return TokenGroup.get_tokens(self._tu, self.extent)
- def get_field_offsetof(self):
- """Returns the offsetof the FIELD_DECL pointed by this Cursor."""
- return conf.lib.clang_Cursor_getOffsetOfField(self)
- def is_anonymous(self):
- """
- Check if the record is anonymous.
- """
- if self.kind == CursorKind.FIELD_DECL:
- return self.type.get_declaration().is_anonymous()
- return conf.lib.clang_Cursor_isAnonymous(self)
def is_bitfield(self):
Check if the field is a bitfield.
return RefQualifierKind.from_id(
- def get_fields(self):
- """Return an iterator for accessing the fields of this type."""
- def visitor(field, children):
- assert field != conf.lib.clang_getNullCursor()
- # Create reference to TU so it isn't GC'd before Cursor.
- field._tu = self._tu
- fields.append(field)
- return 1 # continue
- fields = []
- conf.lib.clang_Type_visitFields(self,
- callbacks['fields_visit'](visitor), fields)
- return iter(fields)
def spelling(self):
"""Retrieve the spelling of this Type."""
callbacks['translation_unit_includes'] = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_object_p,
POINTER(SourceLocation), c_uint, py_object)
callbacks['cursor_visit'] = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, Cursor, Cursor, py_object)
-callbacks['fields_visit'] = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, Cursor, py_object)
# Functions strictly alphabetical order.
functionList = [
[Cursor, c_uint],
- ("clang_Cursor_isAnonymous",
- [Cursor],
- bool),
- ("clang_Cursor_getOffsetOfField",
- [Cursor],
- c_longlong),
- ("clang_Type_visitFields",
- [Type, callbacks['fields_visit'], py_object],
- c_uint),
class LibclangError(Exception):
"""Ensure Cursor.get_record_field_offset works in anonymous records"""
struct Test {
- struct {int a;} typeanon;
struct {
int bariton;
union {
int bar;
- tries=[(['-target','i386-linux-gnu'],(4,16,0,32,64,96)),
- (['-target','nvptx64-unknown-unknown'],(8,24,0,32,64,96)),
- (['-target','i386-pc-win32'],(8,16,0,32,64,96)),
- (['-target','msp430-none-none'],(2,14,0,32,64,96))]
+ tries=[(['-target','i386-linux-gnu'],(4,16,0,32,64)),
+ (['-target','nvptx64-unknown-unknown'],(8,24,0,32,64)),
+ (['-target','i386-pc-win32'],(8,16,0,32,64)),
+ (['-target','msp430-none-none'],(2,14,0,32,64))]
for flags, values in tries:
- align,total,f1,bariton,foo,bar = values
+ align,total,bariton,foo,bar = values
tu = get_tu(source)
teststruct = get_cursor(tu, 'Test')
- children = list(teststruct.get_children())
- fields = list(teststruct.type.get_fields())
- assert children[0].kind == CursorKind.STRUCT_DECL
- assert children[0].spelling != "typeanon"
- assert children[1].spelling == "typeanon"
- assert fields[0].kind == CursorKind.FIELD_DECL
- assert fields[1].kind == CursorKind.FIELD_DECL
- assert fields[1].is_anonymous()
- assert teststruct.type.get_offset("typeanon") == f1
+ fields = list(teststruct.get_children())
assert teststruct.type.get_offset("bariton") == bariton
assert teststruct.type.get_offset("foo") == foo
assert teststruct.type.get_offset("bar") == bar
* compatible, thus CINDEX_VERSION_MAJOR is expected to remain stable.
#define CINDEX_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor) ( \
((major) * 10000) \
CINDEX_LINKAGE long long clang_Type_getOffsetOf(CXType T, const char *S);
- * \brief Return the offset of the field represented by the Cursor.
- *
- * If the cursor is not a field declaration, -1 is returned.
- * If the cursor semantic parent is not a record field declaration,
- * CXTypeLayoutError_Invalid is returned.
- * If the field's type declaration is an incomplete type,
- * CXTypeLayoutError_Incomplete is returned.
- * If the field's type declaration is a dependent type,
- * CXTypeLayoutError_Dependent is returned.
- * If the field's name S is not found,
- * CXTypeLayoutError_InvalidFieldName is returned.
