/* The hero's glyph when seen as a monster.
#define hero_glyph \
- monnum_to_glyph((Upolyd || !iflags.showrace) ? u.umonnum : \
+ monnum_to_glyph((Upolyd || !Xflags.showrace) ? u.umonnum : \
(flags.female && urace.femalenum != NON_PM) ? urace.femalenum : \
struct flag {
+ int version; /* flag structure version */
+ boolean lootabc; /* use "a/b/c" rather than "o/i/b" when looting */
+ boolean showrace; /* show hero glyph by race rather than by role */
+ boolean travelcmd; /* allow travel command */
+ int runmode; /* update screen display during run moves */
boolean altmeta; /* use ALT keys as META */
boolean amiflush; /* kill typeahead */
boolean wc_eight_bit_input; /* allow eight bit input */
boolean wc_mouse_support; /* allow mouse support */
/* Items which belong in flags, but are here to allow save compatibility */
boolean lootabc; /* use "a/b/c" rather than "o/i/b" when looting */
boolean showrace; /* show hero glyph by race rather than by role */
boolean travelcmd; /* allow travel command */
int runmode; /* update screen display during run moves */
#define RUN_STEP 2 /* update display every single step */
#define RUN_CRAWL 3 /* walk w/ extra delay after each update */
+# define Xflags iflags
+# define Xflags flags
+/* This is identical to 3.4.0 flag structure */
+struct flag340 {
+#ifdef AMIFLUSH
+ boolean altmeta; /* use ALT keys as META */
+ boolean amiflush; /* kill typeahead */
+#ifdef MFLOPPY
+ boolean asksavedisk;
+ boolean autodig; /* MRKR: Automatically dig */
+ boolean autoquiver; /* Automatically fill quiver */
+ boolean beginner;
+#ifdef MAIL
+ boolean biff; /* enable checking for mail */
+ boolean botl; /* partially redo status line */
+ boolean botlx; /* print an entirely new bottom line */
+ boolean confirm; /* confirm before hitting tame monsters */
+ boolean debug; /* in debugging mode */
+ boolean end_own; /* list all own scores */
+ boolean explore; /* in exploration mode */
+ boolean fast_map; /* use optimized, less flexible map display */
+#define discover flags.explore
+ boolean female;
+ boolean forcefight;
+ boolean friday13; /* it's Friday the 13th */
+ boolean help; /* look in data file for info about stuff */
+ boolean ignintr; /* ignore interrupts */
+ boolean ins_chkpt; /* checkpoint as appropriate */
+ boolean invlet_constant; /* let objects keep their inventory symbol */
+ boolean legacy; /* print game entry "story" */
+ boolean lit_corridor; /* show a dark corr as lit if it is in sight */
+ boolean made_amulet;
+ boolean mon_moving; /* monsters' turn to move */
+ boolean move;
+ boolean mv;
+ boolean bypasses; /* bypass flag is set on at least one fobj */
+ boolean nap; /* `timed_delay' option for display effects */
+ boolean nopick; /* do not pickup objects (as when running) */
+ boolean null; /* OK to send nulls to the terminal */
+#ifdef MAC
+ boolean page_wait; /* put up a --More-- after a page of messages */
+ boolean perm_invent; /* keep full inventories up until dismissed */
+ boolean pickup; /* whether you pickup or move and look */
+ boolean pushweapon; /* When wielding, push old weapon into second slot */
+ boolean rest_on_space; /* space means rest */
+ boolean safe_dog; /* give complete protection to the dog */
+#ifdef EXP_ON_BOTL
+ boolean showexp; /* show experience points */
+ boolean showscore; /* show score */
+ boolean silent; /* whether the bell rings or not */
+ boolean sortpack; /* sorted inventory */
+ boolean soundok; /* ok to tell about sounds heard */
