--- /dev/null
+ Copyright 1999-2016 ImageMagick Studio LLC, a non-profit organization
+ dedicated to making software imaging solutions freely available.
+ You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.imagemagick.org/script/license.php
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ MagickCore private kernels for accelerated functions.
+#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
+extern "C" {
+ Define declarations.
+#define OPENCL_DEFINE(VAR,...) "\n #""define " #VAR " " #__VA_ARGS__ " \n"
+#define OPENCL_ELIF(...) "\n #""elif " #__VA_ARGS__ " \n"
+#define OPENCL_ELSE() "\n #""else " " \n"
+#define OPENCL_ENDIF() "\n #""endif " " \n"
+#define OPENCL_IF(...) "\n #""if " #__VA_ARGS__ " \n"
+#define STRINGIFY(...) #__VA_ARGS__ "\n"
+ Typedef declarations.
+typedef struct _FloatPixelPacket
+ MagickRealType
+ red,
+ green,
+ blue,
+ alpha,
+ black;
+} FloatPixelPacket;
+const char *accelerateKernels =
+ Define declarations.
+ OPENCL_DEFINE(SigmaUniform, (attenuate*0.015625f))
+ OPENCL_DEFINE(SigmaGaussian, (attenuate*0.015625f))
+ OPENCL_DEFINE(SigmaImpulse, (attenuate*0.1f))
+ OPENCL_DEFINE(SigmaLaplacian, (attenuate*0.0390625f))
+ OPENCL_DEFINE(SigmaMultiplicativeGaussian, (attenuate*0.5f))
+ OPENCL_DEFINE(SigmaPoisson, (attenuate*12.5f))
+ OPENCL_DEFINE(SigmaRandom, (attenuate))
+ OPENCL_DEFINE(TauGaussian, (attenuate*0.078125f))
+ OPENCL_DEFINE(MagickMax(x,y), (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y)))
+ OPENCL_DEFINE(MagickMin(x,y), (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y)))
+ Typedef declarations.
+ typedef enum
+ {
+ UndefinedColorspace,
+ RGBColorspace, /* Linear RGB colorspace */
+ GRAYColorspace, /* greyscale (linear) image (faked 1 channel) */
+ TransparentColorspace,
+ OHTAColorspace,
+ LabColorspace,
+ XYZColorspace,
+ YCbCrColorspace,
+ YCCColorspace,
+ YIQColorspace,
+ YPbPrColorspace,
+ YUVColorspace,
+ CMYKColorspace, /* negared linear RGB with black separated */
+ sRGBColorspace, /* Default: non-lienar sRGB colorspace */
+ HSBColorspace,
+ HSLColorspace,
+ HWBColorspace,
+ Rec601LumaColorspace,
+ Rec601YCbCrColorspace,
+ Rec709LumaColorspace,
+ Rec709YCbCrColorspace,
+ LogColorspace,
+ CMYColorspace, /* negated linear RGB colorspace */
+ LuvColorspace,
+ HCLColorspace,
+ LCHColorspace, /* alias for LCHuv */
+ LMSColorspace,
+ LCHabColorspace, /* Cylindrical (Polar) Lab */
+ LCHuvColorspace, /* Cylindrical (Polar) Luv */
+ scRGBColorspace,
+ HSIColorspace,
+ HSVColorspace, /* alias for HSB */
+ HCLpColorspace,
+ YDbDrColorspace
+ } ColorspaceType;
+ )
+ typedef enum
+ {
+ UndefinedCompositeOp,
+ NoCompositeOp,
+ ModulusAddCompositeOp,
+ AtopCompositeOp,
+ BlendCompositeOp,
+ BumpmapCompositeOp,
+ ChangeMaskCompositeOp,
+ ClearCompositeOp,
+ ColorBurnCompositeOp,
+ ColorDodgeCompositeOp,
+ ColorizeCompositeOp,
+ CopyBlackCompositeOp,
+ CopyBlueCompositeOp,
+ CopyCompositeOp,
+ CopyCyanCompositeOp,
+ CopyGreenCompositeOp,
+ CopyMagentaCompositeOp,
+ CopyOpacityCompositeOp,
+ CopyRedCompositeOp,
+ CopyYellowCompositeOp,
+ DarkenCompositeOp,
+ DstAtopCompositeOp,
+ DstCompositeOp,
+ DstInCompositeOp,
+ DstOutCompositeOp,
+ DstOverCompositeOp,
+ DifferenceCompositeOp,
+ DisplaceCompositeOp,
+ DissolveCompositeOp,
+ ExclusionCompositeOp,
+ HardLightCompositeOp,
+ HueCompositeOp,
+ InCompositeOp,
+ LightenCompositeOp,
+ LinearLightCompositeOp,
+ LuminizeCompositeOp,
+ MinusDstCompositeOp,
+ ModulateCompositeOp,
+ MultiplyCompositeOp,
+ OutCompositeOp,
+ OverCompositeOp,
+ OverlayCompositeOp,
+ PlusCompositeOp,
+ ReplaceCompositeOp,
+ SaturateCompositeOp,
+ ScreenCompositeOp,
+ SoftLightCompositeOp,
+ SrcAtopCompositeOp,
+ SrcCompositeOp,
+ SrcInCompositeOp,
+ SrcOutCompositeOp,
+ SrcOverCompositeOp,
+ ModulusSubtractCompositeOp,
+ ThresholdCompositeOp,
+ XorCompositeOp,
+ /* These are new operators, added after the above was last sorted.
+ * The list should be re-sorted only when a new library version is
+ * created.
+ */
+ DivideDstCompositeOp,
+ DistortCompositeOp,
+ BlurCompositeOp,
+ PegtopLightCompositeOp,
+ VividLightCompositeOp,
+ PinLightCompositeOp,
+ LinearDodgeCompositeOp,
+ LinearBurnCompositeOp,
+ MathematicsCompositeOp,
+ DivideSrcCompositeOp,
+ MinusSrcCompositeOp,
+ DarkenIntensityCompositeOp,
+ LightenIntensityCompositeOp
+ } CompositeOperator;
+ )
+ typedef enum
+ {
+ UndefinedFunction,
+ ArcsinFunction,
+ ArctanFunction,
+ PolynomialFunction,
+ SinusoidFunction
+ } MagickFunction;
+ )
+ typedef enum
+ {
+ UndefinedNoise,
+ UniformNoise,
+ GaussianNoise,
+ MultiplicativeGaussianNoise,
+ ImpulseNoise,
+ LaplacianNoise,
+ PoissonNoise,
+ RandomNoise
+ } NoiseType;
+ )
+ typedef enum
+ {
+ UndefinedPixelIntensityMethod = 0,
+ AveragePixelIntensityMethod,
+ BrightnessPixelIntensityMethod,
+ LightnessPixelIntensityMethod,
+ Rec601LumaPixelIntensityMethod,
+ Rec601LuminancePixelIntensityMethod,
+ Rec709LumaPixelIntensityMethod,
+ Rec709LuminancePixelIntensityMethod,
+ RMSPixelIntensityMethod,
+ MSPixelIntensityMethod
+ } PixelIntensityMethod;
+ )
+ typedef enum {
+ BoxWeightingFunction = 0,
+ TriangleWeightingFunction,
+ CubicBCWeightingFunction,
+ HannWeightingFunction,
+ HammingWeightingFunction,
+ BlackmanWeightingFunction,
+ GaussianWeightingFunction,
+ QuadraticWeightingFunction,
+ JincWeightingFunction,
+ SincWeightingFunction,
+ SincFastWeightingFunction,
+ KaiserWeightingFunction,
+ WelshWeightingFunction,
+ BohmanWeightingFunction,
+ LagrangeWeightingFunction,
+ CosineWeightingFunction,
+ } ResizeWeightingFunctionType;
+ )
+ typedef enum
+ {
+ UndefinedChannel = 0x0000,
+ RedChannel = 0x0001,
+ GrayChannel = 0x0001,
+ CyanChannel = 0x0001,
+ GreenChannel = 0x0002,
+ MagentaChannel = 0x0002,
+ BlueChannel = 0x0004,
+ YellowChannel = 0x0004,
+ BlackChannel = 0x0008,
+ AlphaChannel = 0x0010,
+ OpacityChannel = 0x0010,
+ IndexChannel = 0x0020, /* Color Index Table? */
+ ReadMaskChannel = 0x0040, /* Pixel is Not Readable? */
+ WriteMaskChannel = 0x0080, /* Pixel is Write Protected? */
+ MetaChannel = 0x0100, /* ???? */
+ CompositeChannels = 0x002F,
+ AllChannels = 0x7ffffff,
+ /*
+ Special purpose channel types.
+ FUTURE: are these needed any more - they are more like hacks
+ SyncChannels for example is NOT a real channel but a 'flag'
+ It really says -- "User has not defined channels"
+ Though it does have extra meaning in the "-auto-level" operator
+ */
+ TrueAlphaChannel = 0x0100, /* extract actual alpha channel from opacity */
+ RGBChannels = 0x0200, /* set alpha from grayscale mask in RGB */
+ GrayChannels = 0x0400,
+ SyncChannels = 0x20000, /* channels modified as a single unit */
+ DefaultChannels = AllChannels
+ } ChannelType; /* must correspond to PixelChannel */
+ )
+ Helper functions.
+ inline CLQuantum ScaleCharToQuantum(const unsigned char value)
+ {
+ return((CLQuantum) value);
+ }
+ )
+ inline CLQuantum ScaleCharToQuantum(const unsigned char value)
+ {
+ return((CLQuantum) (257.0f*value));
+ }
+ )
+ inline CLQuantum ScaleCharToQuantum(const unsigned char value)
+ {
+ return((CLQuantum) (16843009.0*value));
+ }
+ )
+ inline int ClampToCanvas(const int offset,const int range)
+ {
+ return clamp(offset, (int)0, range-1);
+ }
+ )
+ inline CLQuantum ClampToQuantum(const float value)
+ {
+ return (CLQuantum) (clamp(value, 0.0f, QuantumRange) + 0.5f);
+ }
+ )
+ inline uint ScaleQuantumToMap(CLQuantum value)
+ {
+ if (value >= (CLQuantum) MaxMap)
+ return ((uint)MaxMap);
+ else
+ return ((uint)value);
+ }
+ )
+ inline float PerceptibleReciprocal(const float x)
+ {
+ float sign = x < (float) 0.0 ? (float) -1.0 : (float) 1.0;
+ return((sign*x) >= MagickEpsilon ? (float) 1.0/x : sign*((float) 1.0/MagickEpsilon));
+ }
+ )
+ inline float RoundToUnity(const float value)
+ {
+ return clamp(value,0.0f,1.0f);
+ }
+ )
+ inline unsigned int getPixelIndex(const unsigned int number_channels,
+ const unsigned int columns, const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y)
+ {
+ return (x * number_channels) + (y * columns * number_channels);
+ }
+ inline float getPixelRed(const __global CLQuantum *p) { return (float)*p; }
+ inline float getPixelGreen(const __global CLQuantum *p) { return (float)*(p+1); }
+ inline float getPixelBlue(const __global CLQuantum *p) { return (float)*(p+2); }
+ inline float getPixelAlpha(const __global CLQuantum *p,const unsigned int number_channels) { return (float)*(p+number_channels-1); }
+ inline void setPixelRed(__global CLQuantum *p,const CLQuantum value) { *p=value; }
+ inline void setPixelGreen(__global CLQuantum *p,const CLQuantum value) { *(p+1)=value; }
+ inline void setPixelBlue(__global CLQuantum *p,const CLQuantum value) { *(p+2)=value; }
+ inline void setPixelAlpha(__global CLQuantum *p,const unsigned int number_channels,const CLQuantum value) { *(p+number_channels-1)=value; }
+ inline CLQuantum getBlue(CLPixelType p) { return p.x; }
+ inline void setBlue(CLPixelType* p, CLQuantum value) { (*p).x = value; }
+ inline float getBlueF4(float4 p) { return p.x; }
+ inline void setBlueF4(float4* p, float value) { (*p).x = value; }
+ inline CLQuantum getGreen(CLPixelType p) { return p.y; }
+ inline void setGreen(CLPixelType* p, CLQuantum value) { (*p).y = value; }
+ inline float getGreenF4(float4 p) { return p.y; }
+ inline void setGreenF4(float4* p, float value) { (*p).y = value; }
+ inline CLQuantum getRed(CLPixelType p) { return p.z; }
+ inline void setRed(CLPixelType* p, CLQuantum value) { (*p).z = value; }
+ inline float getRedF4(float4 p) { return p.z; }
+ inline void setRedF4(float4* p, float value) { (*p).z = value; }
+ inline CLQuantum getAlpha(CLPixelType p) { return p.w; }
+ inline void setAlpha(CLPixelType* p, CLQuantum value) { (*p).w = value; }
+ inline float getAlphaF4(float4 p) { return p.w; }
+ inline void setAlphaF4(float4* p, float value) { (*p).w = value; }
+ inline void ReadChannels(const __global CLQuantum *p, const unsigned int number_channels,
+ const ChannelType channel, float *red, float *green, float *blue, float *alpha)
+ {
+ if ((channel & RedChannel) != 0)
+ *red=getPixelRed(p);
+ if (number_channels > 2)
+ {
+ if ((channel & GreenChannel) != 0)
+ *green=getPixelGreen(p);
+ if ((channel & BlueChannel) != 0)
+ *blue=getPixelBlue(p);
+ }
+ if (((number_channels == 4) || (number_channels == 2)) &&
+ ((channel & AlphaChannel) != 0))
+ *alpha=getPixelAlpha(p,number_channels);
+ }
+ inline float4 ReadFloat4(const __global CLQuantum *image, const unsigned int number_channels,
+ const unsigned int columns, const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y, const ChannelType channel)
+ {
+ const __global CLQuantum *p = image + getPixelIndex(number_channels, columns, x, y);
+ float red = 0.0f;
+ float green = 0.0f;
+ float blue = 0.0f;
+ float alpha = 0.0f;
+ ReadChannels(p, number_channels, channel, &red, &green, &blue, &alpha);
+ return (float4)(red, green, blue, alpha);
+ }
+ inline void WriteChannels(__global CLQuantum *p, const unsigned int number_channels,
+ const ChannelType channel, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha)
+ {
+ if ((channel & RedChannel) != 0)
+ setPixelRed(p,ClampToQuantum(red));
+ if (number_channels > 2)
+ {
+ if ((channel & GreenChannel) != 0)
+ setPixelGreen(p,ClampToQuantum(green));
+ if ((channel & BlueChannel) != 0)
+ setPixelBlue(p,ClampToQuantum(blue));
+ }
+ if (((number_channels == 4) || (number_channels == 2)) &&
+ ((channel & AlphaChannel) != 0))
+ setPixelAlpha(p,number_channels,ClampToQuantum(alpha));
+ }
+ inline void WriteFloat4(__global CLQuantum *image, const unsigned int number_channels,
+ const unsigned int columns, const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y, const ChannelType channel,
+ float4 pixel)
+ {
+ __global CLQuantum *p = image + getPixelIndex(number_channels, columns, x, y);
+ WriteChannels(p, number_channels, channel, pixel.x, pixel.y, pixel.z, pixel.w);
+ }
+ inline float GetPixelIntensity(const unsigned int colorspace,
+ const unsigned int method,float red,float green,float blue)
+ {
+ float intensity;
+ if (colorspace == GRAYColorspace)
+ return red;
+ switch (method)
+ {
+ case AveragePixelIntensityMethod:
+ {
+ intensity=(red+green+blue)/3.0;
+ break;
+ }
+ case BrightnessPixelIntensityMethod:
+ {
+ intensity=MagickMax(MagickMax(red,green),blue);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LightnessPixelIntensityMethod:
+ {
+ intensity=(MagickMin(MagickMin(red,green),blue)+
+ MagickMax(MagickMax(red,green),blue))/2.0;
+ break;
+ }
+ case MSPixelIntensityMethod:
+ {
+ intensity=(float) (((float) red*red+green*green+blue*blue)/
+ (3.0*QuantumRange));
+ break;
+ }
+ case Rec601LumaPixelIntensityMethod:
+ {
+ /*
+ if (image->colorspace == RGBColorspace)
+ {
+ red=EncodePixelGamma(red);
+ green=EncodePixelGamma(green);
+ blue=EncodePixelGamma(blue);
+ }
+ */
+ intensity=0.298839*red+0.586811*green+0.114350*blue;
+ break;
+ }
+ case Rec601LuminancePixelIntensityMethod:
+ {
+ /*
+ if (image->colorspace == sRGBColorspace)
+ {
+ red=DecodePixelGamma(red);
+ green=DecodePixelGamma(green);
+ blue=DecodePixelGamma(blue);
+ }
+ */
+ intensity=0.298839*red+0.586811*green+0.114350*blue;
+ break;
+ }
+ case Rec709LumaPixelIntensityMethod:
+ default:
+ {
+ /*
+ if (image->colorspace == RGBColorspace)
+ {
+ red=EncodePixelGamma(red);
+ green=EncodePixelGamma(green);
+ blue=EncodePixelGamma(blue);
+ }
+ */
+ intensity=0.212656*red+0.715158*green+0.072186*blue;
+ break;
+ }
+ case Rec709LuminancePixelIntensityMethod:
+ {
+ /*
+ if (image->colorspace == sRGBColorspace)
+ {
+ red=DecodePixelGamma(red);
+ green=DecodePixelGamma(green);
+ blue=DecodePixelGamma(blue);
+ }
+ */
+ intensity=0.212656*red+0.715158*green+0.072186*blue;
+ break;
+ }
+ case RMSPixelIntensityMethod:
+ {
+ intensity=(float) (sqrt((float) red*red+green*green+blue*blue)/
+ sqrt(3.0));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return intensity;
+ }
+ inline int mirrorBottom(int value)
+ {
+ return (value < 0) ? - (value) : value;
+ }
+ inline int mirrorTop(int value, int width)
+ {
+ return (value >= width) ? (2 * width - value - 1) : value;
+ }
+ )
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% A d d N o i s e %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+ /*
+ Part of MWC64X by David Thomas, dt10@imperial.ac.uk
+ This is provided under BSD, full license is with the main package.
