%%% Purpose : Implements XMPP over BOSH (XEP-0205) (formerly known as
%%% HTTP Binding)
%%% Created : 21 Sep 2005 by Stefan Strigler <steve@zeank.in-berlin.de>
-%%% Id : $Id: ejabberd_http_bind.erl 403 2007-10-20 15:36:13Z badlop $
+%%% Id : $Id: ejabberd_http_bind.erl 405 2007-11-02 14:58:36Z mremond $
--vsn('$Rev: 403 $').
+-vsn('$Rev: 405 $').
init([Sid, Key]) ->
?DEBUG("started: ~p", [{Sid, Key}]),
- Opts = [], % TODO
+ %% Read c2s options from the first ejabberd_c2s configuration in
+ %% the config file listen section
+ %% TODO: We should have different access and shaper values for
+ %% each connector. The default behaviour should be however to use
+ %% the default c2s restrictions if not defined for the current
+ %% connector.
+ Opts = ejabberd_c2s_config:get_c2s_limits(),
ejabberd_socket:start(ejabberd_c2s, ?MODULE, {http_bind, self()}, Opts),
% {ok, C2SPid} = ejabberd_c2s:start({?MODULE, {http_bind, self()}}, Opts),
% ejabberd_c2s:become_controller(C2SPid),