+ boolean sparkle; /* show "resisting" special FX (Scott Bigham) */
+ boolean standout; /* use standout for --More-- */
+ boolean time; /* display elapsed 'time' */
+ boolean tombstone; /* print tombstone */
+ boolean toptenwin; /* ending list in window instead of stdout */
+ boolean verbose; /* max battle info */
+ boolean prayconfirm; /* confirm before praying */
+ int end_top, end_around; /* describe desired score list */
+ unsigned ident; /* social security number for each monster */
+ unsigned moonphase;
+ unsigned long suppress_alert;
+ unsigned no_of_wizards; /* 0, 1 or 2 (wizard and his shadow) */
+ boolean travel; /* find way automatically to u.tx,u.ty */
+ unsigned run; /* 0: h (etc), 1: H (etc), 2: fh (etc) */
+ /* 3: FH, 4: ff+, 5: ff-, 6: FF+, 7: FF- */
+ /* 8: travel */
+ unsigned long warntype; /* warn_of_mon monster type M2 */
+ int warnlevel;
+ int djinni_count, ghost_count; /* potion effect tuning */
+ int pickup_burden; /* maximum burden before prompt */
+ char inv_order[MAXOCLASSES];
+ char pickup_types[MAXOCLASSES];
+ char end_disclose[NUM_DISCLOSURE_OPTIONS + 1]; /* disclose various info
+ upon exit */
+ char menu_style; /* User interface style setting */
+ int numcols;
+ unsigned short amii_dripens[ 20 ]; /* DrawInfo Pens currently there are 13 in v39 */
+ AMII_COLOR_TYPE amii_curmap[ AMII_MAXCOLORS ]; /* colormap */
+ int initrole; /* starting role (index into roles[]) */
+ int initrace; /* starting race (index into races[]) */
+ int initgend; /* starting gender (index into genders[]) */
+ int initalign; /* starting alignment (index into aligns[]) */
+ int randomall; /* randomly assign everything not specified */
+ int pantheon; /* deity selection for priest character */
+#endif /*SAVEFILE_340_CONVERT */
#endif /* FLAG_H */
#define PC_LOCKING /* Prevent overwrites of aborted or in-progress games */
/* without first receiving confirmation. */
+#define SAVEFILE_340_CONVERT /* allow moving of some iflags fields to flags
+ without destroying savefile compatibility */
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
if (vision_full_recalc) vision_recalc(0); /* vision! */
/* when running in non-tport mode, this gets done through domove() */
- if ((!flags.run || iflags.runmode == RUN_TPORT) &&
+ if ((!flags.run || Xflags.runmode == RUN_TPORT) &&
(multi && (!flags.travel ? !(multi % 7) : !(moves % 7L)))) {
if (flags.time && flags.run) flags.botl = 1;
display_nhwindow(WIN_MAP, FALSE);
multi = 0;
- if (iflags.travelcmd) {
+ if (Xflags.travelcmd) {
flags.travel = 1;
flags.run = 8;
flags.nopick = 1;
x -= u.ux;
y -= u.uy;
- if (iflags.travelcmd) {
+ if (Xflags.travelcmd) {
if (abs(x) <= 1 && abs(y) <= 1 ) {
x = sgn(x), y = sgn(y);
} else {
static char cmd[2];
coord cc;
- if (!iflags.travelcmd) return 0;
+ if (!Xflags.travelcmd) return 0;
cc.x = u.ux;
cc.y = u.uy;
nomovemsg = "";
- if (flags.run && iflags.runmode != RUN_TPORT) {
+ if (flags.run && Xflags.runmode != RUN_TPORT) {
/* display every step or every 7th step depending upon mode */
- if (iflags.runmode != RUN_LEAP || !(moves % 7L)) {
+ if (Xflags.runmode != RUN_LEAP || !(moves % 7L)) {
if (flags.time) flags.botl = 1;
- if (iflags.runmode == RUN_CRAWL) {
+ if (Xflags.runmode == RUN_CRAWL) {
/* special case the hero for `showrace' option */
if (iflags.use_color && x == u.ux && y == u.uy &&
- iflags.showrace && !Upolyd)
+ Xflags.showrace && !Upolyd)
color = HI_DOMESTIC;
{"large_font", &iflags.wc_large_font, FALSE, SET_IN_FILE}, /*WC*/
