--- /dev/null
+//===- FileEntry.h ----------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMapInfo.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/Hashing.h"
+#include <functional>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <utility>
+namespace llvm {
+namespace gsym {
+/// Files in GSYM are contained in FileEntry structs where we split the
+/// directory and basename into two different strings in the string
+/// table. This allows paths to shared commont directory and filename
+/// strings and saves space.
+struct FileEntry {
+ /// Offsets in the string table.
+ /// @{
+ uint32_t Dir = 0;
+ uint32_t Base = 0;
+ /// @}
+ FileEntry() = default;
+ FileEntry(uint32_t D, uint32_t B) : Dir(D), Base(B) {}
+ // Implement operator== so that FileEntry can be used as key in
+ // unordered containers.
+ bool operator==(const FileEntry &RHS) const {
+ return Base == RHS.Base && Dir == RHS.Dir;
+ };
+ bool operator!=(const FileEntry &RHS) const {
+ return Base != RHS.Base || Dir != RHS.Dir;
+ };
+} // namespace gsym
+template <> struct DenseMapInfo<gsym::FileEntry> {
+ static inline gsym::FileEntry getEmptyKey() {
+ const auto key = DenseMapInfo<uint32_t>::getEmptyKey();
+ return gsym::FileEntry(key, key);
+ }
+ static inline gsym::FileEntry getTombstoneKey() {
+ const auto key = DenseMapInfo<uint32_t>::getTombstoneKey();
+ return gsym::FileEntry(key, key);
+ }
+ static unsigned getHashValue(const gsym::FileEntry &Val) {
+ return llvm::hash_combine(DenseMapInfo<uint32_t>::getHashValue(Val.Dir),
+ DenseMapInfo<uint32_t>::getHashValue(Val.Base));
+ }
+ static bool isEqual(const gsym::FileEntry &LHS, const gsym::FileEntry &RHS) {
+ return LHS == RHS;
+ }
+} // namespace llvm
--- /dev/null
+//===- FunctionInfo.h -------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/InlineInfo.h"
+#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/LineEntry.h"
+#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/Range.h"
+#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/StringTable.h"
+#include <tuple>
+#include <vector>
+namespace llvm {
+class raw_ostream;
+namespace gsym {
+/// Function information in GSYM files encodes information for one
+/// contiguous address range. The name of the function is encoded as
+/// a string table offset and allows multiple functions with the same
+/// name to share the name string in the string table. Line tables are
+/// stored in a sorted vector of gsym::LineEntry objects and are split
+/// into line tables for each function. If a function has a discontiguous
+/// range, it will be split into two gsym::FunctionInfo objects. If the
+/// function has inline functions, the information will be encoded in
+/// the "Inline" member, see gsym::InlineInfo for more information.
+struct FunctionInfo {
+ AddressRange Range;
+ uint32_t Name; ///< String table offset in the string table.
+ std::vector<gsym::LineEntry> Lines;
+ InlineInfo Inline;
+ FunctionInfo(uint64_t Addr = 0, uint64_t Size = 0, uint32_t N = 0)
+ : Range(Addr, Addr + Size), Name(N) {}
+ bool hasRichInfo() const {
+ /// Returns whether we have something else than range and name. When
+ /// converting information from a symbol table and from debug info, we
+ /// might end up with multiple FunctionInfo objects for the same range
+ /// and we need to be able to tell which one is the better object to use.
+ return !Lines.empty() || Inline.isValid();
+ }
+ bool isValid() const {
+ /// Address and size can be zero and there can be no line entries for a
+ /// symbol so the only indication this entry is valid is if the name is
+ /// not zero. This can happen when extracting information from symbol
+ /// tables that do not encode symbol sizes. In that case only the
+ /// address and name will be filled in.
+ return Name != 0;
+ }
+ uint64_t startAddress() const { return Range.startAddress(); }
+ uint64_t endAddress() const { return Range.endAddress(); }
+ uint64_t size() const { return Range.size(); }
+ void setStartAddress(uint64_t Addr) { Range.setStartAddress(Addr); }
+ void setEndAddress(uint64_t Addr) { Range.setEndAddress(Addr); }
+ void setSize(uint64_t Size) { Range.setSize(Size); }
+ void clear() {
+ Range.clear();
+ Name = 0;
+ Lines.clear();
+ Inline.clear();
+ }
+inline bool operator==(const FunctionInfo &LHS, const FunctionInfo &RHS) {
+ return LHS.Range == RHS.Range && LHS.Name == RHS.Name &&
+ LHS.Lines == RHS.Lines && LHS.Inline == RHS.Inline;
+inline bool operator!=(const FunctionInfo &LHS, const FunctionInfo &RHS) {
+ return !(LHS == RHS);
+/// This sorting will order things consistently by address range first, but then
+/// followed by inlining being valid and line tables. We might end up with a
+/// FunctionInfo from debug info that will have the same range as one from the
+/// symbol table, but we want to quickly be able to sort and use the best version
+/// when creating the final GSYM file.