+ See http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~dt10/research
+ */
+ // Pre: a<M, b<M
+ // Post: r=(a+b) mod M
+ ulong MWC_AddMod64(ulong a, ulong b, ulong M)
+ {
+ ulong v=a+b;
+ //if( (v>=M) || (v<a) )
+ if( (v>=M) || (convert_float(v) < convert_float(a)) ) // workaround for what appears to be an optimizer bug.
+ v=v-M;
+ return v;
+ }
+ // Pre: a<M,b<M
+ // Post: r=(a*b) mod M
+ // This could be done more efficently, but it is portable, and should
+ // be easy to understand. It can be replaced with any of the better
+ // modular multiplication algorithms (for example if you know you have
+ // double precision available or something).
+ ulong MWC_MulMod64(ulong a, ulong b, ulong M)
+ {
+ ulong r=0;
+ while(a!=0){
+ if(a&1)
+ r=MWC_AddMod64(r,b,M);
+ b=MWC_AddMod64(b,b,M);
+ a=a>>1;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ // Pre: a<M, e>=0
+ // Post: r=(a^b) mod M
+ // This takes at most ~64^2 modular additions, so probably about 2^15 or so instructions on
+ // most architectures
+ ulong MWC_PowMod64(ulong a, ulong e, ulong M)
+ {
+ ulong sqr=a, acc=1;
+ while(e!=0){
+ if(e&1)
+ acc=MWC_MulMod64(acc,sqr,M);
+ sqr=MWC_MulMod64(sqr,sqr,M);
+ e=e>>1;
+ }
+ return acc;
+ }
+ uint2 MWC_SkipImpl_Mod64(uint2 curr, ulong A, ulong M, ulong distance)
+ {
+ ulong m=MWC_PowMod64(A, distance, M);
+ ulong x=curr.x*(ulong)A+curr.y;
+ x=MWC_MulMod64(x, m, M);
+ return (uint2)((uint)(x/A), (uint)(x%A));
+ }
+ uint2 MWC_SeedImpl_Mod64(ulong A, ulong M, uint vecSize, uint vecOffset, ulong streamBase, ulong streamGap)
+ {
+ // This is an arbitrary constant for starting LCG jumping from. I didn't
+ // want to start from 1, as then you end up with the two or three first values
+ // being a bit poor in ones - once you've decided that, one constant is as
+ // good as any another. There is no deep mathematical reason for it, I just
+ // generated a random number.
+ enum{ MWC_BASEID = 4077358422479273989UL };
+ ulong dist=streamBase + (get_global_id(0)*vecSize+vecOffset)*streamGap;
+ ulong m=MWC_PowMod64(A, dist, M);
+ ulong x=MWC_MulMod64(MWC_BASEID, m, M);
+ return (uint2)((uint)(x/A), (uint)(x%A));
+ }
+ //! Represents the state of a particular generator
+ typedef struct{ uint x; uint c; } mwc64x_state_t;
+ enum{ MWC64X_A = 4294883355U };
+ enum{ MWC64X_M = 18446383549859758079UL };
+ void MWC64X_Step(mwc64x_state_t *s)
+ {
+ uint X=s->x, C=s->c;
+ uint Xn=MWC64X_A*X+C;
+ uint carry=(uint)(Xn<C); // The (Xn<C) will be zero or one for scalar
+ uint Cn=mad_hi(MWC64X_A,X,carry);
+ s->x=Xn;
+ s->c=Cn;
+ }
+ void MWC64X_Skip(mwc64x_state_t *s, ulong distance)
+ {
+ uint2 tmp=MWC_SkipImpl_Mod64((uint2)(s->x,s->c), MWC64X_A, MWC64X_M, distance);
+ s->x=tmp.x;
+ s->c=tmp.y;
+ }
+ void MWC64X_SeedStreams(mwc64x_state_t *s, ulong baseOffset, ulong perStreamOffset)
+ {
+ uint2 tmp=MWC_SeedImpl_Mod64(MWC64X_A, MWC64X_M, 1, 0, baseOffset, perStreamOffset);
+ s->x=tmp.x;
+ s->c=tmp.y;
+ }
+ //! Return a 32-bit integer in the range [0..2^32)
+ uint MWC64X_NextUint(mwc64x_state_t *s)
+ {
+ uint res=s->x ^ s->c;
+ MWC64X_Step(s);
+ return res;
+ }
+ //
+ // End of MWC64X excerpt
+ //
+ float mwcReadPseudoRandomValue(mwc64x_state_t* rng)
+ {
+ return (1.0f * MWC64X_NextUint(rng)) / (float)(0xffffffff); // normalized to 1.0
+ }
+ float mwcGenerateDifferentialNoise(mwc64x_state_t* r, float pixel, NoiseType noise_type, float attenuate)
+ {
+ float
+ alpha,
+ beta,
+ noise,
+ sigma;
+ noise = 0.0f;
+ alpha=mwcReadPseudoRandomValue(r);
+ switch(noise_type)
+ {
+ case UniformNoise:
+ default:
+ {
+ noise=(pixel+QuantumRange*SigmaUniform*(alpha-0.5f));
+ break;
+ }
+ case GaussianNoise:
+ {
+ float
+ gamma,
+ tau;
+ if (alpha == 0.0f)
+ alpha=1.0f;
+ beta=mwcReadPseudoRandomValue(r);
+ gamma=sqrt(-2.0f*log(alpha));
+ sigma=gamma*cospi((2.0f*beta));
+ tau=gamma*sinpi((2.0f*beta));
+ noise=pixel+sqrt(pixel)*SigmaGaussian*sigma+QuantumRange*TauGaussian*tau;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ImpulseNoise:
+ {
+ if (alpha < (SigmaImpulse/2.0f))
+ noise=0.0f;
+ else
+ if (alpha >= (1.0f-(SigmaImpulse/2.0f)))
+ noise=QuantumRange;
+ else
+ noise=pixel;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LaplacianNoise:
+ {
+ if (alpha <= 0.5f)
+ {
+ if (alpha <= MagickEpsilon)
+ noise=(pixel-QuantumRange);
+ else
+ noise=(pixel+QuantumRange*SigmaLaplacian*log(2.0f*alpha)+
+ 0.5f);
+ break;
+ }
+ beta=1.0f-alpha;
+ if (beta <= (0.5f*MagickEpsilon))
+ noise=(pixel+QuantumRange);
+ else
+ noise=(pixel-QuantumRange*SigmaLaplacian*log(2.0f*beta)+0.5f);
+ break;
+ }
+ case MultiplicativeGaussianNoise:
+ {
+ sigma=1.0f;
+ if (alpha > MagickEpsilon)
+ sigma=sqrt(-2.0f*log(alpha));
+ beta=mwcReadPseudoRandomValue(r);
+ noise=(pixel+pixel*SigmaMultiplicativeGaussian*sigma*
+ cospi((2.0f*beta))/2.0f);
+ break;
+ }
+ case PoissonNoise:
+ {
+ float
+ poisson;
+ unsigned int i;
+ poisson=exp(-SigmaPoisson*QuantumScale*pixel);
+ for (i=0; alpha > poisson; i++)
+ {
+ beta=mwcReadPseudoRandomValue(r);
+ alpha*=beta;
+ }
+ noise=(QuantumRange*i/SigmaPoisson);
+ break;
+ }
+ case RandomNoise:
+ {
+ noise=(QuantumRange*SigmaRandom*alpha);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return noise;
+ }
+ __kernel
+ void AddNoise(const __global CLQuantum *image,
+ const unsigned int number_channels,const ChannelType channel,
+ const unsigned int length,const unsigned int pixelsPerWorkItem,
+ const NoiseType noise_type,const float attenuate,const unsigned int seed0,
+ const unsigned int seed1,const unsigned int numRandomNumbersPerPixel,
+ __global CLQuantum *filteredImage)
+ {
+ mwc64x_state_t rng;
+ rng.x = seed0;
+ rng.c = seed1;
+ uint span = pixelsPerWorkItem * numRandomNumbersPerPixel; // length of RNG substream each workitem will use
+ uint offset = span * get_local_size(0) * get_group_id(0); // offset of this workgroup's RNG substream (in master stream);
+ MWC64X_SeedStreams(&rng, offset, span); // Seed the RNG streams
+ uint pos = get_group_id(0) * get_local_size(0) * pixelsPerWorkItem * number_channels + (get_local_id(0) * number_channels);
+ uint count = pixelsPerWorkItem;
+ while (count > 0 && pos < length)
+ {
+ const __global CLQuantum *p = image + pos;
+ __global CLQuantum *q = filteredImage + pos;
+ float red;
+ float green;
+ float blue;
+ float alpha;
+ ReadChannels(p, number_channels, channel, &red, &green, &blue, &alpha);
+ if ((channel & RedChannel) != 0)
+ red=mwcGenerateDifferentialNoise(&rng,red,noise_type,attenuate);
+ if (number_channels > 2)
+ {
+ if ((channel & GreenChannel) != 0)
+ green=mwcGenerateDifferentialNoise(&rng,green,noise_type,attenuate);
+ if ((channel & BlueChannel) != 0)
+ blue=mwcGenerateDifferentialNoise(&rng,blue,noise_type,attenuate);
+ }
+ if (((number_channels == 4) || (number_channels == 2)) &&
+ ((channel & AlphaChannel) != 0))
+ alpha=mwcGenerateDifferentialNoise(&rng,alpha,noise_type,attenuate);
+ WriteChannels(q, number_channels, channel, red, green, blue, alpha);
+ pos += (get_local_size(0) * number_channels);
+ count--;
+ }
+ }
+ )
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% B l u r %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+ /*
+ Reduce image noise and reduce detail levels by row
+ */
+ __kernel void BlurRow(const __global CLQuantum *image,
+ const unsigned int number_channels,const ChannelType channel,
+ __constant float *filter,const unsigned int width,
+ const unsigned int imageColumns,const unsigned int imageRows,
+ __local float4 *temp,__global float4 *tempImage)
+ {
+ const int x = get_global_id(0);
+ const int y = get_global_id(1);
+ const int columns = imageColumns;
+ const unsigned int radius = (width-1)/2;
+ const int wsize = get_local_size(0);
+ const unsigned int loadSize = wsize+width;
+ //group coordinate
+ const int groupX=get_local_size(0)*get_group_id(0);
+ //parallel load and clamp
+ for (int i=get_local_id(0); i < loadSize; i=i+get_local_size(0))
+ {
+ int cx = ClampToCanvas(i + groupX - radius, columns);
+ temp[i] = ReadFloat4(image, number_channels, columns, cx, y, channel);
+ }
+ // barrier
+ // only do the work if this is not a patched item
+ if (get_global_id(0) < columns)
+ {
+ // compute
+ float4 result = (float4) 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ for ( ; i+7 < width; )
+ {
+ for (int j=0; j < 8; j++)
+ result+=filter[i+j]*temp[i+j+get_local_id(0)];
+ i+=8;
+ }
+ for ( ; i < width; i++)
+ result+=filter[i]*temp[i+get_local_id(0)];
+ // write back to global
+ tempImage[y*columns+x] = result;
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ /*
+ Reduce image noise and reduce detail levels by line
+ */
+ __kernel void BlurColumn(const __global float4 *blurRowData,
+ const unsigned int number_channels,const ChannelType channel,
+ __constant float *filter,const unsigned int width,
+ const unsigned int imageColumns,const unsigned int imageRows,
+ __local float4 *temp,__global CLQuantum *filteredImage)
+ {
+ const int x = get_global_id(0);
+ const int y = get_global_id(1);
+ const int columns = imageColumns;
+ const int rows = imageRows;
+ unsigned int radius = (width-1)/2;
+ const int wsize = get_local_size(1);
+ const unsigned int loadSize = wsize+width;
+ //group coordinate
+ const int groupX=get_local_size(0)*get_group_id(0);
+ const int groupY=get_local_size(1)*get_group_id(1);
+ //notice that get_local_size(0) is 1, so
+ //groupX=get_group_id(0);
+ //parallel load and clamp
+ for (int i = get_local_id(1); i < loadSize; i=i+get_local_size(1))
+ temp[i] = blurRowData[ClampToCanvas(i+groupY-radius, rows) * columns + groupX];
+ // barrier
+ // only do the work if this is not a patched item
+ if (get_global_id(1) < rows)
+ {
+ // compute
+ float4 result = (float4) 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ for ( ; i+7 < width; )
+ {
+ for (int j=0; j < 8; j++)
+ result+=filter[i+j]*temp[i+j+get_local_id(1)];
+ i+=8;
+ }
+ for ( ; i < width; i++)
+ result+=filter[i]*temp[i+get_local_id(1)];
+ // write back to global
+ WriteFloat4(filteredImage, number_channels, columns, x, y, channel, result);
+ }
+ }
+ )
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% C o m p o s i t e %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+ inline float ColorDodge(const float Sca,
+ const float Sa,const float Dca,const float Da)
+ {
+ /*
+ Oct 2004 SVG specification.
