set_target_triple trip m;
insist (trip = target_triple m)
begin group "layout";
let layout = "e" in
set_data_layout layout m;
insist (fp128_type = type_of cd);
insist (float_of_const cd = None);
let one = const_int i16_type 1 in
let two = const_int i16_type 2 in
let three = const_int i32_type 3 in
let four = const_int i32_type 4 in
(* CHECK: const_array{{.*}}[i32 3, i32 4]
group "array";
let c = const_null (packed_struct_type context [| i1_type; i8_type; i64_type;
double_type |]) in
ignore (define_global "const_null" c m);
(* CHECK: const_all_ones{{.*}}-1
group "all ones";
let c = const_pointer_null (pointer_type i64_type) in
ignore (define_global "const_pointer_null" c m);
(* CHECK: const_undef{{.*}}undef
group "undef";
ignore (define_global "const_undef" c m);
insist (i1_type = type_of c);
insist (is_undef c);
group "constant arithmetic";
(* CHECK: @const_neg = global i64 sub
* CHECK: @const_nsw_neg = global i64 sub nsw
ignore (define_global "const_xor" (const_xor foldbomb five) m);
ignore (define_global "const_icmp" (const_icmp Icmp.Sle foldbomb five) m);
ignore (define_global "const_fcmp" (const_fcmp Fcmp.Ole ffoldbomb ffive) m);
group "constant casts";
(* CHECK: const_trunc{{.*}}trunc
* CHECK: const_sext{{.*}}sext
ignore (define_global "const_sitofp" (const_sitofp foldbomb double_type) m);
ignore (define_global "const_fptoui" (const_fptoui ffoldbomb i32_type) m);
ignore (define_global "const_fptosi" (const_fptosi ffoldbomb i32_type) m);
- ignore (define_global "const_ptrtoint" (const_ptrtoint
+ ignore (define_global "const_ptrtoint" (const_ptrtoint
(const_gep (const_null (pointer_type i8_type))
[| const_int i32_type 1 |])
i32_type) m);
ignore (define_global "const_bitcast" (const_bitcast ffoldbomb i64_type) m);
ignore (define_global "const_intcast"
(const_intcast foldbomb i128_type ~is_signed:false) m);
group "misc constants";
(* CHECK: const_size_of{{.*}}getelementptr{{.*}}null
* CHECK: const_gep{{.*}}getelementptr
let g = define_global "GVal03" zero32 m ++
set_section "Hanalei" in
insist ("Hanalei" = section g);
(* CHECK: GVal04{{.*}}hidden
group "visibility";
let g = define_global "GVal04" zero32 m ++
set_visibility Visibility.Hidden in
insist (Visibility.Hidden = visibility g);
(* CHECK: GVal05{{.*}}align 128
group "alignment";
insist (match lookup_global "QGVar01" m with Some x -> x = g
| None -> false);
group "definitions"; begin
(* CHECK: @GVar02 = global i32 42
* CHECK: @GVar03 = global i32 42
insist (not (is_global_constant g));
set_global_constant true g;
insist (is_global_constant g);
begin group "iteration";
let m = create_module context "temp" in
insist (At_end m = global_begin m);
insist (At_start m = global_end m);
let g1 = declare_global i32_type "One" m in
let g2 = declare_global i32_type "Two" m in
insist (Before g1 = global_begin m);
insist (Before g2 = global_succ g1);
insist (At_end m = global_succ g2);
insist (After g2 = global_end m);
insist (After g1 = global_pred g2);
insist (At_start m = global_pred g1);
let lf s x = s ^ "->" ^ value_name x in
insist ("->One->Two" = fold_left_globals lf "" m);
let rf x s = value_name x ^ "<-" ^ s in
insist ("One<-Two<-" = fold_right_globals rf m "");
dispose_module m
let test_functions () =
let ty = function_type i32_type [| i32_type; i64_type |] in
let ty2 = function_type i8_type [| i8_type; i64_type |] in
(* CHECK: declare i32 @Fn1(i32, i64)
begin group "declare";
| None -> false);
insist (m == global_parent fn)
group "delete";
let fn = declare_function "Fn2" ty m in
delete_function fn;
(* CHECK: define{{.*}}Fn3
group "define";
insist (not (is_declaration fn));
insist (1 = Array.length (basic_blocks fn));
ignore (build_unreachable (builder_at_end context (entry_block fn)));