+inline bool operator<(const FunctionInfo &LHS, const FunctionInfo &RHS) {
+ // First sort by address range
+ if (LHS.Range != RHS.Range)
+ return LHS.Range < RHS.Range;
+ // Then sort by inline
+ if (LHS.Inline.isValid() != RHS.Inline.isValid())
+ return RHS.Inline.isValid();
+ // If the number of lines is the same, then compare line table entries
+ if (LHS.Lines.size() == RHS.Lines.size())
+ return LHS.Lines < RHS.Lines;
+ // Then sort by number of line table entries (more is better)
+ return LHS.Lines.size() < RHS.Lines.size();
+raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const FunctionInfo &R);
+} // namespace gsym
+} // namespace llvm
--- /dev/null
+//===- InlineInfo.h ---------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
+#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/Range.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <vector>
+namespace llvm {
+class raw_ostream;
+namespace gsym {
+/// Inline information stores the name of the inline function along with
+/// an array of address ranges. It also stores the call file and call line
+/// that called this inline function. This allows us to unwind inline call
+/// stacks back to the inline or concrete function that called this
+/// function. Inlined functions contained in this function are stored in the
+/// "Children" variable. All address ranges must be sorted and all address
+/// ranges of all children must be contained in the ranges of this function.
+/// Any clients that encode information will need to ensure the ranges are
+/// all contined correctly or lookups could fail. Add ranges in these objects
+/// must be contained in the top level FunctionInfo address ranges as well.
+struct InlineInfo {
+ uint32_t Name; ///< String table offset in the string table.
+ uint32_t CallFile; ///< 1 based file index in the file table.
+ uint32_t CallLine; ///< Source line number.
+ AddressRanges Ranges;
+ std::vector<InlineInfo> Children;
+ InlineInfo() : Name(0), CallFile(0), CallLine(0) {}
+ void clear() {
+ Name = 0;
+ CallFile = 0;
+ CallLine = 0;
+ Ranges.clear();
+ Children.clear();
+ }
+ bool isValid() const { return !Ranges.empty(); }
+ /// Lookup an address in the InlineInfo object
+ ///
+ /// This function is used to symbolicate an inline call stack and can
+ /// turn one address in the program into one or more inline call stacks
+ /// and have the stack trace show the original call site from
+ /// non-inlined code.
+ ///
+ /// \param Addr the address to lookup
+ /// \param InlineStack a vector of InlineInfo objects that describe the
+ /// inline call stack for a given address.
+ ///
+ /// \returns true if successful, false otherwise
+ typedef std::vector<const InlineInfo *> InlineArray;
+ llvm::Optional<InlineArray> getInlineStack(uint64_t Addr) const;
+inline bool operator==(const InlineInfo &LHS, const InlineInfo &RHS) {
+ return LHS.Name == RHS.Name && LHS.CallFile == RHS.CallFile &&
+ LHS.CallLine == RHS.CallLine && LHS.Ranges == RHS.Ranges &&
+ LHS.Children == RHS.Children;
+raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const InlineInfo &FI);
+} // namespace gsym
+} // namespace llvm
--- /dev/null
+//===- LineEntry.h ----------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/Range.h"
+namespace llvm {
+namespace gsym {
+/// Line entries are used to encode the line tables in FunctionInfo objects.
+/// They are stored as a sorted vector of these objects and store the
+/// address, file and line of the line table row for a given address. The
+/// size of a line table entry is calculated by looking at the next entry
+/// in the FunctionInfo's vector of entries.
+struct LineEntry {
+ uint64_t Addr; ///< Start address of this line entry.
+ uint32_t File; ///< 1 based index of file in FileTable
+ uint32_t Line; ///< Source line number.
+ LineEntry(uint64_t A = 0, uint32_t F = 0, uint32_t L = 0)
+ : Addr(A), File(F), Line(L) {}
+ bool isValid() { return File != 0; }
+inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const LineEntry &LE) {
+ return OS << "addr=" << HEX64(LE.Addr) << ", file=" << format("%3u", LE.File)
+ << ", line=" << format("%3u", LE.Line);
+inline bool operator==(const LineEntry &LHS, const LineEntry &RHS) {
+ return LHS.Addr == RHS.Addr && LHS.File == RHS.File && LHS.Line == RHS.Line;
+inline bool operator!=(const LineEntry &LHS, const LineEntry &RHS) {
+ return !(LHS == RHS);
+inline bool operator<(const LineEntry &LHS, const LineEntry &RHS) {
+ return LHS.Addr < RHS.Addr;
+} // namespace gsym
+} // namespace llvm
--- /dev/null
+//===- AddressRange.h -------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <vector>
+#define HEX8(v) llvm::format_hex(v, 4)
+#define HEX16(v) llvm::format_hex(v, 6)
+#define HEX32(v) llvm::format_hex(v, 10)
+#define HEX64(v) llvm::format_hex(v, 18)
+namespace llvm {
+class raw_ostream;
+namespace gsym {
+/// A class that represents an address range. The range is specified using
+/// a start and an end address.
