--- /dev/null
+set fn $argv
+set f [open $fn r]
+set d [read $f [file size $fn]]
+close $f
+regsub -all -- {[-= \t\n\r\"/]} $d {} d
+foreach {. c rgb r g b} [regexp -all -inline -- {e>(\w+)<\w+><\w+><\w+><\w+>(\w+)\((\d+),(\d+),(\d+)\)} $d] {
+ if {![string equal $rgb rgb]} {
+ puts stderr "non rgb color found: $c $rgb $r $g $b"
+ }
+ if {[info exists COLORS($c)]} {
+ foreach {rr gg bb} $COLORS($c) {break}
+ if {$r != $rr || $g != $gg || $b != $bb} {
+ puts "$c is not unique and rgb doesn't match: $r $g $b != $rr $gg $bb"
+ } {
+# puts "$c is not unique"
+ }
+ }
+ set COLORS($c) [list $r $g $b]
+set COLORS() [list svg rgb]
+set f [open inkpot_lib_svg.dat w]
+puts $f [array get COLORS]
+close $f
--- /dev/null
+set fn $argv
+set f [open $fn r]
+set d [read $f [file size $fn]]
+close $f
+foreach {. c r g b} [regexp -all -inline -- {\{ \"([^\"]+)\",\s+(\d+),\s+(\d+),\s+(\d+)\s+\},} $d] {
+ regsub -all -- { } $c {} c
+ set c [string tolower $c]
+ if {[info exists COLORS($c)]} {
+ foreach {rr gg bb} $COLORS($c) {break}
+ if {$r != $rr || $g != $gg || $b != $bb} {
+ puts "$c is not unique and rgb doesn't match: $r $g $b != $rr $gg $bb"
+ } {
+# puts "$c is not unique"
+ }
+ }
+ set COLORS($c) [list $r $g $b]
+set COLORS() [list tk rgb]
+set f [open inkpot_lib_tk.dat w]
+puts $f [array get COLORS]
+close $f
--- /dev/null
+set fn $argv
+set f [open $fn r]
+set d [read $f [file size $fn]]
+close $f
+foreach {rec} [split $d \n] {
+ if {[string length $rec] == 0} {continue}
+ if {[string first "!" $rec] == 0} {continue}
+ set rc [regexp -inline -- {\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(.*)} $rec]
+ foreach { . r g b c} $rc {break}
+ regsub -all -- { } $c {} c
+ set c [string tolower $c]
+ if {[info exists COLORS($c)]} {
+ foreach {rr gg bb} $COLORS($c) {break}
+ if {$r != $rr || $g != $gg || $b != $bb} {
+ puts "$c is not unique and rgb doesn't match: $r $g $b != $rr $gg $bb"
+ } {
+# puts "$c is not unique"
+ }
+ }
+ set COLORS($c) [list $r $g $b]
+set COLORS() [list x11 rgb]
+set f [open inkpot_lib_x11.dat w]
+puts $f [array get COLORS]
+close $f