- */
-CINDEX_LINKAGE long long clang_Cursor_getOffsetOfField(CXCursor C);
- * \brief Determine whether the given cursor represents an anonymous record
- * declaration.
- */
-CINDEX_LINKAGE unsigned clang_Cursor_isAnonymous(CXCursor C);
enum CXRefQualifierKind {
/** \brief No ref-qualifier was provided. */
CXRefQualifier_None = 0,
CXSourceLocation clang_indexLoc_getCXSourceLocation(CXIdxLoc loc);
- * \brief Visitor invoked for each field found by a traversal.
- *
- * This visitor function will be invoked for each field found by
- * clang_visitCursorFields(). Its first argument is the cursor being
- * visited, its second argument is the client data provided to
- * clang_visitCursorFields().
- *
- * The visitor should return one of the \c CXVisitorResult values
- * to direct clang_visitCursorFields().
- */
-typedef enum CXVisitorResult (*CXFieldVisitor)(CXCursor C,
- CXClientData client_data);
- * \brief Visit the fields of a particular type.
- *
- * This function visits all the direct fields of the given cursor,
- * invoking the given \p visitor function with the cursors of each
- * visited field. The traversal may be ended prematurely, if
- * the visitor returns \c CXFieldVisit_Break.
- *
- * \param T the record type whose field may be visited.
- *
- * \param visitor the visitor function that will be invoked for each
- * field of \p T.
- *
- * \param client_data pointer data supplied by the client, which will
- * be passed to the visitor each time it is invoked.
- *
- * \returns a non-zero value if the traversal was terminated
- * prematurely by the visitor returning \c CXFieldVisit_Break.
- */
-CINDEX_LINKAGE unsigned clang_Type_visitFields(CXType T,
- CXFieldVisitor visitor,
- CXClientData client_data);
* @}
int foo;
struct {
-//CHECK64: FieldDecl=bar:[[@LINE+1]]:11 (Definition) [type=int] [typekind=Int] [sizeof=4] [alignof=4] [offsetof=32/0]
+//CHECK64: FieldDecl=bar:[[@LINE+1]]:11 (Definition) [type=int] [typekind=Int] [sizeof=4] [alignof=4] [offsetof=32]
int bar;
struct {
struct {
-//CHECK64: FieldDecl=foobar:[[@LINE+1]]:15 (Definition) [type=int] [typekind=Int] [sizeof=4] [alignof=4] [offsetof=64/0]
+//CHECK64: FieldDecl=foobar:[[@LINE+1]]:15 (Definition) [type=int] [typekind=Int] [sizeof=4] [alignof=4] [offsetof=64]
int foobar;
struct {
struct {
struct {
-//CHECK64: FieldDecl=s4_e1:[[@LINE+1]]:17 (Definition) [type=int] [typekind=Int] [sizeof=4] [alignof=4] [offsetof=-1/0]
int s4_e1;
struct Blob {
int i;
- int j;
int Blob::*member_pointer;
// CHECK: NonTypeTemplateParameter=U:8:32 (Definition) [type=unsigned int] [typekind=UInt] [isPOD=1]
// CHECK: TemplateTemplateParameter=W:8:60 (Definition) [type=] [typekind=Invalid] [isPOD=0]
// CHECK: Namespace=inner:14:11 (Definition) [type=] [typekind=Invalid] [isPOD=0]
-// CHECK: StructDecl=Bar:16:8 (Definition) [type=outer::inner::Bar] [typekind=Record] [isPOD=0] [nbFields=3]
+// CHECK: StructDecl=Bar:16:8 (Definition) [type=outer::inner::Bar] [typekind=Record] [isPOD=0]
// CHECK: CXXConstructor=Bar:17:3 (Definition) [type=void (outer::Foo<bool> *){{.*}}] [typekind=FunctionProto] [canonicaltype=void (outer::Foo<bool> *){{.*}}] [canonicaltypekind=FunctionProto] [resulttype=void] [resulttypekind=Void] [args= [outer::Foo<bool> *] [Pointer]] [isPOD=0]
// CHECK: ParmDecl=foo:17:25 (Definition) [type=outer::Foo<bool> *] [typekind=Pointer] [canonicaltype=outer::Foo<bool> *] [canonicaltypekind=Pointer] [isPOD=1] [pointeetype=outer::Foo<bool>] [pointeekind=Unexposed]
// CHECK: NamespaceRef=outer:1:11 [type=] [typekind=Invalid] [isPOD=0]
// CHECK: DeclStmt= [type=] [typekind=Invalid] [isPOD=0]