+class AddressRange {
+ uint64_t Start;
+ uint64_t End;
+ AddressRange(uint64_t S = 0, uint64_t E = 0) : Start(S), End(E) {}
+ /// Access to the size must use the size() accessor to ensure the correct
+ /// answer. This allows an AddressRange to be constructed with invalid
+ /// address ranges where the end address is less that the start address
+ /// either because it was not set, or because of incorrect data.
+ uint64_t size() const { return Start < End ? End - Start : 0; }
+ void setStartAddress(uint64_t Addr) { Start = Addr; }
+ void setEndAddress(uint64_t Addr) { End = Addr; }
+ void setSize(uint64_t Size) { End = Start + Size; }
+ uint64_t startAddress() const { return Start; }
+ /// Access to the end address must use the size() accessor to ensure the
+ /// correct answer. This allows an AddressRange to be constructed with
+ /// invalid address ranges where the end address is less that the start
+ /// address either because it was not set, or because of incorrect data.
+ uint64_t endAddress() const { return Start + size(); }
+ void clear() {
+ Start = 0;
+ End = 0;
+ }
+ bool contains(uint64_t Addr) const { return Start <= Addr && Addr < endAddress(); }
+ bool isContiguousWith(const AddressRange &R) const {
+ return (Start <= R.endAddress()) && (endAddress() >= R.Start);
+ }
+ bool intersects(const AddressRange &R) const {
+ return (Start < R.endAddress()) && (endAddress() > R.Start);
+ }
+ bool intersect(const AddressRange &R) {
+ if (intersects(R)) {
+ Start = std::min<uint64_t>(Start, R.Start);
+ End = std::max<uint64_t>(endAddress(), R.endAddress());
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+inline bool operator==(const AddressRange &LHS, const AddressRange &RHS) {
+ return LHS.startAddress() == RHS.startAddress() && LHS.endAddress() == RHS.endAddress();
+inline bool operator!=(const AddressRange &LHS, const AddressRange &RHS) {
+ return LHS.startAddress() != RHS.startAddress() || LHS.endAddress() != RHS.endAddress();
+inline bool operator<(const AddressRange &LHS, const AddressRange &RHS) {
+ if (LHS.startAddress() == RHS.startAddress())
+ return LHS.endAddress() < RHS.endAddress();
+ return LHS.startAddress() < RHS.startAddress();
+inline bool operator<(const AddressRange &LHS, uint64_t Addr) {
+ return LHS.startAddress() < Addr;
+inline bool operator<(uint64_t Addr, const AddressRange &RHS) {
+ return Addr < RHS.startAddress();
+raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const AddressRange &R);
+/// The AddressRanges class helps normalize address range collections.
+/// This class keeps a sorted vector of AddressRange objects and can perform
+/// insertions and searches efficiently. The address ranges are always sorted
+/// and never contain any invalid or empty address ranges. This allows us to
+/// emit address ranges into the GSYM file efficiently. Intersecting address
+/// ranges are combined during insertion so that we can emit the most compact
+/// representation for address ranges when writing to disk.
+class AddressRanges {
+ typedef std::vector<AddressRange> Collection;
+ Collection Ranges;
+ void clear() { Ranges.clear(); }
+ bool empty() const { return Ranges.empty(); }
+ bool contains(uint64_t Addr) const;
+ void insert(const AddressRange &R);
+ size_t size() const { return Ranges.size(); }
+ bool operator==(const AddressRanges &RHS) const {
+ return Ranges == RHS.Ranges;
+ }
+ const AddressRange &operator[](size_t i) const {
+ assert(i < Ranges.size());
+ return Ranges[i];
+ }
+ Collection::const_iterator begin() const { return Ranges.begin(); }
+ Collection::const_iterator end() const { return Ranges.end(); }
+raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const AddressRanges &AR);
+} // namespace gsym
+} // namespace llvm
+#endif // #ifndef LLVM_DEBUGINFO_GSYM_RANGE_H
--- /dev/null
+//===- StringTable.h --------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/Range.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string>
+namespace llvm {
+namespace gsym {
+/// String tables in GSYM files are required to start with an empty
+/// string at offset zero. Strings must be UTF8 NULL terminated strings.