+ */
+ if ((Sca*Da+Dca*Sa) >= Sa*Da)
+ return(Sa*Da+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
+ return(Dca*Sa*Sa/(Sa-Sca)+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
+ /*
+ New specification, March 2009 SVG specification. This specification was
+ also wrong of non-overlap cases.
+ */
+ /*
+ if ((fabs(Sca-Sa) < MagickEpsilon) && (fabs(Dca) < MagickEpsilon))
+ return(Sca*(1.0-Da));
+ if (fabs(Sca-Sa) < MagickEpsilon)
+ return(Sa*Da+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
+ return(Sa*MagickMin(Da,Dca*Sa/(Sa-Sca)));
+ */
+ /*
+ Working from first principles using the original formula:
+ f(Sc,Dc) = Dc/(1-Sc)
+ This works correctly! Looks like the 2004 model was right but just
+ required a extra condition for correct handling.
+ */
+ /*
+ if ((fabs(Sca-Sa) < MagickEpsilon) && (fabs(Dca) < MagickEpsilon))
+ return(Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
+ if (fabs(Sca-Sa) < MagickEpsilon)
+ return(Sa*Da+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
+ return(Dca*Sa*Sa/(Sa-Sca)+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
+ */
+ }
+ inline void CompositeColorDodge(const float4 *p,
+ const float4 *q,float4 *composite) {
+ float
+ Da,
+ gamma,
+ Sa;
+ Sa=QuantumScale*getAlphaF4(*p); /* simplify and speed up equations */
+ Da=QuantumScale*getAlphaF4(*q);
+ gamma=RoundToUnity(Sa+Da-Sa*Da); /* over blend, as per SVG doc */
+ setAlphaF4(composite,QuantumRange*gamma);
+ gamma=QuantumRange/(fabs(gamma) < MagickEpsilon ? MagickEpsilon : gamma);
+ setRedF4(composite,gamma*ColorDodge(QuantumScale*getRedF4(*p)*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
+ getRedF4(*q)*Da,Da));
+ setGreenF4(composite,gamma*ColorDodge(QuantumScale*getGreenF4(*p)*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
+ getGreenF4(*q)*Da,Da));
+ setBlueF4(composite,gamma*ColorDodge(QuantumScale*getBlueF4(*p)*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
+ getBlueF4(*q)*Da,Da));
+ }
+ )
+ inline void MagickPixelCompositePlus(const float4 *p,
+ const float alpha,const float4 *q,
+ const float beta,float4 *composite)
+ {
+ float
+ gamma;
+ float
+ Da,
+ Sa;
+ /*
+ Add two pixels with the given opacities.
+ */
+ Sa=QuantumScale*alpha;
+ Da=QuantumScale*beta;
+ gamma=RoundToUnity(Sa+Da); /* 'Plus' blending -- not 'Over' blending */
+ setAlphaF4(composite,QuantumRange*gamma);
+ gamma=PerceptibleReciprocal(gamma);
+ setRedF4(composite,gamma*(Sa*getRedF4(*p)+Da*getRedF4(*q)));
+ setGreenF4(composite,gamma*(Sa*getGreenF4(*p)+Da*getGreenF4(*q)));
+ setBlueF4(composite,gamma*(Sa*getBlueF4(*p)+Da*getBlueF4(*q)));
+ }
+ )
+ inline void MagickPixelCompositeBlend(const float4 *p,
+ const float alpha,const float4 *q,
+ const float beta,float4 *composite)
+ {
+ MagickPixelCompositePlus(p,(float) (alpha*
+ (getAlphaF4(*p))),q,(float) (beta*
+ (getAlphaF4(*q))),composite);
+ }
+ )
+ __kernel
+ void Composite(__global CLPixelType *image,
+ const unsigned int imageWidth,
+ const unsigned int imageHeight,
+ const __global CLPixelType *compositeImage,
+ const unsigned int compositeWidth,
+ const unsigned int compositeHeight,
+ const unsigned int compose,
+ const ChannelType channel,
+ const unsigned int matte,
+ const float destination_dissolve,
+ const float source_dissolve) {
+ uint2 index;
+ index.x = get_global_id(0);
+ index.y = get_global_id(1);
+ if (index.x >= imageWidth
+ || index.y >= imageHeight) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const CLPixelType inputPixel = image[index.y*imageWidth+index.x];
+ float4 destination;
+ setRedF4(&destination,getRed(inputPixel));
+ setGreenF4(&destination,getGreen(inputPixel));
+ setBlueF4(&destination,getBlue(inputPixel));
+ const CLPixelType compositePixel
+ = compositeImage[index.y*imageWidth+index.x];
+ float4 source;
+ setRedF4(&source,getRed(compositePixel));
+ setGreenF4(&source,getGreen(compositePixel));
+ setBlueF4(&source,getBlue(compositePixel));
+ if (matte != 0) {
+ setAlphaF4(&destination,getAlpha(inputPixel));
+ setAlphaF4(&source,getAlpha(compositePixel));
+ }
+ else {
+ setAlphaF4(&destination,1.0f);
+ setAlphaF4(&source,1.0f);
+ }
+ float4 composite=destination;
+ CompositeOperator op = (CompositeOperator)compose;
+ switch (op) {
+ case ColorDodgeCompositeOp:
+ CompositeColorDodge(&source,&destination,&composite);
+ break;
+ case BlendCompositeOp:
+ MagickPixelCompositeBlend(&source,source_dissolve,&destination,
+ destination_dissolve,&composite);
+ break;
+ default:
+ // unsupported operators
+ break;
+ };
+ CLPixelType outputPixel;
+ setRed(&outputPixel, ClampToQuantum(getRedF4(composite)));
+ setGreen(&outputPixel, ClampToQuantum(getGreenF4(composite)));
+ setBlue(&outputPixel, ClampToQuantum(getBlueF4(composite)));
+ setAlpha(&outputPixel, ClampToQuantum(getAlphaF4(composite)));
+ image[index.y*imageWidth+index.x] = outputPixel;
+ }
+ )
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% C o n t r a s t %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+ inline float3 ConvertRGBToHSB(CLPixelType pixel) {
+ float3 HueSaturationBrightness;
+ HueSaturationBrightness.x = 0.0f; // Hue
+ HueSaturationBrightness.y = 0.0f; // Saturation
+ HueSaturationBrightness.z = 0.0f; // Brightness
+ float r=(float) getRed(pixel);
+ float g=(float) getGreen(pixel);
+ float b=(float) getBlue(pixel);
+ float tmin=MagickMin(MagickMin(r,g),b);
+ float tmax=MagickMax(MagickMax(r,g),b);
+ if (tmax!=0.0f) {
+ float delta=tmax-tmin;
+ HueSaturationBrightness.y=delta/tmax;
+ HueSaturationBrightness.z=QuantumScale*tmax;
+ if (delta != 0.0f) {
+ HueSaturationBrightness.x = ((r == tmax)?0.0f:((g == tmax)?2.0f:4.0f));
+ HueSaturationBrightness.x += ((r == tmax)?(g-b):((g == tmax)?(b-r):(r-g)))/delta;
+ HueSaturationBrightness.x/=6.0f;
+ HueSaturationBrightness.x += (HueSaturationBrightness.x < 0.0f)?0.0f:1.0f;
+ }
+ }
+ return HueSaturationBrightness;
+ }
+ inline CLPixelType ConvertHSBToRGB(float3 HueSaturationBrightness) {
+ float hue = HueSaturationBrightness.x;
+ float brightness = HueSaturationBrightness.z;
+ float saturation = HueSaturationBrightness.y;
+ CLPixelType rgb;
+ if (saturation == 0.0f) {
+ setRed(&rgb,ClampToQuantum(QuantumRange*brightness));
+ setGreen(&rgb,getRed(rgb));
+ setBlue(&rgb,getRed(rgb));
+ }
+ else {
+ float h=6.0f*(hue-floor(hue));
+ float f=h-floor(h);
+ float p=brightness*(1.0f-saturation);
+ float q=brightness*(1.0f-saturation*f);
+ float t=brightness*(1.0f-(saturation*(1.0f-f)));
+ float clampedBrightness = ClampToQuantum(QuantumRange*brightness);
+ float clamped_t = ClampToQuantum(QuantumRange*t);
+ float clamped_p = ClampToQuantum(QuantumRange*p);
+ float clamped_q = ClampToQuantum(QuantumRange*q);
+ int ih = (int)h;
+ setRed(&rgb, (ih == 1)?clamped_q:
+ (ih == 2 || ih == 3)?clamped_p:
+ (ih == 4)?clamped_t:
+ clampedBrightness);
+ setGreen(&rgb, (ih == 1 || ih == 2)?clampedBrightness:
+ (ih == 3)?clamped_q:
+ (ih == 4 || ih == 5)?clamped_p:
+ clamped_t);
+ setBlue(&rgb, (ih == 2)?clamped_t:
+ (ih == 3 || ih == 4)?clampedBrightness:
+ (ih == 5)?clamped_q:
+ clamped_p);
+ }
+ return rgb;
+ }
+ __kernel void Contrast(__global CLPixelType *im, const unsigned int sharpen)
+ {
+ const int sign = sharpen!=0?1:-1;
+ const int x = get_global_id(0);
+ const int y = get_global_id(1);
+ const int columns = get_global_size(0);
+ const int c = x + y * columns;
+ CLPixelType pixel = im[c];
+ float3 HueSaturationBrightness = ConvertRGBToHSB(pixel);
+ float brightness = HueSaturationBrightness.z;
+ brightness+=0.5f*sign*(0.5f*(sinpi(brightness-0.5f)+1.0f)-brightness);
+ brightness = clamp(brightness,0.0f,1.0f);
+ HueSaturationBrightness.z = brightness;
+ CLPixelType filteredPixel = ConvertHSBToRGB(HueSaturationBrightness);
+ filteredPixel.w = pixel.w;
+ im[c] = filteredPixel;
+ }
+ )
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% C o n t r a s t S t r e t c h %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+ /*
+ */
+ __kernel void Histogram(__global CLPixelType * restrict im,
+ const ChannelType channel,
+ const unsigned int colorspace,
+ const unsigned int method,
+ __global uint4 * restrict histogram)
+ {
+ const int x = get_global_id(0);
+ const int y = get_global_id(1);
+ const int columns = get_global_size(0);
+ const int c = x + y * columns;
+ if ((channel & SyncChannels) != 0)
+ {
+ float red=(float)getRed(im[c]);
+ float green=(float)getGreen(im[c]);
+ float blue=(float)getBlue(im[c]);
+ float intensity = GetPixelIntensity(colorspace, method, red, green, blue);
+ uint pos = ScaleQuantumToMap(ClampToQuantum(intensity));
+ atomic_inc((__global uint *)(&(histogram[pos]))+2); //red position
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // for equalizing, we always need all channels?
