Problem: Not possible to process tags with a function.
Solution: Add tagfunc() (Christian Brabandt, Andy Massimino, closes #4010)
NOTE: This option is set to the Vi default value when 'compatible' is
set and to the Vim default value when 'compatible' is reset.
+ *'tagfunc'* *'tfu'*
+'tagfunc' 'tfu' string (default: empty)
+ local to buffer
+ {not available when compiled without the |+eval|
+ feature}
+ This option specifies a function to be used to perform tag searches.
+ The function gets the tag pattern and should return a List of matching
+ tags. See |tag-function| for an explanation of how to write the
+ function and an example.
*'taglength'* *'tl'*
'taglength' 'tl' number (default 0)
-*tagsrch.txt* For Vim version 8.1. Last change: 2019 Mar 30
+*tagsrch.txt* For Vim version 8.1. Last change: 2019 Apr 28
4. Tags details |tag-details|
5. Tags file format |tags-file-format|
6. Include file searches |include-search|
+7. Using 'tagfunc' |tag-function|
1. Jump to a tag *tag-commands*
< For a ":djump", ":dsplit", ":dlist" and ":dsearch" command the pattern
is used as a literal string, not as a search pattern.
+7. Using 'tagfunc' *tag-function*
+It is possible to provide Vim with a function which will generate a list of
+tags used for commands like |:tag|, |:tselect| and Normal mode tag commands
+like |CTRL-]|.
+The function used for generating the taglist is specified by setting the
+'tagfunc' option. The function will be called with three arguments:
+ a:pattern The tag identifier used during the tag search.
+ a:flags List of flags to control the function behavior.
+ a:info Dict containing the following entries:
+ buf_ffname Full filename which can be used for priority.
+ user_data Custom data String, if stored in the tag
+ stack previously by tagfunc.
+Currently two flags may be passed to the tag function:
+ 'c' The function was invoked by a normal command being processed
+ (mnemonic: the tag function may use the context around the
+ cursor to perform a better job of generating the tag list.)
+ 'i' In Insert mode, the user was completing a tag (with
+ |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-]|).
+Note that when 'tagfunc' is set, the priority of the tags described in
+|tag-priority| does not apply. Instead, the priority is exactly as the
+ordering of the elements in the list returned by the function.
+ *E987*
+The function should return a List of Dict entries. Each Dict must at least
+include the following entries and each value must be a string:
+ name Name of the tag.
+ filename Name of the file where the tag is defined. It is
+ either relative to the current directory or a full path.
+ cmd Ex command used to locate the tag in the file. This
+ can be either an Ex search pattern or a line number.
+Note that the format is similar to that of |taglist()|, which makes it possible
+to use its output to generate the result.
+The following fields are optional:
+ kind Type of the tag.
+ user_data String of custom data stored in the tag stack which
+ can be used to disambiguate tags between operations.
+If the function returns |v:null| instead of a List, a standard tag lookup will
+be performed instead.
+It is not allowed to change the tagstack from inside 'tagfunc'. *E986*
+The following is a hypothetical example of a function used for 'tagfunc'. It
+uses the output of |taglist()| to generate the result: a list of tags in the
+inverse order of file names.
+ function! TagFunc(pattern, flags, info)
+ function! CompareFilenames(item1, item2)
+ let f1 = a:item1['filename']
+ let f2 = a:item2['filename']
+ return f1 >=# f2 ?
+ \ -1 : f1 <=# f2 ? 1 : 0
+ endfunction
+ let result = taglist(a:pattern)
+ call sort(result, "CompareFilenames")
+ return result
+ endfunc
+ set tagfunc=TagFunc
call <SID>BinOptionG("tgst", &tgst)
call append("$", "showfulltag\twhen completing tags in Insert mode show more info")
call <SID>BinOptionG("sft", &sft)
+if has("eval")
+ call append("$", "tagfunc\ta function to be used to perform tag searches")
+ call append("$", "\t(local to buffer)")
+ call <SID>OptionL("tfu")
if has("cscope")
call append("$", "cscopeprg\tcommand for executing cscope")
call <SID>OptionG("csprg", &csprg)
+#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+ clear_string_option(&buf->b_p_tfu);
return OK;
+ * Initializes "iter" for iterating over dictionary items with
+ * dict_iterate_next().
