Lang = xml:get_attr_s("xml:lang", Attrs),
case decide_fate_message(Type, Packet, From, StateData) of
{expulse_sender, Reason} ->
- ?INFO_MSG(Reason, []),
+ ?DEBUG(Reason, []),
Status_text = "This participant sent a bad error message to another participant.",
NewState =
%% Decide the fate of the message and its sender
%% Returns: continue_delivery | forget_message | {expulse_sender, Reason}
decide_fate_message("error", Packet, From, StateData) ->
- case catch check_error_kick(Packet) of
- %% If this is an error stanza and its condition matches a criteria
- true ->
- %% If the sender of the message is online
+ %% Make a preliminary decision
+ PD = case catch check_error_kick(Packet) of
+ %% If this is an error stanza and its condition matches a criteria
+ true ->
+ Reason = io_lib:format("This participant is considered a ghost and is expulsed: ~s",
+ [jlib:jid_to_string(From)]),
+ {expulse_sender, Reason};
+ false ->
+ continue_delivery;
+ {'EXIT', Error} ->
+ Reason = io_lib:format(
+ "This participant sent a problematic packet and is expulsed: ~s~nPacket: ~p~nError: ~p",
+ [jlib:jid_to_string(From), Packet, Error]),
+ {expulse_sender, Reason}
+ end,
+ case PD of
+ {expulse_sender, R} ->
case is_user_online(From, StateData) of
true ->
- Reason = io_lib:format("This participant is considered a ghost and is expulsed: ~s",
- [jlib:jid_to_string(From)]),
- {expulse_sender, Reason};
+ {expulse_sender, R};
false ->
- false ->
- continue_delivery;
- {'EXIT', Error} ->
- Reason = io_lib:format(
- "This participant sent a problematic packet and is expulsed: ~s~nPacket: ~p~nError: ~p",
- [jlib:jid_to_string(From), Packet, Error]),
- {expulse_sender, Reason}
+ Other ->
+ Other
decide_fate_message(_, _, _, _) ->