+ // otherwise something more
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ /*
+ */
+ __kernel void ContrastStretch(__global CLPixelType * restrict im,
+ const ChannelType channel,
+ __global CLPixelType * restrict stretch_map,
+ const float4 white, const float4 black)
+ {
+ const int x = get_global_id(0);
+ const int y = get_global_id(1);
+ const int columns = get_global_size(0);
+ const int c = x + y * columns;
+ uint ePos;
+ CLPixelType oValue, eValue;
+ CLQuantum red, green, blue, alpha;
+ //read from global
+ oValue=im[c];
+ if ((channel & RedChannel) != 0)
+ {
+ if (getRedF4(white) != getRedF4(black))
+ {
+ ePos = ScaleQuantumToMap(getRed(oValue));
+ eValue = stretch_map[ePos];
+ red = getRed(eValue);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((channel & GreenChannel) != 0)
+ {
+ if (getGreenF4(white) != getGreenF4(black))
+ {
+ ePos = ScaleQuantumToMap(getGreen(oValue));
+ eValue = stretch_map[ePos];
+ green = getGreen(eValue);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((channel & BlueChannel) != 0)
+ {
+ if (getBlueF4(white) != getBlueF4(black))
+ {
+ ePos = ScaleQuantumToMap(getBlue(oValue));
+ eValue = stretch_map[ePos];
+ blue = getBlue(eValue);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((channel & AlphaChannel) != 0)
+ {
+ if (getAlphaF4(white) != getAlphaF4(black))
+ {
+ ePos = ScaleQuantumToMap(getAlpha(oValue));
+ eValue = stretch_map[ePos];
+ alpha = getAlpha(eValue);
+ }
+ }
+ //write back
+ im[c]=(CLPixelType)(blue, green, red, alpha);
+ }
+ )
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% C o n v o l v e %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+ __kernel
+ void ConvolveOptimized(const __global CLPixelType *input, __global CLPixelType *output,
+ const unsigned int imageWidth, const unsigned int imageHeight,
+ __constant float *filter, const unsigned int filterWidth, const unsigned int filterHeight,
+ const uint matte, const ChannelType channel, __local CLPixelType *pixelLocalCache, __local float* filterCache) {
+ int2 blockID;
+ blockID.x = get_global_id(0) / get_local_size(0);
+ blockID.y = get_global_id(1) / get_local_size(1);
+ // image area processed by this workgroup
+ int2 imageAreaOrg;
+ imageAreaOrg.x = blockID.x * get_local_size(0);
+ imageAreaOrg.y = blockID.y * get_local_size(1);
+ int2 midFilterDimen;
+ midFilterDimen.x = (filterWidth-1)/2;
+ midFilterDimen.y = (filterHeight-1)/2;
+ int2 cachedAreaOrg = imageAreaOrg - midFilterDimen;
+ // dimension of the local cache
+ int2 cachedAreaDimen;
+ cachedAreaDimen.x = get_local_size(0) + filterWidth - 1;
+ cachedAreaDimen.y = get_local_size(1) + filterHeight - 1;
+ // cache the pixels accessed by this workgroup in local memory
+ int localID = get_local_id(1)*get_local_size(0)+get_local_id(0);
+ int cachedAreaNumPixels = cachedAreaDimen.x * cachedAreaDimen.y;
+ int groupSize = get_local_size(0) * get_local_size(1);
+ for (int i = localID; i < cachedAreaNumPixels; i+=groupSize) {
+ int2 cachedAreaIndex;
+ cachedAreaIndex.x = i % cachedAreaDimen.x;
+ cachedAreaIndex.y = i / cachedAreaDimen.x;
+ int2 imagePixelIndex;
+ imagePixelIndex = cachedAreaOrg + cachedAreaIndex;
+ // only support EdgeVirtualPixelMethod through ClampToCanvas
+ // TODO: implement other virtual pixel method
+ imagePixelIndex.x = ClampToCanvas(imagePixelIndex.x, imageWidth);
+ imagePixelIndex.y = ClampToCanvas(imagePixelIndex.y, imageHeight);
+ pixelLocalCache[i] = input[imagePixelIndex.y * imageWidth + imagePixelIndex.x];
+ }
+ // cache the filter
+ for (int i = localID; i < filterHeight*filterWidth; i+=groupSize) {
+ filterCache[i] = filter[i];
+ }
+ int2 imageIndex;
+ imageIndex.x = imageAreaOrg.x + get_local_id(0);
+ imageIndex.y = imageAreaOrg.y + get_local_id(1);
+ // if out-of-range, stops here and quit
+ if (imageIndex.x >= imageWidth
+ || imageIndex.y >= imageHeight) {
+ return;
+ }
+ int filterIndex = 0;
+ float4 sum = (float4)0.0f;
+ float gamma = 0.0f;
+ if (((channel & AlphaChannel) == 0) || (matte == 0)) {
+ int cacheIndexY = get_local_id(1);
+ for (int j = 0; j < filterHeight; j++) {
+ int cacheIndexX = get_local_id(0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < filterWidth; i++) {
+ CLPixelType p = pixelLocalCache[cacheIndexY*cachedAreaDimen.x + cacheIndexX];
+ float f = filterCache[filterIndex];
+ sum.x += f * p.x;
+ sum.y += f * p.y;
+ sum.z += f * p.z;
+ sum.w += f * p.w;
+ gamma += f;
+ filterIndex++;
+ cacheIndexX++;
+ }
+ cacheIndexY++;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ int cacheIndexY = get_local_id(1);
+ for (int j = 0; j < filterHeight; j++) {
+ int cacheIndexX = get_local_id(0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < filterWidth; i++) {
+ CLPixelType p = pixelLocalCache[cacheIndexY*cachedAreaDimen.x + cacheIndexX];
+ float alpha = QuantumScale*p.w;
+ float f = filterCache[filterIndex];
+ float g = alpha * f;
+ sum.x += g*p.x;
+ sum.y += g*p.y;
+ sum.z += g*p.z;
+ sum.w += f*p.w;
+ gamma += g;
+ filterIndex++;
+ cacheIndexX++;
+ }
+ cacheIndexY++;
+ }
+ gamma = PerceptibleReciprocal(gamma);
+ sum.xyz = gamma*sum.xyz;
+ }
+ CLPixelType outputPixel;
+ outputPixel.x = ClampToQuantum(sum.x);
+ outputPixel.y = ClampToQuantum(sum.y);
+ outputPixel.z = ClampToQuantum(sum.z);
+ outputPixel.w = ((channel & AlphaChannel)!=0)?ClampToQuantum(sum.w):input[imageIndex.y * imageWidth + imageIndex.x].w;
+ output[imageIndex.y * imageWidth + imageIndex.x] = outputPixel;
+ }
+ )
+ __kernel
+ void Convolve(const __global CLPixelType *input, __global CLPixelType *output,
+ const uint imageWidth, const uint imageHeight,
+ __constant float *filter, const unsigned int filterWidth, const unsigned int filterHeight,
+ const uint matte, const ChannelType channel) {
+ int2 imageIndex;
+ imageIndex.x = get_global_id(0);
+ imageIndex.y = get_global_id(1);
+ /*
+ unsigned int imageWidth = get_global_size(0);
+ unsigned int imageHeight = get_global_size(1);
+ */
+ if (imageIndex.x >= imageWidth
+ || imageIndex.y >= imageHeight)
+ return;
+ int2 midFilterDimen;
+ midFilterDimen.x = (filterWidth-1)/2;
+ midFilterDimen.y = (filterHeight-1)/2;
+ int filterIndex = 0;
+ float4 sum = (float4)0.0f;
+ float gamma = 0.0f;
+ if (((channel & AlphaChannel) == 0) || (matte == 0)) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < filterHeight; j++) {
+ int2 inputPixelIndex;
+ inputPixelIndex.y = imageIndex.y - midFilterDimen.y + j;
+ inputPixelIndex.y = ClampToCanvas(inputPixelIndex.y, imageHeight);
+ for (int i = 0; i < filterWidth; i++) {
+ inputPixelIndex.x = imageIndex.x - midFilterDimen.x + i;
+ inputPixelIndex.x = ClampToCanvas(inputPixelIndex.x, imageWidth);
+ CLPixelType p = input[inputPixelIndex.y * imageWidth + inputPixelIndex.x];
+ float f = filter[filterIndex];
+ sum.x += f * p.x;
+ sum.y += f * p.y;
+ sum.z += f * p.z;
+ sum.w += f * p.w;
+ gamma += f;
+ filterIndex++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for (int j = 0; j < filterHeight; j++) {
+ int2 inputPixelIndex;
+ inputPixelIndex.y = imageIndex.y - midFilterDimen.y + j;
+ inputPixelIndex.y = ClampToCanvas(inputPixelIndex.y, imageHeight);
+ for (int i = 0; i < filterWidth; i++) {
+ inputPixelIndex.x = imageIndex.x - midFilterDimen.x + i;
+ inputPixelIndex.x = ClampToCanvas(inputPixelIndex.x, imageWidth);
+ CLPixelType p = input[inputPixelIndex.y * imageWidth + inputPixelIndex.x];
+ float alpha = QuantumScale*p.w;
+ float f = filter[filterIndex];
+ float g = alpha * f;
+ sum.x += g*p.x;
+ sum.y += g*p.y;
+ sum.z += g*p.z;
+ sum.w += f*p.w;
+ gamma += g;
+ filterIndex++;
+ }
+ }
+ gamma = PerceptibleReciprocal(gamma);
+ sum.xyz = gamma*sum.xyz;
+ }
+ CLPixelType outputPixel;
+ outputPixel.x = ClampToQuantum(sum.x);
+ outputPixel.y = ClampToQuantum(sum.y);
+ outputPixel.z = ClampToQuantum(sum.z);
+ outputPixel.w = ((channel & AlphaChannel)!=0)?ClampToQuantum(sum.w):input[imageIndex.y * imageWidth + imageIndex.x].w;
+ output[imageIndex.y * imageWidth + imageIndex.x] = outputPixel;
+ }
+ )
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% D e s p e c k l e %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+ __kernel void HullPass1(const __global CLPixelType *inputImage, __global CLPixelType *outputImage
+ , const unsigned int imageWidth, const unsigned int imageHeight
+ , const int2 offset, const int polarity, const int matte) {
+ int x = get_global_id(0);
+ int y = get_global_id(1);
+ CLPixelType v = inputImage[y*imageWidth+x];
+ int2 neighbor;
+ neighbor.y = y + offset.y;
+ neighbor.x = x + offset.x;
+ int2 clampedNeighbor;
+ clampedNeighbor.x = ClampToCanvas(neighbor.x, imageWidth);
+ clampedNeighbor.y = ClampToCanvas(neighbor.y, imageHeight);
+ CLPixelType r = (clampedNeighbor.x == neighbor.x
+ && clampedNeighbor.y == neighbor.y)?inputImage[clampedNeighbor.y*imageWidth+clampedNeighbor.x]
+ :(CLPixelType)0;
+ int sv[4];
+ sv[0] = (int)v.x;
+ sv[1] = (int)v.y;
+ sv[2] = (int)v.z;
+ sv[3] = (int)v.w;
+ int sr[4];
+ sr[0] = (int)r.x;
+ sr[1] = (int)r.y;
+ sr[2] = (int)r.z;
+ sr[3] = (int)r.w;
+ if (polarity > 0) {
+ \n #pragma unroll 4\n
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ sv[i] = (sr[i] >= (sv[i]+ScaleCharToQuantum(2)))?(sv[i]+ScaleCharToQuantum(1)):sv[i];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ \n #pragma unroll 4\n
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ sv[i] = (sr[i] <= (sv[i]-ScaleCharToQuantum(2)))?(sv[i]-ScaleCharToQuantum(1)):sv[i];
+ }
+ }
+ v.x = (CLQuantum)sv[0];
+ v.y = (CLQuantum)sv[1];
+ v.z = (CLQuantum)sv[2];
+ if (matte!=0)
+ v.w = (CLQuantum)sv[3];
+ outputImage[y*imageWidth+x] = v;
+ }
+ )
+ __kernel void HullPass2(const __global CLPixelType *inputImage, __global CLPixelType *outputImage
+ , const unsigned int imageWidth, const unsigned int imageHeight
+ , const int2 offset, const int polarity, const int matte) {
+ int x = get_global_id(0);
+ int y = get_global_id(1);
+ CLPixelType v = inputImage[y*imageWidth+x];
+ int2 neighbor, clampedNeighbor;
+ neighbor.y = y + offset.y;
+ neighbor.x = x + offset.x;
+ clampedNeighbor.x = ClampToCanvas(neighbor.x, imageWidth);
+ clampedNeighbor.y = ClampToCanvas(neighbor.y, imageHeight);
+ CLPixelType r = (clampedNeighbor.x == neighbor.x
+ && clampedNeighbor.y == neighbor.y)?inputImage[clampedNeighbor.y*imageWidth+clampedNeighbor.x]
+ :(CLPixelType)0;
+ neighbor.y = y - offset.y;
+ neighbor.x = x - offset.x;
+ clampedNeighbor.x = ClampToCanvas(neighbor.x, imageWidth);
+ clampedNeighbor.y = ClampToCanvas(neighbor.y, imageHeight);
+ CLPixelType s = (clampedNeighbor.x == neighbor.x
+ && clampedNeighbor.y == neighbor.y)?inputImage[clampedNeighbor.y*imageWidth+clampedNeighbor.x]
+ :(CLPixelType)0;
+ int sv[4];
+ sv[0] = (int)v.x;
+ sv[1] = (int)v.y;
+ sv[2] = (int)v.z;
+ sv[3] = (int)v.w;
+ int sr[4];
+ sr[0] = (int)r.x;
+ sr[1] = (int)r.y;
+ sr[2] = (int)r.z;
+ sr[3] = (int)r.w;
+ int ss[4];
+ ss[0] = (int)s.x;
+ ss[1] = (int)s.y;
+ ss[2] = (int)s.z;
+ ss[3] = (int)s.w;
+ if (polarity > 0) {
+ \n #pragma unroll 4\n
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ //sv[i] = (ss[i] >= (sv[i]+ScaleCharToQuantum(2)) && sr[i] > sv[i] ) ? (sv[i]+ScaleCharToQuantum(1)):sv[i];
+ //
+ //sv[i] =(!( (int)(ss[i] >= (sv[i]+ScaleCharToQuantum(2))) && (int) (sr[i] > sv[i] ) )) ? sv[i]:(sv[i]+ScaleCharToQuantum(1));
+ //sv[i] =(( (int)( ss[i] < (sv[i]+ScaleCharToQuantum(2))) || (int) ( sr[i] <= sv[i] ) )) ? sv[i]:(sv[i]+ScaleCharToQuantum(1));
+ sv[i] =(( (int)( ss[i] < (sv[i]+ScaleCharToQuantum(2))) + (int) ( sr[i] <= sv[i] ) ) !=0) ? sv[i]:(sv[i]+ScaleCharToQuantum(1));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ \n #pragma unroll 4\n
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ //sv[i] = (ss[i] <= (sv[i]-ScaleCharToQuantum(2)) && sr[i] < sv[i] ) ? (sv[i]-ScaleCharToQuantum(1)):sv[i];
+ //
+ //sv[i] = ( (int)(ss[i] <= (sv[i]-ScaleCharToQuantum(2)) ) + (int)( sr[i] < sv[i] ) ==0) ? sv[i]:(sv[i]-ScaleCharToQuantum(1));
+ sv[i] = (( (int)(ss[i] > (sv[i]-ScaleCharToQuantum(2))) + (int)( sr[i] >= sv[i] )) !=0) ? sv[i]:(sv[i]-ScaleCharToQuantum(1));
+ }
+ }
+ v.x = (CLQuantum)sv[0];
+ v.y = (CLQuantum)sv[1];
+ v.z = (CLQuantum)sv[2];
+ if (matte!=0)
+ v.w = (CLQuantum)sv[3];
+ outputImage[y*imageWidth+x] = v;
+ }
+ )
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% E q u a l i z e %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+ /*
+ */
+ __kernel void Equalize(__global CLPixelType * restrict im,
+ const ChannelType channel,
+ __global CLPixelType * restrict equalize_map,
+ const float4 white, const float4 black)
+ {
+ const int x = get_global_id(0);
+ const int y = get_global_id(1);
+ const int columns = get_global_size(0);
+ const int c = x + y * columns;
+ uint ePos;
+ CLPixelType oValue, eValue;
+ CLQuantum red, green, blue, alpha;
+ //read from global
+ oValue=im[c];
+ if ((channel & SyncChannels) != 0)
+ {
+ if (getRedF4(white) != getRedF4(black))
+ {
+ ePos = ScaleQuantumToMap(getRed(oValue));
+ eValue = equalize_map[ePos];
+ red = getRed(eValue);
+ ePos = ScaleQuantumToMap(getGreen(oValue));
+ eValue = equalize_map[ePos];
+ green = getRed(eValue);
+ ePos = ScaleQuantumToMap(getBlue(oValue));
+ eValue = equalize_map[ePos];
+ blue = getRed(eValue);
+ ePos = ScaleQuantumToMap(getAlpha(oValue));
+ eValue = equalize_map[ePos];
+ alpha = getRed(eValue);
+ //write back
+ im[c]=(CLPixelType)(blue, green, red, alpha);
+ }
+ }
+ // for equalizing, we always need all channels?
