.hh"
#include "dnsrecords.hh"
+#include "ixfr.hh"
#include "syncres.hh"
#include "resolver.hh"
#include "logger.hh"
#include "rec-lua-conf.hh"
+#include "rpzloader.hh"
+#include "zoneparser-tng.hh"
static Netmask makeNetmaskFromRPZ(const DNSName& name)
+struct rpzStats
+ std::atomic<uint64_t> d_failedTransfers;
+ std::atomic<uint64_t> d_successfulTransfers;
+ std::atomic<uint64_t> d_fullTransfers;
+ std::atomic<uint64_t> d_numberOfRecords;
+ std::atomic<time_t> d_lastUpdate;
+ std::atomic<uint32_t> d_serial;
+static std::unordered_map<std::string, rpzStats> s_rpzStats;
+static std::mutex s_rpzStatsMutex;
+rpzStats& getRPZZoneStats(const std::string& zone)
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(s_rpzStatsMutex);
+ return s_rpzStats[zone];
+static void incRPZFailedTransfers(const std::string& zone)
+ auto& stats = getRPZZoneStats(zone);
+ stats.d_failedTransfers++;
+static void setRPZZoneNewState(const std::string& zone, uint32_t serial, uint64_t numberOfRecords, bool wasAXFR)
+ auto& stats = getRPZZoneStats(zone);
+ stats.d_successfulTransfers++;
+ if (wasAXFR) {
+ stats.d_fullTransfers++;
+ }
+ stats.d_lastUpdate = time(nullptr);
+ stats.d_serial = serial;
+void RPZIXFRTracker(const ComboAddress& master, boost::optional<DNSFilterEngine::Policy> defpol, uint32_t maxTTL, size_t zoneIdx, const TSIGTriplet& tt, size_t maxReceivedBytes, const ComboAddress& localAddress, std::shared_ptr<DNSFilterEngine::Zone> zone, const uint16_t axfrTimeout)
+ uint32_t refresh = zone->getRefresh();
+ DNSName zoneName = zone->getDomain();
+ std::string polName = zone->getName() ? *(zone->getName()) : zoneName.toString();
+ shared_ptr<SOARecordContent> sr;
+ while (!sr) {
+ try {
+ sr=loadRPZFromServer(master, zoneName, zone, defpol, maxTTL, tt, maxReceivedBytes, localAddress, axfrTimeout);
+ if(refresh == 0) {
+ refresh = sr->d_st.refresh;
+ }
+ zone->setSerial(sr->d_st.serial);
+ setRPZZoneNewState(polName, sr->d_st.serial, zone->size(), true);
+ }
+ catch(const std::exception& e) {
+ theL()<<Logger::Warning<<"Unable to load RPZ zone '"<<zoneName<<"' from '"<<master<<"': '"<<e.what()<<"'. (Will try again in "<<refresh<<" seconds...)"<<endl;
+ incRPZFailedTransfers(polName);
+ }
+ catch(const PDNSException& e) {
+ theL()<<Logger::Warning<<"Unable to load RPZ zone '"<<zoneName<<"' from '"<<master<<"': '"<<e.reason<<"'. (Will try again in "<<refresh<<" seconds...)"<<endl;
+ incRPZFailedTransfers(polName);
+ }
+ if (!sr) {
+ if (refresh == 0) {
+ sleep(10);
+ } else {
+ sleep(refresh);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(;;) {
+ DNSRecord dr;
+ dr.d_content=sr;
+ sleep(refresh);
+ L<<Logger::Info<<"Getting IXFR deltas for "<<zoneName<<" from "<<master.toStringWithPort()<<", our serial: "<<getRR<SOARecordContent>(dr)->d_st.serial<<endl;
+ vector<pair<vector<DNSRecord>, vector<DNSRecord> > > deltas;
+ ComboAddress local(localAddress);
+ if (local == ComboAddress())
+ local = getQueryLocalAddress(master.sin4.sin_family, 0);
+ try {
+ deltas = getIXFRDeltas(master, zoneName, dr, tt, &local, maxReceivedBytes);
+ } catch(std::runtime_error& e ){
+ L<<Logger::Warning<<e.what()<<endl;
+ incRPZFailedTransfers(polName);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(deltas.empty())
+ continue;
+ L<<Logger::Info<<"Processing "<<deltas.size()<<" delta"<<addS(deltas)<<" for RPZ "<<zoneName<<endl;
+ auto luaconfsLocal = g_luaconfs.getLocal();
+ const std::shared_ptr<DNSFilterEngine::Zone> oldZone = luaconfsLocal->dfe.getZone(zoneIdx);
+ /* we need to make a _full copy_ of the zone we are going to work on */
+ std::shared_ptr<DNSFilterEngine::Zone> newZone = std::make_shared<DNSFilterEngine::Zone>(*oldZone);
+ int totremove=0, totadd=0;
+ bool fullUpdate = false;
+ for(const auto& delta : deltas) {
+ const auto& remove = delta.first;
+ const auto& add = delta.second;
+ if(remove.empty()) {
+ L<<Logger::Warning<<"IXFR update is a whole new zone"<<endl;
+ newZone->clear();
+ fullUpdate = true;
+ }
+ for(const auto& rr : remove) { // should always contain the SOA
+ if(rr.d_type == QType::NS)
+ continue;
+ if(rr.d_type == QType::SOA) {
+ auto oldsr = getRR<SOARecordContent>(rr);
+ if(oldsr && oldsr->d_st.serial == sr->d_st.serial) {
+ // cout<<"Got good removal of SOA serial "<<oldsr->d_st.serial<<endl;
+ }
+ else
+ }
+ else {
+ totremove++;
+ L<<(g_logRPZChanges ? Logger::Info : Logger::Debug)<<"Had removal of "<<rr.d_name<<" from RPZ zone "<<zoneName<<endl;
+ RPZRecordToPolicy(rr, newZone, false, defpol, maxTTL);
+ }
+ }
+ for(const auto& rr : add) { // should always contain the new SOA
+ if(rr.d_type == QType::NS)
+ continue;
+ if(rr.d_type == QType::SOA) {
+ auto newsr = getRR<SOARecordContent>(rr);
+ // L<<Logger::Info<<"New SOA serial for "<<zoneName<<": "<<newsr->d_st.serial<<endl;
+ if (newsr) {
+ sr = newsr;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ totadd++;
+ L<<(g_logRPZChanges ? Logger::Info : Logger::Debug)<<"Had addition of "<<rr.d_name<<" to RPZ zone "<<zoneName<<endl;
+ RPZRecordToPolicy(rr, newZone, true, defpol, maxTTL);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ L<<Logger::Info<<"Had "<<totremove<<" RPZ removal"<<addS(totremove)<<", "<<totadd<<" addition"<<addS(totadd)<<" for "<<zoneName<<" New serial: "<<sr->d_st.serial<<endl;
+ newZone->setSerial(sr->d_st.serial);
+ setRPZZoneNewState(polName, sr->d_st.serial, newZone->size(), fullUpdate);
+ /* we need to replace the existing zone with the new one,
+ but we don't want to touch anything else, especially other zones,
+ since they might have been updated by another RPZ IXFR tracker thread.
+ */
+ g_luaconfs.modify([zoneIdx, &newZone](LuaConfigItems& lci) {
+ lci.dfe.setZone(zoneIdx, newZone);
+ });
+ }