+struct StringTable {
+ StringRef Data;
+ StringTable() : Data() {}
+ StringTable(StringRef D) : Data(D) {}
+ StringRef operator[](size_t Offset) const { return getString(Offset); }
+ StringRef getString(uint32_t Offset) const {
+ if (Offset < Data.size()) {
+ auto End = Data.find('\0', Offset);
+ return Data.substr(Offset, End - Offset);
+ }
+ return StringRef();
+ }
+ void clear() { Data = StringRef(); }
+inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const StringTable &S) {
+ OS << "String table:\n";
+ uint32_t Offset = 0;
+ const size_t Size = S.Data.size();
+ while (Offset < Size) {
+ StringRef Str = S.getString(Offset);
+ OS << HEX32(Offset) << ": \"" << Str << "\"\n";
+ Offset += Str.size() + 1;
+ }
+ return OS;
+} // namespace gsym
+} // namespace llvm
--- /dev/null
+ FunctionInfo.cpp
+ InlineInfo.cpp
+ Range.cpp
+ ${LLVM_MAIN_INCLUDE_DIR}/llvm/DebugInfo
+ )
--- /dev/null
+//===- FunctionInfo.cpp -----------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/FunctionInfo.h"
+using namespace llvm;
+using namespace gsym;
+raw_ostream &llvm::gsym::operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const FunctionInfo &FI) {
+ OS << '[' << HEX64(FI.Range.startAddress()) << '-'
+ << HEX64(FI.Range.endAddress()) << "): "
+ << "Name=" << HEX32(FI.Name) << '\n';
+ for (const auto &Line : FI.Lines)
+ OS << Line << '\n';
+ OS << FI.Inline;
+ return OS;
--- /dev/null
+//===- InlineInfo.cpp -------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/FileEntry.h"
+#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/InlineInfo.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+using namespace llvm;
+using namespace gsym;
+raw_ostream &llvm::gsym::operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const InlineInfo &II) {
+ if (!II.isValid())
+ return OS;
+ bool First = true;
+ for (auto Range : II.Ranges) {
+ if (First)
+ First = false;
+ else
+ OS << ' ';
+ OS << Range;
+ }
+ OS << " Name = " << HEX32(II.Name) << ", CallFile = " << II.CallFile
+ << ", CallLine = " << II.CallFile << '\n';
+ for (const auto &Child : II.Children)
+ OS << Child;
+ return OS;
+static bool getInlineStackHelper(const InlineInfo &II, uint64_t Addr,
+ std::vector<const InlineInfo *> &InlineStack) {
+ if (II.Ranges.contains(Addr)) {
+ // If this is the top level that represents the concrete function,
+ // there will be no name and we shoud clear the inline stack. Otherwise
+ // we have found an inline call stack that we need to insert.
+ if (II.Name != 0)
+ InlineStack.insert(InlineStack.begin(), &II);
+ for (const auto &Child : II.Children) {
+ if (::getInlineStackHelper(Child, Addr, InlineStack))
+ break;
+ }
+ return !InlineStack.empty();
+ }
+ return false;
+llvm::Optional<InlineInfo::InlineArray> InlineInfo::getInlineStack(uint64_t Addr) const {
+ InlineArray Result;
+ if (getInlineStackHelper(*this, Addr, Result))
+ return Result;
+ return llvm::None;
--- /dev/null
+//===- Range.cpp ------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/Range.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+using namespace llvm;
+using namespace gsym;
+void AddressRanges::insert(const AddressRange &Range) {
+ if (Range.size() == 0)
+ return;
+ // Ranges.insert(std::upper_bound(Ranges.begin(), Ranges.end(), Range), Range);
+ // // Check if an existing range intersects with this range, and if so,
+ // // grow the intersecting ranges instead of adding a new one.
+ auto Begin = Ranges.begin();
+ auto End = Ranges.end();
+ const auto Iter = std::upper_bound(Begin, End, Range);
+ if (Iter != Begin) {
+ auto PrevIter = Iter - 1;
+ // If the previous range itersects with "Range" they will be combined.
+ if (PrevIter->intersect(Range)) {
+ // Now check if the previous range intersects with the next range since
+ // the previous range was combined. If so, combine them and remove the
+ // next range.
+ if (PrevIter->intersect(*Iter))
+ Ranges.erase(Iter);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // If the next range intersects with "Range", combined and return.