{"legacy", &flags.legacy, TRUE, DISP_IN_GAME},
{"lit_corridor", &flags.lit_corridor, FALSE, SET_IN_GAME},
- {"lootabc", &iflags.lootabc, FALSE, SET_IN_GAME},
+ {"lootabc", &Xflags.lootabc, FALSE, SET_IN_GAME},
{"Macgraphics", &iflags.MACgraphics, TRUE, SET_IN_GAME},
{"showexp", (boolean *)0, FALSE, SET_IN_FILE},
- {"showrace", &iflags.showrace, FALSE, SET_IN_GAME},
+ {"showrace", &Xflags.showrace, FALSE, SET_IN_GAME},
{"showscore", &flags.showscore, FALSE, SET_IN_GAME},
{"tombstone",&flags.tombstone, TRUE, SET_IN_GAME},
{"toptenwin",&flags.toptenwin, FALSE, SET_IN_GAME},
- {"travel", &iflags.travelcmd, TRUE, SET_IN_GAME},
+ {"travel", &Xflags.travelcmd, TRUE, SET_IN_GAME},
{"use_inverse", &iflags.wc_inverse, FALSE, SET_IN_GAME}, /*WC*/
{"verbose", &flags.verbose, TRUE, SET_IN_GAME},
{(char *)0, (boolean *)0, FALSE, 0}
if (boolopt[i].addr)
*(boolopt[i].addr) = boolopt[i].initvalue;
+ flags.version = 341;
flags.end_own = FALSE;
flags.end_top = 3;
flags.end_around = 2;
- iflags.runmode = RUN_LEAP;
+ Xflags.runmode = RUN_LEAP;
iflags.msg_history = 20;
iflags.prevmsg_window = 's';
fullname = "runmode";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 4, TRUE)) {
if (negated) {
- iflags.runmode = RUN_TPORT;
+ Xflags.runmode = RUN_TPORT;
} else if ((op = string_for_opt(opts, FALSE)) != 0) {
if (!strncmpi(op, "teleport", strlen(op)))
- iflags.runmode = RUN_TPORT;
+ Xflags.runmode = RUN_TPORT;
else if (!strncmpi(op, "run", strlen(op)))
- iflags.runmode = RUN_LEAP;
+ Xflags.runmode = RUN_LEAP;
else if (!strncmpi(op, "walk", strlen(op)))
- iflags.runmode = RUN_STEP;
+ Xflags.runmode = RUN_STEP;
else if (!strncmpi(op, "crawl", strlen(op)))
- iflags.runmode = RUN_CRAWL;
+ Xflags.runmode = RUN_CRAWL;
vision_full_recalc = 1; /* delayed recalc */
else if ((boolopt[i].addr) == &iflags.use_inverse ||
- (boolopt[i].addr) == &iflags.showrace ||
+ (boolopt[i].addr) == &Xflags.showrace ||
(boolopt[i].addr) == &iflags.hilite_pet) {
need_redraw = TRUE;
end_menu(tmpwin, "Select run/travel display mode:");
if (select_menu(tmpwin, PICK_ONE, &mode_pick) > 0) {
- iflags.runmode = mode_pick->item.a_int - 1;
+ Xflags.runmode = mode_pick->item.a_int - 1;
else if (!strcmp(optname, "role"))
Sprintf(buf, "%s", rolestring(flags.initrole, roles, name.m));
else if (!strcmp(optname, "runmode"))
- Sprintf(buf, "%s", runmodes[iflags.runmode]);
+ Sprintf(buf, "%s", runmodes[Xflags.runmode]);
else if (!strcmp(optname, "scores")) {
Sprintf(buf, "%d top/%d around%s", flags.end_top,
flags.end_around, flags.end_own ? "/own" : "");
symbol; firstmatch is assumed to already be set for '@' */
if ((from_screen ?
(sym == monsyms[S_HUMAN] && cc.x == u.ux && cc.y == u.uy) :
- (sym == def_monsyms[S_HUMAN] && !iflags.showrace)) &&
+ (sym == def_monsyms[S_HUMAN] && !Xflags.showrace)) &&
!(Race_if(PM_HUMAN) || Race_if(PM_ELF)) && !Upolyd)
found += append_str(out_str, "you"); /* tack on "or you" */
menu_item *pick_list;
char buf[BUFSZ];
int n;
- char *menuselector = iflags.lootabc ? "abc" : "oib";
+ char *menuselector = Xflags.lootabc ? "abc" : "oib";
any.a_void = 0;
win = create_nhwindow(NHW_MENU);
STATIC_DCL void FDECL(restlevelstate, (unsigned int, unsigned int));
STATIC_DCL int FDECL(restlevelfile, (int,XCHAR_P));
STATIC_DCL void FDECL(reset_oattached_mids, (BOOLEAN_P));
+STATIC_DCL void FDECL(mread_set_checkpoint, (int));
+STATIC_DCL void FDECL(mread_seek_to_checkpoint, (int));
+STATIC_DCL void FDECL(mread_clear_checkpoint, (int));
+STATIC_DCL void FDECL(convertflags, (genericptr_t, struct flag *));
