<li><a href="#examples">Examples</a></li>
<li><a href="#usingtls">Using TLS</a></li>
<li><a href="#usingssl">Using SSL</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#activedirectory">Using Active Directory</a></li>
<a href="#frontpage">Using Microsoft FrontPage with
directive, instead of <em>ldap://</em>.</p>
+<section id="activedirectory"><title>Using Active Directory</title>
+ <p>An Active Directory installation may support multiple domains at the
+ same time. To distinguish users between domains, an identifier called
+ a User Principle Name (UPN) can be added to a user's entry in the
+ directory. This UPN usually takes the form of the user's account
+ name, followed by the domain components of the particular domain,
+ for example <em>somebody@nz.somedomain.com</em>.</p>
+ <p>You may wish to configure the <module>mod_authnz_ldap</module>
+ module to authenticate users present in any of the domains making up
+ the Active Directory forest. In this way both
+ <em>somebody@nz.somedomain.com</em> and <em>someone@au.somedomain.com</em>
+ can be authenticated using the same query at the same time.</p>
+ <p>To make this practical, Active Directory supports the concept of
+ a Global Catalog. This Global Catalog is a read only copy of selected
+ attributes of all the Active Directory servers within the Active
+ Directory forest. Querying the Global Catalog allows all the domains
+ to be queried in a single query, without the query spanning servers
+ over potentially slow links.</p>
+ <p>If enabled, the Global Catalog is an independent directory server
+ that runs on port 3268 (3269 for SSL). To search for a user, do a
+ subtree search for the attribute <em>userPrincipalName</em>, with
+ an empty search root, like so:</p>
+AuthLDAPBindDN <em>apache@somedomain.com</em>
+AuthLDAPBindPassword <em>password</em>
+AuthLDAPURL <em>ldap://>userPrincipalName?sub</em>
+ <p>Users will need to enter their User Principal Name as a login, in
+ the form <em>somebody@nz.somedomain.com</em>.</p>
<section id="frontpage"><title>Using Microsoft
FrontPage with mod_authnz_ldap</title>