+ // otherwise something more
+ }
+ )
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% F u n c t i o n %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+ /*
+ apply FunctionImageChannel(braightness-contrast)
+ */
+ CLQuantum ApplyFunction(float pixel,const MagickFunction function,
+ const unsigned int number_parameters,__constant float *parameters)
+ {
+ float result = 0.0f;
+ switch (function)
+ {
+ case PolynomialFunction:
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i < number_parameters; i++)
+ result = result*QuantumScale*pixel + parameters[i];
+ result *= QuantumRange;
+ break;
+ }
+ case SinusoidFunction:
+ {
+ float freq,phase,ampl,bias;
+ freq = ( number_parameters >= 1 ) ? parameters[0] : 1.0f;
+ phase = ( number_parameters >= 2 ) ? parameters[1] : 0.0f;
+ ampl = ( number_parameters >= 3 ) ? parameters[2] : 0.5f;
+ bias = ( number_parameters >= 4 ) ? parameters[3] : 0.5f;
+ result = QuantumRange*(ampl*sin(2.0f*MagickPI*
+ (freq*QuantumScale*pixel + phase/360.0f)) + bias);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ArcsinFunction:
+ {
+ float width,range,center,bias;
+ width = ( number_parameters >= 1 ) ? parameters[0] : 1.0f;
+ center = ( number_parameters >= 2 ) ? parameters[1] : 0.5f;
+ range = ( number_parameters >= 3 ) ? parameters[2] : 1.0f;
+ bias = ( number_parameters >= 4 ) ? parameters[3] : 0.5f;
+ result = 2.0f/width*(QuantumScale*pixel - center);
+ result = range/MagickPI*asin(result)+bias;
+ result = ( result <= -1.0f ) ? bias - range/2.0f : result;
+ result = ( result >= 1.0f ) ? bias + range/2.0f : result;
+ result *= QuantumRange;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ArctanFunction:
+ {
+ float slope,range,center,bias;
+ slope = ( number_parameters >= 1 ) ? parameters[0] : 1.0f;
+ center = ( number_parameters >= 2 ) ? parameters[1] : 0.5f;
+ range = ( number_parameters >= 3 ) ? parameters[2] : 1.0f;
+ bias = ( number_parameters >= 4 ) ? parameters[3] : 0.5f;
+ result = MagickPI*slope*(QuantumScale*pixel-center);
+ result = QuantumRange*(range/MagickPI*atan(result) + bias);
+ break;
+ }
+ case UndefinedFunction:
+ break;
+ }
+ return(ClampToQuantum(result));
+ }
+ )
+ /*
+ Improve brightness / contrast of the image
+ channel : define which channel is improved
+ function : the function called to enchance the brightness contrast
+ number_parameters : numbers of parameters
+ parameters : the parameter
+ */
+ __kernel void ComputeFunction(__global CLQuantum *image,const unsigned int number_channels,
+ const ChannelType channel,const MagickFunction function,const unsigned int number_parameters,
+ __constant float *parameters)
+ {
+ const unsigned int x = get_global_id(0);
+ const unsigned int y = get_global_id(1);
+ const unsigned int columns = get_global_size(0);
+ __global CLQuantum *p = image + getPixelIndex(number_channels, columns, x, y);
+ float red;
+ float green;
+ float blue;
+ float alpha;
+ ReadChannels(p, number_channels, channel, &red, &green, &blue, &alpha);
+ if ((channel & RedChannel) != 0)
+ red=ApplyFunction(red, function, number_parameters, parameters);
+ if (number_channels > 2)
+ {
+ if ((channel & GreenChannel) != 0)
+ green=ApplyFunction(green, function, number_parameters, parameters);
+ if ((channel & BlueChannel) != 0)
+ blue=ApplyFunction(blue, function, number_parameters, parameters);
+ }
+ if (((number_channels == 4) || (number_channels == 2)) &&
+ ((channel & AlphaChannel) != 0))
+ alpha=ApplyFunction(alpha, function, number_parameters, parameters);
+ WriteChannels(p, number_channels, channel, red, green, blue, alpha);
+ }
+ )
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% G r a y s c a l e %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+ __kernel void Grayscale(__global CLQuantum *image,const int number_channels,
+ const unsigned int colorspace,const unsigned int method)
+ {
+ const unsigned int x = get_global_id(0);
+ const unsigned int y = get_global_id(1);
+ const unsigned int columns = get_global_size(0);
+ __global CLQuantum *p = image + getPixelIndex(number_channels, columns, x, y);
+ float
+ blue,
+ green,
+ red;
+ red=getPixelRed(p);
+ green=getPixelGreen(p);
+ blue=getPixelBlue(p);
+ CLQuantum intensity=ClampToQuantum(GetPixelIntensity(colorspace, method, red, green, blue));
+ setPixelRed(p,intensity);
+ setPixelGreen(p,intensity);
+ setPixelBlue(p,intensity);
+ }
+ )
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% L o c a l C o n t r a s t %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+ __kernel void LocalContrastBlurRow(__global CLPixelType *srcImage, __global CLPixelType *dstImage, __global float *tmpImage,
+ const int radius,
+ const int imageWidth,
+ const int imageHeight)
+ {
+ const float4 RGB = ((float4)(0.2126f, 0.7152f, 0.0722f, 0.0f));
+ int x = get_local_id(0);
+ int y = get_global_id(1);
+ global CLPixelType *src = srcImage + y * imageWidth;
+ for (int i = x; i < imageWidth; i += get_local_size(0)) {
+ float sum = 0.0f;
+ float weight = 1.0f;
+ int j = i - radius;
+ while ((j + 7) < i) {
+ for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) // Unroll 8x
+ sum += (weight + k) * dot(RGB, convert_float4(src[mirrorBottom(j+k)]));
+ weight += 8.0f;
+ j+=8;
+ }
+ while (j < i) {
+ sum += weight * dot(RGB, convert_float4(src[mirrorBottom(j)]));
+ weight += 1.0f;
+ ++j;
+ }
+ while ((j + 7) < radius + i) {
+ for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) // Unroll 8x
+ sum += (weight - k) * dot(RGB, convert_float4(src[mirrorTop(j + k, imageWidth)]));
+ weight -= 8.0f;
+ j+=8;
+ }
+ while (j < radius + i) {
+ sum += weight * dot(RGB, convert_float4(src[mirrorTop(j, imageWidth)]));
+ weight -= 1.0f;
+ ++j;
+ }
+ tmpImage[i + y * imageWidth] = sum / ((radius + 1) * (radius + 1));
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ __kernel void LocalContrastBlurApplyColumn(__global CLPixelType *srcImage, __global CLPixelType *dstImage, __global float *blurImage,
+ const int radius,
+ const float strength,
+ const int imageWidth,
+ const int imageHeight)
+ {
+ const float4 RGB = (float4)(0.2126f, 0.7152f, 0.0722f, 0.0f);
+ int x = get_global_id(0);
+ int y = get_global_id(1);
+ if ((x >= imageWidth) || (y >= imageHeight))
+ return;
+ global float *src = blurImage + x;
+ float sum = 0.0f;
+ float weight = 1.0f;
+ int j = y - radius;
+ while ((j + 7) < y) {
+ for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) // Unroll 8x
+ sum += (weight + k) * src[mirrorBottom(j+k) * imageWidth];
+ weight += 8.0f;
+ j+=8;
+ }
+ while (j < y) {
+ sum += weight * src[mirrorBottom(j) * imageWidth];
+ weight += 1.0f;
+ ++j;
+ }
+ while ((j + 7) < radius + y) {
+ for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) // Unroll 8x
+ sum += (weight - k) * src[mirrorTop(j + k, imageHeight) * imageWidth];
+ weight -= 8.0f;
+ j+=8;
+ }
+ while (j < radius + y) {
+ sum += weight * src[mirrorTop(j, imageHeight) * imageWidth];
+ weight -= 1.0f;
+ ++j;
+ }
+ CLPixelType pixel = srcImage[x + y * imageWidth];
+ float srcVal = dot(RGB, convert_float4(pixel));
+ float mult = (srcVal - (sum / ((radius + 1) * (radius + 1)))) * (strength / 100.0f);
+ mult = (srcVal + mult) / srcVal;
+ pixel.x = ClampToQuantum(pixel.x * mult);
+ pixel.y = ClampToQuantum(pixel.y * mult);
+ pixel.z = ClampToQuantum(pixel.z * mult);
+ dstImage[x + y * imageWidth] = pixel;
+ }
+ )
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% M o d u l a t e %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+ inline void ConvertRGBToHSL(const CLQuantum red,const CLQuantum green, const CLQuantum blue,
+ float *hue, float *saturation, float *lightness)
+ {
+ float
+ c,
+ tmax,
+ tmin;
+ /*
+ Convert RGB to HSL colorspace.
+ */
+ tmax=MagickMax(QuantumScale*red,MagickMax(QuantumScale*green, QuantumScale*blue));
+ tmin=MagickMin(QuantumScale*red,MagickMin(QuantumScale*green, QuantumScale*blue));
+ c=tmax-tmin;
+ *lightness=(tmax+tmin)/2.0;
+ if (c <= 0.0)
+ {
+ *hue=0.0;
+ *saturation=0.0;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (tmax == (QuantumScale*red))
+ {
+ *hue=(QuantumScale*green-QuantumScale*blue)/c;
+ if ((QuantumScale*green) < (QuantumScale*blue))
+ *hue+=6.0;
+ }
+ else
+ if (tmax == (QuantumScale*green))
+ *hue=2.0+(QuantumScale*blue-QuantumScale*red)/c;
+ else
+ *hue=4.0+(QuantumScale*red-QuantumScale*green)/c;
+ *hue*=60.0/360.0;
+ if (*lightness <= 0.5)
+ *saturation=c/(2.0*(*lightness));
+ else
+ *saturation=c/(2.0-2.0*(*lightness));
+ }
+ inline void ConvertHSLToRGB(const float hue,const float saturation, const float lightness,
+ CLQuantum *red,CLQuantum *green,CLQuantum *blue)
+ {
+ float
+ b,
+ c,
+ g,
+ h,
+ tmin,
+ r,
+ x;
+ /*
+ Convert HSL to RGB colorspace.
+ */
+ h=hue*360.0;
+ if (lightness <= 0.5)
+ c=2.0*lightness*saturation;
+ else
+ c=(2.0-2.0*lightness)*saturation;
+ tmin=lightness-0.5*c;
+ h-=360.0*floor(h/360.0);
+ h/=60.0;
+ x=c*(1.0-fabs(h-2.0*floor(h/2.0)-1.0));
+ switch ((int) floor(h) % 6)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ {
+ r=tmin+c;
+ g=tmin+x;
+ b=tmin;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1:
+ {
+ r=tmin+x;
+ g=tmin+c;
+ b=tmin;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2:
+ {
+ r=tmin;
+ g=tmin+c;
+ b=tmin+x;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 3:
+ {
+ r=tmin;
+ g=tmin+x;
+ b=tmin+c;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 4:
+ {
+ r=tmin+x;
+ g=tmin;
+ b=tmin+c;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 5:
+ {
+ r=tmin+c;
+ g=tmin;
+ b=tmin+x;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ r=0.0;
+ g=0.0;
+ b=0.0;
+ }
+ }
+ *red=ClampToQuantum(QuantumRange*r);
+ *green=ClampToQuantum(QuantumRange*g);
+ *blue=ClampToQuantum(QuantumRange*b);
+ }
+ inline void ModulateHSL(const float percent_hue, const float percent_saturation,const float percent_lightness,
+ CLQuantum *red,CLQuantum *green,CLQuantum *blue)
+ {
+ float
+ hue,
+ lightness,
+ saturation;
+ /*
+ Increase or decrease color lightness, saturation, or hue.
