class OnlyEquality(object):
def __eq__(self, other):
return self is other
+ # Trick to suppress Py3k warning in 2.x
+ __hash__ = None
+del OnlyEquality.__hash__
class OnlyInequality(object):
def __ne__(self, other):
class OnlyCmp(object):
def __cmp__(self, other):
return cmp(id(self), id(other))
+ # Trick to suppress Py3k warning in 2.x
+ __hash__ = None
+del OnlyCmp.__hash__
class InheritedHashWithEquality(FixedHash, OnlyEquality): pass
class InheritedHashWithInequality(FixedHash, OnlyInequality): pass
class HashInheritanceTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
default_expected = [object(),
+ OnlyEquality(),
+ OnlyInequality(),
+ OnlyCmp(),
fixed_expected = [FixedHash(),
- # TODO: Change these to expecting an exception
- # when forward porting to Py3k
- warning_expected = [OnlyEquality(),
- OnlyInequality(),
- OnlyCmp(),
- ]
error_expected = [NoHash()]
def test_default_hash(self):
for obj in self.fixed_expected:
self.assertEqual(hash(obj), _FIXED_HASH_VALUE)
- def test_warning_hash(self):
- for obj in self.warning_expected:
- # TODO: Check for the expected Py3k warning here
- obj_hash = hash(obj)
- self.assertEqual(obj_hash, _default_hash(obj))
def test_error_hash(self):
for obj in self.error_expected:
self.assertRaises(TypeError, hash, obj)
def test_hashable(self):
objects = (self.default_expected +
- self.fixed_expected +
- self.warning_expected)
+ self.fixed_expected)
for obj in objects:
self.assert_(isinstance(obj, Hashable), repr(obj))
class TestPy3KWarnings(unittest.TestCase):
+ def assertWarning(self, _, warning, expected_message):
+ self.assertEqual(str(warning.message), expected_message)
def test_backquote(self):
expected = 'backquote not supported in 3.x; use repr()'
with catch_warning() as w:
with catch_warning() as w:
safe_exec("True = False")
self.assertWarning(None, w, expected)
+ w.reset()
safe_exec("False = True")
self.assertWarning(None, w, expected)
+ w.reset()
safe_exec("obj.False = True")
except NameError: pass
self.assertWarning(None, w, expected)
+ w.reset()
safe_exec("obj.True = False")
except NameError: pass
self.assertWarning(None, w, expected)
+ w.reset()
safe_exec("def False(): pass")
self.assertWarning(None, w, expected)
+ w.reset()
safe_exec("def True(): pass")
self.assertWarning(None, w, expected)
+ w.reset()
safe_exec("class False: pass")
self.assertWarning(None, w, expected)
+ w.reset()
safe_exec("class True: pass")
self.assertWarning(None, w, expected)
+ w.reset()
safe_exec("def f(True=43): pass")
self.assertWarning(None, w, expected)
+ w.reset()
safe_exec("def f(False=None): pass")
self.assertWarning(None, w, expected)
+ w.reset()
self.assertWarning(None, w, expected)
+ w.reset()
self.assertWarning(None, w, expected)
expected = 'type inequality comparisons not supported in 3.x'
with catch_warning() as w:
self.assertWarning(int < str, w, expected)
+ w.reset()
self.assertWarning(type < object, w, expected)
def test_object_inequality_comparisons(self):
expected = 'comparing unequal types not supported in 3.x'
with catch_warning() as w:
self.assertWarning(str < [], w, expected)
+ w.reset()
self.assertWarning(object() < (1, 2), w, expected)
def test_dict_inequality_comparisons(self):
expected = 'dict inequality comparisons not supported in 3.x'
with catch_warning() as w:
self.assertWarning({} < {2:3}, w, expected)
+ w.reset()
self.assertWarning({} <= {}, w, expected)
+ w.reset()
self.assertWarning({} > {2:3}, w, expected)
+ w.reset()
self.assertWarning({2:3} >= {}, w, expected)
def test_cell_inequality_comparisons(self):
cell1, = f(1).func_closure
with catch_warning() as w:
self.assertWarning(cell0 == cell1, w, expected)