* Save a mapping of IDs from ghost levels to the current level. This
return FALSE;
+ mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &flags, sizeof(struct flag));
+ mread_set_checkpoint(fd);
mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &flags, sizeof(struct flag));
+ if (flags.version != 341) {
+ struct flag340 oldflags;
+ /* We need to try again and convert it */
+ mread_seek_to_checkpoint(fd);
+ mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &oldflags, sizeof(struct flag340));
+ convertflags((genericptr_t)&oldflags, &flags);
+ pline("Converted older savefile flags to new format.");
+ }
+ mread_clear_checkpoint(fd);
flags.bypasses = 0; /* never use the saved value of bypasses */
if (remember_discover) discover = remember_discover;
#endif /* ZEROCOMP */
+struct mread_checkpoint_data {
+ int mreadfd;
+ long mreadloc; /* from tell() */
+# ifdef ZEROCOMP
+ unsigned char inbuf[ZEROCOMP_BUFSIZ];
+ unsigned short inbufp;
+ unsigned short inbufsz;
+ short inrunlength;
+# endif
+static NEARDATA struct mread_checkpoint_data mrcheckpoint;
+static void
+int fd;
+ mrcheckpoint.mreadfd = fd;
+ mrcheckpoint.mreadloc = tell(fd);
+# ifdef ZEROCOMP
+ memcpy(mrcheckpoint.inbuf, inbuf, ZEROCOMP_BUFSIZ);
+ mrcheckpoint.inbufp = inbufp;
+ mrcheckpoint.inbufsz = inbufsz;
+ mrcheckpoint.inrunlength = inrunlength;
+# endif
+static void
+ long floc;
+ if (mrcheckpoint.mreadfd != fd)
+ panic("mread_seek_to_checkpoint: bad mrcheckpoint.mreadfd %d", fd);
+ floc = lseek(fd, mrcheckpoint.mreadloc, SEEK_SET);
+#ifdef ZEROCOMP
+ memcpy(inbuf, mrcheckpoint.inbuf, ZEROCOMP_BUFSIZ);
+ inbufp = mrcheckpoint.inbufp;
+ inbufsz = mrcheckpoint.inbufsz;
+ inrunlength = mrcheckpoint.inrunlength;
+static void
+int fd;
+ if (mrcheckpoint.mreadfd != fd)
+ panic("mread_clear_checkpoint: bad mrcheckpoint.mreadfd %d", fd);
+ mrcheckpoint.mreadfd = 0;
+ mrcheckpoint.mreadloc = 0L;
+# ifdef ZEROCOMP
+ /* memset((genericptr_t)mrcheckpoint.inbuf, 0, ZEROCOMP_BUFSIZ); */
+ mrcheckpoint.inbufsz = 0;
+ mrcheckpoint.inbufp = 0;
+ mrcheckpoint.inrunlength = -1;
+# endif
+convertflags(oldflagptr, newflags)
+genericptr_t oldflagptr;
+struct flag *newflags;
+ int k;
+ struct flag340 *oldflags = (struct flag340 *)oldflagptr;
+ /* set default values for these; they didn't exist in savefile*/
+ newflags->version = 341;
+ newflags->lootabc = FALSE;
+ newflags->showrace = FALSE;
+ newflags->travelcmd = TRUE;
+ newflags->runmode = RUN_LEAP;
+ /* convert these */
+#ifdef AMIFLUSH
+ newflags->altmeta = oldflags->altmeta;
+ newflags->amiflush = oldflags->amiflush;
+#ifdef MFLOPPY
+ newflags->asksavedisk = oldflags->asksavedisk;
+ newflags->autodig = oldflags->autodig;
+ newflags->autoquiver = oldflags->autoquiver;
+ newflags->beginner = oldflags->beginner;
+#ifdef MAIL
+ newflags->biff = oldflags->biff;
+ newflags->botl = oldflags->botl;
+ newflags->botlx = oldflags->botlx;
+ newflags->confirm = oldflags->confirm;
+ newflags->debug = oldflags->debug;
+ newflags->end_own = oldflags->end_own;
+ newflags->explore = oldflags->explore;
+ newflags->fast_map = oldflags->fast_map;
+#define discover flags.explore
+ newflags->female = oldflags->female;
+ newflags->forcefight = oldflags->forcefight;
+ newflags->friday13 = oldflags->friday13;
+ newflags->help = oldflags->help;
+ newflags->ignintr = oldflags->ignintr;
+ newflags->ins_chkpt = oldflags->ins_chkpt;
+ newflags->invlet_constant = oldflags->invlet_constant;
+ newflags->invlet_constant = oldflags->invlet_constant;
