--- /dev/null
+// Copyright 2015-2016 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
+#include "freertos/task.h"
+//#include "esp_attr.h"
+#include "esp_panic.h"
+#include "esp_partition.h"
+// Uncomment this line to force output from this module
+#include "esp_log.h"
+static const char* TAG = "esp_core_dump_init";
+#define ESP_LOGD(...)
+// TODO: allow user to set this in menuconfig or get tasks iteratively
+// magic numbers to control core dump data consistency
+// core dump partition start
+static uint32_t s_core_part_start;
+// core dump partition size
+static uint32_t s_core_part_size;
+static uint32_t esp_core_dump_write_flash_padded(size_t off, uint8_t *data, uint32_t data_size)
+ esp_err_t err;
+ uint32_t data_len = 0, k, len;
+ union
+ {
+ uint8_t data8[4];
+ uint32_t data32;
+ } rom_data;
+ data_len = (data_size / sizeof(uint32_t)) * sizeof(uint32_t);
+ err = spi_flash_write_panic(off, data, data_len);
+ if (err != ESP_OK) {
+ esp_panicPutStr("ERROR: Failed to write data");
+ esp_panicPutHex(err);
+ esp_panicPutStr("!\r\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ len = data_size % sizeof(uint32_t);
+ if (len) {
+ // write last bytes with padding, actual TCB len can be retrieved by esptool from core dump header
+ rom_data.data32 = 0;
+ for (k = 0; k < len; k++)
+ rom_data.data8[k] = *(data + data_len + k);
+ err = spi_flash_write_panic(off + data_len, &rom_data, sizeof(uint32_t));
+ if (err != ESP_OK) {
+ esp_panicPutStr("ERROR: Failed to write data end");
+ esp_panicPutHex(err);
+ esp_panicPutStr("!\r\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ data_len += sizeof(uint32_t);
+ }
+ return data_len;
+ * | MAGIC1 |
+ * | TCB_ADDR_1 | STACK_TOP_1 | STACK_END_1 | TCB_1 | STACK_1 |
+ * . . . .
+ * . . . .
+ * | MAGIC2 |
+ */
+void esp_core_dump_to_flash(XtExcFrame *frame)
+ union
+ {
+ uint8_t data8[16];
+ uint32_t data32[4];
+ } rom_data;
+ //const esp_partition_t *core_part;
+ esp_err_t err;
+ TaskSnapshot_t tasks[COREDUMP_MAX_TASKS_NUM];
+ UBaseType_t tcb_sz, task_num;
+ uint32_t data_len = 0, i, len, sec_num;
+ size_t off;
+ esp_panicPutStr("Save core dump to flash...\r\n");
+ task_num = uxTaskGetSnapshotAll(tasks, COREDUMP_MAX_TASKS_NUM, &tcb_sz);
+ // take TCB padding into account, actual TCB size will be stored in header
+ if (tcb_sz % sizeof(uint32_t))
+ len = (tcb_sz / sizeof(uint32_t) + 1) * sizeof(uint32_t);
+ else
+ len = tcb_sz;
+ // header + magic2 + tasknum*(tcb + stack start/end + tcb addr)
+ data_len = 5*sizeof(uint32_t) + task_num*(len + 2*sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(uint32_t *));
+ for (i = 0; i < task_num; i++) {
+ if (tasks[i].pxTCB == xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle()) {
+ // set correct stack top for current task
+ tasks[i].pxTopOfStack = (StackType_t *)frame;
+ esp_panicPutStr("Current task PC/A0/SP ");
+ esp_panicPutHex(frame->pc);
+ esp_panicPutStr(" ");
+ esp_panicPutHex(frame->a0);
+ esp_panicPutStr(" ");
+ esp_panicPutHex(frame->a1);
+ esp_panicPutStr("\r\n");
+ }
+#if( portSTACK_GROWTH < 0 )
+ len = (uint32_t)tasks[i].pxEndOfStack - (uint32_t)tasks[i].pxTopOfStack;
+ len = (uint32_t)tasks[i].pxTopOfStack - (uint32_t)tasks[i].pxEndOfStack;
+ esp_panicPutStr("stack len = ");
+ esp_panicPutHex(len);
+ esp_panicPutStr(" ");
+ esp_panicPutHex((int)tasks[i].pxTopOfStack);
+ esp_panicPutStr(" ");
+ esp_panicPutHex((int)tasks[i].pxEndOfStack);
+ esp_panicPutStr("\r\n");
+ // take stack padding into account
+ if (len % sizeof(uint32_t))
+ len = (len / sizeof(uint32_t) + 1) * sizeof(uint32_t);
+ data_len += len;
+ }
+ esp_panicPutStr("Core dump len =");
+ esp_panicPutHex(data_len);
+ esp_panicPutStr("\r\n");
+ if (data_len > s_core_part_size) {
+ esp_panicPutStr("ERROR: Not enough space to save core dump!");
+ return;
+ }
+ err = spi_flash_read_panic(s_core_part_start + 0, &rom_data, sizeof(rom_data));
+ if (err != ESP_OK) {
+ esp_panicPutStr("ERROR: Failed to read flash ");
+ esp_panicPutHex(err);
+ esp_panicPutStr("!\r\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ esp_panicPutStr("Data from flash:\r\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(rom_data)/sizeof(rom_data.data32[0]); i++) {
+ esp_panicPutHex(rom_data.data32[i]);
+ esp_panicPutStr("\r\n");
+ }
+// rom_data[4] = 0;
+// esp_panicPutStr(rom_data);
+// esp_panicPutStr("\r\n");
+ }
+ sec_num = data_len / SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE;
+ if (data_len % SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE)
+ sec_num++;
+ err = spi_flash_erase_range_panic(s_core_part_start + 0, sec_num * SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE);
+ if (err != ESP_OK) {
+ esp_panicPutStr("ERROR: Failed to erase flash ");
+ esp_panicPutHex(err);
+ esp_panicPutStr("!\r\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ rom_data.data32[0] = COREDUMP_FLASH_MAGIC_START;
+ rom_data.data32[1] = data_len;
+ rom_data.data32[2] = task_num;
+ rom_data.data32[3] = tcb_sz;
+ err = spi_flash_write_panic(s_core_part_start + 0, &rom_data, sizeof(rom_data));
+ if (err != ESP_OK) {
+ esp_panicPutStr("ERROR: Failed to write core dump header ");
+ esp_panicPutHex(err);
+ esp_panicPutStr("!\r\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ off = sizeof(rom_data);
+ for (i = 0; i < task_num; i++) {
+ esp_panicPutStr("Dump task ");
+ esp_panicPutHex((int)tasks[i].pxTCB);
+ esp_panicPutStr("\r\n");
+ // save TCB address, stack base and stack top addr
+ rom_data.data32[0] = (uint32_t)tasks[i].pxTCB;
+ rom_data.data32[1] = (uint32_t)tasks[i].pxTopOfStack;
+ rom_data.data32[2] = (uint32_t)tasks[i].pxEndOfStack;
+ err = spi_flash_write_panic(s_core_part_start + off, &rom_data, 3*sizeof(uint32_t));
+ if (err != ESP_OK) {
+ esp_panicPutStr("ERROR: Failed to write task header ");
+ esp_panicPutHex(err);
+ esp_panicPutStr("!\r\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ off += 3*sizeof(uint32_t);
+ // save TCB
+ len = esp_core_dump_write_flash_padded(s_core_part_start + off, tasks[i].pxTCB, tcb_sz);
+ if (len == 0)
