\makesubsection{download}{Download Source Code}
-Released versions of \ejabberd{} are available in the ProcessOne \ejabberd{} downl\ 1oads page:
+Released versions of \ejabberd{} are available in the ProcessOne \ejabberd{} downloads page:
\ind{Git repository}
\titem{s2s\_protocol\_options: ProtocolOpts} \ind{options!s2s\_protocol\_options}
List of general options relating to SSL/TLS. These map to \verb|<a href="https://www.openssl.org/docs/ssl/SSL_CTX_set_options.html">OpenSSL's set_options()</a>|.
For a full list of options available in ejabberd, \verb|<a href="https://github.com/processone/tls/blob/protocol_options/c_src/options.h">see the source</a>|.
- The default enitry is: \verb|"no_sslv2"|
+ The default entry is: \verb|"no_sslv2"|
\titem{outgoing\_s2s\_families: [Family, ...]} \ind{options!outgoing\_s2s\_families}
Specify which address families to try, in what order.
By default it first tries connecting with IPv4, if that fails it tries using IPv6.