+ * If "var" is not a Dict or an empty Dict then there will be nothing to
+ * iterate over, no error is given.
+ * NOTE: The dictionary must not change until iterating is finished!
+ */
+ void
+dict_iterate_start(typval_T *var, dict_iterator_T *iter)
+ if (var->v_type != VAR_DICT || var->vval.v_dict == NULL)
+ iter->dit_todo = 0;
+ else
+ {
+ dict_T *d = var->vval.v_dict;
+ iter->dit_todo = d->dv_hashtab.ht_used;
+ iter->dit_hi = d->dv_hashtab.ht_array;
+ }
+ * Iterate over the items referred to by "iter". It should be initialized with
+ * dict_iterate_start().
+ * Returns a pointer to the key.
+ * "*tv_result" is set to point to the value for that key.
+ * If there are no more items, NULL is returned.
+ */
+ char_u *
+dict_iterate_next(dict_iterator_T *iter, typval_T **tv_result)
+ dictitem_T *di;
+ char_u *result;
+ if (iter->dit_todo == 0)
+ return NULL;
+ while (HASHITEM_EMPTY(iter->dit_hi))
+ ++iter->dit_hi;
+ di = HI2DI(iter->dit_hi);
+ result = di->di_key;
+ *tv_result = &di->di_tv;
+ --iter->dit_todo;
+ ++iter->dit_hi;
+ return result;
* Add a dict entry to dictionary "d".
* Returns FAIL when out of memory and when key already exists.
*matches = (char_u **)"";
*num_matches = 0;
if (keep_lang)
flags |= TAG_KEEP_LANG;
if (find_tags(IObuff, num_matches, matches, flags, (int)MAXCOL, NULL) == OK
EXTERN int postponed_split_flags INIT(= 0); /* args for win_split() */
EXTERN int postponed_split_tab INIT(= 0); /* */
-EXTERN int g_do_tagpreview INIT(= 0); /* for tag preview commands:
- height of preview window */
+EXTERN int g_do_tagpreview INIT(= 0); // for tag preview commands:
+ // height of preview window
+EXTERN int g_tag_at_cursor INIT(= FALSE); // whether the tag command comes
+ // from the command line (0) or was
+ // invoked as a normal command (1)
EXTERN int replace_offset INIT(= 0); /* offset for replace_push() */
EXTERN char_u *escape_chars INIT(= (char_u *)" \t\\\"|");
// Find up to TAG_MANY matches. Avoids that an enormous number
// of matches is found when compl_pattern is empty
+ g_tag_at_cursor = TRUE;
if (find_tags(compl_pattern, &num_matches, &matches,
| (ctrl_x_mode != CTRL_X_NORMAL ? TAG_VERBOSE : 0),
TAG_MANY, curbuf->b_ffname) == OK && num_matches > 0)
ins_compl_add_matches(num_matches, matches, p_ic);
+ g_tag_at_cursor = FALSE;
p_ic = save_p_ic;
(void)normal_search(cap, cmdchar == '*' ? '/' : '?', buf, 0);
+ {
+ g_tag_at_cursor = TRUE;
+ g_tag_at_cursor = FALSE;
+ }
#define PV_SW OPT_BUF(BV_SW)
+#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+# define PV_TFU OPT_BUF(BV_TFU)
#define PV_TS OPT_BUF(BV_TS)
static char_u *p_cfu;
static char_u *p_ofu;
+#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+static char_u *p_tfu;
static int p_eol;
static int p_fixeol;
static int p_et;
{"tagcase", "tc", P_STRING|P_VIM,
(char_u *)&p_tc, PV_TC,
{(char_u *)"followic", (char_u *)"followic"} SCTX_INIT},
+ {"tagfunc", "tfu", P_STRING|P_ALLOCED|P_VI_DEF|P_SECURE,
+#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+ (char_u *)&p_tfu, PV_TFU,
+ {(char_u *)"", (char_u *)0L}
+ (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE,
+ {(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L}
{"taglength", "tl", P_NUM|P_VI_DEF,
