--- /dev/null
+== Applying the Disclaim Patch ==
+Pick the patch closest in date to the version of GC you want to patch.
+1. Unpack the source code, or make a copy of the CVS tree.
+2. From the top level source directory, issue 'patch -p1 <PATCHFILE.patch'.
+ If it doesn't apply cleanly, you should try another GC/patch combination.
+3. IMPORTANT: Run 'autoreconf -vi'. This regenerates auto-generated files
+ which are not included in the patch.
+4. Build, test and install the collector. It's a very good idea to run
+ 'make check' before installing.
*my_fl = (ptr_t)my_entry + lg + 1;
return GC_core_finalized_malloc(client_lb, fclos);
} else {
- GC_generic_malloc_many(RAW_BYTES_FROM_INDEX(lg),
+ GC_generic_malloc_many(GC_RAW_BYTES_FROM_INDEX(lg),
GC_finalized_kind, my_fl);
my_entry = *my_fl;
if (my_entry == 0)