hb_unlock( h->state_lock );
- * Called in MacGui in UpdateUI to check
- * for a new scan being completed to set a new source
- */
-int hb_get_scancount( hb_handle_t * h)
- {
- return h->scanCount;
- }
* Closes access to libhb by freeing the hb_handle_t handle ontained in hb_init.
* @param _h Pointer to handle to hb_handle_t.
Look at test/test.c to see how to use it. */
void hb_get_state( hb_handle_t *, hb_state_t * );
void hb_get_state2( hb_handle_t *, hb_state_t * );
-/* hb_get_scancount() is called by the MacGui in UpdateUI to
- check for a new scan during HB_STATE_WORKING phase */
-int hb_get_scancount( hb_handle_t * );
/* hb_close()
Aborts all current jobs if any, frees memory. */
public static extern void hb_stop(IntPtr hbHandle);\r
- /// Return Type: int\r
- ///param0: hb_handle_t*\r
- [DllImport("hb.dll", EntryPoint = "hb_get_scancount", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]\r
- public static extern int hb_get_scancount(IntPtr hbHandle);\r
/// Return Type: void\r
///param0: hb_handle_t**\r
[DllImport("hb.dll", EntryPoint = "hb_close", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]\r