+<description>This tuneable value specifies the maximum bucket size in bytes
+that the cache modules can be expected to process in one go.
+<syntax>CacheMaxBucketSize <var>integer</var></syntax>
+<default>CacheMaxBucketSize 16777216</default>
+<contextlist><context>server config</context><context>virtual host</context>
+<p>When caching large objects, such as disk images or video files, the
+cache modules may be expected to process a large bucket of the response
+in one go. This could lead to an out of memory condition, or could result
+in very slow response times to the client, as the large object is stored
+to disk.</p>
+<p>This will typically happen when an attempt is made to improve
+performance of an archive of large files stored on a slow disk, by
+caching often accessed files to a fast disk. To prevent this problem,
+large objects are split up before being processed into buckets of a
+maximum size set by this parameter.</p>
+<p>When the cache is used in front of a forward or reverse proxy, bucket
+sizes will typically be determined by the underlying network, and this
+option will have little or no effect.</p>
+<p>Setting this option to a low value will result in more buckets being
+processed by the server, which may lead to increased memory usage.
+Setting this option too high may cause an out of memory condition, or
+may cause long pauses during download as the large buckets are written
+to the cache disk.</p>
+<p>The default of 16MB should be sufficient for most applications.</p>
<description>Do not store the given HTTP header(s) in the cache.
+ * CACHE_SAVE - Do Store Body
+ *
+ * Run the store body hook, and pass the brigade further up the stack.
+ *
+ * We need a sanity check at this point. Buckets (specifically file
+ * buckets) can be of extremely large size, greater for example than
+ * available memory. Buckets may also take an extremely long time to
+ * be processed by the store_body() hook, long enough for a client
+ * request to time out before seeing any data.
+ *
+ * To simplify the code in each provider, and to prevent a provider from
+ * having to care whether it might try load a huge bucket into memory
+ * or have to save a huge bucket to disk at once, we split buckets in
+ * the brigade into manageable chunks, and deal with each chunk one at a
+ * time.
+ *
+ * Where possible inside the provider, the split brigade will be replaced
+ * by a file bucket from the cache. As file buckets are sent to the network
+ * using non blocking writes and setaside / queued if the network client is
+ * too slow, a slow network client will not hold up the writing to the cache.
+ */
+static int do_store_body(cache_request_rec *cache,
+ ap_filter_t *f,
+ apr_bucket_brigade *in) {
+ apr_bucket *e;
+ apr_bucket_brigade *bb;
+ apr_status_t rv, rv2;
+ cache_server_conf *conf;
+ conf = (cache_server_conf *) ap_get_module_config(f->r->server->module_config,
+ &cache_module);
+ /* try split any buckets larger than threshold */
+ rv = APR_SUCCESS; /* successful unless found otherwise */
+ rv2 = APR_SUCCESS;
+ if (conf->maxbucketsize > 0) {
+ while (e != APR_BRIGADE_SENTINEL(in)) {
+ /* if necessary, split the brigade and send what we have so far */
+ if (APR_SUCCESS == apr_bucket_split(e, conf->maxbucketsize)) {
+ bb = in;
+ in = apr_brigade_split(bb, e);
+ /* if store body fails, don't try store body again */
+ if (APR_SUCCESS == rv) {
+ rv = cache->provider->store_body(cache->handle, f->r, bb);
+ }
+ /* try write split brigade to the filter stack and network */
+ if (APR_SUCCESS == rv2) {
+ rv2 = ap_pass_brigade(f->next, bb);
+ }
+ apr_brigade_destroy(bb);
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* send whatever is left over to the cache */
+ if (APR_SUCCESS == rv) {
+ rv = cache->provider->store_body(cache->handle, f->r, in);
+ }
+ /* log any store body error we may have found */
+ if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
+ ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, rv, f->r->server,
+ "cache: store_body failed");
+ ap_remove_output_filter(f);
+ }
+ /* did our attempt to write to the network fail? */
+ if (APR_SUCCESS != rv2) {
+ return rv2;
+ }
+ return ap_pass_brigade(f->next, in);
* CACHE_SAVE filter
* ---------------
return ap_pass_brigade(f->next, bb);
+ /* Otherwise, if store_headers() failed on a fresh entry, bail out cleanly */
if(rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, rv, r->server,
"cache: store_headers failed");
return ap_pass_brigade(f->next, in);
- rv = cache->provider->store_body(cache->handle, r, in);
- if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
- ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, rv, r->server,
- "cache: store_body failed");
- ap_remove_output_filter(f);
- }
+ /* It's now time to store the body of the request in the cache (finally!). */
+ return do_store_body(cache, f, in);
- return ap_pass_brigade(f->next, in);
/* array of headers that should not be stored in cache */
ps->ignore_headers = apr_array_make(p, 10, sizeof(char *));
ps->ignore_headers_set = CACHE_IGNORE_HEADERS_UNSET;
+ ps->maxbucketsize = CACHE_MAX_BUCKET_SIZE;
+ ps->maxbucketsize_set = 0;
return ps;
(overrides->ignore_headers_set == CACHE_IGNORE_HEADERS_UNSET)
? base->ignore_headers
: overrides->ignore_headers;
+ ps->maxbucketsize = (overrides->maxbucketsize_set == 0) ? base->maxbucketsize : overrides->maxbucketsize;
return ps;
static const char *set_cache_ignore_no_last_mod(cmd_parms *parms, void *dummy,
return NULL;
+static const char
+*set_cache_maxbucketsize(cmd_parms *parms, void *in_struct_ptr, const char *arg)
+ cache_server_conf *conf = ap_get_module_config(parms->server->module_config,
+ &cache_module);
+ apr_off_t size;
+ if (apr_strtoff(&size, arg, NULL, 0) != APR_SUCCESS ||
+ size < 0)
+ {
+ return "CacheMaxBucketSize argument must be a non-negative integer in bytes. Set to 0 to disable.";
+ }
+ conf->maxbucketsize = (apr_size_t)size;
+ conf->maxbucketsize_set = 1;
+ return NULL;
static int cache_post_config(apr_pool_t *p, apr_pool_t *plog,
apr_pool_t *ptemp, server_rec *s)
AP_INIT_TAKE1("CacheLastModifiedFactor", set_cache_factor, NULL, RSRC_CONF,
"The factor used to estimate Expires date from "
"LastModified date"),
+ AP_INIT_TAKE1("CacheMaxBucketSize", set_cache_maxbucketsize, NULL, RSRC_CONF,
+ "A tuneable safety threshold to stop the cache trying to process "
+ "whole responses larger than RAM, or to to slow storage "
+ "in one go. Specified as bytes, defaults to 16MB. Set to zero "
+ "to disable."),