+ return;
+ off += len;
+ // save task stack
+ /*int k;
+ for (k = 0; k < 8*4; k++) {
+ esp_panicPutStr("stack[");
+ esp_panicPutDec(k);
+ esp_panicPutStr("] = ");
+ esp_panicPutHex(((uint8_t *)tasks[i].pxTopOfStack)[k]);
+ esp_panicPutStr("\r\n");
+ }*/
+ len = esp_core_dump_write_flash_padded(s_core_part_start + off,
+#if( portSTACK_GROWTH < 0 )
+ tasks[i].pxTopOfStack,
+ (uint32_t)tasks[i].pxEndOfStack - (uint32_t)tasks[i].pxTopOfStack
+ tasks[i].pxEndOfStack,
+ (uint32_t)tasks[i].pxTopOfStack - (uint32_t)tasks[i].pxEndOfStack
+ );
+ if (len == 0)
+ return;
+ off += len;
+ }
+ rom_data.data32[0] = COREDUMP_FLASH_MAGIC_END;
+ err = spi_flash_write_panic(s_core_part_start + off, &rom_data, sizeof(uint32_t));
+ if (err != ESP_OK) {
+ esp_panicPutStr("Failed to write to flash ");
+ esp_panicPutHex(err);
+ esp_panicPutStr("!\r\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ esp_panicPutStr("Core dump has been saved to flash partition.\r\n");
+void esp_core_dump_to_uart(XtExcFrame *frame)
+void esp_core_dump_init()
+ const esp_partition_t *core_part;
+ if (!core_part) {
+ ESP_LOGE(TAG, "No core dump partition found!");
+ return;
+ }
+ ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Found partition '%s' @ %x %d bytes", core_part->label, core_part->address, core_part->size);
+ s_core_part_start = core_part->address;
+ s_core_part_size = core_part->size;
#include "esp_panic.h"
#include "esp_attr.h"
#include "esp_err.h"
+#include "esp_core_dump.h"
Panic handlers; these get called when an unhandled exception occurs or the assembly-level
//printf may be broken, so we fix our own printing fns...
-inline static void panicPutChar(char c)
+void esp_panicPutChar(char c)
-inline static void panicPutStr(const char *c)
+void esp_panicPutStr(const char *c)
int x = 0;
while (c[x] != 0) {
- panicPutChar(c[x]);
+ esp_panicPutChar(c[x]);
-inline static void panicPutHex(int a)
+void esp_panicPutHex(int a)
int x;
int c;
for (x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
c = (a >> 28) & 0xf;
if (c < 10) {
- panicPutChar('0' + c);
+ esp_panicPutChar('0' + c);
} else {
- panicPutChar('a' + c - 10);
+ esp_panicPutChar('a' + c - 10);
a <<= 4;
-inline static void panicPutDec(int a)
+void esp_panicPutDec(int a)
int n1, n2;
n1 = a % 10;
n2 = a / 10;
if (n2 == 0) {
- panicPutChar(' ');
+ esp_panicPutChar(' ');
} else {
- panicPutChar(n2 + '0');
+ esp_panicPutChar(n2 + '0');
- panicPutChar(n1 + '0');
+ esp_panicPutChar(n1 + '0');
//No printing wanted. Stub out these functions.
-inline static void panicPutChar(char c) { }
-inline static void panicPutStr(const char *c) { }
-inline static void panicPutHex(int a) { }
-inline static void panicPutDec(int a) { }
+void esp_panicPutChar(char c) { }
+void esp_panicPutStr(const char *c) { }
+void esp_panicPutHex(int a) { }
+void esp_panicPutDec(int a) { }
void __attribute__((weak)) vApplicationStackOverflowHook( TaskHandle_t xTask, signed char *pcTaskName )
- panicPutStr("***ERROR*** A stack overflow in task ");
- panicPutStr((char *)pcTaskName);
- panicPutStr(" has been detected.\r\n");
+ esp_panicPutStr("***ERROR*** A stack overflow in task ");
+ esp_panicPutStr((char *)pcTaskName);
+ esp_panicPutStr(" has been detected.\r\n");
reason = reasons[regs[20]];
- panicPutStr("Guru Meditation Error: Core ");
- panicPutDec(xPortGetCoreID());
- panicPutStr(" panic'ed (");
+ esp_panicPutStr("Guru Meditation Error: Core ");
+ esp_panicPutDec(xPortGetCoreID());
+ esp_panicPutStr(" panic'ed (");
if (!abort_called) {
- panicPutStr(reason);
- panicPutStr(")\r\n");
+ esp_panicPutStr(reason);
+ esp_panicPutStr(")\r\n");
int debugRsn;
asm("rsr.debugcause %0":"=r"(debugRsn));
- panicPutStr("Debug exception reason: ");
- if (debugRsn&XCHAL_DEBUGCAUSE_ICOUNT_MASK) panicPutStr("SingleStep ");
- if (debugRsn&XCHAL_DEBUGCAUSE_IBREAK_MASK) panicPutStr("HwBreakpoint ");
+ esp_panicPutStr("Debug exception reason: ");
+ if (debugRsn&XCHAL_DEBUGCAUSE_ICOUNT_MASK) esp_panicPutStr("SingleStep ");
+ if (debugRsn&XCHAL_DEBUGCAUSE_IBREAK_MASK) esp_panicPutStr("HwBreakpoint ");
//Unlike what the ISA manual says, this core seemingly distinguishes from a DBREAK
//reason caused by watchdog 0 and one caused by watchdog 1 by setting bit 8 of the
//debugcause if the cause is watchdog 1 and clearing it if it's watchdog 0.
if (debugRsn&(1<<8)) {
- panicPutStr("Stack canary watchpoint triggered ");
+ esp_panicPutStr("Stack canary watchpoint triggered ");
- panicPutStr("Watchpoint 1 triggered ");
+ esp_panicPutStr("Watchpoint 1 triggered ");
} else {
- panicPutStr("Watchpoint 0 triggered ");
+ esp_panicPutStr("Watchpoint 0 triggered ");
- if (debugRsn&XCHAL_DEBUGCAUSE_BREAK_MASK) panicPutStr("BREAK instr ");
- if (debugRsn&XCHAL_DEBUGCAUSE_BREAKN_MASK) panicPutStr("BREAKN instr ");
- if (debugRsn&XCHAL_DEBUGCAUSE_DEBUGINT_MASK) panicPutStr("DebugIntr ");
- panicPutStr("\r\n");
+ if (debugRsn&XCHAL_DEBUGCAUSE_BREAK_MASK) esp_panicPutStr("BREAK instr ");
+ if (debugRsn&XCHAL_DEBUGCAUSE_BREAKN_MASK) esp_panicPutStr("BREAKN instr ");
+ if (debugRsn&XCHAL_DEBUGCAUSE_DEBUGINT_MASK) esp_panicPutStr("DebugIntr ");
+ esp_panicPutStr("\r\n");
} else {
- panicPutStr("abort)\r\n");
+ esp_panicPutStr("abort)\r\n");
if (esp_cpu_in_ocd_debug_mode()) {
int x;
- panicPutStr("Guru Meditation Error of type ");
+ esp_panicPutStr("Guru Meditation Error of type ");
x = regs[20];
if (x < 40) {
- panicPutStr(edesc[x]);
+ esp_panicPutStr(edesc[x]);
} else {
- panicPutStr("Unknown");
+ esp_panicPutStr("Unknown");
- panicPutStr(" occurred on core ");
- panicPutDec(xPortGetCoreID());
+ esp_panicPutStr(" occurred on core ");
+ esp_panicPutDec(xPortGetCoreID());
if (esp_cpu_in_ocd_debug_mode()) {
- panicPutStr(" at pc=");
- panicPutHex(regs[1]);
- panicPutStr(". Setting bp and returning..\r\n");
+ esp_panicPutStr(" at pc=");
+ esp_panicPutHex(regs[1]);
+ esp_panicPutStr(". Setting bp and returning..\r\n");
//Stick a hardware breakpoint on the address the handler returns to. This way, the OCD debugger
//will kick in exactly at the context the error happened.
