void EmitClangAttrParsedAttrKinds(RecordKeeper &Records, raw_ostream &OS) {
emitSourceFileHeader("Attribute name matcher", OS);
- std::vector<Record*> Attrs = Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("Attr");
- std::vector<StringMatcher::StringPair> Matches;
+ std::vector<Record *> Attrs = Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("Attr");
+ std::vector<StringMatcher::StringPair> GNU, Declspec, CXX11, Keywords;
std::set<std::string> Seen;
for (std::vector<Record*>::iterator I = Attrs.begin(), E = Attrs.end();
I != E; ++I) {
bool SemaHandler = Attr.getValueAsBit("SemaHandler");
bool Ignored = Attr.getValueAsBit("Ignored");
if (SemaHandler || Ignored) {
- std::vector<Record*> Spellings = Attr.getValueAsListOfDefs("Spellings");
+ // Attribute spellings can be shared between target-specific attributes,
+ // and can be shared between syntaxes for the same attribute. For
+ // instance, an attribute can be spelled GNU<"interrupt"> for an ARM-
+ // specific attribute, or MSP430-specific attribute. Additionally, an
+ // attribute can be spelled GNU<"dllexport"> and Declspec<"dllexport">
+ // for the same semantic attribute. Ultimately, we need to map each of
+ // these to a single AttributeList::Kind value, but the StringMatcher
+ // class cannot handle duplicate match strings. So we generate a list of
+ // string to match based on the syntax, and emit multiple string matchers
+ // depending on the syntax used.
std::string AttrName;
if (Attr.isSubClassOf("TargetSpecificAttr") &&
!Attr.isValueUnset("ParseKind")) {
} else
AttrName = NormalizeAttrName(StringRef(Attr.getName())).str();
+ std::vector<Record*> Spellings = Attr.getValueAsListOfDefs("Spellings");
for (std::vector<Record*>::const_iterator I = Spellings.begin(),
E = Spellings.end(); I != E; ++I) {
std::string RawSpelling = (*I)->getValueAsString("Name");
- SmallString<64> Spelling;
- if ((*I)->getValueAsString("Variety") == "CXX11") {
+ std::vector<StringMatcher::StringPair> *Matches = 0;
+ std::string Spelling, Variety = (*I)->getValueAsString("Variety");
+ if (Variety == "CXX11") {
+ Matches = &CXX11;
Spelling += (*I)->getValueAsString("Namespace");
Spelling += "::";
- }
- Spelling += NormalizeAttrSpelling(RawSpelling);
+ } else if (Variety == "GNU")
+ Matches = &GNU;
+ else if (Variety == "Declspec")
+ Matches = &Declspec;
+ else if (Variety == "Keyword")
+ Matches = &Keywords;
+ assert(Matches && "Unsupported spelling variety found");
+ Spelling += NormalizeAttrSpelling(RawSpelling);
if (SemaHandler)
- Matches.push_back(
- StringMatcher::StringPair(
- StringRef(Spelling),
- "return AttributeList::AT_" + AttrName + ";"));
+ Matches->push_back(StringMatcher::StringPair(Spelling,
+ "return AttributeList::AT_" + AttrName + ";"));
- Matches.push_back(
- StringMatcher::StringPair(
- StringRef(Spelling),
- "return AttributeList::IgnoredAttribute;"));
+ Matches->push_back(StringMatcher::StringPair(Spelling,
+ "return AttributeList::IgnoredAttribute;"));
- OS << "static AttributeList::Kind getAttrKind(StringRef Name) {\n";
- StringMatcher("Name", Matches, OS).Emit();
- OS << "return AttributeList::UnknownAttribute;\n"
+ OS << "static AttributeList::Kind getAttrKind(StringRef Name, ";
+ OS << "AttributeList::Syntax Syntax) {\n";
+ OS << " if (AttributeList::AS_GNU == Syntax) {\n";
+ StringMatcher("Name", GNU, OS).Emit();
+ OS << " } else if (AttributeList::AS_Declspec == Syntax) {\n";
+ StringMatcher("Name", Declspec, OS).Emit();
+ OS << " } else if (AttributeList::AS_CXX11 == Syntax) {\n";
+ StringMatcher("Name", CXX11, OS).Emit();
+ OS << " } else if (AttributeList::AS_Keyword == Syntax) {\n";
+ StringMatcher("Name", Keywords, OS).Emit();
+ OS << " }\n";
+ OS << " return AttributeList::UnknownAttribute;\n"
<< "}\n";