// CHECK: VarDecl=variable_array:43:47 (Definition) [type=int [i]] [typekind=VariableArray] [isPOD=1]
// CHECK: DeclRefExpr=i:43:14 [type=int] [typekind=Int] [isPOD=1]
-// CHECK: StructDecl=Blob:45:8 (Definition) [type=Blob] [typekind=Record] [isPOD=1] [nbFields=2]
+// CHECK: StructDecl=Blob:45:8 (Definition) [type=Blob] [typekind=Record] [isPOD=1]
// CHECK: FieldDecl=i:46:7 (Definition) [type=int] [typekind=Int] [isPOD=1]
// CHECK: VarDecl=member_pointer:48:12 (Definition) [type=int Blob::*] [typekind=MemberPointer] [isPOD=1]
-static enum CXVisitorResult FieldVisitor(CXCursor C,
- CXClientData client_data) {
- (*(int *) client_data)+=1;
- return CXVisit_Continue;
static enum CXChildVisitResult PrintType(CXCursor cursor, CXCursor p,
CXClientData d) {
if (!clang_isInvalid(clang_getCursorKind(cursor))) {
PrintTypeAndTypeKind(PT, " [pointeetype=%s] [pointeekind=%s]");
- /* Print the number of fields if they exist. */
- {
- int numFields = 0;
- if (clang_Type_visitFields(T, FieldVisitor, &numFields)){
- if (numFields != 0) {
- printf(" [nbFields=%d]", numFields);
- }
- /* Print if it is an anonymous record. */
- {
- unsigned isAnon = clang_Cursor_isAnonymous(cursor);
- if (isAnon != 0) {
- printf(" [isAnon=%d]", isAnon);
- }
- }
- }
- }
CXString FieldSpelling = clang_getCursorSpelling(cursor);
const char *FieldName = clang_getCString(FieldSpelling);
- /* recurse to get the first parent record that is not anonymous. */
- CXCursor Parent, Record;
- unsigned RecordIsAnonymous = 0;
+ /* recurse to get the root anonymous record parent */
+ CXCursor Parent, Root;
if (clang_getCursorKind(cursor) == CXCursor_FieldDecl) {
- Record = Parent = p;
+ CXString RootParentSpelling;
+ const char *RootParentName = 0;
+ Parent = p;
do {
- Record = Parent;
- Parent = clang_getCursorSemanticParent(Record);
- RecordIsAnonymous = clang_Cursor_isAnonymous(Record);
- /* Recurse as long as the parent is a CXType_Record and the Record
- is anonymous */
- } while ( clang_getCursorType(Parent).kind == CXType_Record &&
- RecordIsAnonymous > 0);
+ if (RootParentName != 0)
+ clang_disposeString(RootParentSpelling);
+ Root = Parent;
+ RootParentSpelling = clang_getCursorSpelling(Root);
+ RootParentName = clang_getCString(RootParentSpelling);
+ Parent = clang_getCursorSemanticParent(Root);
+ } while (clang_getCursorType(Parent).kind == CXType_Record &&
+ !strcmp(RootParentName, ""));
+ clang_disposeString(RootParentSpelling);
+ /* if RootParentName is "", record is anonymous. */
- long long Offset = clang_Type_getOffsetOf(clang_getCursorType(Record),
+ long long Offset = clang_Type_getOffsetOf(clang_getCursorType(Root),
- long long Offset2 = clang_Cursor_getOffsetOfField(cursor);
- if (Offset == Offset2){
- printf(" [offsetof=%lld]", Offset);
- } else {
- /* Offsets will be different in anonymous records. */
- printf(" [offsetof=%lld/%lld]", Offset, Offset2);
- }
+ printf(" [offsetof=%lld]", Offset);
return 0;
-static long long validateFieldParentType(CXCursor PC, CXType PT){
+long long clang_Type_getOffsetOf(CXType PT, const char *S) {
+ // check that PT is not incomplete/dependent
+ CXCursor PC = clang_getTypeDeclaration(PT);
if (clang_isInvalid(PC.kind))
return CXTypeLayoutError_Invalid;
const RecordDecl *RD =
- // validate parent declaration
if (!RD || RD->isInvalidDecl())
return CXTypeLayoutError_Invalid;
RD = RD->getDefinition();
return CXTypeLayoutError_Incomplete;
if (RD->isInvalidDecl())
return CXTypeLayoutError_Invalid;
- // validate parent type
QualType RT = GetQualType(PT);
if (RT->isIncompleteType())
return CXTypeLayoutError_Incomplete;
return CXTypeLayoutError_Dependent;
// We recurse into all record fields to detect incomplete and dependent types.
