-/* SCCS Id: @(#)monst.h 3.5 2006/01/02 */
+/* SCCS Id: @(#)monst.h 3.5 2006/09/06 */
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
#define MAX_NUM_WORMS 32 /* should be 2^(wormno bitfield size) */
- long mstrategy; /* for monsters with mflag3: current strategy */
+ unsigned long mstrategy; /* for monsters with mflag3: current strategy */
+#ifdef NHSTDC
+#define STRAT_APPEARMSG 0x80000000UL
+#define STRAT_APPEARMSG 0x80000000L
#define STRAT_ARRIVE 0x40000000L /* just arrived on current level */
#define STRAT_WAITFORU 0x20000000L
#define STRAT_CLOSE 0x10000000L
-#define STRAT_WAITMASK 0x30000000L
#define STRAT_HEAL 0x08000000L
#define STRAT_GROUND 0x04000000L
#define STRAT_MONSTR 0x02000000L
-/* SCCS Id: @(#)makemon.c 3.5 2006/07/08 */
+/* SCCS Id: @(#)makemon.c 3.5 2006/09/06 */
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
if (mtmp->minvent) discard_minvent(mtmp);
mtmp->minvent = (struct obj *)0; /* caller expects this */
- if ((ptr->mflags3 & M3_WAITMASK) && !(mmflags & MM_NOWAIT)) {
- if (ptr->mflags3 & M3_WAITFORU)
- mtmp->mstrategy |= STRAT_WAITFORU;
- if (ptr->mflags3 & M3_CLOSE)
- mtmp->mstrategy |= STRAT_CLOSE;
+ if (ptr->mflags3 && !(mmflags & MM_NOWAIT)) {
+ if (ptr->mflags3 & M3_WAITFORU)
+ mtmp->mstrategy |= STRAT_WAITFORU;
+ if (ptr->mflags3 & M3_CLOSE)
+ mtmp->mstrategy |= STRAT_CLOSE;
+ if (ptr->mflags3 & (M3_WAITMASK|M3_COVETOUS))
+ mtmp->mstrategy |= STRAT_APPEARMSG;
if (!in_mklev)
-/* SCCS Id: @(#)minion.c 3.5 2006/01/03 */
+/* SCCS Id: @(#)minion.c 3.5 2006/09/06 */
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
verbalize("Thou shalt pay for thine indiscretion!");
if (!Blind)
pline("%s appears before you.", Amonnam(mon));
+ mon->mstrategy &= ~STRAT_APPEARMSG;
mon->mpeaceful = FALSE;
/* don't call set_malign(); player was naughty */
/* Slight advantage given. */
if (is_dprince(mtmp->data) && mtmp->minvis) {
+ boolean wasunseen = !canspotmon(mtmp);
mtmp->minvis = mtmp->perminvis = 0;
- if (!Blind) pline("%s appears before you.", Amonnam(mtmp));
+ if (wasunseen && canspotmon(mtmp)) {
+ pline("%s appears before you.", Amonnam(mtmp));
+ mtmp->mstrategy &= ~STRAT_APPEARMSG;
+ }
if (youmonst.data->mlet == S_DEMON) { /* Won't blackmail their own. */
if (enexto(&mm, mm.x, mm.y, &mons[PM_ANGEL]) &&
(mtmp = mk_roamer(&mons[PM_ANGEL], u.ualign.type,
mm.x, mm.y, TRUE)) != 0) {
+ mtmp->mstrategy &= ~STRAT_APPEARMSG;
if (!Blind)
pline("An angel appears near you.");
-/* SCCS Id: @(#)mon.c 3.5 2006/07/08 */
+/* SCCS Id: @(#)mon.c 3.5 2006/09/06 */
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
struct monst *mtmp;
coord mm;
+ boolean couldspot = canspotmon(mtmp);
#ifdef STEED
if (mtmp == u.usteed) {
if(!enexto(&mm, u.ux, u.uy, mtmp->data)) return;
rloc_to(mtmp, mm.x, mm.y);
+ if (!in_mklev && (mtmp->mstrategy & STRAT_APPEARMSG)) {
+ mtmp->mstrategy &= ~STRAT_APPEARMSG; /* one chance only */
+ if (!couldspot && canspotmon(mtmp))
+ pline("%s suddenly %s!", Amonnam(mtmp),
+ !Blind ? "appears" : "arrives");
+ }
-/* SCCS Id: @(#)wizard.c 3.5 2005/10/05 */
+/* SCCS Id: @(#)wizard.c 3.5 2006/09/06 */
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
STATIC_DCL struct monst *FDECL(other_mon_has_arti, (struct monst *,SHORT_P));
STATIC_DCL struct obj *FDECL(on_ground, (SHORT_P));
STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(you_have, (int));
-STATIC_DCL long FDECL(target_on, (int,struct monst *));
-STATIC_DCL long FDECL(strategy, (struct monst *));
+STATIC_DCL unsigned long FDECL(target_on, (int,struct monst *));
+STATIC_DCL unsigned long FDECL(strategy, (struct monst *));
static NEARDATA const int nasties[] = {
* The strategy section decides *what* the monster is going
* to attempt, the tactics section implements the decision.