+ if (Iter != End && Iter->intersect(Range))
+ return;
+ Ranges.insert(Iter, Range);
+bool AddressRanges::contains(uint64_t Addr) const {
+ if (Ranges.empty())
+ return false;
+ auto Begin = Ranges.begin();
+ auto Pos = std::upper_bound(Begin, Ranges.end(), Addr);
+ if (Pos == Begin)
+ return false;
+ --Pos;
+ return Pos->contains(Addr);
+raw_ostream &llvm::gsym::operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const AddressRange &R) {
+ return OS << '[' << HEX64(R.startAddress()) << " - " << HEX64(R.endAddress())
+ << ")";
+raw_ostream &llvm::gsym::operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const AddressRanges &AR) {
+ size_t Size = AR.size();
+ for (size_t I=0; I<Size; ++I) {
+ if (I)
+ OS << ' ';
+ OS << AR[I];
+ }
+ return OS;
--- /dev/null
+ AsmPrinter
+ DebugInfoGSYM
+ MC
+ Object
+ ObjectYAML
+ Support
+ )
+ GSYMTest.cpp
+ )
+target_link_libraries(DebugInfoGSYMTests PRIVATE LLVMTestingSupport)
--- /dev/null
+//===- llvm/unittest/DebugInfo/GSYMTest.cpp -------------------------------===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
+#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/FileEntry.h"
+#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/FunctionInfo.h"
+#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/InlineInfo.h"
+#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/Range.h"
+#include "llvm/DebugInfo/GSYM/StringTable.h"
+#include "llvm/Testing/Support/Error.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+using namespace llvm;
+using namespace gsym;
+TEST(GSYMTest, TestFileEntry) {
+ // Make sure default constructed GSYM FileEntry has zeroes in the
+ // directory and basename string table indexes.
+ FileEntry empty1;
+ FileEntry empty2;
+ EXPECT_EQ(empty1.Dir, 0u);
+ EXPECT_EQ(empty1.Base, 0u);
+ // Verify equality operator works
+ FileEntry a1(10,30);
+ FileEntry a2(10,30);
+ FileEntry b(10,40);
+ EXPECT_EQ(empty1, empty2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(a1, a2);
+ EXPECT_NE(a1, b);
+ EXPECT_NE(a1, empty1);
+ // Test we can use llvm::gsym::FileEntry in llvm::DenseMap.
+ DenseMap<FileEntry, uint32_t> EntryToIndex;
+ constexpr uint32_t Index1 = 1;
+ constexpr uint32_t Index2 = 1;
+ auto R = EntryToIndex.insert(std::make_pair(a1, Index1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(R.second);
+ EXPECT_EQ(R.first->second, Index1);
+ R = EntryToIndex.insert(std::make_pair(a1, Index1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(R.second);
+ EXPECT_EQ(R.first->second, Index1);
+ R = EntryToIndex.insert(std::make_pair(b, Index2));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(R.second);
+ EXPECT_EQ(R.first->second, Index2);
+ R = EntryToIndex.insert(std::make_pair(a1, Index2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(R.second);
+ EXPECT_EQ(R.first->second, Index2);
+TEST(GSYMTest, TestFunctionInfo) {
+ // Test GSYM FunctionInfo structs and functionality.
+ FunctionInfo invalid;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(invalid.isValid());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(invalid.hasRichInfo());
+ const uint64_t StartAddr = 0x1000;
+ const uint64_t EndAddr = 0x1100;
+ const uint64_t Size = EndAddr - StartAddr;
+ const uint32_t NameOffset = 30;
+ FunctionInfo FI(StartAddr, Size, NameOffset);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FI.isValid());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(FI.hasRichInfo());
+ EXPECT_EQ(FI.startAddress(), StartAddr);
+ EXPECT_EQ(FI.endAddress(), EndAddr);
+ EXPECT_EQ(FI.size(), Size);
+ const uint32_t FileIdx = 1;
+ const uint32_t Line = 12;
+ FI.Lines.push_back(LineEntry(StartAddr,FileIdx,Line));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(FI.hasRichInfo());
+ FI.clear();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(FI.isValid());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(FI.hasRichInfo());
+ FunctionInfo A1(0x1000, 0x100, NameOffset);
+ FunctionInfo A2(0x1000, 0x100, NameOffset);
+ FunctionInfo B;
+ // Check == operator
+ EXPECT_EQ(A1, A2);
+ // Make sure things are not equal if they only differ by start address.
+ B = A2;
+ B.setStartAddress(0x2000);
+ // Make sure things are not equal if they only differ by size.
+ B = A2;
+ B.setSize(0x101);
+ // Make sure things are not equal if they only differ by name.
+ B = A2;
+ B.Name = 60;
+ // Check < operator.
+ // Check less than where address differs.
+ B = A2;
+ B.setStartAddress(A2.startAddress() + 0x1000);
+ // We use the < operator to take a variety of different FunctionInfo
+ // structs from a variety of sources: symtab, debug info, runtime info
+ // and we sort them and want the sorting to allow us to quickly get the
+ // best version of a function info.