- panicPutStr(". Exception was unhandled.\r\n");
+ esp_panicPutStr(". Exception was unhandled.\r\n");
if (pc & 0x80000000) {
pc = (pc & 0x3fffffff) | 0x40000000;
- panicPutStr(" 0x");
- panicPutHex(pc);
- panicPutStr(":0x");
- panicPutHex(sp);
+ esp_panicPutStr(" 0x");
+ esp_panicPutHex(pc);
+ esp_panicPutStr(":0x");
+ esp_panicPutHex(sp);
static void doBacktrace(XtExcFrame *frame)
uint32_t i = 0, pc = frame->pc, sp = frame->a1;
- panicPutStr("\nBacktrace:");
+ esp_panicPutStr("\r\nBacktrace:");
/* Do not check sanity on first entry, PC could be smashed. */
putEntry(pc, sp);
pc = frame->a0;
- panicPutStr("\n\n");
+ esp_panicPutStr("\r\n\r\n");
the register window is no longer useful.
if (!abort_called) {
- panicPutStr("Register dump:\r\n");
+ esp_panicPutStr("Register dump:\r\n");
for (x = 0; x < 24; x += 4) {
for (y = 0; y < 4; y++) {
if (sdesc[x + y][0] != 0) {
- panicPutStr(sdesc[x + y]);
- panicPutStr(": 0x");
- panicPutHex(regs[x + y + 1]);
- panicPutStr(" ");
+ esp_panicPutStr(sdesc[x + y]);
+ esp_panicPutStr(": 0x");
+ esp_panicPutHex(regs[x + y + 1]);
+ esp_panicPutStr(" ");
+ esp_panicPutStr("\r\n");
- panicPutStr("\r\n");
- panicPutStr("Entering gdb stub now.\r\n");
+ esp_panicPutStr("Entering gdb stub now.\r\n");
- panicPutStr("Rebooting...\r\n");
+ esp_core_dump_to_flash(frame);
+ esp_core_dump_to_uart(frame);
+ esp_panicPutStr("Rebooting...\r\n");
for (x = 0; x < 100; x++) {
- panicPutStr("CPU halted.\r\n");
+ esp_panicPutStr("CPU halted.\r\n");
while (1);
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# ESP32 core dump Utility
+import sys
+import os
+import argparse
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+import struct
+import array
+import errno
+ import esptool
+except ImportError:
+ idf_path = os.getenv('IDF_PATH')
+ if idf_path is None:
+ print "Esptool is not found! Install it or set proper $IDF_PATH in environment."
+ sys.exit(2)
+ sys.path.append('%s/components/esptool_py/esptool' % idf_path)
+ import esptool
+__version__ = "0.1-dev"
+class Struct(object):
+ def __init__(self, buf=None):
+ if buf is None:
+ buf = b'\0' * self.sizeof()
+ fields = struct.unpack(self.__class__.fmt, buf[:self.sizeof()])
+ self.__dict__.update(zip(self.__class__.fields, fields))
+ def sizeof(self):
+ return struct.calcsize(self.__class__.fmt)
+ def dump(self):
+ keys = self.__class__.fields
+ if sys.version_info > (3, 0):
+ # Convert strings into bytearrays if this is Python 3
+ for k in keys:
+ if type(self.__dict__[k]) is str:
+ self.__dict__[k] = bytearray(self.__dict__[k], encoding='ascii')
+ return struct.pack(self.__class__.fmt, *(self.__dict__[k] for k in keys))
+ def __str__(self):
+ keys = self.__class__.fields
+ return (self.__class__.__name__ + "({" +
+ ", ".join("%s:%r" % (k, self.__dict__[k]) for k in keys) +
+ "})")
+class Elf32FileHeader(Struct):
+ """ELF32 File header"""
+ fields = ("e_ident",
+ "e_type",
+ "e_machine",
+ "e_version",
+ "e_entry",
+ "e_phoff",
+ "e_shoff",
+ "e_flags",
+ "e_ehsize",
+ "e_phentsize",
+ "e_phnum",
+ "e_shentsize",
+ "e_shnum",
+ "e_shstrndx")
+ fmt = "<16sHHLLLLLHHHHHH"
+ def __init__(self, buf=None):
+ super(Elf32FileHeader, self).__init__(buf)
+ if buf is None:
+ # Fill in sane ELF header for LSB32
+ self.e_ident = "\x7fELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
+ self.e_version = ESPCoreDumpFile.EV_CURRENT
+ self.e_ehsize = self.sizeof()
+class Elf32ProgramHeader(Struct):
+ """ELF32 Program Header"""
+ fields = ("p_type",
+ "p_offset",
+ "p_vaddr",
+ "p_paddr",
+ "p_filesz",
+ "p_memsz",
+ "p_flags",
+ "p_align")
+ fmt = "<LLLLLLLL"
+class Elf32NoteDesc(object):
+ """ELF32 Note Descriptor"""
+ def __init__(self, name, type, data):
+ self.name = bytearray(name, encoding='ascii') + b'\0'
+ self.type = type
+ self.data = data
+ def dump(self):
+ """Conveninece function to format a note descriptor.
+ All note descriptors must be concatenated and added to a
+ PT_NOTE segment."""