(char_u *)&p_tl, PV_NONE,
{(char_u *)0L, (char_u *)0L} SCTX_INIT},
+#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+ check_string_option(&buf->b_p_tfu);
case PV_CFU: return (char_u *)&(curbuf->b_p_cfu);
case PV_OFU: return (char_u *)&(curbuf->b_p_ofu);
+#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+ case PV_TFU: return (char_u *)&(curbuf->b_p_tfu);
case PV_EOL: return (char_u *)&(curbuf->b_p_eol);
case PV_FIXEOL: return (char_u *)&(curbuf->b_p_fixeol);
buf->b_p_cfu = vim_strsave(p_cfu);
buf->b_p_ofu = vim_strsave(p_ofu);
+#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+ buf->b_p_tfu = vim_strsave(p_tfu);
buf->b_p_sts = p_sts;
buf->b_p_sts_nopaste = p_sts_nopaste;
+#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+ , BV_TFU
int dict_add_string(dict_T *d, char *key, char_u *str);
int dict_add_string_len(dict_T *d, char *key, char_u *str, int len);
int dict_add_list(dict_T *d, char *key, list_T *list);
+void dict_iterate_start(typval_T *var, dict_iterator_T *iter);
+char_u *dict_iterate_next(dict_iterator_T *iter, typval_T **tv_result);
int dict_add_dict(dict_T *d, char *key, dict_T *dict);
long dict_len(dict_T *d);
dictitem_T *dict_find(dict_T *d, char_u *key, int len);
typedef struct taggy
- char_u *tagname; /* tag name */
- fmark_T fmark; /* cursor position BEFORE ":tag" */
- int cur_match; /* match number */
- int cur_fnum; /* buffer number used for cur_match */
+ char_u *tagname; // tag name
+ fmark_T fmark; // cursor position BEFORE ":tag"
+ int cur_match; // match number
+ int cur_fnum; // buffer number used for cur_match
+ char_u *user_data; // used with tagfunc
} taggy_T;
struct list_stack_S *prev;
} list_stack_T;
+ * Structure used for iterating over dictionary items.
+ * Initialize with dict_iterate_start().
+ */
+typedef struct
+ long_u dit_todo;
+ hashitem_T *dit_hi;
+} dict_iterator_T;
/* values for b_syn_spell: what to do with toplevel text */
#define SYNSPL_DEFAULT 0 /* spell check if @Spell not defined */
#define SYNSPL_TOP 1 /* spell check toplevel text */
char_u *b_p_cfu; /* 'completefunc' */
char_u *b_p_ofu; /* 'omnifunc' */
+#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+ char_u *b_p_tfu; /* 'tagfunc' */
int b_p_eol; /* 'endofline' */
int b_p_fixeol; /* 'fixendofline' */
typedef struct tag_pointers
- /* filled in by parse_tag_line(): */
- char_u *tagname; /* start of tag name (skip "file:") */
- char_u *tagname_end; /* char after tag name */
- char_u *fname; /* first char of file name */
- char_u *fname_end; /* char after file name */
- char_u *command; /* first char of command */
- /* filled in by parse_match(): */
- char_u *command_end; /* first char after command */
- char_u *tag_fname; /* file name of the tags file */
+ // filled in by parse_tag_line():
+ char_u *tagname; // start of tag name (skip "file:")
+ char_u *tagname_end; // char after tag name
+ char_u *fname; // first char of file name
+ char_u *fname_end; // char after file name
+ char_u *command; // first char of command
+ // filled in by parse_match():
+ char_u *command_end; // first char after command
+ char_u *tag_fname; // file name of the tags file. This is used
+ // when 'tr' is set.