+ FunctionInfo FISymtab(StartAddr, Size, NameOffset);
+ FunctionInfo FIWithLines(StartAddr, Size, NameOffset);
+ FIWithLines.Lines.push_back(LineEntry(StartAddr,FileIdx,Line));
+ // Test that a FunctionInfo with just a name and size is less than one
+ // that has name, size and any number of line table entries
+ EXPECT_LT(FISymtab, FIWithLines);
+ FunctionInfo FIWithLinesAndInline = FIWithLines;
+ FIWithLinesAndInline.Inline.Ranges.insert(AddressRange(StartAddr, StartAddr + 0x10));
+ // Test that a FunctionInfo with name, size, and line entries is less than
+ // the same one with valid inline info
+ EXPECT_LT(FIWithLines, FIWithLinesAndInline);
+ // Test if we have an entry with lines and one with more lines for the same
+ // range, the ones with more lines is greater than the one with less.
+ FunctionInfo FIWithMoreLines = FIWithLines;
+ FIWithMoreLines.Lines.push_back(LineEntry(StartAddr,FileIdx,Line+5));
+ EXPECT_LT(FIWithLines, FIWithMoreLines);
+ // Test that if we have the same number of lines we compare the line entries
+ // in the FunctionInfo.Lines vector.
+ FunctionInfo FIWithLinesWithHigherAddress = FIWithLines;
+ FIWithLinesWithHigherAddress.Lines[0].Addr += 0x10;
+ EXPECT_LT(FIWithLines, FIWithLinesWithHigherAddress);
+TEST(GSYMTest, TestInlineInfo) {
+ // Test InlineInfo structs.
+ InlineInfo II;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(II.isValid());
+ II.Ranges.insert(AddressRange(0x1000,0x2000));
+ // Make sure InlineInfo in valid with just an address range since
+ // top level InlineInfo objects have ranges with no name, call file
+ // or call line
+ EXPECT_TRUE(II.isValid());
+ // Make sure InlineInfo isn't after being cleared.
+ II.clear();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(II.isValid());
+ // Create an InlineInfo that contains the following data. The
+ // indentation of the address range indicates the parent child
+ // relationships of the InlineInfo objects:
+ //
+ // Variable Range and values
+ // =========== ====================================================
+ // Root [0x100-0x200) (no name, file, or line)
+ // Inline1 [0x150-0x160) Name = 1, File = 1, Line = 11
+ // Inline1Sub1 [0x152-0x155) Name = 2, File = 2, Line = 22
+ // Inline1Sub2 [0x157-0x158) Name = 3, File = 3, Line = 33
+ InlineInfo Root;
+ Root.Ranges.insert(AddressRange(0x100,0x200));
+ InlineInfo Inline1;
+ Inline1.Ranges.insert(AddressRange(0x150,0x160));
+ Inline1.Name = 1;
+ Inline1.CallFile = 1;
+ Inline1.CallLine = 11;
+ InlineInfo Inline1Sub1;
+ Inline1Sub1.Ranges.insert(AddressRange(0x152, 0x155));
+ Inline1Sub1.Name = 2;
+ Inline1Sub1.CallFile = 2;
+ Inline1Sub1.CallLine = 22;
+ InlineInfo Inline1Sub2;
+ Inline1Sub2.Ranges.insert(AddressRange(0x157,0x158));
+ Inline1Sub2.Name = 3;
+ Inline1Sub2.CallFile = 3;
+ Inline1Sub2.CallLine = 33;
+ Inline1.Children.push_back(Inline1Sub1);
+ Inline1.Children.push_back(Inline1Sub2);
+ Root.Children.push_back(Inline1);
+ // Make sure an address that is out of range won't match
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Root.getInlineStack(0x50));
+ // Verify that we get no inline stacks for addresses out of [0x100-0x200)
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Root.getInlineStack(Root.Ranges[0].startAddress()-1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Root.getInlineStack(Root.Ranges[0].endAddress()));
+ // Verify we get no inline stack entries for addresses that are in
+ // [0x100-0x200) but not in [0x150-0x160)
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Root.getInlineStack(Inline1.Ranges[0].startAddress()-1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Root.getInlineStack(Inline1.Ranges[0].endAddress()));
+ // Verify we get one inline stack entry for addresses that are in
+ // [[0x150-0x160)) but not in [0x152-0x155) or [0x157-0x158)
+ auto InlineInfos = Root.getInlineStack(Inline1.Ranges[0].startAddress());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(InlineInfos);
+ ASSERT_EQ(InlineInfos->size(), 1u);
+ ASSERT_EQ(*InlineInfos->at(0), Inline1);
+ InlineInfos = Root.getInlineStack(Inline1.Ranges[0].endAddress()-1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(InlineInfos);
+ ASSERT_EQ(InlineInfos->size(), 1u);
+ ASSERT_EQ(*InlineInfos->at(0), Inline1);
+ // Verify we get two inline stack entries for addresses that are in
+ // [0x152-0x155)
+ InlineInfos = Root.getInlineStack(Inline1Sub1.Ranges[0].startAddress());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(InlineInfos);