+ header = struct.pack("<LLL", len(self.name), len(self.data), self.type)
+ # pad up to 4 byte alignment
+ name = self.name + ((4 - len(self.name)) % 4) * b'\0'
+ desc = self.data + ((4 - len(self.data)) % 4) * b'\0'
+ print "dump %d %d %d %d %d" % (len(header), len(name), len(self.name), len(desc), len(self.data))
+ return header + name + desc
+class XtensaPrStatus(Struct):
+ """Xtensa Program Status structure"""
+ # Only pr_cursig and pr_pid are read by bfd
+ # Structure followed by 72 bytes representing general-purpose registers
+ # check elf32-xtensa.c in libbfd for details
+ fields = ("si_signo", "si_code", "si_errno",
+ "pr_cursig", # Current signal
+ "pr_pad0",
+ "pr_sigpend",
+ "pr_sighold",
+ "pr_pid", # LWP ID
+ "pr_ppid",
+ "pr_pgrp",
+ "pr_sid",
+ "pr_utime",
+ "pr_stime",
+ "pr_cutime",
+ "pr_cstime")
+class ESPCoreDumpSegment(esptool.ImageSegment):
+ """ Wrapper class for a program segment in an ELF image, has a section
+ name as well as the common properties of an ImageSegment. """
+ # segment flags
+ PF_X = 0x1 # Execute
+ PF_W = 0x2 # Write
+ PF_R = 0x4 # Read
+ def __init__(self, addr, data, type, flags):
+ super(ESPCoreDumpSegment, self).__init__(addr, data)
+ self.flags = flags
+ self.type = type
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "%s %s %s" % (self.type, self.attr_str(), super(ESPCoreDumpSegment, self).__repr__())
+ def attr_str(self):
+ str = ''
+ if self.flags & self.PF_R:
+ str += 'R'
+ else:
+ str += ' '
+ if self.flags & self.PF_W:
+ str += 'W'
+ else:
+ str += ' '
+ if self.flags & self.PF_X:
+ str += 'X'
+ else:
+ str += ' '
+ return str
+class ESPCoreDumpSection(esptool.ELFSection):
+ """
+ """
+ # section flags
+ SHF_WRITE = 0x1
+ SHF_ALLOC = 0x2
+ def __init__(self, name, addr, data, flags):
+ super(ESPCoreDumpSection, self).__init__(name, addr, data)
+ self.flags = flags
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "%s %s" % (super(ESPCoreDumpSection, self).__repr__(), self.attr_str())
+ def attr_str(self):
+ str = "R"
+ if self.flags & self.SHF_WRITE:
+ str += 'W'
+ else:
+ str += ' '
+ if self.flags & self.SHF_EXECINSTR:
+ str += 'X'
+ else:
+ str += ' '
+ if self.flags & self.SHF_ALLOC:
+ str += 'A'
+ else:
+ str += ' '
+ return str
+class ESPCoreDumpFile(esptool.ELFFile):
+ # ELF file type
+ ET_NONE = 0x0 # No file type
+ ET_REL = 0x1 # Relocatable file
+ ET_EXEC = 0x2 # Executable file
+ ET_DYN = 0x3 # Shared object file
+ ET_CORE = 0x4 # Core file
+ # ELF file version
+ EV_NONE = 0x0
+ EV_CURRENT = 0x1
+ # ELF file machine type
+ EM_NONE = 0x0
+ EM_XTENSA = 0x5E
+ # section types
+ # special section index
+ SHN_UNDEF = 0x0
+ # program segment types
+ PT_NULL = 0x0
+ PT_LOAD = 0x1
+ PT_DYNAMIC = 0x2
+ PT_INTERP = 0x3
+ PT_NOTE = 0x4
+ PT_SHLIB = 0x5
+ PT_PHDR = 0x6
+ def __init__(self, name=None):
+ if name:
+ super(ESPCoreDumpFile, self).__init__(name)
+ else:
+ self.sections = []
+ self.program_segments = []
+ self.e_type = self.ET_NONE
+ self.e_machine = self.EM_NONE
+ def _read_elf_file(self, f):
+ # read the ELF file header
+ try:
+ (ident,type,machine,_version,
+ self.entrypoint,phoff,shoff,_flags,
+ _ehsize, phentsize,phnum,_shentsize,
+ shnum,shstrndx) = struct.unpack("<16sHHLLLLLHHHHHH", f.read(LEN_FILE_HEADER))
+ except struct.error as e:
+ raise FatalError("Failed to read a valid ELF header from %s: %s" % (self.name, e))
+ if ident[0] != '\x7f' or ident[1:4] != 'ELF':
+ raise FatalError("%s has invalid ELF magic header" % self.name)
+ if machine != self.EM_XTENSA:
+ raise FatalError("%s does not appear to be an Xtensa ELF file. e_machine=%04x" % (self.name, machine))
+ self.e_type = type
+ self.e_machine = machine
+ if shnum > 0:
+ self._read_sections(f, shoff, shstrndx)
+ else:
+ self.sections = []
+ if phnum > 0:
+ self._read_program_segments(f, phoff, phentsize, phnum)
+ else:
+ self.program_segments = []
+ def _read_sections(self, f, section_header_offs, shstrndx):
+ f.seek(section_header_offs)
+ section_header = f.read()
+ if len(section_header) == 0:
+ raise FatalError("No section header found at offset %04x in ELF file." % section_header_offs)
+ if len(section_header) % LEN_SEC_HEADER != 0:
+ print 'WARNING: Unexpected ELF section header length %04x is not mod-%02x' % (len(section_header),LEN_SEC_HEADER)
+ # walk through the section header and extract all sections
+ section_header_offsets = range(0, len(section_header), LEN_SEC_HEADER)
+ def read_section_header(offs):
+ name_offs,sec_type,flags,lma,sec_offs,size = struct.unpack_from("<LLLLLL", section_header[offs:])
+ return (name_offs, sec_type, flags, lma, size, sec_offs)
+ all_sections = [read_section_header(offs) for offs in section_header_offsets]
+ prog_sections = [s for s in all_sections if s[1] == esptool.ELFFile.SEC_TYPE_PROGBITS]
+ # search for the string table section
+ if not shstrndx * LEN_SEC_HEADER in section_header_offsets:
+ raise FatalError("ELF file has no STRTAB section at shstrndx %d" % shstrndx)
+ _,sec_type,_,_,sec_size,sec_offs = read_section_header(shstrndx * LEN_SEC_HEADER)
+ if sec_type != esptool.ELFFile.SEC_TYPE_STRTAB:
+ print 'WARNING: ELF file has incorrect STRTAB section type 0x%02x' % sec_type
+ f.seek(sec_offs)
+ string_table = f.read(sec_size)
+ # build the real list of ELFSections by reading the actual section names from the
+ # string table section, and actual data for each section from the ELF file itself
+ def lookup_string(offs):
+ raw = string_table[offs:]
+ return raw[:raw.index('\x00')]
+ def read_data(offs,size):
+ f.seek(offs)
+ return f.read(size)
+ prog_sections = [ESPCoreDumpSection(lookup_string(n_offs), lma, read_data(offs, size), flags) for (n_offs, _type, flags, lma, size, offs) in prog_sections
+ if lma != 0]
+ self.sections = prog_sections
+ def _read_program_segments(self, f, seg_table_offs, entsz, num):
+ f.seek(seg_table_offs)
+ seg_table = f.read(entsz*num)
+ if len(seg_table) == 0:
+ raise FatalError("No program header table found at offset %04x in ELF file." % seg_table_offs)
+ if len(seg_table) % LEN_SEG_HEADER != 0:
+ print 'WARNING: Unexpected ELF program header table length %04x is not mod-%02x' % (len(seg_table),LEN_SEG_HEADER)
+ # walk through the program segment table and extract all segments
+ seg_table_offs = range(0, len(seg_table), LEN_SEG_HEADER)
+ def read_program_header(offs):
+ type,offset,vaddr,_paddr,filesz,_memsz,_flags,_align = struct.unpack_from("<LLLLLLLL", seg_table[offs:])
+ return (type,offset,vaddr,filesz)
+ all_segments = [read_program_header(offs) for offs in seg_table_offs]
+ prog_segments = [s for s in all_segments if s[0] == self.PT_LOAD]
+ # build the real list of ImageSegment by reading actual data for each segment from the ELF file itself
+ def read_data(offs,size):
+ f.seek(offs)
+ return f.read(size)
+ prog_segments = [esptool.ImageSegment(vaddr, read_data(offset, filesz), offset) for (_type, offset, vaddr, filesz) in prog_segments
+ if vaddr != 0]
+ self.program_segments = prog_segments
+# print "prog_segments=%s" % (self.program_segments)
+ # currently merging is not supported
+ def add_program_segment(self, addr, data, type, flags):
+ data_sz = len(data)
+ print "add_program_segment: %x %d" % (addr, data_sz)
+ # check for overlapping and merge if needed
+ if addr != 0 and data_sz != 0:
+ for ps in self.program_segments:
+ seg_len = len(ps.data)
+ if addr >= ps.addr and addr < (ps.addr + seg_len):
+ raise FatalError("Can not add overlapping region [%x..%x] to ELF file. Conflict with existing [%x..%x]." %
+ (addr, addr + data_sz - 1, ps.addr, ps.addr + seg_len - 1))
+ if (addr + data_sz) > ps.addr and (addr + data_sz) <= (ps.addr + seg_len):
+ raise FatalError("Can not add overlapping region [%x..%x] to ELF file. Conflict with existing [%x..%x]." %
+ (addr, addr + data_sz - 1, ps.addr, ps.addr + seg_len - 1))
+ # append
+ self.program_segments.append(ESPCoreDumpSegment(addr, data, type, flags))
+ # currently dumps only program segments.