- int is_etag; /* TRUE for emacs tag */
+ int is_etag; // TRUE for emacs tag
- char_u *tagkind; /* "kind:" value */
- char_u *tagkind_end; /* end of tagkind */
+ char_u *tagkind; // "kind:" value
+ char_u *tagkind_end; // end of tagkind
+ char_u *user_data; // user_data string
+ char_u *user_data_end; // end of user_data
} tagptrs_T;
#if defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX) && defined(FEAT_EVAL)
static int add_llist_tags(char_u *tag, int num_matches, char_u **matches);
+static void tagstack_clear_entry(taggy_T *item);
static char_u *bottommsg = (char_u *)N_("E555: at bottom of tag stack");
static char_u *topmsg = (char_u *)N_("E556: at top of tag stack");
+#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+static char_u *recurmsg = (char_u *)N_("E986: cannot modify the tag stack within tagfunc");
+static char_u *tfu_inv_ret_msg = (char_u *)N_("E987: invalid return value from tagfunc");
static char_u *tagmatchname = NULL; /* name of last used tag */
* Tag for preview window is remembered separately, to avoid messing up the
* normal tagstack.
-static taggy_T ptag_entry = {NULL, {{0, 0, 0}, 0}, 0, 0};
+static taggy_T ptag_entry = {NULL, {{0, 0, 0}, 0}, 0, 0, NULL};
+#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+static int tfu_in_use = FALSE; // disallow recursive call of tagfunc
+// Used instead of NUL to separate tag fields in the growarrays.
+#define TAG_SEP 0x02
* Jump to tag; handling of tag commands and tag stack
int skip_msg = FALSE;
char_u *buf_ffname = curbuf->b_ffname; /* name to use for
priority computation */
+ int use_tfu = 1;
/* remember the matches for the last used tag */
static int num_matches = 0;
static char_u **matches = NULL;
static int flags;
+#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+ if (tfu_in_use)
+ {
+ emsg(_(recurmsg));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
if (type == DT_FREE)
type = DT_TAG;
no_regexp = TRUE;
+ use_tfu = 0;
prev_num_matches = num_matches;
#if defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX)
if (g_do_tagpreview != 0)
- vim_free(ptag_entry.tagname);
+ tagstack_clear_entry(&ptag_entry);
if ((ptag_entry.tagname = vim_strsave(tag)) == NULL)
goto end_do_tag;
- vim_free(ptag_entry.tagname);
+ tagstack_clear_entry(&ptag_entry);
if ((ptag_entry.tagname = vim_strsave(tag)) == NULL)
goto end_do_tag;
* stack entries above it.
while (tagstackidx < tagstacklen)
- vim_free(tagstack[--tagstacklen].tagname);
+ tagstack_clear_entry(&tagstack[--tagstacklen]);
/* if the tagstack is full: remove oldest entry */
if (++tagstacklen > TAGSTACKSIZE)
tagstacklen = TAGSTACKSIZE;
- vim_free(tagstack[0].tagname);
+ tagstack_clear_entry(&tagstack[0]);
for (i = 1; i < tagstacklen; ++i)
tagstack[i - 1] = tagstack[i];
if (verbose)
flags |= TAG_VERBOSE;
+ if (!use_tfu)
+ flags |= TAG_NO_TAGFUNC;
if (find_tags(name, &new_num_matches, &new_matches, flags,
max_num_matches, buf_ffname) == OK
&& new_num_matches < max_num_matches)
if (use_tagstack)
+ tagptrs_T tagp;
tagstack[tagstackidx].cur_match = cur_match;
tagstack[tagstackidx].cur_fnum = cur_fnum;
+ // store user-provided data originating from tagfunc
+ if (use_tfu && parse_match(matches[cur_match], &tagp) == OK
+ && tagp.user_data)
+ {
+ VIM_CLEAR(tagstack[tagstackidx].user_data);
+ tagstack[tagstackidx].user_data = vim_strnsave(
+ tagp.user_data, tagp.user_data_end - tagp.user_data);
+ }
#if defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX)
pats->regmatch.regprog = NULL;
+#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+ * Call the user-defined function to generate a list of tags used by
+ * find_tags().
+ *
+ * Return OK if at least 1 tag has been successfully found,
+ * NOTDONE if the function returns v:null, and FAIL otherwise.