+ w.reset()
self.assertWarning(cell0 < cell1, w, expected)
def test_code_inequality_comparisons(self):
with catch_warning() as w:
self.assertWarning(f.func_code < g.func_code, w, expected)
+ w.reset()
self.assertWarning(f.func_code <= g.func_code, w, expected)
+ w.reset()
self.assertWarning(f.func_code >= g.func_code, w, expected)
+ w.reset()
self.assertWarning(f.func_code > g.func_code, w, expected)
def test_builtin_function_or_method_comparisons(self):
meth = {}.get
with catch_warning() as w:
self.assertWarning(func < meth, w, expected)
+ w.reset()
self.assertWarning(func > meth, w, expected)
+ w.reset()
self.assertWarning(meth <= func, w, expected)
+ w.reset()
self.assertWarning(meth >= func, w, expected)
- def assertWarning(self, _, warning, expected_message):
- self.assertEqual(str(warning.message), expected_message)
def test_sort_cmp_arg(self):
expected = "the cmp argument is not supported in 3.x"
lst = range(5)
with catch_warning() as w:
self.assertWarning(lst.sort(cmp=cmp), w, expected)
+ w.reset()
self.assertWarning(sorted(lst, cmp=cmp), w, expected)
+ w.reset()
self.assertWarning(lst.sort(cmp), w, expected)
+ w.reset()
self.assertWarning(sorted(lst, cmp), w, expected)
def test_sys_exc_clear(self):
self.assertWarning(None, w, expected)
def test_buffer(self):
- expected = 'buffer() not supported in 3.x; use memoryview()'
+ expected = 'buffer() not supported in 3.x'
with catch_warning() as w:
self.assertWarning(buffer('a'), w, expected)
with catch_warning() as w:
self.assertWarning(f.xreadlines(), w, expected)
+ def test_hash_inheritance(self):
+ with catch_warning() as w:
+ # With object as the base class
+ class WarnOnlyCmp(object):
+ def __cmp__(self, other): pass
+ self.assertEqual(len(w.warnings), 1)
+ self.assertWarning(None, w,
+ "Overriding __cmp__ blocks inheritance of __hash__ in 3.x")
+ w.reset()
+ class WarnOnlyEq(object):
+ def __eq__(self, other): pass
+ self.assertEqual(len(w.warnings), 1)
+ self.assertWarning(None, w,
+ "Overriding __eq__ blocks inheritance of __hash__ in 3.x")
+ w.reset()
+ class WarnCmpAndEq(object):
+ def __cmp__(self, other): pass
+ def __eq__(self, other): pass
+ self.assertEqual(len(w.warnings), 2)
+ self.assertWarning(None, w.warnings[-2],
+ "Overriding __cmp__ blocks inheritance of __hash__ in 3.x")
+ self.assertWarning(None, w,
+ "Overriding __eq__ blocks inheritance of __hash__ in 3.x")
+ w.reset()
+ class NoWarningOnlyHash(object):
+ def __hash__(self): pass
+ self.assertEqual(len(w.warnings), 0)
+ # With an intermediate class in the heirarchy
+ class DefinesAllThree(object):
+ def __cmp__(self, other): pass
+ def __eq__(self, other): pass
+ def __hash__(self): pass
+ class WarnOnlyCmp(DefinesAllThree):
+ def __cmp__(self, other): pass
+ self.assertEqual(len(w.warnings), 1)
+ self.assertWarning(None, w,
+ "Overriding __cmp__ blocks inheritance of __hash__ in 3.x")
+ w.reset()
+ class WarnOnlyEq(DefinesAllThree):
+ def __eq__(self, other): pass
+ self.assertEqual(len(w.warnings), 1)
+ self.assertWarning(None, w,
+ "Overriding __eq__ blocks inheritance of __hash__ in 3.x")
+ w.reset()
+ class WarnCmpAndEq(DefinesAllThree):
+ def __cmp__(self, other): pass
+ def __eq__(self, other): pass
+ self.assertEqual(len(w.warnings), 2)
+ self.assertWarning(None, w.warnings[-2],
+ "Overriding __cmp__ blocks inheritance of __hash__ in 3.x")
+ self.assertWarning(None, w,
+ "Overriding __eq__ blocks inheritance of __hash__ in 3.x")
+ w.reset()
+ class NoWarningOnlyHash(DefinesAllThree):
+ def __hash__(self): pass
+ self.assertEqual(len(w.warnings), 0)
class TestStdlibRemovals(unittest.TestCase):