Problem: ui_breakcheck() may be called recursively, which doesn't work.
Solution: When called recursively, just return. (James McCoy, closes #3617)
ui_breakcheck_force(int force)
- int save_updating_screen = updating_screen;
+ static int recursive = FALSE;
+ int save_updating_screen = updating_screen;
- /* We do not want gui_resize_shell() to redraw the screen here. */
+ // We could be called recursively if stderr is redirected, calling
+ // fill_input_buf() calls settmode() when stdin isn't a tty. settmode()
+ // calls vgetorpeek() which calls ui_breakcheck() again.
+ if (recursive)
+ return;
+ recursive = TRUE;
+ // We do not want gui_resize_shell() to redraw the screen here.
#ifdef FEAT_GUI
updating_screen = TRUE;
+ recursive = FALSE;
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 537,