+ */
+ static int
+ char_u *pat, // pattern supplied to the user-defined function
+ garray_T *ga, // the tags will be placed here
+ int *match_count, // here the number of tags found will be placed
+ int flags, // flags from find_tags (TAG_*)
+ char_u *buf_ffname) // name of buffer for priority
+ pos_T save_pos;
+ list_T *taglist;
+ listitem_T *item;
+ int ntags = 0;
+ int result = FAIL;
+ typval_T args[4];
+ typval_T rettv;
+ char_u flagString[3];
+ dict_T *d;
+ taggy_T *tag = &curwin->w_tagstack[curwin->w_tagstackidx];
+ if (*curbuf->b_p_tfu == NUL)
+ return FAIL;
+ args[0].v_type = VAR_STRING;
+ args[0].vval.v_string = pat;
+ args[1].v_type = VAR_STRING;
+ args[1].vval.v_string = flagString;
+ // create 'info' dict argument
+ if ((d = dict_alloc_lock(VAR_FIXED)) == NULL)
+ return FAIL;
+ if (tag->user_data != NULL)
+ dict_add_string(d, "user_data", tag->user_data);
+ if (buf_ffname != NULL)
+ dict_add_string(d, "buf_ffname", buf_ffname);
+ ++d->dv_refcount;
+ args[2].v_type = VAR_DICT;
+ args[2].vval.v_dict = d;
+ args[3].v_type = VAR_UNKNOWN;
+ vim_snprintf((char *)flagString, sizeof(flagString),
+ "%s%s",
+ g_tag_at_cursor ? "c": "",
+ flags & TAG_INS_COMP ? "i": "");
+ save_pos = curwin->w_cursor;
+ result = call_vim_function(curbuf->b_p_tfu, 3, args, &rettv);
+ curwin->w_cursor = save_pos; // restore the cursor position
+ --d->dv_refcount;
+ if (result == FAIL)
+ return FAIL;
+ if (rettv.v_type == VAR_SPECIAL && rettv.vval.v_number == VVAL_NULL)
+ {
+ clear_tv(&rettv);
+ return NOTDONE;
+ }
+ if (rettv.v_type != VAR_LIST || !rettv.vval.v_list)
+ {
+ clear_tv(&rettv);
+ emsg(_(tfu_inv_ret_msg));
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ taglist = rettv.vval.v_list;
+ for (item = taglist->lv_first; item != NULL; item = item->li_next)
+ {
+ char_u *mfp;
+ char_u *res_name, *res_fname, *res_cmd, *res_kind;
+ int len;
+ dict_iterator_T iter;
+ char_u *dict_key;
+ typval_T *tv;
+ int has_extra = 0;
+ int name_only = flags & TAG_NAMES;
+ if (item->li_tv.v_type != VAR_DICT)
+ {
+ emsg(_(tfu_inv_ret_msg));
+ break;
+ }
+ len = 3;
+ len = 2;
+ res_name = NULL;
+ res_fname = NULL;
+ res_cmd = NULL;
+ res_kind = NULL;
+ dict_iterate_start(&item->li_tv, &iter);
+ while (NULL != (dict_key = dict_iterate_next(&iter, &tv)))
+ {
+ if (tv->v_type != VAR_STRING || tv->vval.v_string == NULL)
+ continue;
+ len += STRLEN(tv->vval.v_string) + 1; // Space for "\tVALUE"
+ if (!STRCMP(dict_key, "name"))
+ {
+ res_name = tv->vval.v_string;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!STRCMP(dict_key, "filename"))
+ {
+ res_fname = tv->vval.v_string;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!STRCMP(dict_key, "cmd"))
+ {
+ res_cmd = tv->vval.v_string;
+ continue;
+ }
+ has_extra = 1;
+ if (!STRCMP(dict_key, "kind"))
+ {
+ res_kind = tv->vval.v_string;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Other elements will be stored as "\tKEY:VALUE"
+ // Allocate space for the key and the colon
+ len += STRLEN(dict_key) + 1;
+ }
+ if (has_extra)
+ len += 2; // need space for ;"
+ if (!res_name || !res_fname || !res_cmd)
+ {
+ emsg(_(tfu_inv_ret_msg));
+ break;
+ }
+ if (name_only)
+ mfp = vim_strsave(res_name);
+ else
+ mfp = (char_u *)alloc((int)sizeof(char_u) + len + 1);
+ if (mfp == NULL)
+ continue;
+ if (!name_only)
+ {
+ char_u *p = mfp;
+ *p++ = MT_GL_OTH + 1; // mtt
+ *p++ = TAG_SEP; // no tag file name