+ */
+ ConvertRGBToHSL(*red,*green,*blue,&hue,&saturation,&lightness);
+ hue+=0.5*(0.01*percent_hue-1.0);
+ while (hue < 0.0)
+ hue+=1.0;
+ while (hue >= 1.0)
+ hue-=1.0;
+ saturation*=0.01*percent_saturation;
+ lightness*=0.01*percent_lightness;
+ ConvertHSLToRGB(hue,saturation,lightness,red,green,blue);
+ }
+ __kernel void Modulate(__global CLPixelType *im,
+ const float percent_brightness,
+ const float percent_hue,
+ const float percent_saturation,
+ const int colorspace)
+ {
+ const int x = get_global_id(0);
+ const int y = get_global_id(1);
+ const int columns = get_global_size(0);
+ const int c = x + y * columns;
+ CLPixelType pixel = im[c];
+ CLQuantum
+ blue,
+ green,
+ red;
+ red=getRed(pixel);
+ green=getGreen(pixel);
+ blue=getBlue(pixel);
+ switch (colorspace)
+ {
+ case HSLColorspace:
+ default:
+ {
+ ModulateHSL(percent_hue, percent_saturation, percent_brightness,
+ &red, &green, &blue);
+ }
+ }
+ CLPixelType filteredPixel;
+ setRed(&filteredPixel, red);
+ setGreen(&filteredPixel, green);
+ setBlue(&filteredPixel, blue);
+ filteredPixel.w = pixel.w;
+ im[c] = filteredPixel;
+ }
+ )
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% M o t i o n B l u r %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+ __kernel
+ void MotionBlur(const __global CLPixelType *input, __global CLPixelType *output,
+ const unsigned int imageWidth, const unsigned int imageHeight,
+ const __global float *filter, const unsigned int width, const __global int2* offset,
+ const float4 bias,
+ const ChannelType channel, const unsigned int matte) {
+ int2 currentPixel;
+ currentPixel.x = get_global_id(0);
+ currentPixel.y = get_global_id(1);
+ if (currentPixel.x >= imageWidth
+ || currentPixel.y >= imageHeight)
+ return;
+ float4 pixel;
+ pixel.x = (float)bias.x;
+ pixel.y = (float)bias.y;
+ pixel.z = (float)bias.z;
+ pixel.w = (float)bias.w;
+ if (((channel & AlphaChannel) == 0) || (matte == 0)) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
+ // only support EdgeVirtualPixelMethod through ClampToCanvas
+ // TODO: implement other virtual pixel method
+ int2 samplePixel = currentPixel + offset[i];
+ samplePixel.x = ClampToCanvas(samplePixel.x, imageWidth);
+ samplePixel.y = ClampToCanvas(samplePixel.y, imageHeight);
+ CLPixelType samplePixelValue = input[ samplePixel.y * imageWidth + samplePixel.x];
+ pixel.x += (filter[i] * (float)samplePixelValue.x);
+ pixel.y += (filter[i] * (float)samplePixelValue.y);
+ pixel.z += (filter[i] * (float)samplePixelValue.z);
+ pixel.w += (filter[i] * (float)samplePixelValue.w);
+ }
+ CLPixelType outputPixel;
+ outputPixel.x = ClampToQuantum(pixel.x);
+ outputPixel.y = ClampToQuantum(pixel.y);
+ outputPixel.z = ClampToQuantum(pixel.z);
+ outputPixel.w = ClampToQuantum(pixel.w);
+ output[currentPixel.y * imageWidth + currentPixel.x] = outputPixel;
+ }
+ else {
+ float gamma = 0.0f;
+ for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
+ // only support EdgeVirtualPixelMethod through ClampToCanvas
+ // TODO: implement other virtual pixel method
+ int2 samplePixel = currentPixel + offset[i];
+ samplePixel.x = ClampToCanvas(samplePixel.x, imageWidth);
+ samplePixel.y = ClampToCanvas(samplePixel.y, imageHeight);
+ CLPixelType samplePixelValue = input[ samplePixel.y * imageWidth + samplePixel.x];
+ float alpha = QuantumScale*samplePixelValue.w;
+ float k = filter[i];
+ pixel.x = pixel.x + k * alpha * samplePixelValue.x;
+ pixel.y = pixel.y + k * alpha * samplePixelValue.y;
+ pixel.z = pixel.z + k * alpha * samplePixelValue.z;
+ pixel.w += k * alpha * samplePixelValue.w;
+ gamma+=k*alpha;
+ }
+ gamma = PerceptibleReciprocal(gamma);
+ pixel.xyz = gamma*pixel.xyz;
+ CLPixelType outputPixel;
+ outputPixel.x = ClampToQuantum(pixel.x);
+ outputPixel.y = ClampToQuantum(pixel.y);
+ outputPixel.z = ClampToQuantum(pixel.z);
+ outputPixel.w = ClampToQuantum(pixel.w);
+ output[currentPixel.y * imageWidth + currentPixel.x] = outputPixel;
+ }
+ }
+ )
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% R e s i z e %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+ // Based on Box from resize.c
+ float BoxResizeFilter(const float x)
+ {
+ return 1.0f;
+ }
+ )
+ // Based on CubicBC from resize.c
+ float CubicBC(const float x,const __global float* resizeFilterCoefficients)
+ {
+ /*
+ Cubic Filters using B,C determined values:
+ Mitchell-Netravali B = 1/3 C = 1/3 "Balanced" cubic spline filter
+ Catmull-Rom B = 0 C = 1/2 Interpolatory and exact on linears
+ Spline B = 1 C = 0 B-Spline Gaussian approximation
+ Hermite B = 0 C = 0 B-Spline interpolator
+ See paper by Mitchell and Netravali, Reconstruction Filters in Computer
+ Graphics Computer Graphics, Volume 22, Number 4, August 1988
+ http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/fussell/courses/cs384g/lectures/mitchell/
+ Mitchell.pdf.
+ Coefficents are determined from B,C values:
+ P0 = ( 6 - 2*B )/6 = coeff[0]
+ P1 = 0
+ P2 = (-18 +12*B + 6*C )/6 = coeff[1]
+ P3 = ( 12 - 9*B - 6*C )/6 = coeff[2]
+ Q0 = ( 8*B +24*C )/6 = coeff[3]
+ Q1 = ( -12*B -48*C )/6 = coeff[4]
+ Q2 = ( 6*B +30*C )/6 = coeff[5]
+ Q3 = ( - 1*B - 6*C )/6 = coeff[6]
+ which are used to define the filter:
+ P0 + P1*x + P2*x^2 + P3*x^3 0 <= x < 1
+ Q0 + Q1*x + Q2*x^2 + Q3*x^3 1 <= x < 2
+ which ensures function is continuous in value and derivative (slope).
+ */
+ if (x < 1.0)
+ return(resizeFilterCoefficients[0]+x*(x*
+ (resizeFilterCoefficients[1]+x*resizeFilterCoefficients[2])));
+ if (x < 2.0)
+ return(resizeFilterCoefficients[3]+x*(resizeFilterCoefficients[4]+x*
+ (resizeFilterCoefficients[5]+x*resizeFilterCoefficients[6])));
+ return(0.0);
+ }
+ )
+ float Sinc(const float x)
+ {
+ if (x != 0.0f)
+ {
+ const float alpha=(float) (MagickPI*x);
+ return sinpi(x)/alpha;
+ }
+ return(1.0f);
+ }
+ )
+ float Triangle(const float x)
+ {
+ /*
+ 1st order (linear) B-Spline, bilinear interpolation, Tent 1D filter, or
+ a Bartlett 2D Cone filter. Also used as a Bartlett Windowing function
+ for Sinc().
+ */
+ return ((x<1.0f)?(1.0f-x):0.0f);
+ }
+ )
+ float Hann(const float x)
+ {
+ /*
+ Cosine window function:
+ 0.5+0.5*cos(pi*x).
+ */
+ const float cosine=cos((MagickPI*x));
+ return(0.5f+0.5f*cosine);
+ }
+ )
+ float Hamming(const float x)
+ {
+ /*
+ Offset cosine window function:
+ .54 + .46 cos(pi x).
+ */
+ const float cosine=cos((MagickPI*x));
+ return(0.54f+0.46f*cosine);
+ }
+ )
+ float Blackman(const float x)
+ {
+ /*
+ Blackman: 2nd order cosine windowing function:
+ 0.42 + 0.5 cos(pi x) + 0.08 cos(2pi x)
+ Refactored by Chantal Racette and Nicolas Robidoux to one trig call and
+ five flops.
+ */
+ const float cosine=cos((MagickPI*x));
+ return(0.34f+cosine*(0.5f+cosine*0.16f));
+ }
+ )
+ inline float applyResizeFilter(const float x, const ResizeWeightingFunctionType filterType, const __global float* filterCoefficients)
+ {
+ switch (filterType)
+ {
+ /* Call Sinc even for SincFast to get better precision on GPU
+ and to avoid thread divergence. Sinc is pretty fast on GPU anyway...*/
+ case SincWeightingFunction:
+ case SincFastWeightingFunction:
+ return Sinc(x);
+ case CubicBCWeightingFunction:
+ return CubicBC(x,filterCoefficients);
+ case BoxWeightingFunction:
+ return BoxResizeFilter(x);
+ case TriangleWeightingFunction:
+ return Triangle(x);
+ case HannWeightingFunction:
+ return Hann(x);
+ case HammingWeightingFunction:
+ return Hamming(x);
+ case BlackmanWeightingFunction:
+ return Blackman(x);
+ default:
+ return 0.0f;
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ inline float getResizeFilterWeight(const __global float* resizeFilterCubicCoefficients, const ResizeWeightingFunctionType resizeFilterType
+ , const ResizeWeightingFunctionType resizeWindowType
+ , const float resizeFilterScale, const float resizeWindowSupport, const float resizeFilterBlur, const float x)
+ {
+ float scale;
+ float xBlur = fabs(x/resizeFilterBlur);
+ if (resizeWindowSupport < MagickEpsilon
+ || resizeWindowType == BoxWeightingFunction)
+ {
+ scale = 1.0f;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ scale = resizeFilterScale;
+ scale = applyResizeFilter(xBlur*scale, resizeWindowType, resizeFilterCubicCoefficients);
+ }
+ float weight = scale * applyResizeFilter(xBlur, resizeFilterType, resizeFilterCubicCoefficients);
+ return weight;
+ }
+ )
+ ;
+ const char *accelerateKernels2 =
+ inline unsigned int getNumWorkItemsPerPixel(const unsigned int pixelPerWorkgroup, const unsigned int numWorkItems) {
+ return (numWorkItems/pixelPerWorkgroup);
+ }
+ // returns the index of the pixel for the current workitem to compute.
+ // returns -1 if this workitem doesn't need to participate in any computation
+ inline int pixelToCompute(const unsigned itemID, const unsigned int pixelPerWorkgroup, const unsigned int numWorkItems) {
+ const unsigned int numWorkItemsPerPixel = getNumWorkItemsPerPixel(pixelPerWorkgroup, numWorkItems);
+ int pixelIndex = itemID/numWorkItemsPerPixel;
+ pixelIndex = (pixelIndex<pixelPerWorkgroup)?pixelIndex:-1;
+ return pixelIndex;
+ }
+ )
+ __kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(256, 1, 1)))
+ void ResizeHorizontalFilter(const __global CLQuantum *inputImage, const unsigned int number_channels,
+ const unsigned int inputColumns, const unsigned int inputRows, __global CLQuantum *filteredImage,
+ const unsigned int filteredColumns, const unsigned int filteredRows, const float xFactor,
+ const int resizeFilterType, const int resizeWindowType, const __global float *resizeFilterCubicCoefficients,
+ const float resizeFilterScale, const float resizeFilterSupport, const float resizeFilterWindowSupport,
+ const float resizeFilterBlur, __local CLQuantum *inputImageCache, const int numCachedPixels,
+ const unsigned int pixelPerWorkgroup, const unsigned int pixelChunkSize,
+ __local float4 *outputPixelCache, __local float *densityCache, __local float *gammaCache)
+ {
+ // calculate the range of resized image pixels computed by this workgroup
+ const unsigned int startX = get_group_id(0)*pixelPerWorkgroup;
+ const unsigned int stopX = MagickMin(startX + pixelPerWorkgroup,filteredColumns);
+ const unsigned int actualNumPixelToCompute = stopX - startX;
+ // calculate the range of input image pixels to cache
+ float scale = MagickMax(1.0f/xFactor+MagickEpsilon ,1.0f);
+ const float support = MagickMax(scale*resizeFilterSupport,0.5f);
+ scale = PerceptibleReciprocal(scale);
+ const int cacheRangeStartX = MagickMax((int)((startX+0.5f)/xFactor+MagickEpsilon-support+0.5f),(int)(0));
+ const int cacheRangeEndX = MagickMin((int)(cacheRangeStartX + numCachedPixels), (int)inputColumns);
+ // cache the input pixels into local memory
+ const unsigned int y = get_global_id(1);
+ const unsigned int pos = getPixelIndex(number_channels, inputColumns, cacheRangeStartX, y);
+ const unsigned int num_elements = (cacheRangeEndX - cacheRangeStartX) * number_channels;
+ event_t e = async_work_group_copy(inputImageCache, inputImage + pos, num_elements, 0);
+ wait_group_events(1, &e);
+ unsigned int alpha_index = (number_channels == 4) || (number_channels == 2) ? number_channels - 1 : 0;
+ unsigned int totalNumChunks = (actualNumPixelToCompute+pixelChunkSize-1)/pixelChunkSize;
+ for (unsigned int chunk = 0; chunk < totalNumChunks; chunk++)
+ {
+ const unsigned int chunkStartX = startX + chunk*pixelChunkSize;
+ const unsigned int chunkStopX = MagickMin(chunkStartX + pixelChunkSize, stopX);
+ const unsigned int actualNumPixelInThisChunk = chunkStopX - chunkStartX;
+ // determine which resized pixel computed by this workitem
+ const unsigned int itemID = get_local_id(0);
+ const unsigned int numItems = getNumWorkItemsPerPixel(actualNumPixelInThisChunk, get_local_size(0));
+ const int pixelIndex = pixelToCompute(itemID, actualNumPixelInThisChunk, get_local_size(0));
+ float4 filteredPixel = (float4)0.0f;
+ float density = 0.0f;
+ float gamma = 0.0f;
+ // -1 means this workitem doesn't participate in the computation
+ if (pixelIndex != -1)
+ {
+ // x coordinated of the resized pixel computed by this workitem
+ const int x = chunkStartX + pixelIndex;
+ // calculate how many steps required for this pixel
+ const float bisect = (x+0.5)/xFactor+MagickEpsilon;
+ const unsigned int start = (unsigned int)MagickMax(bisect-support+0.5f,0.0f);
+ const unsigned int stop = (unsigned int)MagickMin(bisect+support+0.5f,(float)inputColumns);
+ const unsigned int n = stop - start;
+ // calculate how many steps this workitem will contribute
+ unsigned int numStepsPerWorkItem = n / numItems;
+ numStepsPerWorkItem += ((numItems*numStepsPerWorkItem)==n?0:1);
+ const unsigned int startStep = (itemID%numItems)*numStepsPerWorkItem;
+ if (startStep < n)
+ {