+ newflags->legacy = oldflags->legacy;
+ newflags->lit_corridor = oldflags->lit_corridor;
+ newflags->made_amulet = oldflags->made_amulet;
+ newflags->mon_moving = oldflags->mon_moving;
+ newflags->move = oldflags->move;
+ newflags->mv = oldflags->mv;
+ newflags->bypasses = oldflags->bypasses;
+ newflags->nap = oldflags->nap;
+ newflags->nopick = oldflags->nopick;
+ newflags->null = oldflags->null;
+#ifdef MAC
+ newflags->page_wait = oldflags->page_wait;
+ newflags->perm_invent = oldflags->perm_invent;
+ newflags->pickup = oldflags->pickup;
+ newflags->pushweapon = oldflags->pushweapon;
+ newflags->rest_on_space = oldflags->rest_on_space;
+ newflags->safe_dog = oldflags->safe_dog;
+#ifdef EXP_ON_BOTL
+ newflags->showexp = oldflags->showexp;
+ newflags->showscore = oldflags->showscore;
+ newflags->silent = oldflags->silent;
+ newflags->sortpack = oldflags->sortpack;
+ newflags->soundok = oldflags->soundok;
+ newflags->sparkle = oldflags->sparkle;
+ newflags->standout = oldflags->standout;
+ newflags->time = oldflags->time;
+ newflags->tombstone = oldflags->tombstone;
+ newflags->toptenwin = oldflags->toptenwin;
+ newflags->verbose = oldflags->verbose;
+ newflags->prayconfirm = oldflags->prayconfirm;
+ newflags->end_top = oldflags->end_top;
+ newflags->end_around = oldflags->end_around;
+ newflags->ident = oldflags->ident;
+ newflags->moonphase = oldflags->moonphase;
+ newflags->suppress_alert = oldflags->suppress_alert;
+ newflags->no_of_wizards = oldflags->no_of_wizards;
+ newflags->travel = oldflags->travel;
+ newflags->run = oldflags->run;
+ newflags->warntype = oldflags->warntype;
+ newflags->warnlevel = oldflags->warnlevel;
+ newflags->djinni_count = oldflags->djinni_count;
+ newflags->ghost_count = oldflags->ghost_count;
+ newflags->pickup_burden = oldflags->pickup_burden;
+ for (k = 0; k < MAXOCLASSES; ++k) {
+ newflags->inv_order[k] = oldflags->inv_order[k];
+ newflags->pickup_types[k] = oldflags->pickup_types[k];
+ }
+ for (k = 0; k < NUM_DISCLOSURE_OPTIONS + 1; ++k) {
+ newflags->end_disclose[k] = oldflags->end_disclose[k];
+ }
+ newflags->menu_style = oldflags->menu_style;
+ newflags->numcols = oldflags->numcols;
+ for (k = 0; k < 20; ++k) {
+ newflags->amii_dripens[k] = oldflags->amii_dripens[k];
+ }
+ for (k = 0; k < AMII_MAXCOLORS; ++k) {
+ newflags->amii_curmap[k] = oldflags->amii_curmap[k];
+ }
+ newflags->initrole = oldflags->initrole;
+ newflags->initrace = oldflags->initrace;
+ newflags->initgend = oldflags->initgend;
+ newflags->initalign = oldflags->initalign;
+ newflags->randomall = oldflags->randomall;
+ newflags->pantheon = oldflags->pantheon;
const char *filename;
boolean complain;
+ unsigned long old_struct_sizes, vsanity2;
+ vsanity2 = VERSION_SANITY2;
+ old_struct_sizes = (((unsigned long)sizeof (struct flag340) << 24) |
+ ((unsigned long)sizeof (struct obj) << 17) |
+ ((unsigned long)sizeof (struct monst) << 10) |
+ ((unsigned long)sizeof (struct you)));
if (
version_data->incarnation < VERSION_COMPATIBILITY ||
} else if (version_data->feature_set != VERSION_FEATURES ||
version_data->entity_count != VERSION_SANITY1 ||
version_data->struct_sizes != VERSION_SANITY2) {
+ /* Check for older, convertible structure size compatibility */
+ if (version_data->feature_set == VERSION_FEATURES &&
+ version_data->entity_count == VERSION_SANITY1 &&
+ version_data->struct_sizes == old_struct_sizes)
+ return TRUE;
if (complain)
pline("Configuration incompatibility for file \"%s\".",