+ *p++ = TAG_SEP;
+ STRCPY(p, res_name);
+ p += STRLEN(p);
+ *p++ = TAB;
+ STRCPY(p, res_fname);
+ p += STRLEN(p);
+ *p++ = TAB;
+ STRCPY(p, res_cmd);
+ p += STRLEN(p);
+ if (has_extra)
+ {
+ STRCPY(p, ";\"");
+ p += STRLEN(p);
+ if (res_kind)
+ {
+ *p++ = TAB;
+ STRCPY(p, res_kind);
+ p += STRLEN(p);
+ }
+ dict_iterate_start(&item->li_tv, &iter);
+ while (NULL != (dict_key = dict_iterate_next(&iter, &tv)))
+ {
+ if (tv->v_type != VAR_STRING || tv->vval.v_string == NULL)
+ continue;
+ if (!STRCMP(dict_key, "name"))
+ continue;
+ if (!STRCMP(dict_key, "filename"))
+ continue;
+ if (!STRCMP(dict_key, "cmd"))
+ continue;
+ if (!STRCMP(dict_key, "kind"))
+ continue;
+ *p++ = TAB;
+ STRCPY(p, dict_key);
+ p += STRLEN(p);
+ STRCPY(p, ":");
+ p += STRLEN(p);
+ STRCPY(p, tv->vval.v_string);
+ p += STRLEN(p);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Add all matches because tagfunc should do filtering.
+ if (ga_grow(ga, 1) == OK)
+ {
+ ((char_u **)(ga->ga_data))[ga->ga_len++] = mfp;
+ ++ntags;
+ result = OK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vim_free(mfp);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ clear_tv(&rettv);
+ *match_count = ntags;
+ return result;
* find_tags() - search for tags in tags files
* TAG_NOIC don't always ignore case
* TAG_KEEP_LANG keep language
* TAG_CSCOPE use cscope results for tags
+ * TAG_NO_TAGFUNC do not call the 'tagfunc' function
int use_cscope = (flags & TAG_CSCOPE);
int verbose = (flags & TAG_VERBOSE);
+#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+ int use_tfu = ((flags & TAG_NO_TAGFUNC) == 0);
int save_p_ic = p_ic;
vim_memset(&search_info, 0, (size_t)1);
+#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+ if (*curbuf->b_p_tfu != NUL && use_tfu && !tfu_in_use)
+ {
+ tfu_in_use = TRUE;
+ retval = find_tagfunc_tags(pat, &ga_match[0], &match_count,
+ flags, buf_ffname);
+ tfu_in_use = FALSE;
+ if (retval != NOTDONE)
+ goto findtag_end;
+ }
* When finding a specified number of matches, first try with matching
* case, so binary search can be used, and try ignore-case matches in a
-#define TAG_SEP 0x02
size_t tag_fname_len = STRLEN(tag_fname);
size_t ebuf_len = 0;
# if defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX)
- if (ptag_entry.tagname)
- VIM_CLEAR(ptag_entry.tagname);
+ tagstack_clear_entry(&ptag_entry);
# endif
tagp->tagkind = NULL;
+ tagp->user_data = NULL;
tagp->command_end = NULL;
if (retval == OK)
while (ASCII_ISALPHA(*p))
if (STRNCMP(p, "kind:", 5) == 0)
- {
tagp->tagkind = p + 5;
+ else if (STRNCMP(p, "user_data:", 10) == 0)
+ tagp->user_data = p + 10;
+ if (tagp->tagkind != NULL && tagp->user_data != NULL)
- }
pc = vim_strchr(p, ':');
pt = vim_strchr(p, '\t');
if (pc == NULL || (pt != NULL && pc > pt))
- {
tagp->tagkind = p;
- break;
- }
if (pt == NULL)
p = pt + 1;
tagp->tagkind_end = p;
+ if (tagp->user_data != NULL)
+ {
+ for (p = tagp->user_data;
+ *p && *p != '\t' && *p != '\r' && *p != '\n'; ++p)
+ ;
+ tagp->user_data_end = p;
+ }
return retval;
return FAIL;
+ * Free a single entry in a tag stack
+ */
+ static void
+tagstack_clear_entry(taggy_T *item)
+ VIM_CLEAR(item->tagname);
+ VIM_CLEAR(item->user_data);
#if defined(FEAT_CMDL_COMPL) || defined(PROTO)
tagnmflag = 0;
if (pat[0] == '/')
ret = find_tags(pat + 1, num_file, file,
- TAG_REGEXP | tagnmflag | TAG_VERBOSE,
TAG_MANY, curbuf->b_ffname);