+ ASSERT_EQ(InlineInfos->size(), 2u);
+ ASSERT_EQ(*InlineInfos->at(0), Inline1Sub1);
+ ASSERT_EQ(*InlineInfos->at(1), Inline1);
+ InlineInfos = Root.getInlineStack(Inline1Sub1.Ranges[0].endAddress()-1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(InlineInfos);
+ ASSERT_EQ(InlineInfos->size(), 2u);
+ ASSERT_EQ(*InlineInfos->at(0), Inline1Sub1);
+ ASSERT_EQ(*InlineInfos->at(1), Inline1);
+ // Verify we get two inline stack entries for addresses that are in
+ // [0x157-0x158)
+ InlineInfos = Root.getInlineStack(Inline1Sub2.Ranges[0].startAddress());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(InlineInfos);
+ ASSERT_EQ(InlineInfos->size(), 2u);
+ ASSERT_EQ(*InlineInfos->at(0), Inline1Sub2);
+ ASSERT_EQ(*InlineInfos->at(1), Inline1);
+ InlineInfos = Root.getInlineStack(Inline1Sub2.Ranges[0].endAddress()-1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(InlineInfos);
+ ASSERT_EQ(InlineInfos->size(), 2u);
+ ASSERT_EQ(*InlineInfos->at(0), Inline1Sub2);
+ ASSERT_EQ(*InlineInfos->at(1), Inline1);
+TEST(GSYMTest, TestLineEntry) {
+ // test llvm::gsym::LineEntry structs.
+ const uint64_t ValidAddr = 0x1000;
+ const uint64_t InvalidFileIdx = 0;
+ const uint32_t ValidFileIdx = 1;
+ const uint32_t ValidLine = 5;
+ LineEntry Invalid;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Invalid.isValid());
+ // Make sure that an entry is invalid if it has a bad file index.
+ LineEntry BadFile(ValidAddr, InvalidFileIdx, ValidLine);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(BadFile.isValid());
+ // Test operators
+ LineEntry E1(ValidAddr, ValidFileIdx, ValidLine);
+ LineEntry E2(ValidAddr, ValidFileIdx, ValidLine);
+ LineEntry DifferentAddr(ValidAddr+1, ValidFileIdx, ValidLine);
+ LineEntry DifferentFile(ValidAddr, ValidFileIdx+1, ValidLine);
+ LineEntry DifferentLine(ValidAddr, ValidFileIdx, ValidLine+1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(E1.isValid());
+ EXPECT_EQ(E1, E2);
+ EXPECT_NE(E1, DifferentAddr);
+ EXPECT_NE(E1, DifferentFile);
+ EXPECT_NE(E1, DifferentLine);
+ EXPECT_LT(E1, DifferentAddr);
+TEST(GSYMTest, TestRanges) {
+ // test llvm::gsym::AddressRange.
+ const uint64_t StartAddr = 0x1000;
+ const uint64_t EndAddr = 0x2000;
+ // Verify constructor and API to ensure it takes start and end address.
+ const AddressRange Range(StartAddr, EndAddr);
+ EXPECT_EQ(Range.startAddress(), StartAddr);
+ EXPECT_EQ(Range.endAddress(), EndAddr);
+ EXPECT_EQ(Range.size(), EndAddr-StartAddr);
+ // Verify llvm::gsym::AddressRange::contains().
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Range.contains(0));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Range.contains(StartAddr-1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Range.contains(StartAddr));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Range.contains(EndAddr-1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Range.contains(EndAddr));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Range.contains(UINT64_MAX));
+ const AddressRange RangeSame(StartAddr, EndAddr);
+ const AddressRange RangeDifferentStart(StartAddr+1, EndAddr);
+ const AddressRange RangeDifferentEnd(StartAddr, EndAddr+1);
+ const AddressRange RangeDifferentStartEnd(StartAddr+1, EndAddr+1);
+ // Test == and != with values that are the same
+ EXPECT_EQ(Range, RangeSame);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Range != RangeSame);
+ // Test == and != with values that are the different
+ EXPECT_NE(Range, RangeDifferentStart);
+ EXPECT_NE(Range, RangeDifferentEnd);
+ EXPECT_NE(Range, RangeDifferentStartEnd);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Range == RangeDifferentStart);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Range == RangeDifferentEnd);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Range == RangeDifferentStartEnd);
+ // Test "bool operator<(const AddressRange &, const AddressRange &)".
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Range < RangeSame);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(RangeSame < Range);
+ EXPECT_LT(Range, RangeDifferentStart);
+ EXPECT_LT(Range, RangeDifferentEnd);
+ EXPECT_LT(Range, RangeDifferentStartEnd);
+ // Test "bool operator<(const AddressRange &, uint64_t)"
+ EXPECT_LT(Range, StartAddr + 1);
+ // Test "bool operator<(uint64_t, const AddressRange &)"
+ EXPECT_LT(StartAddr - 1, Range);
+ // Verify llvm::gsym::AddressRange::isContiguousWith() and
+ // llvm::gsym::AddressRange::intersects().