(* CHECK: define{{.*}}Fn4{{.*}}Param1{{.*}}Param2
group "params";
set_value_name "Param1" params.(0);
set_value_name "Param2" params.(1);
ignore (build_unreachable (builder_at_end context (entry_block fn)));
(* CHECK: fastcc{{.*}}Fn5
group "callconv";
set_function_call_conv fn;
insist ( = function_call_conv fn);
ignore (build_unreachable (builder_at_end context (entry_block fn)));
begin group "gc";
(* CHECK: Fn6{{.*}}gc{{.*}}shadowstack
set_gc (Some "shadowstack") fn;
ignore (build_unreachable (builder_at_end context (entry_block fn)));
begin group "iteration";
let m = create_module context "temp" in
insist (At_end m = function_begin m);
insist (At_start m = function_end m);
let f1 = define_function "One" ty m in
let f2 = define_function "Two" ty m in
insist (Before f1 = function_begin m);
insist (Before f2 = function_succ f1);
insist (At_end m = function_succ f2);
insist (After f2 = function_end m);
insist (After f1 = function_pred f2);
insist (At_start m = function_pred f1);
let lf s x = s ^ "->" ^ value_name x in
insist ("->One->Two" = fold_left_functions lf "" m);
let rf x s = value_name x ^ "<-" ^ s in
insist ("One<-Two<-" = fold_right_functions rf m "");
dispose_module m
let test_params () =
begin group "iteration";
let m = create_module context "temp" in
let vf = define_function "void" (function_type void_type [| |]) m in
insist (At_end vf = param_begin vf);
insist (At_start vf = param_end vf);
let ty = function_type void_type [| i32_type; i32_type |] in
let f = define_function "f" ty m in
let p1 = param f 0 in
insist (Before p1 = param_begin f);
insist (Before p2 = param_succ p1);
insist (At_end f = param_succ p2);
insist (After p2 = param_end f);
insist (After p1 = param_pred p2);
insist (At_start f = param_pred p1);
let lf s x = s ^ "->" ^ value_name x in
insist ("->One->Two" = fold_left_params lf "" f);
let rf x s = value_name x ^ "<-" ^ s in
insist ("One<-Two<-" = fold_right_params rf f "");
dispose_module m
let test_basic_blocks () =
let ty = function_type void_type [| |] in
(* CHECK: Bb1
group "entry";
let bb = append_block context "Bb1" fn in
insist (bb = entry_block fn);
ignore (build_unreachable (builder_at_end context bb));
group "delete";
let fn = declare_function "X2" ty m in
let bb = append_block context "Bb2" fn in
delete_block bb;
group "insert";
let fn = declare_function "X3" ty m in
let bbb = append_block context "b" fn in
insist ([| bba; bbb |] = basic_blocks fn);
ignore (build_unreachable (builder_at_end context bba));
ignore (build_unreachable (builder_at_end context bbb));
(* CHECK: Bb3
group "name/value";
let bbv = value_of_block bb in
set_value_name "Bb3" bbv;
insist ("Bb3" = value_name bbv);
group "casts";
let fn = define_function "X5" ty m in
let bb = entry_block fn in
insist (bb = block_of_value (value_of_block bb));
insist (value_is_block (value_of_block bb));
insist (not (value_is_block (const_null i32_type)));
begin group "iteration";
let m = create_module context "temp" in
let f = declare_function "Temp" (function_type i32_type [| |]) m in
insist (At_end f = block_begin f);
insist (At_start f = block_end f);
let b1 = append_block context "One" f in
let b2 = append_block context "Two" f in
insist (Before b1 = block_begin f);
insist (Before b2 = block_succ b1);
insist (At_end f = block_succ b2);
insist (After b2 = block_end f);
insist (After b1 = block_pred b2);
insist (At_start f = block_pred b1);
let lf s x = s ^ "->" ^ value_name (value_of_block x) in
insist ("->One->Two" = fold_left_blocks lf "" f);
let rf x s = value_name (value_of_block x) ^ "<-" ^ s in
insist ("One<-Two<-" = fold_right_blocks rf f "");
dispose_module m
let f = define_function "f" fty m in
let bb = entry_block f in
let b = builder_at context (At_end bb) in