+ # dumping sections is not supported yet
+ def dump(self, f):
+ print "dump to '%s'" % f
+ # write ELF header
+ ehdr = Elf32FileHeader()
+ ehdr.e_type = self.e_type
+ ehdr.e_machine = self.e_machine
+ ehdr.e_entry = 0
+ ehdr.e_phoff = ehdr.sizeof()
+ ehdr.e_shoff = 0
+ ehdr.e_flags = 0
+ ehdr.e_phentsize = Elf32ProgramHeader().sizeof()
+ ehdr.e_phnum = len(self.program_segments)
+ ehdr.e_shentsize = 0
+ ehdr.e_shnum = 0
+ ehdr.e_shstrndx = self.SHN_UNDEF
+ f.write(ehdr.dump())
+ # write program header table
+ cur_off = ehdr.e_ehsize + ehdr.e_phnum * ehdr.e_phentsize
+# print "" % (ehdr.e_ehsize, ehdr.e_phnum, ehdr.e_phentsize)
+ for i in range(len(self.program_segments)):
+ print "dump header for seg '%s'" % self.program_segments[i]
+ phdr = Elf32ProgramHeader()
+ phdr.p_type = self.program_segments[i].type
+ phdr.p_offset = cur_off
+ phdr.p_vaddr = self.program_segments[i].addr
+ phdr.p_paddr = phdr.p_vaddr # TODO
+ phdr.p_filesz = len(self.program_segments[i].data)
+ phdr.p_memsz = phdr.p_filesz # TODO
+ phdr.p_flags = self.program_segments[i].flags
+ phdr.p_align = 0 # TODO
+# print "header '%s'" % phdr
+ f.write(phdr.dump())
+ cur_off += phdr.p_filesz
+ # write program segments
+ for i in range(len(self.program_segments)):
+ print "dump seg '%s'" % self.program_segments[i]
+ f.write(self.program_segments[i].data)
+class ESPCoreDumpError(RuntimeError):
+ """
+ """
+ def __init__(self, message):
+ super(ESPCoreDumpError, self).__init__(message)
+class ESPCoreDumpLoaderError(ESPCoreDumpError):
+ """
+ """
+ def __init__(self, message):
+ super(ESPCoreDumpLoaderError, self).__init__(message)
+class ESPCoreDumpLoader(object):
+ """
+ """
+ def __init__(self, off, path=None, chip='esp32', port=None, baud=None):
+# print "esptool.__file__ %s" % esptool.__file__
+ if not path:
+ self.path = esptool.__file__
+ self.path = self.path[:-1]
+ else:
+ self.path = path
+ self.port = port
+ self.baud = baud
+ self.chip = chip
+ self.fcores = []
+ self.fgdbcore = None
+ self._load_coredump(off)
+ def _load_coredump(self, off):
+ args = [self.path, '-c', self.chip]
+ if self.port:
+ args.extend(['-p', self.port])
+ if self.baud:
+ args.extend(['-b', str(self.baud)])
+ read_sz = self.FLASH_READ_BLOCK_SZ
+ read_off = off
+ args.extend(['read_flash', str(read_off), str(read_sz), ''])
+ try:
+ dump_sz = 0
+ tot_len = 0
+ while True:
+ fhnd,fname = tempfile.mkstemp()
+# print "tmpname %s" % fname
+# os.close(fhnd)
+ args[-1] = fname
+ et_out = subprocess.check_output(args)
+ print et_out
+ # data = os.fdopen(fhnd, 'r').read(sz)
+ self.fcores.append(os.fdopen(fhnd, 'r'))
+ if dump_sz == 0:
+ # read dump length from the first block
+ dump_sz = self._read_core_dump_length(self.fcores[0])
+ tot_len += read_sz
+ if tot_len >= dump_sz:
+ break
+ read_off += read_sz
+ if dump_sz - tot_len >= self.FLASH_READ_BLOCK_SZ:
+ read_sz = self.FLASH_READ_BLOCK_SZ
+ else:
+ read_sz = dump_sz - tot_len
+ args[-3] = str(read_off)
+ args[-2] = str(read_sz)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ print "esptool script execution failed with err %d" % e.returncode
+ print "Command ran: '%s'" % e.cmd
+ print "Command out:"
+ print e.output
+ self.cleanup()
+ return []
+ def _read_core_dump_length(self, f):
+ print "Read core dump header from '%s'" % f.name
+ data = f.read(4*4)
+ mag1,tot_len,task_num,tcbsz = struct.unpack_from(ESP32_COREDUMP_HDR_FMT, data)
+ raise ESPCoreDumpLoaderError("Invalid start magic number!")
+ return tot_len
+ def remove_tmp_file(self, fname):
+ try:
+ os.remove(fname)
+ except OSError as e:
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ print "Warning failed to remove temp file '%s'!" % fname
+ def _get_registers_from_stack(self, data, grows_down):
+ # from "gdb/xtensa-tdep.h"
+ # typedef struct
+ # {
+ #0 xtensa_elf_greg_t pc;
+ #1 xtensa_elf_greg_t ps;
+ #2 xtensa_elf_greg_t lbeg;
+ #3 xtensa_elf_greg_t lend;
+ #4 xtensa_elf_greg_t lcount;
+ #5 xtensa_elf_greg_t sar;
+ #6 xtensa_elf_greg_t windowstart;
+ #7 xtensa_elf_greg_t windowbase;
+ #8..63 xtensa_elf_greg_t reserved[8+48];
+ #64 xtensa_elf_greg_t ar[64];
+ # } xtensa_elf_gregset_t;
+ # FIXME: acc to xtensa_elf_gregset_t number of regs must be 128,
+ # but gdb complanis when it less then 129
+ REG_NUM=129
+ regs = [0] * REG_NUM
+ # TODO: support for growing up stacks
+ if not grows_down:
+ print "Growing up stacks are not supported for now!"
