static void rm_redo_error_callback(void *arg);
static int get_sync_bit(int method);
+static void fsync_pgdata(char *datadir);
* Insert an XLOG record having the specified RMID and info bytes,
(errmsg("database system was interrupted; last known up at %s",
+ /*
+ * If we previously crashed, there might be data which we had written,
+ * intending to fsync it, but which we had not actually fsync'd yet.
+ * Therefore, a power failure in the near future might cause earlier
+ * unflushed writes to be lost, even though more recent data written to
+ * disk from here on would be persisted. To avoid that, fsync the entire
+ * data directory.
+ */
+ if (ControlFile->state != DB_SHUTDOWNED &&
+ ControlFile->state != DB_SHUTDOWNED_IN_RECOVERY)
+ fsync_pgdata(data_directory);
/* This is just to allow attaching to startup process with a debugger */
if (ControlFile->state != DB_SHUTDOWNED)
+ * Issue fsync recursively on PGDATA and all its contents.
+ */
+static void
+fsync_pgdata(char *datadir)
+ if (!enableFsync)
+ return;
+ /*
+ * If possible, hint to the kernel that we're soon going to fsync
+ * the data directory and its contents.
+ */
+#if defined(HAVE_SYNC_FILE_RANGE) || \
+ walkdir(datadir, pre_sync_fname);
+ /*
+ * Now we do the fsync()s in the same order.
+ *
+ * It's important to fsync the destination directory itself as individual
+ * file fsyncs don't guarantee that the directory entry for the file is
+ * synced.
+ */
+ walkdir(datadir, fsync_fname);
return false;
return true;
+ * Hint to the OS that it should get ready to fsync() this file.
+ *
+ * Adapted from pre_sync_fname in initdb.c
+ */
+pre_sync_fname(char *fname, bool isdir)
+ int fd;
+ fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY | PG_BINARY);
+ /*
+ * Some OSs don't allow us to open directories at all (Windows returns
+ */
+ if (fd < 0 && isdir && (errno == EISDIR || errno == EACCES))
+ return;
+ if (fd < 0)
+ ereport(FATAL,
+ (errmsg("could not open file \"%s\" before fsync",
+ fname)));
+ pg_flush_data(fd, 0, 0);
+ close(fd);
+ * walkdir: recursively walk a directory, applying the action to each
+ * regular file and directory (including the named directory itself)
+ * and following symbolic links.
+ *
+ * NB: There is another version of walkdir in initdb.c, but that version
+ * behaves differently with respect to symbolic links. Caveat emptor!
+ */
+walkdir(char *path, void (*action) (char *fname, bool isdir))
+ DIR *dir;
+ struct dirent *de;
+ dir = AllocateDir(path);
+ while ((de = ReadDir(dir, path)) != NULL)
+ {
+ char subpath[MAXPGPATH];
+ struct stat fst;
+ if (strcmp(de->d_name, ".") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(de->d_name, "..") == 0)
+ continue;
+ snprintf(subpath, MAXPGPATH, "%s/%s", path, de->d_name);
+ if (lstat(subpath, &fst) < 0)
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ (errcode_for_file_access(),
+ errmsg("could not stat file \"%s\": %m", subpath)));
+ if (S_ISREG(fst.st_mode))
+ (*action) (subpath, false);
+ else if (S_ISDIR(fst.st_mode))
+ walkdir(subpath, action);
+#ifndef WIN32
+ else if (S_ISLNK(fst.st_mode))
+ else if (pg_win32_is_junction(subpath))
+ {
+#if defined(HAVE_READLINK) || defined(WIN32)
+ char linkpath[MAXPGPATH];
+ int len;
+ struct stat lst;
+ len = readlink(subpath, linkpath, sizeof(linkpath)-1);
+ if (len < 0)
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ (errcode_for_file_access(),
+ errmsg("could not read symbolic link \"%s\": %m",
+ subpath)));
+ if (len >= sizeof(linkpath)-1)
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ (errmsg("symbolic link \"%s\" target is too long",
+ subpath)));
+ linkpath[len] = '\0';
+ if (lstat(linkpath, &lst) == 0)
+ {
+ if (S_ISREG(lst.st_mode))
+ (*action) (linkpath, false);
+ else if (S_ISDIR(lst.st_mode))
+ walkdir(subpath, action);
+ }
+ else if (errno != ENOENT)
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ (errcode_for_file_access(),
+ errmsg("could not stat file \"%s\": %m", linkpath)));
+ ereport(WARNING,
+ errmsg("this platform does not support symbolic links; ignoring \"%s\"",
+ subpath)));
+ }
+ }
+ FreeDir(dir);
+ (*action) (path, true);