insist (At_end bb = instr_begin bb);
insist (At_start bb = instr_end bb);
let i1 = build_add (param f 0) (param f 1) "One" b in
let i2 = build_sub (param f 0) (param f 1) "Two" b in
insist (Before i1 = instr_begin bb);
insist (Before i2 = instr_succ i1);
insist (At_end bb = instr_succ i2);
insist (After i2 = instr_end bb);
insist (After i1 = instr_pred i2);
insist (At_start bb = instr_pred i1);
let lf s x = s ^ "->" ^ value_name x in
insist ("->One->Two" = fold_left_instrs lf "" bb);
let rf x s = value_name x ^ "<-" ^ s in
insist ("One<-Two<-" = fold_right_instrs rf bb "");
dispose_module m
let test_builder () =
let (++) x f = f x; x in
begin group "parent";
insist (try
ignore (insertion_block (builder context));
with Not_found ->
let fty = function_type void_type [| i32_type |] in
let fn = define_function "BuilderParent" fty m in
let bb = entry_block fn in
let p = param fn 0 in
let sum = build_add p p "sum" b in
ignore (build_ret_void b);
insist (fn = block_parent bb);
insist (fn = param_parent p);
insist (bb = instr_parent sum);
insist (bb = insertion_block b)
group "ret void";
(* CHECK: ret void
let agg = [| const_int i8_type 4; const_int i64_type 5 |] in
ignore (build_aggregate_ret agg b)
(* The rest of the tests will use one big function. *)
let fty = function_type i32_type [| i32_type; i32_type |] in
let fn = define_function "X7" fty m in
let p2 = param fn 1 ++ set_value_name "P2" in
let f1 = build_uitofp p1 float_type "F1" atentry in
let f2 = build_uitofp p2 float_type "F2" atentry in
let bb00 = append_block context "Bb00" fn in
ignore (build_unreachable (builder_at_end context bb00));
insist (is_conditional br = false) ;
insist (get_branch br = Some (`Unconditional bb02)) ;
group "cond_br"; begin
(* CHECK: br{{.*}}build_br{{.*}}Bb03{{.*}}Bb00
insist (is_conditional br = true) ;
insist (get_branch br = Some (`Conditional (cond, bb03, bb00))) ;
group "switch"; begin
(* CHECK: switch{{.*}}P1{{.*}}SwiBlock3
* CHECK: 2,{{.*}}SwiBlock2
ignore (add_destination ibr bb2);
ignore (add_destination ibr bb3)
group "invoke"; begin
(* CHECK: build_invoke{{.*}}invoke{{.*}}P1{{.*}}P2
* CHECK: to{{.*}}Bb04{{.*}}unwind{{.*}}Bblpad
let b = builder_at_end context bb04 in
ignore (build_invoke fn [| p1; p2 |] bb04 bblpad "build_invoke" b)
group "unreachable"; begin
(* CHECK: unreachable
let b = builder_at_end context bb06 in
ignore (build_unreachable b)
group "arithmetic"; begin
let bb07 = append_block context "Bb07" fn in
let b = builder_at_end context bb07 in
(* CHECK: %build_add = add i32 %P1, %P2
* CHECK: %build_nsw_add = add nsw i32 %P1, %P2
* CHECK: %build_nuw_add = add nuw i32 %P1, %P2
ignore (build_not p1 "build_not" b);
ignore (build_unreachable b)
group "memory"; begin
let bb08 = append_block context "Bb08" fn in
let b = builder_at_end context bb08 in
let b1 = append_block context "PhiBlock1" fn in
let b2 = append_block context "PhiBlock2" fn in
let jb = append_block context "PhiJoinBlock" fn in
ignore (build_br jb (builder_at_end context b1));
ignore (build_br jb (builder_at_end context b2));
let at_jb = builder_at_end context jb in
let phi = build_phi [(p1, b1)] "PhiNode" at_jb in
insist ([(p1, b1)] = incoming phi);
add_incoming (p2, b2) phi;
insist ([(p1, b1); (p2, b2)] = incoming phi);
ignore (build_unreachable at_jb);
++ PassManager.run_module m
++ PassManager.dispose)
begin group "function pass manager";
let fty = function_type void_type [| |] in
let fn = define_function "FunctionPassManager" fty m in
ignore (build_ret_void (builder_at_end context (entry_block fn)));
ignore (PassManager.create_function m
++ PassManager.initialize
++ PassManager.run_function fn
group "writer";
insist (write_bitcode_file m filename);
dispose_module m