+ return regs
+ # for i in range(REG_NUM):
+ # regs[i] = i
+ # return regs
+ ex_struct = "<%dL" % XT_STK_FRMSZ
+ if len(data) < struct.calcsize(ex_struct):
+ print "Too small stack to keep frame: %d bytes!" % len(data)
+ return regs
+ stack = struct.unpack(ex_struct, data[:struct.calcsize(ex_struct)])
+ # Stack frame type indicator is always the first item
+ rc = stack[XT_STK_EXIT]
+ if rc != 0:
+ print "EXCSTACKFRAME %d" % rc
+ regs[REG_PC_IDX] = stack[XT_STK_PC]
+ regs[REG_PS_IDX] = stack[XT_STK_PS]
+ for i in range(XT_STK_AR_NUM):
+ regs[REG_AR_START_IDX + i] = stack[XT_STK_AR_START + i]
+ regs[REG_SAR_IDX] = stack[XT_STK_SAR]
+ regs[REG_LB_IDX] = stack[XT_STK_LBEG]
+ regs[REG_LE_IDX] = stack[XT_STK_LEND]
+ regs[REG_LC_IDX] = stack[XT_STK_LCOUNT]
+ print "get_registers_from_stack: pc %x ps %x a0 %x a1 %x a2 %x a3 %x" % (
+ regs[REG_PC_IDX], regs[REG_PS_IDX], regs[REG_AR_NUM + 0],
+ regs[REG_AR_NUM + 1], regs[REG_AR_NUM + 2], regs[REG_AR_NUM + 3])
+ else:
+ print "SOLSTACKFRAME %d" % rc
+ regs[REG_PC_IDX] = stack[XT_SOL_PC]
+ regs[REG_PS_IDX] = stack[XT_SOL_PS]
+ for i in range(XT_SOL_AR_NUM):
+ regs[REG_AR_START_IDX + i] = stack[XT_SOL_AR_START + i]
+ nxt = stack[XT_SOL_NEXT]
+ print "get_registers_from_stack: pc %x ps %x a0 %x a1 %x a2 %x a3 %x" % (
+ regs[REG_PC_IDX], regs[REG_PS_IDX], regs[REG_AR_NUM + 0],
+ regs[REG_AR_NUM + 1], regs[REG_AR_NUM + 2], regs[REG_AR_NUM + 3])
+ # TODO: remove magic hack with saved PC to get proper value
+ regs[REG_PC_IDX] = ((regs[REG_PC_IDX] & 0x3FFFFFFF) | 0x40000000)
+ if regs[REG_PC_IDX] & 0x80000000:
+ regs[REG_PC_IDX] = (regs[REG_PC_IDX] & 0x3fffffff) | 0x40000000;
+ if regs[REG_AR_START_IDX + 0] & 0x80000000:
+ regs[REG_AR_START_IDX + 0] = (regs[REG_AR_START_IDX + 0] & 0x3fffffff) | 0x40000000;
+ return regs
+ def cleanup(self):
+# if self.fgdbcore:
+# self.fgdbcore.close()
+# self.remove_tmp_file(self.fgdbcore.name)
+ for f in self.fcores:
+ if f:
+ f.close()
+ self.remove_tmp_file(f.name)
+ def get_corefile_from_flash(self):
+ """ TBD
+ """
+ no_progress = True #False
+ if no_progress:
+ flash_progress = None
+ else:
+ def flash_progress(progress, length):
+ msg = '%d (%d %%)' % (progress, progress * 100.0 / length)
+ padding = '\b' * len(msg)
+ if progress == length:
+ padding = '\n'
+ sys.stdout.write(msg + padding)
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ core_off = 0
+ print "Read core dump header"
+ data = self.read_flash(core_off, ESP32_COREDUMP_HDR_SZ, flash_progress)
+ mag1,tot_len,task_num,tcbsz = struct.unpack_from(ESP32_COREDUMP_HDR_FMT, data)
+ tcbsz_aligned = tcbsz
+ if tcbsz_aligned % 4:
+ tcbsz_aligned = 4*(tcbsz_aligned/4 + 1)
+ print "mag1=%x, tot_len=%d, task_num=%d, tcbsz=%d" % (mag1,tot_len,task_num,tcbsz)
+ core_off += ESP32_COREDUMP_HDR_SZ
+ core_elf = ESPCoreDumpFile()
+ notes = b''
+ for i in range(task_num):
+ print "Read task[%d] header" % i
+ data = self.read_flash(core_off, ESP32_COREDUMP_TSK_HDR_SZ, flash_progress)
+ tcb_addr,stack_top,stack_end = struct.unpack_from(ESP32_COREDUMP_TSK_HDR_FMT, data)
+ if stack_end > stack_top:
+ stack_len = stack_end - stack_top
+ stack_base = stack_top
+ else:
+ stack_len = stack_top - stack_end
+ stack_base = stack_end
+ print "tcb_addr=%x, stack_top=%x, stack_end=%x, stack_len=%d" % (tcb_addr,stack_top,stack_end,stack_len)
+ stack_len_aligned = stack_len
+ if stack_len_aligned % 4:
+ stack_len_aligned = 4*(stack_len_aligned/4 + 1)
+ core_off += ESP32_COREDUMP_TSK_HDR_SZ
+ print "Read task[%d] TCB" % i
+ data = self.read_flash(core_off, tcbsz_aligned, flash_progress)
+ if tcbsz != tcbsz_aligned:
+ core_elf.add_program_segment(tcb_addr, data[:tcbsz - tcbsz_aligned], ESPCoreDumpFile.PT_LOAD, ESPCoreDumpSegment.PF_R | ESPCoreDumpSegment.PF_W)
+ else:
+ core_elf.add_program_segment(tcb_addr, data, ESPCoreDumpFile.PT_LOAD, ESPCoreDumpSegment.PF_R | ESPCoreDumpSegment.PF_W)
+ # print "tcb=%s" % data
+ core_off += tcbsz_aligned
+ print "Read task[%d] stack %d bytes" % (i,stack_len)
+ data = self.read_flash(core_off, stack_len_aligned, flash_progress)
+ # print "stk=%s" % data
+ if stack_len != stack_len_aligned:
+ data = data[:stack_len - stack_len_aligned]
+ core_elf.add_program_segment(stack_base, data, ESPCoreDumpFile.PT_LOAD, ESPCoreDumpSegment.PF_R | ESPCoreDumpSegment.PF_W)
+ core_off += stack_len_aligned
+ task_regs = self._get_registers_from_stack(data, stack_end > stack_top)
+ prstatus = XtensaPrStatus()
+ prstatus.pr_cursig = 0 # TODO: set sig only for current/failed task
+ prstatus.pr_pid = i # TODO: use pid assigned by OS
+ note = Elf32NoteDesc("CORE", 1, prstatus.dump() + struct.pack("<%dL" % len(task_regs), *task_regs)).dump()
+ print "NOTE_LEN %d" % len(note)
+ notes += note
+ print "Read core dump endmarker"
+ data = self.read_flash(core_off, ESP32_COREDUMP_MAGIC_SZ, flash_progress)
+ mag = struct.unpack_from(ESP32_COREDUMP_MAGIC_FMT, data)
+ print "mag2=%x" % (mag)
+ # add notes
+ core_elf.add_program_segment(0, notes, ESPCoreDumpFile.PT_NOTE, 0)
+ core_elf.e_type = ESPCoreDumpFile.ET_CORE
+ core_elf.e_machine = ESPCoreDumpFile.EM_XTENSA
+ fhnd,fname = tempfile.mkstemp()
+ self.fgdbcore = os.fdopen(fhnd, 'wb')
+ core_elf.dump(self.fgdbcore)
+ return fname
+ ######################### END ###########################
+ def read_flash(self, off, sz, progress=None):
+# print "read_flash: %x %d" % (off, sz)
+ id = off / self.FLASH_READ_BLOCK_SZ
+ if id >= len(self.fcores):
+ return ''
+ self.fcores[id].seek(off % self.FLASH_READ_BLOCK_SZ)
