return res;
-/* {{{ proto int udm_alloc_agent(string dbaddr [, string dbmode])
+/* {{{ proto resource udm_alloc_agent(string dbaddr [, string dbmode])
Allocate mnoGoSearch session */
DLEXPORT PHP_FUNCTION(udm_alloc_agent)
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int udm_set_agent_param(int agent, int var, string val)
+/* {{{ proto bool udm_set_agent_param(resource agent, int var, string val)
Set mnoGoSearch agent session parameters */
DLEXPORT PHP_FUNCTION(udm_set_agent_param)
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int udm_load_ispell_data(int agent, int var, string val1, [string charset], string val2, int flag)
+/* {{{ proto bool udm_load_ispell_data(resource agent, int var, string val1 [, string charset], string val2, int flag)
Load ispell data */
DLEXPORT PHP_FUNCTION(udm_load_ispell_data)
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int udm_free_ispell_data(int agent)
+/* {{{ proto bool udm_free_ispell_data(resource agent)
Free memory allocated for ispell data */
DLEXPORT PHP_FUNCTION(udm_free_ispell_data)
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int udm_add_search_limit(int agent, int var, string val)
+/* {{{ proto bool udm_add_search_limit(resource agent, int var, string val)
Add mnoGoSearch search restrictions */
DLEXPORT PHP_FUNCTION(udm_add_search_limit)
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int udm_clear_search_limits(int agent)
+/* {{{ proto bool udm_clear_search_limits(resource agent)
Clear all mnoGoSearch search restrictions */
DLEXPORT PHP_FUNCTION(udm_clear_search_limits)
/* }}} */
#if UDM_VERSION_ID >= 30200
-/* {{{ proto int udm_check_charset(int agent, string charset)
+/* {{{ proto bool udm_check_charset(resource agent, string charset)
Check if the given charset is known to mnogosearch */
DLEXPORT PHP_FUNCTION(udm_check_charset)
#if UDM_VERSION_ID >= 30203
-/* {{{ proto int udm_crc32(int agent, string str)
+/* {{{ proto string udm_crc32(resource agent, string str)
Return CRC32 checksum of gived string */
-/* {{{ proto int udm_open_stored(int agent, string storedaddr)
+/* {{{ proto int udm_open_stored(resource agent, string storedaddr)
Open connection to stored */
DLEXPORT PHP_FUNCTION(udm_open_stored)
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int udm_close_stored(int agent, int link)
+/* {{{ proto bool udm_close_stored(resource agent, int link)
Open connection to stored */
DLEXPORT PHP_FUNCTION(udm_close_stored)
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int udm_check_stored(int agent, int link, string doc_id)
+/* {{{ proto int udm_check_stored(resource agent, int link, string doc_id)
Open connection to stored */
DLEXPORT PHP_FUNCTION(udm_check_stored)
#if UDM_VERSION_ID >= 30204
-/* {{{ proto int udm_parse_query_string(int agent, string str)
+/* {{{ proto bool udm_parse_query_string(resource agent, string str)
Parses query string, initialises variables and search limits taken from it */
DLEXPORT PHP_FUNCTION(udm_parse_query_string)
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int udm_make_excerpt(int agent, int res, int row)
+/* {{{ proto bool udm_make_excerpt(resource agent, resource res, int row)
Perform search */
DLEXPORT PHP_FUNCTION(udm_make_excerpt)
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int udm_set_agent_param_ex(int agent, string var, string val)
+/* {{{ proto bool udm_set_agent_param_ex(resource agent, string var, string val)
Set mnoGoSearch agent session parameters extended */
DLEXPORT PHP_FUNCTION(udm_set_agent_param_ex)
-/* {{{ proto string udm_get_res_field_ex(int res, int row, string field)
+/* {{{ proto string udm_get_res_field_ex(resource res, int row, string field)
Fetch mnoGoSearch result field */
DLEXPORT PHP_FUNCTION(udm_get_res_field_ex)
#if UDM_VERSION_ID >= 30211
-/* {{{ proto int udm_alloc_agent_array(array dbaddr)
+/* {{{ proto resource udm_alloc_agent_array(array dbaddr)
Allocate mnoGoSearch session */
DLEXPORT PHP_FUNCTION(udm_alloc_agent_array)
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int udm_hash32(int agent, string str)
+/* {{{ proto string udm_hash32(resource agent, string str)
Return Hash32 checksum of gived string */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int udm_find(int agent, string query)
+/* {{{ proto resource udm_find(resource agent, string query)
Perform search */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto string udm_get_res_field(int res, int row, int field)
+/* {{{ proto string udm_get_res_field(resource res, int row, int field)
Fetch mnoGoSearch result field */
DLEXPORT PHP_FUNCTION(udm_get_res_field)
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto string udm_get_res_param(int res, int param)
+/* {{{ proto mixed udm_get_res_param(resource res, int param)
Get mnoGoSearch result parameters */
DLEXPORT PHP_FUNCTION(udm_get_res_param)
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int udm_free_res(int res)
+/* {{{ proto bool udm_free_res(resource res)
mnoGoSearch free result */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int udm_free_agent(int agent)
+/* {{{ proto bool udm_free_agent(resource agent)
Free mnoGoSearch session */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int udm_errno(int agent)
+/* {{{ proto int udm_errno(resource agent)
Get mnoGoSearch error number */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto string udm_error(int agent)
+/* {{{ proto string udm_error(resource agent)
Get mnoGoSearch error message */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto array udm_cat_list(int agent, string category)
+/* {{{ proto array udm_cat_list(resource agent, string category)
Get mnoGoSearch categories list with the same root */
add_next_index_stringl(return_value, C.Category[i].name,strlen(C.Category[i].name),1);
} else {
+ /* Possible leak ? 'buf' not free()-d */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto array udm_cat_path(int agent, string category)
+/* {{{ proto array udm_cat_path(resource agent, string category)
Get mnoGoSearch categories path from the root to the given catgory */
add_next_index_stringl(return_value, C.Category[i].name,strlen(C.Category[i].name),1);
} else {
+ /* Possible leak ? 'buf' not free()-d */
/* }}} */
#if UDM_VERSION_ID > 30110
-/* {{{ proto int udm_get_doc_count(int agent)
+/* {{{ proto int udm_get_doc_count(resource agent)
Get total number of documents in database */
DLEXPORT PHP_FUNCTION(udm_get_doc_count)