-#define STRAT(w, x, y, typ) (w | ((long)(x)<<16) | ((long)(y)<<8) | (long)typ)
+#define STRAT(w,x,y,typ) ((unsigned long)(w) | ((unsigned long)(x) << 16) | \
+ ((unsigned long)(y) << 8) | (unsigned long)(typ))
#define M_Wants(mask) (mtmp->data->mflags3 & (mask))
+STATIC_OVL unsigned long
target_on(mask, mtmp)
register int mask;
register struct monst *mtmp;
register struct obj *otmp;
register struct monst *mtmp2;
- if(!M_Wants(mask)) return(STRAT_NONE);
+ if (!M_Wants(mask)) return (unsigned long)STRAT_NONE;
otyp = which_arti(mask);
if(!mon_has_arti(mtmp, otyp)) {
else if((mtmp2 = other_mon_has_arti(mtmp, otyp)))
return(STRAT(STRAT_MONSTR, mtmp2->mx, mtmp2->my, mask));
- return(STRAT_NONE);
+ return (unsigned long)STRAT_NONE;
+STATIC_OVL unsigned long
register struct monst *mtmp;
- long strat, dstrat;
+ unsigned long strat, dstrat;
if (!is_covetous(mtmp->data) ||
/* perhaps a shopkeeper has been polymorphed into a master
lich; we don't want it teleporting to the stairs to heal
because that will leave its shop untended */
- (mtmp->isshk && inhishop(mtmp)))
- return STRAT_NONE;
+ (mtmp->isshk && inhishop(mtmp)) ||
+ /* likewise for temple priests */
+ (mtmp->ispriest && inhistemple(mtmp)))
+ return (unsigned long)STRAT_NONE;
switch((mtmp->mhp*3)/mtmp->mhpmax) { /* 0-3 */
case 0: /* panic time - mtmp is almost snuffed */
- return(STRAT_HEAL);
+ return (unsigned long)(STRAT_HEAL);
case 1: /* the wiz is less cautious */
if(mtmp->data != &mons[PM_WIZARD_OF_YENDOR])
- return(STRAT_HEAL);
+ return (unsigned long)(STRAT_HEAL);
/* else fall through */
case 2: dstrat = STRAT_HEAL;
register struct monst *mtmp;
- long strat = strategy(mtmp);
+ unsigned long strat = strategy(mtmp);
- mtmp->mstrategy = (mtmp->mstrategy & STRAT_WAITMASK) | strat;
+ mtmp->mstrategy = (mtmp->mstrategy & (STRAT_WAITMASK|STRAT_APPEARMSG)) | strat;
switch (strat) {
case STRAT_HEAL: /* hide and recover */
long where = (strat & STRAT_STRATMASK);
xchar tx = STRAT_GOALX(strat),
ty = STRAT_GOALY(strat);
- int targ = strat & STRAT_GOAL;
+ int targ = (int)(strat & STRAT_GOAL);
struct obj *otmp;
if(!targ) { /* simply wants you to close */
for (mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon) {
if (DEADMONSTER(mtmp)) continue;
- mtmp->mstrategy &= ~STRAT_WAITFORU;
+ mtmp->mstrategy &= ~(STRAT_WAITFORU|STRAT_APPEARMSG);
mtmp->msleeping = 0;
if (!mtmp->mcanmove && !rn2(5)) {
mtmp->mfrozen = 0;