+ data = self.fcores[id].read(sz)
+# print "data1: %s" % data
+ return data
+class GDBMIOutRecordHandler(object):
+ """ TBD
+ """
+ TAG = ''
+ def __init__(self, f, verbose=False):
+ self.verbose = verbose
+ def execute(self, ln):
+ if self.verbose:
+ print "%s.execute '%s'" % (self.__class__.__name__, ln)
+class GDBMIOutStreamHandler(GDBMIOutRecordHandler):
+ """ TBD
+ """
+ def __init__(self, f, verbose=False):
+ super(GDBMIOutStreamHandler, self).__init__(None, verbose)
+ self.func = f
+ def execute(self, ln):
+ GDBMIOutRecordHandler.execute(self, ln)
+ if self.func:
+ # remove TAG / quotes and replace c-string \n with actual NL
+ self.func(ln[1:].strip('"').replace('\\n', '\n').replace('\\t', '\t'))
+class GDBMIResultHandler(GDBMIOutRecordHandler):
+ """ TBD
+ """
+ TAG = '^'
+ RC_DONE = 'done'
+ RC_RUNNING = 'running'
+ RC_CONNECTED = 'connected'
+ RC_ERROR = 'error'
+ RC_EXIT = 'exit'
+ def __init__(self, verbose=False):
+ super(GDBMIResultHandler, self).__init__(None, verbose)
+ self.result_class = None
+ self.result_str = None
+ def _parse_rc(self, ln, rc):
+ rc_str = "{0}{1}".format(self.TAG, rc)
+ if ln.startswith(rc_str):
+ self.result_class = rc
+ sl = len(rc_str)
+ if len(ln) > sl:
+ self.result_str = ln[sl:]
+ if self.result_str.startswith(','):
+ self.result_str = self.result_str[1:]
+ else:
+ print "Invalid result format: '%s'" % ln
+ else:
+ self.result_str = ''
+ return True
+ return False
+ def execute(self, ln):
+ GDBMIOutRecordHandler.execute(self, ln)
+ if self._parse_rc(ln, self.RC_DONE):
+ return
+ if self._parse_rc(ln, self.RC_RUNNING):
+ return
+ if self._parse_rc(ln, self.RC_CONNECTED):
+ return
+ if self._parse_rc(ln, self.RC_ERROR):
+ return
+ if self._parse_rc(ln, self.RC_EXIT):
+ return
+ print "Unknown result: '%s'" % ln
+class GDBMIStreamConsoleHandler(GDBMIOutStreamHandler):
+ """ TBD
+ """
+ TAG = '~'
+def dbg_corefile(args):
+ """ TBD
+ """
+ print "dbg_corefile %s %s %s" % (args.gdb, args.prog, args.core)
+ loader = None
+ if not args.core:
+ loader = ESPCoreDumpLoader(args.off, port=args.port)
+ core_fname = loader.get_corefile_from_flash()
+ loader.fgdbcore.close()
+# core_fname = 'esp_core.elf'
+ else:
+ core_fname = args.core
+# print core_fname
+# return
+ p = subprocess.Popen(
+ bufsize = 0,
+ args = [args.gdb,
+ '--nw', # ignore .gdbinit
+ '--core=%s' % core_fname, # core file
+ args.prog],
+ stdin = None, stdout = None, stderr = None,
+ close_fds = True
+ )
+ p.wait()
+ if loader:
+ loader.remove_tmp_file(loader.fgdbcore.name)
+ loader.cleanup()
+ print 'Done!'
+def info_corefile(args):
+# def info_corefile(args):
+ """ TBD
+ """
+ print "info_corefile %s %s %s" % (args.gdb, args.prog, args.core)
+ def gdbmi_console_stream_handler(ln):
+ # print ln
+ sys.stdout.write(ln)
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ def gdbmi_read2prompt(f, out_handlers=None):
+ """ TBD
+ """
+ while True:
+ ln = f.readline().rstrip(' \n')
+ # print "LINE='{0}'".format(ln)
+ if ln == '(gdb)':
+ break
+ elif len(ln) == 0:
+ break
+ elif out_handlers:
+ for h in out_handlers:
+ if ln.startswith(out_handlers[h].TAG):
+ out_handlers[h].execute(ln)
+ break
+ loader = None
+ if not args.core:
+ loader = ESPCoreDumpLoader(args.off, port=args.port)
+ core_fname = loader.get_corefile_from_flash()
+ loader.fgdbcore.close()
+ else:
+ core_fname = args.core
+ handlers = {}
+ handlers[GDBMIResultHandler.TAG] = GDBMIResultHandler(verbose=False)
+ handlers[GDBMIStreamConsoleHandler.TAG] = GDBMIStreamConsoleHandler(None, verbose=False)
+ p = subprocess.Popen(
+ bufsize = 0,
+ args = [args.gdb,
+ '--quiet', # inhibit dumping info at start-up
+ '--nx', # inhibit window interface
+ '--nw', # ignore .gdbinit
+ '--interpreter=mi2', # use GDB/MI v2
+ '--core=%s' % core_fname, # core file
+ args.prog],
+# ],
+ stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT,
+ close_fds = True
+ )
+ gdbmi_read2prompt(p.stdout, handlers)
+ exe_elf = ESPCoreDumpFile(args.prog)
+ core_elf = ESPCoreDumpFile(core_fname)
+ merged_segs = []#[(s, 0) for s in exe_elf.sections if s.flags & (esptool.ELFSection.SHF_ALLOC | esptool.ELFSection.SHF_WRITE)]
+ for s in exe_elf.sections:
+ merged = False
+ for ps in core_elf.program_segments:
+ if ps.addr <= s.addr and ps.addr + len(ps.data) >= s.addr:
+ # sec: |XXXXXXXXXX|
+ # seg: |...XXX.............|
+ seg_addr = ps.addr
+ if ps.addr + len(ps.data) <= s.addr + len(s.data):
+ # sec: |XXXXXXXXXX|
+ # seg: |XXXXXXXXXXX...|
+ # merged: |XXXXXXXXXXXXXX|
+ seg_len = len(s.data) + (s.addr - ps.addr)
+ else:
+ # sec: |XXXXXXXXXX|
+ seg_len = len(ps.data)
+ merged_segs.append((s.name, seg_addr, seg_len, s.attr_str(), True))
+ merged = True
+ elif ps.addr >= s.addr and ps.addr <= s.addr + len(s.data):
+ # sec: |XXXXXXXXXX|
+ # seg: |...XXX.............|
+ seg_addr = s.addr
+ if (ps.addr + len(ps.data)) >= (s.addr + len(s.data)):
+ # sec: |XXXXXXXXXX|
+ # seg: |..XXXXXXXXXXX|
+ # merged: |XXXXXXXXXXXXX|
+ seg_len = len(s.data) + (ps.addr + len(ps.data)) - (s.addr + len(s.data))
+ else:
+ # sec: |XXXXXXXXXX|
+ # seg: |XXXXXX|
+ # merged: |XXXXXXXXXX|
+ seg_len = len(s.data)
+ merged_segs.append((s.name, seg_addr, seg_len, s.attr_str(), True))
+ merged = True
+ if not merged:
+ merged_segs.append((s.name, s.addr, len(s.data), s.attr_str(), False))
+# merged_segs.append(('None', ps.addr, len(ps.data), 'None'))
+ print "==============================================================="