+ const AddressRange EndsBeforeRangeStart(0, StartAddr-1);
+ const AddressRange EndsAtRangeStart(0, StartAddr);
+ const AddressRange OverlapsRangeStart(StartAddr-1, StartAddr+1);
+ const AddressRange InsideRange(StartAddr+1, EndAddr-1);
+ const AddressRange OverlapsRangeEnd(EndAddr-1, EndAddr+1);
+ const AddressRange StartsAtRangeEnd(EndAddr, EndAddr+0x100);
+ const AddressRange StartsAfterRangeEnd(EndAddr+1, EndAddr+0x100);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Range.isContiguousWith(EndsBeforeRangeStart));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Range.isContiguousWith(EndsAtRangeStart));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Range.isContiguousWith(OverlapsRangeStart));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Range.isContiguousWith(InsideRange));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Range.isContiguousWith(OverlapsRangeEnd));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Range.isContiguousWith(StartsAtRangeEnd));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Range.isContiguousWith(StartsAfterRangeEnd));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Range.intersects(EndsBeforeRangeStart));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Range.intersects(EndsAtRangeStart));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Range.intersects(OverlapsRangeStart));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Range.intersects(InsideRange));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Range.intersects(OverlapsRangeEnd));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Range.intersects(StartsAtRangeEnd));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Range.intersects(StartsAfterRangeEnd));
+ // Test the functions that maintain GSYM address ranges:
+ // "bool AddressRange::contains(uint64_t Addr) const;"
+ // "void AddressRanges::insert(const AddressRange &R);"
+ AddressRanges Ranges;
+ Ranges.insert(AddressRange(0x1000, 0x2000));
+ Ranges.insert(AddressRange(0x2000, 0x3000));
+ Ranges.insert(AddressRange(0x4000, 0x5000));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Ranges.contains(0));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Ranges.contains(0x1000-1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Ranges.contains(0x1000));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Ranges.contains(0x2000));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Ranges.contains(0x4000));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Ranges.contains(0x2000-1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Ranges.contains(0x3000-1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Ranges.contains(0x3000+1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(Ranges.contains(0x5000-1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Ranges.contains(0x5000+1));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(Ranges.contains(UINT64_MAX));
+ // Verify that intersecting ranges get combined
+ Ranges.clear();
+ Ranges.insert(AddressRange(0x1100, 0x1F00));
+ // Verify a wholy contained range that is added doesn't do anything.
+ Ranges.insert(AddressRange(0x1500, 0x1F00));
+ EXPECT_EQ(Ranges.size(), 1u);
+ EXPECT_EQ(Ranges[0], AddressRange(0x1100, 0x1F00));
+ // Verify a range that starts before and intersects gets combined.
+ Ranges.insert(AddressRange(0x1000, Ranges[0].startAddress()+1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(Ranges.size(), 1u);
+ EXPECT_EQ(Ranges[0], AddressRange(0x1000, 0x1F00));
+ // Verify a range that starts inside and extends ranges gets combined.
+ Ranges.insert(AddressRange(Ranges[0].endAddress()-1, 0x2000));
+ EXPECT_EQ(Ranges.size(), 1u);
+ EXPECT_EQ(Ranges[0], AddressRange(0x1000, 0x2000));
+ // Verify that adjacent ranges don't get combined
+ Ranges.insert(AddressRange(0x2000, 0x3000));
+ EXPECT_EQ(Ranges.size(), 2u);
+ EXPECT_EQ(Ranges[0], AddressRange(0x1000, 0x2000));
+ EXPECT_EQ(Ranges[1], AddressRange(0x2000, 0x3000));
+ // Verify if we add an address range that intersects two ranges
+ // that they get combined
+ Ranges.insert(AddressRange(Ranges[0].endAddress()-1,
+ Ranges[1].startAddress()+1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(Ranges.size(), 1u);
+ EXPECT_EQ(Ranges[0], AddressRange(0x1000, 0x3000));
+TEST(GSYMTest, TestStringTable) {
+ StringTable StrTab(StringRef("\0Hello\0World\0", 13));
+ // Test extracting strings from a string table.
+ EXPECT_EQ(StrTab.getString(0), "");
+ EXPECT_EQ(StrTab.getString(1), "Hello");
+ EXPECT_EQ(StrTab.getString(7), "World");
+ EXPECT_EQ(StrTab.getString(8), "orld");
+ // Test pointing to last NULL terminator gets empty string.
+ EXPECT_EQ(StrTab.getString(12), "");
+ // Test pointing to past end gets empty string.
+ EXPECT_EQ(StrTab.getString(13), "");