+ const unsigned int stopStep = MagickMin(startStep+numStepsPerWorkItem, n);
+ unsigned int cacheIndex = start+startStep-cacheRangeStartX;
+ for (unsigned int i = startStep; i < stopStep; i++, cacheIndex++)
+ {
+ float weight = getResizeFilterWeight(resizeFilterCubicCoefficients,
+ (ResizeWeightingFunctionType) resizeFilterType,
+ (ResizeWeightingFunctionType) resizeWindowType,
+ resizeFilterScale, resizeFilterWindowSupport,
+ resizeFilterBlur, scale*(start + i - bisect + 0.5));
+ float4 cp = (float4) 0;
+ __local CLQuantum *p = inputImageCache + (cacheIndex*number_channels);
+ cp.x = (float) *(p);
+ if (number_channels > 2)
+ {
+ cp.y = (float) *(p + 1);
+ cp.z = (float) *(p + 2);
+ }
+ if (alpha_index != 0)
+ {
+ cp.w = (float) *(p + alpha_index);
+ float alpha = weight * QuantumScale * cp.w;
+ filteredPixel.x += alpha * cp.x;
+ filteredPixel.y += alpha * cp.y;
+ filteredPixel.z += alpha * cp.z;
+ filteredPixel.w += weight * cp.w;
+ gamma += alpha;
+ }
+ else
+ filteredPixel += ((float4) weight)*cp;
+ density += weight;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // initialize the accumulators to zero
+ if (itemID < actualNumPixelInThisChunk) {
+ outputPixelCache[itemID] = (float4)0.0f;
+ densityCache[itemID] = 0.0f;
+ if (alpha_index != 0)
+ gammaCache[itemID] = 0.0f;
+ }
+ // accumulatte the filtered pixel value and the density
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
+ if (pixelIndex != -1) {
+ if (itemID%numItems == i) {
+ outputPixelCache[pixelIndex]+=filteredPixel;
+ densityCache[pixelIndex]+=density;
+ if (alpha_index != 0)
+ gammaCache[pixelIndex]+=gamma;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (itemID < actualNumPixelInThisChunk)
+ {
+ float4 filteredPixel = outputPixelCache[itemID];
+ float gamma = 0.0f;
+ if (alpha_index != 0)
+ gamma = gammaCache[itemID];
+ float density = densityCache[itemID];
+ if ((density != 0.0f) && (density != 1.0f))
+ {
+ density = PerceptibleReciprocal(density);
+ filteredPixel *= (float4) density;
+ gamma *= density;
+ }
+ if (alpha_index != 0)
+ {
+ gamma = PerceptibleReciprocal(gamma);
+ filteredPixel.x *= gamma;
+ filteredPixel.y *= gamma;
+ filteredPixel.z *= gamma;
+ }
+ WriteFloat4(filteredImage, number_channels, filteredColumns, chunkStartX + itemID, y, AllChannels, filteredPixel);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ __kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(1, 256, 1)))
+ void ResizeVerticalFilter(const __global CLQuantum *inputImage, const unsigned int number_channels,
+ const unsigned int inputColumns, const unsigned int inputRows, __global CLQuantum *filteredImage,
+ const unsigned int filteredColumns, const unsigned int filteredRows, const float yFactor,
+ const int resizeFilterType, const int resizeWindowType, const __global float *resizeFilterCubicCoefficients,
+ const float resizeFilterScale, const float resizeFilterSupport, const float resizeFilterWindowSupport,
+ const float resizeFilterBlur, __local CLQuantum *inputImageCache, const int numCachedPixels,
+ const unsigned int pixelPerWorkgroup, const unsigned int pixelChunkSize,
+ __local float4 *outputPixelCache, __local float *densityCache, __local float *gammaCache)
+ {
+ // calculate the range of resized image pixels computed by this workgroup
+ const unsigned int startY = get_group_id(1)*pixelPerWorkgroup;
+ const unsigned int stopY = MagickMin(startY + pixelPerWorkgroup,filteredRows);
+ const unsigned int actualNumPixelToCompute = stopY - startY;
+ // calculate the range of input image pixels to cache
+ float scale = MagickMax(1.0f/yFactor+MagickEpsilon ,1.0f);
+ const float support = MagickMax(scale*resizeFilterSupport,0.5f);
+ scale = PerceptibleReciprocal(scale);
+ const int cacheRangeStartY = MagickMax((int)((startY+0.5f)/yFactor+MagickEpsilon-support+0.5f),(int)(0));
+ const int cacheRangeEndY = MagickMin((int)(cacheRangeStartY + numCachedPixels), (int)inputRows);
+ // cache the input pixels into local memory
+ const unsigned int x = get_global_id(0);
+ unsigned int pos = getPixelIndex(number_channels, inputColumns, x, cacheRangeStartY);
+ unsigned int rangeLength = cacheRangeEndY-cacheRangeStartY;
+ unsigned int stride = inputColumns * number_channels;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < number_channels; i++)
+ {
+ event_t e = async_work_group_strided_copy(inputImageCache + (rangeLength*i), inputImage+pos+i, rangeLength, stride, 0);
+ wait_group_events(1,&e);
+ }
+ unsigned int alpha_index = (number_channels == 4) || (number_channels == 2) ? number_channels - 1 : 0;
+ unsigned int totalNumChunks = (actualNumPixelToCompute+pixelChunkSize-1)/pixelChunkSize;
+ for (unsigned int chunk = 0; chunk < totalNumChunks; chunk++)
+ {
+ const unsigned int chunkStartY = startY + chunk*pixelChunkSize;
+ const unsigned int chunkStopY = MagickMin(chunkStartY + pixelChunkSize, stopY);
+ const unsigned int actualNumPixelInThisChunk = chunkStopY - chunkStartY;
+ // determine which resized pixel computed by this workitem
+ const unsigned int itemID = get_local_id(1);
+ const unsigned int numItems = getNumWorkItemsPerPixel(actualNumPixelInThisChunk, get_local_size(1));
+ const int pixelIndex = pixelToCompute(itemID, actualNumPixelInThisChunk, get_local_size(1));
+ float4 filteredPixel = (float4)0.0f;
+ float density = 0.0f;
+ float gamma = 0.0f;
+ // -1 means this workitem doesn't participate in the computation
+ if (pixelIndex != -1)
+ {
+ // x coordinated of the resized pixel computed by this workitem
+ const int y = chunkStartY + pixelIndex;
+ // calculate how many steps required for this pixel
+ const float bisect = (y+0.5)/yFactor+MagickEpsilon;
+ const unsigned int start = (unsigned int)MagickMax(bisect-support+0.5f,0.0f);
+ const unsigned int stop = (unsigned int)MagickMin(bisect+support+0.5f,(float)inputRows);
+ const unsigned int n = stop - start;
+ // calculate how many steps this workitem will contribute
+ unsigned int numStepsPerWorkItem = n / numItems;
+ numStepsPerWorkItem += ((numItems*numStepsPerWorkItem)==n?0:1);
+ const unsigned int startStep = (itemID%numItems)*numStepsPerWorkItem;
+ if (startStep < n)
+ {
+ const unsigned int stopStep = MagickMin(startStep+numStepsPerWorkItem, n);
+ unsigned int cacheIndex = start+startStep-cacheRangeStartY;
+ for (unsigned int i = startStep; i < stopStep; i++, cacheIndex++)
+ {
+ float weight = getResizeFilterWeight(resizeFilterCubicCoefficients,
+ (ResizeWeightingFunctionType) resizeFilterType,
+ (ResizeWeightingFunctionType) resizeWindowType,
+ resizeFilterScale, resizeFilterWindowSupport,
+ resizeFilterBlur, scale*(start + i - bisect + 0.5));
+ float4 cp = (float4)0.0f;
+ __local CLQuantum *p = inputImageCache + cacheIndex;
+ cp.x = (float) *(p);
+ if (number_channels > 2)
+ {
+ cp.y = (float) *(p + rangeLength);
+ cp.z = (float) *(p + (rangeLength * 2));
+ }
+ if (alpha_index != 0)
+ {
+ cp.w = (float) *(p + (rangeLength * alpha_index));
+ float alpha = weight * QuantumScale * cp.w;
+ filteredPixel.x += alpha * cp.x;
+ filteredPixel.y += alpha * cp.y;
+ filteredPixel.z += alpha * cp.z;
+ filteredPixel.w += weight * cp.w;
+ gamma += alpha;
+ }
+ else
+ filteredPixel += ((float4) weight)*cp;
+ density += weight;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // initialize the accumulators to zero
+ if (itemID < actualNumPixelInThisChunk) {
+ outputPixelCache[itemID] = (float4)0.0f;
+ densityCache[itemID] = 0.0f;
+ if (alpha_index != 0)
+ gammaCache[itemID] = 0.0f;
+ }
+ // accumulatte the filtered pixel value and the density
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
+ if (pixelIndex != -1) {
+ if (itemID%numItems == i) {
+ outputPixelCache[pixelIndex]+=filteredPixel;
+ densityCache[pixelIndex]+=density;
+ if (alpha_index != 0)
+ gammaCache[pixelIndex]+=gamma;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (itemID < actualNumPixelInThisChunk)
+ {
+ float4 filteredPixel = outputPixelCache[itemID];
+ float gamma = 0.0f;
+ if (alpha_index != 0)
+ gamma = gammaCache[itemID];
+ float density = densityCache[itemID];
+ if ((density != 0.0f) && (density != 1.0f))
+ {
+ density = PerceptibleReciprocal(density);
+ filteredPixel *= (float4) density;
+ gamma *= density;
+ }
+ if (alpha_index != 0)
+ {
+ gamma = PerceptibleReciprocal(gamma);
+ filteredPixel.x *= gamma;
+ filteredPixel.y *= gamma;
+ filteredPixel.z *= gamma;
+ }
+ WriteFloat4(filteredImage, number_channels, filteredColumns, x, chunkStartY + itemID, AllChannels, filteredPixel);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ )
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% R o t a t i o n a l B l u r %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+ __kernel void RotationalBlur(const __global CLQuantum *image,const unsigned int number_channels,
+ const unsigned int channel,const float4 bias,const float2 blurCenter,__constant float *cos_theta,
+ __constant float *sin_theta,const unsigned int cossin_theta_size,__global CLQuantum *filteredImage)
+ {
+ const int x = get_global_id(0);
+ const int y = get_global_id(1);
+ const int columns = get_global_size(0);
+ const int rows = get_global_size(1);
+ unsigned int step = 1;
+ float center_x = (float) x - blurCenter.x;
+ float center_y = (float) y - blurCenter.y;
+ float radius = hypot(center_x, center_y);
+ float blur_radius = hypot(blurCenter.x, blurCenter.y);
+ if (radius > MagickEpsilon)
+ {
+ step = (unsigned int) (blur_radius / radius);
+ if (step == 0)
+ step = 1;
+ if (step >= cossin_theta_size)
+ step = cossin_theta_size-1;
+ }
+ float4 result = bias;
+ float normalize = 0.0f;
+ float gamma = 0.0f;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<cossin_theta_size; i+=step)
+ {
+ int cx = ClampToCanvas(blurCenter.x+center_x*cos_theta[i]-center_y*sin_theta[i]+0.5f,columns);
+ int cy = ClampToCanvas(blurCenter.y+center_x*sin_theta[i]+center_y*cos_theta[i]+0.5f,rows);
+ float4 pixel = ReadFloat4(image, number_channels, columns, cx, cy, channel);
+ if ((number_channels == 4) || (number_channels == 2))
+ {
+ float alpha = (float)(QuantumScale*pixel.w);
+ gamma += alpha;
+ result.x += alpha * pixel.x;
+ result.y += alpha * pixel.y;
+ result.z += alpha * pixel.z;
+ result.w += pixel.w;
+ }
+ else
+ result += pixel;
+ normalize += 1.0f;
+ }
+ normalize = PerceptibleReciprocal(normalize);
+ if ((number_channels == 4) || (number_channels == 2))
+ {
+ gamma = PerceptibleReciprocal(gamma);
+ result.x *= gamma;
+ result.y *= gamma;
+ result.z *= gamma;
+ result.w *= normalize;
+ }
+ else
+ result *= normalize;
+ WriteFloat4(filteredImage, number_channels, columns, x, y, channel, result);
+ }
+ )
+% %
+% %
+% %
+% U n s h a r p M a s k %
+% %
+% %
+% %
+ __kernel void UnsharpMaskBlurColumn(const __global CLQuantum* image,
+ const __global float4 *blurRowData,const unsigned int number_channels,
+ const ChannelType channel,const unsigned int columns,
+ const unsigned int rows,__local float4* cachedData,
+ __local float* cachedFilter,const __global float *filter,
+ const unsigned int width,const float gain, const float threshold,
+ __global CLQuantum *filteredImage)
+ {
+ const unsigned int radius = (width-1)/2;
+ // cache the pixel shared by the workgroup
+ const int groupX = get_group_id(0);
+ const int groupStartY = get_group_id(1)*get_local_size(1) - radius;
+ const int groupStopY = (get_group_id(1)+1)*get_local_size(1) + radius;
+ if ((groupStartY >= 0) && (groupStopY < rows))
+ {
+ event_t e = async_work_group_strided_copy(cachedData,
+ blurRowData+groupStartY*columns+groupX,groupStopY-groupStartY,columns,0);
+ wait_group_events(1,&e);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (int i = get_local_id(1); i < (groupStopY - groupStartY); i+=get_local_size(1))
+ cachedData[i] = blurRowData[ClampToCanvas(groupStartY+i,rows)*columns + groupX];
+ }
+ // cache the filter as well
+ event_t e = async_work_group_copy(cachedFilter,filter,width,0);
+ wait_group_events(1,&e);
+ // only do the work if this is not a patched item
+ const int cy = get_global_id(1);
+ if (cy < rows)
+ {
+ float4 blurredPixel = (float4) 0.0f;
+ int i = 0;
+ for ( ; i+7 < width; )
+ {
+ for (int j=0; j < 8; j++, i++)
+ blurredPixel+=cachedFilter[i+j]*cachedData[i+j+get_local_id(1)];
+ }
+ for ( ; i < width; i++)
+ blurredPixel+=cachedFilter[i]*cachedData[i+get_local_id(1)];
+ float4 inputImagePixel = ReadFloat4(image,number_channels,columns,groupX,cy,channel);
+ float4 outputPixel = inputImagePixel - blurredPixel;
+ float quantumThreshold = QuantumRange*threshold;
+ int4 mask = isless(fabs(2.0f*outputPixel), (float4)quantumThreshold);
+ outputPixel = select(inputImagePixel + outputPixel * gain, inputImagePixel, mask);
+ //write back
+ WriteFloat4(filteredImage,number_channels,columns,groupX,cy,channel,outputPixel);