+ print "==================== ESP32 CORE DUMP START ===================="
+ handlers[GDBMIResultHandler.TAG].result_class = None
+ handlers[GDBMIStreamConsoleHandler.TAG].func = gdbmi_console_stream_handler
+ print "\n================== CURRENT THREAD REGISTERS ==================="
+ p.stdin.write("-interpreter-exec console \"info registers\"\n")
+ gdbmi_read2prompt(p.stdout, handlers)
+ if handlers[GDBMIResultHandler.TAG].result_class != GDBMIResultHandler.RC_DONE:
+ print "GDB/MI command failed (%s / %s)!" % (handlers[GDBMIResultHandler.TAG].result_class, handlers[GDBMIResultHandler.TAG].result_str)
+ print "\n==================== CURRENT THREAD STACK ====================="
+ p.stdin.write("-interpreter-exec console \"bt\"\n")
+ gdbmi_read2prompt(p.stdout, handlers)
+ if handlers[GDBMIResultHandler.TAG].result_class != GDBMIResultHandler.RC_DONE:
+ print "GDB/MI command failed (%s / %s)!" % (handlers[GDBMIResultHandler.TAG].result_class, handlers[GDBMIResultHandler.TAG].result_str)
+ print "\n======================== THREADS INFO ========================="
+ p.stdin.write("-interpreter-exec console \"info threads\"\n")
+ gdbmi_read2prompt(p.stdout, handlers)
+ if handlers[GDBMIResultHandler.TAG].result_class != GDBMIResultHandler.RC_DONE:
+ print "GDB/MI command failed (%s / %s)!" % (handlers[GDBMIResultHandler.TAG].result_class, handlers[GDBMIResultHandler.TAG].result_str)
+ print "\n======================= MEMORY REGIONS ========================"
+ print "Name Address Size Attrs"
+ for ms in merged_segs:
+ print "%s 0x%x 0x%x %s" % (ms[0], ms[1], ms[2], ms[3])
+ if args.print_mem:
+ print "\n====================== MEMORY CONTENTS ========================"
+ for ms in merged_segs:
+# if ms[3].find('W') == -1:
+ if not ms[4]:
+ continue
+ print "%s 0x%x 0x%x %s" % (ms[0], ms[1], ms[2], ms[3])
+ p.stdin.write("-interpreter-exec console \"x/%dx 0x%x\"\n" % (ms[2]/4, ms[1]))
+ gdbmi_read2prompt(p.stdout, handlers)
+ if handlers[GDBMIResultHandler.TAG].result_class != GDBMIResultHandler.RC_DONE:
+ print "GDB/MI command failed (%s / %s)!" % (handlers[GDBMIResultHandler.TAG].result_class, handlers[GDBMIResultHandler.TAG].result_str)
+ print "\n===================== ESP32 CORE DUMP END ====================="
+ print "==============================================================="
+ p.terminate()
+ p.stdin.close()
+ p.stdout.close()
+ if loader:
+ loader.remove_tmp_file(loader.fgdbcore.name)
+ loader.cleanup()
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='coredumper.py v%s - ESP32 Core Dump Utility' % __version__, prog='coredumper')
+ parser.add_argument('--chip', '-c',
+ help='Target chip type',
+ choices=['auto', 'esp32'],
+ default=os.environ.get('ESPTOOL_CHIP', 'auto'))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--port', '-p',
+ help='Serial port device',
+ default=os.environ.get('ESPTOOL_PORT', esptool.ESPLoader.DEFAULT_PORT))
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--baud', '-b',
+ help='Serial port baud rate used when flashing/reading',
+ type=int,
+ default=os.environ.get('ESPTOOL_BAUD', esptool.ESPLoader.ESP_ROM_BAUD))
+# parser.add_argument(
+# '--no-stub',
+# help="Disable launching the flasher stub, only talk to ROM bootloader. Some features will not be available.",
+# action='store_true')
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(
+ dest='operation',
+ help='Run coredumper {command} -h for additional help')
+ parser_debug_coredump = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'dbg_corefile',
+ help='Starts GDB debugging session with specified corefile')
+ parser_debug_coredump.add_argument('--gdb', '-g', help='Path to gdb', default='xtensa-esp32-elf-gdb')
+ parser_debug_coredump.add_argument('--core', '-c', help='Path to core dump file (if skipped core dump will be read from flash)', type=str)
+ parser_debug_coredump.add_argument('--off', '-o', help='Ofsset of coredump partition in flash (type "make partition_table" to see).', type=int, default=0x110000)
+ parser_debug_coredump.add_argument('prog', help='Path to program\'s ELF binary', type=str)
+ parser_info_coredump = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'info_corefile',
+ help='Print core dump info from file')
+ parser_info_coredump.add_argument('--gdb', '-g', help='Path to gdb', default='xtensa-esp32-elf-gdb')
+ parser_info_coredump.add_argument('--print-mem', '-m', help='Print memory dump', action='store_true')
+ parser_info_coredump.add_argument('--core', '-c', help='Path to core dump file (if skipped core dump will be read from flash)', type=str)
+ parser_info_coredump.add_argument('--off', '-o', help='Ofsset of coredump partition in flash (type "make partition_table" to see).', type=int, default=0x110000)
+ parser_info_coredump.add_argument('prog', help='Path to program\'s ELF binary', type=str)
+ # internal sanity check - every operation matches a module function of the same name
+ for operation in subparsers.choices.keys():
+ assert operation in globals(), "%s should be a module function" % operation
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ print 'coredumper.py v%s' % __version__
+ # operation function can take 1 arg (args), 2 args (esp, arg)
+ # or be a member function of the ESPLoader class.
+ operation_func = globals()[args.operation]
+ operation_func(args)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ try:
+ main()
+ except ESPCoreDumpError as e:
+ print '\nA fatal error occurred: %s' % e
+ sys.exit(2)