ret = find_tags(pat, num_file, file,
TAG_MANY, curbuf->b_ffname);
if (ret == OK && !tagnames)
dict_add_string(retdict, "tagname", tag->tagname);
dict_add_number(retdict, "matchnr", tag->cur_match + 1);
dict_add_number(retdict, "bufnr", tag->cur_fnum);
+ if (tag->user_data)
+ dict_add_string(retdict, "user_data", tag->user_data);
if ((pos = list_alloc_id(aid_tagstack_from)) == NULL)
// Free the current tag stack
for (i = 0; i < wp->w_tagstacklen; ++i)
- vim_free(wp->w_tagstack[i].tagname);
+ tagstack_clear_entry(&wp->w_tagstack[i]);
wp->w_tagstacklen = 0;
wp->w_tagstackidx = 0;
taggy_T *tagstack = wp->w_tagstack;
int i;
- vim_free(tagstack[0].tagname);
+ tagstack_clear_entry(&tagstack[0]);
for (i = 1; i < wp->w_tagstacklen; ++i)
tagstack[i - 1] = tagstack[i];
int cur_fnum,
int cur_match,
pos_T mark,
- int fnum)
+ int fnum,
+ char_u *user_data)
taggy_T *tagstack = wp->w_tagstack;
int idx = wp->w_tagstacklen; // top of the stack
tagstack[idx].cur_match = 0;
tagstack[idx].fmark.mark = mark;
tagstack[idx].fmark.fnum = fnum;
+ tagstack[idx].user_data = user_data;
tagstack_push_item(wp, tagname,
(int)dict_get_number(itemdict, (char_u *)"bufnr"),
(int)dict_get_number(itemdict, (char_u *)"matchnr") - 1,
- mark, fnum);
+ mark, fnum,
+ dict_get_string(itemdict, (char_u *)"user_data", TRUE));
dictitem_T *di;
list_T *l;
+#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
+ // not allowed to alter the tag stack entries from inside tagfunc
+ if (tfu_in_use)
+ {
+ emsg(_(recurmsg));
+ return FAIL;
+ }
if ((di = dict_find(d, (char_u *)"items", -1)) != NULL)
if (di->di_tv.v_type != VAR_LIST)
test_tabline \
test_tabpage \
test_tagcase \
+ test_tagfunc \
test_tagjump \
test_taglist \
test_tcl \
source test_tabline.vim
source test_tabpage.vim
source test_tagcase.vim
+source test_tagfunc.vim
source test_tagjump.vim
source test_taglist.vim
source test_timers.vim
--- /dev/null
+" Test 'tagfunc'
+func TagFunc(pat, flag, info)
+ let g:tagfunc_args = [a:pat, a:flag, a:info]
+ let tags = []
+ for num in range(1,10)
+ let tags += [{
+ \ 'cmd': '2', 'name': 'nothing'.num, 'kind': 'm',
+ \ 'filename': 'Xfile1', 'user_data': 'somedata'.num,
+ \}]
+ endfor
+ return tags
+func Test_tagfunc()
+ set tagfunc=TagFunc
+ new Xfile1
+ call setline(1, ['empty', 'one()', 'empty'])
+ write
+ call assert_equal({'cmd': '2', 'static': 0,
+ \ 'name': 'nothing2', 'user_data': 'somedata2',
+ \ 'kind': 'm', 'filename': 'Xfile1'}, taglist('.')[1])
+ call settagstack(win_getid(), {'items': []})
+ tag arbitrary
+ call assert_equal('arbitrary', g:tagfunc_args[0])
+ call assert_equal('', g:tagfunc_args[1])
+ call assert_equal('somedata1', gettagstack().items[0].user_data)
+ 5tag arbitrary
+ call assert_equal('arbitrary', g:tagfunc_args[0])
+ call assert_equal('', g:tagfunc_args[1])
+ call assert_equal('somedata5', gettagstack().items[1].user_data)
+ pop
+ tag
+ call assert_equal('arbitrary', g:tagfunc_args[0])
+ call assert_equal('', g:tagfunc_args[1])
+ call assert_equal('somedata5', gettagstack().items[1].user_data)
+ let g:tagfunc_args=[]
+ execute "normal! \<c-]>"
+ call assert_equal('one', g:tagfunc_args[0])
+ call assert_equal('c', g:tagfunc_args[1])
+ set cpt=t
+ let g:tagfunc_args=[]
+ execute "normal! i\<c-n>\<c-y>"
+ call assert_equal('ci', g:tagfunc_args[1])
+ call assert_equal('nothing1', getline('.')[0:7])
+ func BadTagFunc1(...)
