int bar();
- * ``bool AfterObjCDeclaration`` Wrap ObjC definitions (``@autoreleasepool``, interfaces, ..).
+ * ``bool AfterObjCDeclaration`` Wrap ObjC definitions (interfaces, implementations...).
+ @autoreleasepool and @synchronized blocks are wrapped
+ according to `AfterControlStatement` flag.
* ``bool AfterStruct`` Wrap struct definitions.
+**ObjCBinPackProtocolList** (``BinPackStyle``)
+ Controls bin-packing Objective-C protocol conformance list
+ items into as few lines as possible when they go over ``ColumnLimit``.
+ If ``Auto`` (the default), delegates to the value in
+ ``BinPackParameters``. If that is ``true``, bin-packs Objective-C
+ protocol conformance list items into as few lines as possible
+ whenever they go over ``ColumnLimit``.
+ If ``Always``, always bin-packs Objective-C protocol conformance
+ list items into as few lines as possible whenever they go over
+ ``ColumnLimit``.
+ If ``Never``, lays out Objective-C protocol conformance list items
+ onto individual lines whenever they go over ``ColumnLimit``.
+ .. code-block:: c++
+ Always (or Auto, if BinPackParameters=true):
+ @interface ccccccccccccc () <
+ ccccccccccccc, ccccccccccccc,
+ ccccccccccccc, ccccccccccccc> {
+ }
+ Never (or Auto, if BinPackParameters=false):
+ @interface ddddddddddddd () <
+ ddddddddddddd,
+ ddddddddddddd,
+ ddddddddddddd,
+ ddddddddddddd> {
+ }
+ Possible values:
+ * ``BPS_Auto`` (in configuration: ``Auto``)
+ Automatically determine parameter bin-packing behavior.
+ * ``BPS_Always`` (in configuration: ``Always``)
+ Always bin-pack parameters.
+ * ``BPS_Never`` (in configuration: ``Never``)
+ Never bin-pack parameters.
**ObjCBlockIndentWidth** (``unsigned``)
The number of characters to use for indentation of ObjC blocks.
.. code-block:: c++
true: false:
- (int)i; vs. (int) i;
+ (int) i; vs. (int)i;
**SpaceAfterTemplateKeyword** (``bool``)
If ``true``, a space will be inserted after the 'template' keyword.