result = {result, {tuple, [{token, string}, {scopes, string}, {expires_in, string}]}}
#ejabberd_commands{name = oauth_list_tokens, tags = [oauth],
- desc = "List oauth tokens, their user and scope, and how many seconds remain until expirity",
+ desc = "List oauth tokens, user, scope, and seconds to expire (only Mnesia)",
+ longdesc = "List oauth tokens, their user and scope, and how many seconds remain until expirity",
module = ?MODULE, function = oauth_list_tokens,
args = [],
policy = restricted,
result = {tokens, {list, {token, {tuple, [{token, string}, {user, string}, {scope, string}, {expires_in, string}]}}}}
#ejabberd_commands{name = oauth_list_scopes, tags = [oauth],
- desc = "List scopes that can be granted to tokens generated through the command line, together with the commands they allow",
+ desc = "List scopes that can be granted, and commands",
+ longdesc = "List scopes that can be granted to tokens generated through the command line, together with the commands they allow",
module = ?MODULE, function = oauth_list_scopes,
args = [],
policy = restricted,
result = {scopes, {list, {scope, {tuple, [{scope, string}, {commands, string}]}}}}
#ejabberd_commands{name = oauth_revoke_token, tags = [oauth],
- desc = "Revoke authorization for a token",
+ desc = "Revoke authorization for a token (only Mnesia)",
module = ?MODULE, function = oauth_revoke_token,
args = [{token, string}],
policy = restricted,