+ return 0
+ endfunc
+ func BadTagFunc2(...)
+ return [1]
+ endfunc
+ func BadTagFunc3(...)
+ return [{'name': 'foo'}]
+ endfunc
+ for &tagfunc in ['BadTagFunc1', 'BadTagFunc2', 'BadTagFunc3']
+ try
+ tag nothing
+ call assert_false(1, 'tag command should have failed')
+ catch
+ call assert_exception('E987:')
+ endtry
+ exe 'delf' &tagfunc
+ endfor
+ func NullTagFunc(...)
+ return v:null
+ endfunc
+ set tags= tfu=NullTagFunc
+ call assert_fails('tag nothing', 'E426')
+ delf NullTagFunc
+ bwipe!
+ set tags& tfu& cpt&
+ call delete('Xfile1')
+" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 1228,
* flags for find_tags().
-#define TAG_HELP 1 /* only search for help tags */
-#define TAG_NAMES 2 /* only return name of tag */
-#define TAG_REGEXP 4 /* use tag pattern as regexp */
-#define TAG_NOIC 8 /* don't always ignore case */
+#define TAG_HELP 1 // only search for help tags
+#define TAG_NAMES 2 // only return name of tag
+#define TAG_REGEXP 4 // use tag pattern as regexp
+#define TAG_NOIC 8 // don't always ignore case
-# define TAG_CSCOPE 16 /* cscope tag */
+# define TAG_CSCOPE 16 // cscope tag
-#define TAG_VERBOSE 32 /* message verbosity */
-#define TAG_INS_COMP 64 /* Currently doing insert completion */
-#define TAG_KEEP_LANG 128 /* keep current language */
+#define TAG_VERBOSE 32 // message verbosity
+#define TAG_INS_COMP 64 // Currently doing insert completion
+#define TAG_KEEP_LANG 128 // keep current language
+#define TAG_NO_TAGFUNC 256 // do not use 'tagfunc'
-#define TAG_MANY 300 /* When finding many tags (for completion),
- find up to this many tags */
+#define TAG_MANY 300 // When finding many tags (for completion),
+ // find up to this many tags
* Types of dialogs passed to do_vim_dialog().
/* copy tagstack and folds */
for (i = 0; i < oldp->w_tagstacklen; i++)
- newp->w_tagstack[i] = oldp->w_tagstack[i];
- if (newp->w_tagstack[i].tagname != NULL)
- newp->w_tagstack[i].tagname =
- vim_strsave(newp->w_tagstack[i].tagname);
+ taggy_T *tag = &newp->w_tagstack[i];
+ *tag = oldp->w_tagstack[i];
+ if (tag->tagname != NULL)
+ tag->tagname = vim_strsave(tag->tagname);
+ if (tag->user_data != NULL)
+ tag->user_data = vim_strsave(tag->user_data);
newp->w_tagstackidx = oldp->w_tagstackidx;
newp->w_tagstacklen = oldp->w_tagstacklen;