long long Error = visitRecordForValidation(RD);
- if (Error < 0)
- return Error;
- return 0;
-long long clang_Type_getOffsetOf(CXType PT, const char *S) {
- // check that PT is not incomplete/dependent
- CXCursor PC = clang_getTypeDeclaration(PT);
- long long Error = validateFieldParentType(PC,PT);
if (Error < 0)
return Error;
if (!S)
ASTContext &Ctx = cxtu::getASTUnit(GetTU(PT))->getASTContext();
IdentifierInfo *II = &Ctx.Idents.get(S);
DeclarationName FieldName(II);
- const RecordDecl *RD =
- dyn_cast_or_null<RecordDecl>(cxcursor::getCursorDecl(PC));
- // verified in validateFieldParentType
- RD = RD->getDefinition();
RecordDecl::lookup_const_result Res = RD->lookup(FieldName);
// If a field of the parent record is incomplete, lookup will fail.
// and we would return InvalidFieldName instead of Incomplete.
return CXTypeLayoutError_InvalidFieldName;
-long long clang_Cursor_getOffsetOfField(CXCursor C) {
- if (clang_isDeclaration(C.kind)) {
- // we need to validate the parent type
- CXCursor PC = clang_getCursorSemanticParent(C);
- CXType PT = clang_getCursorType(PC);
- long long Error = validateFieldParentType(PC,PT);
- if (Error < 0)
- return Error;
- // proceed with the offset calculation
- const Decl *D = cxcursor::getCursorDecl(C);
- ASTContext &Ctx = cxcursor::getCursorContext(C);
- if (const FieldDecl *FD = dyn_cast_or_null<FieldDecl>(D))
- return Ctx.getFieldOffset(FD);
- if (const IndirectFieldDecl *IFD = dyn_cast_or_null<IndirectFieldDecl>(D))
- return Ctx.getFieldOffset(IFD);
- }
- return -1;
enum CXRefQualifierKind clang_Type_getCXXRefQualifier(CXType T) {
QualType QT = GetQualType(T);
if (QT.isNull())
return MakeCXType(A.getAsType(), GetTU(CT));
-unsigned clang_Type_visitFields(CXType PT,
- CXFieldVisitor visitor,
- CXClientData client_data){
- CXCursor PC = clang_getTypeDeclaration(PT);
- if (clang_isInvalid(PC.kind))
- return false;
- const RecordDecl *RD =
- dyn_cast_or_null<RecordDecl>(cxcursor::getCursorDecl(PC));
- if (!RD || RD->isInvalidDecl())
- return false;
- RD = RD->getDefinition();
- if (!RD || RD->isInvalidDecl())
- return false;
- for (RecordDecl::field_iterator I = RD->field_begin(), E = RD->field_end();
- I != E; ++I){
- const FieldDecl *FD = dyn_cast_or_null<FieldDecl>((*I));
- // Callback to the client.
- switch (visitor(cxcursor::MakeCXCursor(FD, GetTU(PT)), client_data)){
- case CXVisit_Break:
- return true;
- case CXVisit_Continue:
- break;
- }
- }
- return true;
-unsigned clang_Cursor_isAnonymous(CXCursor C){
- if (!clang_isDeclaration(C.kind))
- return 0;
- const Decl *D = cxcursor::getCursorDecl(C);
- if (const RecordDecl *FD = dyn_cast_or_null<RecordDecl>(D))
- return FD->isAnonymousStructOrUnion();
- return 0;
} // end: extern "C"