r"""Module doctest -- a framework for running examples in docstrings.
In simplest use, end each module M to be tested with:
def _test():
import doctest
- return doctest.testmod()
+ doctest.testmod()
if __name__ == "__main__":
it by passing "verbose=False". In either of those cases, sys.argv is not
examined by testmod.
-In any case, testmod returns a 2-tuple of ints (f, t), where f is the
-number of docstring examples that failed and t is the total number of
-docstring examples attempted.
There are a variety of other ways to run doctests, including integration
with the unittest framework, and support for running non-Python text
files containing doctests. There are also many ways to override parts
of doctest's default behaviors. See the Library Reference Manual for
-+ M.__doc__.
-+ f.__doc__ for all functions f in M.__dict__.values(), except those
- defined in other modules.
-+ C.__doc__ for all classes C in M.__dict__.values(), except those
- defined in other modules.
-+ If M.__test__ exists and "is true", it must be a dict, and
- each entry maps a (string) name to a function object, class object, or
- string. Function and class object docstrings found from M.__test__
- are searched, and strings are searched directly as if they were docstrings.
- In output, a key K in M.__test__ appears with name
- <name of M>.__test__.K
-Any classes found are recursively searched similarly, to test docstrings in
-their contained methods and nested classes.
-By default, each time testmod finds a docstring to test, it uses a *copy*
-of M's globals (so that running tests on a module doesn't change the
-module's real globals, and so that one test in M can't leave behind crumbs
-that accidentally allow another test to work). This means examples can
-freely use any names defined at top-level in M. It also means that sloppy
-imports (see above) can cause examples in external docstrings to use
-globals inappropriate for them.
-You can force use of your own dict as the execution context by passing
-"globs=your_dict" to testmod instead. Presumably this would be a copy of
-M.__dict__ merged with the globals from other imported modules.
-No problem, as long as the only output generated by the example is the
-traceback itself. For example:
- >>> [1, 2, 3].remove(42)
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
- ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list
- >>>
-Note that only the exception type and value are compared.
-Oh ya. It's easy! In most cases a copy-and-paste of an interactive
-console session works fine -- just make sure the leading whitespace is
-rigidly consistent (you can mix tabs and spaces if you're too lazy to do it
-right, but doctest is not in the business of guessing what you think a tab
- >>> # comments are ignored
- >>> x = 12
- >>> x
- 12
- >>> if x == 13:
- ... print "yes"
- ... else:
- ... print "no"
- ... print "NO"
- ... print "NO!!!"
- ...
- no
- NO
- NO!!!
- >>>
-Any expected output must immediately follow the final ">>>" or "..." line
-containing the code, and the expected output (if any) extends to the next
-">>>" or all-whitespace line. That's it.
-+ Output to stdout is captured, but not output to stderr (exception
- tracebacks are captured via a different means).
-+ If you continue a line via backslashing in an interactive session,
- or for any other reason use a backslash, you should use a raw
- docstring, which will preserve your backslahses exactly as you type
- them:
- >>> def f(x):
- ... r'''Backslashes in a raw docstring: m\n'''
- >>> print f.__doc__
- Backslashes in a raw docstring: m\n
- Otherwise, the backslash will be interpreted as part of the string.
- E.g., the "\n" above would be interpreted as a newline character.
- Alternatively, you can double each backslash in the doctest version
- (and not use a raw string):
- >>> def f(x):
- ... '''Backslashes in a raw docstring: m\\n'''
- >>> print f.__doc__
- Backslashes in a raw docstring: m\n
-The starting column doesn't matter:
->>> assert "Easy!"
- >>> import math
- >>> math.floor(1.9)
- 1.0
-and as many leading whitespace characters are stripped from the expected
-output as appeared in the initial ">>>" line that triggered it.
-If you execute this very file, the examples above will be found and
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText en'
__all__ = [