- Added support for Apache2Filter in the Windows build including binary
support for both Apache 2.0.x (php5apache2_filter.dll) and
Apache 2.2.x (php5apache2_2_filter.dll). (Edin)
-- Added gmp_nextprime() function. (ants dot aasma at gmail dot com, Tony)
- Updated timezonedb to version 2006.7. (Derick)
- Changed priority of PHPRC environment variable on win32 to be higher then
value from registry. (Dmitry)
- Added SimpleXMLElement::saveXML() as an alias for SimpleXMLElement::asXML().
- Added DOMNode::getNodePath() for getting an XPath for a node. (Christian)
+- Added gmp_nextprime() function. (ants dot aasma at gmail dot com, Tony)
+- Added error_get_last() function. (Mike)
- Optimized zend_try/zend_catch macros by eliminating memcpy(3). (Dmitry)
- Optimized require_once() and include_once() by eliminating fopen(3)
ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, extra_headers)
+ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_error_get_last, 0, 0, 0)
ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_call_user_func, 0, 0, 1)
ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, function_name)
PHP_FE(import_request_variables, arginfo_import_request_variables)
PHP_FE(error_log, arginfo_error_log)
+ PHP_FE(error_get_last, arginfo_error_get_last)
PHP_FE(call_user_func, arginfo_call_user_func)
PHP_FE(call_user_func_array, arginfo_call_user_func_array)
PHP_DEP_FE(call_user_method, arginfo_call_user_method)
return SUCCESS;
+/* {{{ proto array error_get_last()
+ Get the last occurred error as associative array. Returns NULL if there hasn't been an error yet. */
+ if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS()) {
+ }
+ if (PG(last_error_message)) {
+ array_init(return_value);
+ add_assoc_long_ex(return_value, "type", sizeof("type"), PG(last_error_type));
+ add_assoc_string_ex(return_value, "message", sizeof("message"), PG(last_error_message), 1);
+ add_assoc_string_ex(return_value, "file", sizeof("file"), PG(last_error_file)?PG(last_error_file):"-", 1 );
+ add_assoc_long_ex(return_value, "line", sizeof("line"), PG(last_error_lineno));
+ }
+/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto mixed call_user_func(string function_name [, mixed parmeter] [, mixed ...])
Call a user function which is the first parameter */