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ __kernel void UnsharpMask(const __global CLQuantum *image,const unsigned int number_channels,
+ const ChannelType channel,__constant float *filter,const unsigned int width,
+ const unsigned int columns,const unsigned int rows,__local float4 *pixels,
+ const float gain,const float threshold,__global CLQuantum *filteredImage)
+ {
+ const unsigned int x = get_global_id(0);
+ const unsigned int y = get_global_id(1);
+ const unsigned int radius = (width - 1) / 2;
+ int row = y - radius;
+ int baseRow = get_group_id(1) * get_local_size(1) - radius;
+ int endRow = (get_group_id(1) + 1) * get_local_size(1) + radius;
+ while (row < endRow) {
+ int srcy = (row < 0) ? -row : row; // mirror pad
+ srcy = (srcy >= rows) ? (2 * rows - srcy - 1) : srcy;
+ float4 value = 0.0f;
+ int ix = x - radius;
+ int i = 0;
+ while (i + 7 < width) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) { // unrolled
+ int srcx = ix + j;
+ srcx = (srcx < 0) ? -srcx : srcx;
+ srcx = (srcx >= columns) ? (2 * columns - srcx - 1) : srcx;
+ value += filter[i + j] * ReadFloat4(image, number_channels, columns, srcx, srcy, channel);
+ }
+ ix += 8;
+ i += 8;
+ }
+ while (i < width) {
+ int srcx = (ix < 0) ? -ix : ix; // mirror pad
+ srcx = (srcx >= columns) ? (2 * columns - srcx - 1) : srcx;
+ value += filter[i] * ReadFloat4(image, number_channels, columns, srcx, srcy, channel);
+ ++i;
+ ++ix;
+ }
+ pixels[(row - baseRow) * get_local_size(0) + get_local_id(0)] = value;
+ row += get_local_size(1);
+ }
+ const int px = get_local_id(0);
+ const int py = get_local_id(1);
+ const int prp = get_local_size(0);
+ float4 value = (float4)(0.0f);
+ int i = 0;
+ while (i + 7 < width) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) // unrolled
+ value += (float4)(filter[i]) * pixels[px + (py + i + j) * prp];
+ i += 8;
+ }
+ while (i < width) {
+ value += (float4)(filter[i]) * pixels[px + (py + i) * prp];
+ ++i;
+ }
+ float4 srcPixel = ReadFloat4(image, number_channels, columns, x, y, channel);
+ float4 diff = srcPixel - value;
+ float quantumThreshold = QuantumRange*threshold;
+ int4 mask = isless(fabs(2.0f * diff), (float4)quantumThreshold);
+ value = select(srcPixel + diff * gain, srcPixel, mask);
+ if ((x < columns) && (y < rows))
+ WriteFloat4(filteredImage, number_channels, columns, x, y, channel, value);
+ }
+ )
+ __kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(64, 4, 1)))
+ void WaveletDenoise(__global CLQuantum *srcImage,__global CLQuantum *dstImage,
+ const unsigned int number_channels,const unsigned int max_channels,
+ const float threshold,const int passes,const unsigned int imageWidth,
+ const unsigned int imageHeight)
+ {
+ const int pad = (1 << (passes - 1));
+ const int tileSize = 64;
+ const int tileRowPixels = 64;
+ const float noise[] = { 0.8002, 0.2735, 0.1202, 0.0585, 0.0291, 0.0152, 0.0080, 0.0044 };
+ CLQuantum stage[48]; // 16 * 3 (we only need 3 channels)
+ local float buffer[64 * 64];
+ int srcx = get_group_id(0) * (tileSize - 2 * pad) - pad + get_local_id(0);
+ int srcy = get_group_id(1) * (tileSize - 2 * pad) - pad;
+ for (int i = get_local_id(1); i < tileSize; i += get_local_size(1)) {
+ int pos = (mirrorTop(mirrorBottom(srcx), imageWidth) * number_channels) +
+ (mirrorTop(mirrorBottom(srcy + i), imageHeight)) * imageWidth * number_channels;
+ for (int channel = 0; channel < max_channels; ++channel)
+ stage[(i / 4) + (16 * channel)] = srcImage[pos + channel];
+ }
+ for (int channel = 0; channel < max_channels; ++channel) {
+ // Load LDS
+ for (int i = get_local_id(1); i < tileSize; i += get_local_size(1))
+ buffer[get_local_id(0) + i * tileRowPixels] = convert_float(stage[(i / 4) + (16 * channel)]);
+ // Process
+ float tmp[16];
+ float accum[16];
+ float pixel;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+ accum[i]=0.0f;
+ for (int pass = 0; pass < passes; ++pass) {
+ const int radius = 1 << pass;
+ const int x = get_local_id(0);
+ const float thresh = threshold * noise[pass];
+ // Apply horizontal hat
+ for (int i = get_local_id(1); i < tileSize; i += get_local_size(1)) {
+ const int offset = i * tileRowPixels;
+ if (pass == 0)
+ tmp[i / 4] = buffer[x + offset]; // snapshot input on first pass
+ pixel = 0.5f * tmp[i / 4] + 0.25 * (buffer[mirrorBottom(x - radius) + offset] + buffer[mirrorTop(x + radius, tileSize) + offset]);
+ buffer[x + offset] = pixel;
+ }
+ // Apply vertical hat
+ for (int i = get_local_id(1); i < tileSize; i += get_local_size(1)) {
+ pixel = 0.5f * buffer[x + i * tileRowPixels] + 0.25 * (buffer[x + mirrorBottom(i - radius) * tileRowPixels] + buffer[x + mirrorTop(i + radius, tileRowPixels) * tileRowPixels]);
+ float delta = tmp[i / 4] - pixel;
+ tmp[i / 4] = pixel; // hold output in tmp until all workitems are done
+ if (delta < -thresh)
+ delta += thresh;
+ else if (delta > thresh)
+ delta -= thresh;
+ else
+ delta = 0;
+ accum[i / 4] += delta;
+ }
+ if (pass < passes - 1)
+ for (int i = get_local_id(1); i < tileSize; i += get_local_size(1))
+ buffer[x + i * tileRowPixels] = tmp[i / 4]; // store lowpass for next pass
+ else // last pass
+ for (int i = get_local_id(1); i < tileSize; i += get_local_size(1))
+ accum[i / 4] += tmp[i / 4]; // add the lowpass signal back to output
+ }
+ for (int i = get_local_id(1); i < tileSize; i += get_local_size(1))
+ stage[(i / 4) + (16 * channel)] = ClampToQuantum(accum[i / 4]);
+ }
+ // Write from stage to output
+ if ((get_local_id(0) >= pad) && (get_local_id(0) < tileSize - pad) && (srcx >= 0) && (srcx < imageWidth)) {
+ for (int i = get_local_id(1); i < tileSize; i += get_local_size(1)) {
+ if ((i >= pad) && (i < tileSize - pad) && (srcy + i >= 0) && (srcy + i < imageHeight)) {
+ int pos = (srcx * number_channels) + ((srcy + i) * (imageWidth * number_channels));
+ for (int channel = 0; channel < max_channels; ++channel) {
+ dstImage[pos + channel] = stage[(i / 4) + (16 * channel)];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ ;
+#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
extern "C" {
- Define declarations.
-#define OPENCL_DEFINE(VAR,...) "\n #""define " #VAR " " #__VA_ARGS__ " \n"
-#define OPENCL_ELIF(...) "\n #""elif " #__VA_ARGS__ " \n"
-#define OPENCL_ELSE() "\n #""else " " \n"
-#define OPENCL_ENDIF() "\n #""endif " " \n"
-#define OPENCL_IF(...) "\n #""if " #__VA_ARGS__ " \n"
-#define STRINGIFY(...) #__VA_ARGS__ "\n"
- Typedef declarations.
-typedef struct _FloatPixelPacket
- MagickRealType
- red,
- green,
- blue,
- alpha,
- black;
-} FloatPixelPacket;
-const char *accelerateKernels =
- Define declarations.
- OPENCL_DEFINE(SigmaUniform, (attenuate*0.015625f))
- OPENCL_DEFINE(SigmaGaussian, (attenuate*0.015625f))
- OPENCL_DEFINE(SigmaImpulse, (attenuate*0.1f))
- OPENCL_DEFINE(SigmaLaplacian, (attenuate*0.0390625f))
- OPENCL_DEFINE(SigmaMultiplicativeGaussian, (attenuate*0.5f))
- OPENCL_DEFINE(SigmaPoisson, (attenuate*12.5f))
- OPENCL_DEFINE(SigmaRandom, (attenuate))
- OPENCL_DEFINE(TauGaussian, (attenuate*0.078125f))
- OPENCL_DEFINE(MagickMax(x,y), (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y)))
- OPENCL_DEFINE(MagickMin(x,y), (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y)))
- Typedef declarations.
- typedef enum
- {
- UndefinedColorspace,
- RGBColorspace, /* Linear RGB colorspace */
- GRAYColorspace, /* greyscale (linear) image (faked 1 channel) */
- TransparentColorspace,
- OHTAColorspace,
- LabColorspace,
- XYZColorspace,
- YCbCrColorspace,
- YCCColorspace,
- YIQColorspace,
- YPbPrColorspace,
- YUVColorspace,
- CMYKColorspace, /* negared linear RGB with black separated */
- sRGBColorspace, /* Default: non-lienar sRGB colorspace */
- HSBColorspace,
- HSLColorspace,
- HWBColorspace,
- Rec601LumaColorspace,
- Rec601YCbCrColorspace,
- Rec709LumaColorspace,
- Rec709YCbCrColorspace,
- LogColorspace,
- CMYColorspace, /* negated linear RGB colorspace */
- LuvColorspace,
- HCLColorspace,
- LCHColorspace, /* alias for LCHuv */
- LMSColorspace,
- LCHabColorspace, /* Cylindrical (Polar) Lab */
- LCHuvColorspace, /* Cylindrical (Polar) Luv */
- scRGBColorspace,
- HSIColorspace,
- HSVColorspace, /* alias for HSB */
- HCLpColorspace,
- YDbDrColorspace
- } ColorspaceType;
- )
- typedef enum
- {
- UndefinedCompositeOp,
- NoCompositeOp,
- ModulusAddCompositeOp,
- AtopCompositeOp,
- BlendCompositeOp,
- BumpmapCompositeOp,
- ChangeMaskCompositeOp,
- ClearCompositeOp,
- ColorBurnCompositeOp,
- ColorDodgeCompositeOp,
- ColorizeCompositeOp,
- CopyBlackCompositeOp,
- CopyBlueCompositeOp,
- CopyCompositeOp,
- CopyCyanCompositeOp,
- CopyGreenCompositeOp,
- CopyMagentaCompositeOp,
- CopyOpacityCompositeOp,
- CopyRedCompositeOp,
- CopyYellowCompositeOp,
- DarkenCompositeOp,
- DstAtopCompositeOp,
- DstCompositeOp,
- DstInCompositeOp,
- DstOutCompositeOp,
- DstOverCompositeOp,
- DifferenceCompositeOp,
- DisplaceCompositeOp,
- DissolveCompositeOp,
- ExclusionCompositeOp,
- HardLightCompositeOp,
- HueCompositeOp,
- InCompositeOp,
- LightenCompositeOp,
- LinearLightCompositeOp,
- LuminizeCompositeOp,
- MinusDstCompositeOp,
- ModulateCompositeOp,
- MultiplyCompositeOp,
- OutCompositeOp,
- OverCompositeOp,
- OverlayCompositeOp,
- PlusCompositeOp,
- ReplaceCompositeOp,
- SaturateCompositeOp,
- ScreenCompositeOp,
- SoftLightCompositeOp,
- SrcAtopCompositeOp,
- SrcCompositeOp,
- SrcInCompositeOp,
- SrcOutCompositeOp,
- SrcOverCompositeOp,
- ModulusSubtractCompositeOp,
- ThresholdCompositeOp,
- XorCompositeOp,
- /* These are new operators, added after the above was last sorted.
- * The list should be re-sorted only when a new library version is
- * created.
- */
- DivideDstCompositeOp,
- DistortCompositeOp,
- BlurCompositeOp,
- PegtopLightCompositeOp,
- VividLightCompositeOp,
- PinLightCompositeOp,
- LinearDodgeCompositeOp,
- LinearBurnCompositeOp,
- MathematicsCompositeOp,
- DivideSrcCompositeOp,
- MinusSrcCompositeOp,
- DarkenIntensityCompositeOp,
- LightenIntensityCompositeOp
- } CompositeOperator;
- )
- typedef enum
- {
- UndefinedFunction,
- ArcsinFunction,
- ArctanFunction,
- PolynomialFunction,
- SinusoidFunction
- } MagickFunction;
- )
- typedef enum
- {
- UndefinedNoise,
- UniformNoise,
- GaussianNoise,
- MultiplicativeGaussianNoise,
- ImpulseNoise,
- LaplacianNoise,
- PoissonNoise,
- RandomNoise
- } NoiseType;
- )
- typedef enum
- {
- UndefinedPixelIntensityMethod = 0,
- AveragePixelIntensityMethod,
- BrightnessPixelIntensityMethod,
- LightnessPixelIntensityMethod,
- Rec601LumaPixelIntensityMethod,
- Rec601LuminancePixelIntensityMethod,
- Rec709LumaPixelIntensityMethod,
- Rec709LuminancePixelIntensityMethod,
- RMSPixelIntensityMethod,
- MSPixelIntensityMethod
- } PixelIntensityMethod;
- )
- typedef enum {
- BoxWeightingFunction = 0,
- TriangleWeightingFunction,
- CubicBCWeightingFunction,
- HannWeightingFunction,
- HammingWeightingFunction,
- BlackmanWeightingFunction,
- GaussianWeightingFunction,
- QuadraticWeightingFunction,
- JincWeightingFunction,
- SincWeightingFunction,
- SincFastWeightingFunction,
- KaiserWeightingFunction,
- WelshWeightingFunction,
- BohmanWeightingFunction,
- LagrangeWeightingFunction,
- CosineWeightingFunction,
- } ResizeWeightingFunctionType;
- )
- typedef enum
- {
- UndefinedChannel = 0x0000,
- RedChannel = 0x0001,
- GrayChannel = 0x0001,
- CyanChannel = 0x0001,
- GreenChannel = 0x0002,
- MagentaChannel = 0x0002,
- BlueChannel = 0x0004,
- YellowChannel = 0x0004,
- BlackChannel = 0x0008,
- AlphaChannel = 0x0010,
- OpacityChannel = 0x0010,
- IndexChannel = 0x0020, /* Color Index Table? */
- ReadMaskChannel = 0x0040, /* Pixel is Not Readable? */
- WriteMaskChannel = 0x0080, /* Pixel is Write Protected? */
- MetaChannel = 0x0100, /* ???? */
- CompositeChannels = 0x002F,
- AllChannels = 0x7ffffff,
- /*
- Special purpose channel types.
- FUTURE: are these needed any more - they are more like hacks
- SyncChannels for example is NOT a real channel but a 'flag'
- It really says -- "User has not defined channels"
- Though it does have extra meaning in the "-auto-level" operator
- */
- TrueAlphaChannel = 0x0100, /* extract actual alpha channel from opacity */
- RGBChannels = 0x0200, /* set alpha from grayscale mask in RGB */
- GrayChannels = 0x0400,
- SyncChannels = 0x20000, /* channels modified as a single unit */
- DefaultChannels = AllChannels
- } ChannelType; /* must correspond to PixelChannel */
- )
- Helper functions.
- inline CLQuantum ScaleCharToQuantum(const unsigned char value)
- {
- return((CLQuantum) value);
- }
- )
- inline CLQuantum ScaleCharToQuantum(const unsigned char value)
- {
- return((CLQuantum) (257.0f*value));
- }
- )
- inline CLQuantum ScaleCharToQuantum(const unsigned char value)
- {
- return((CLQuantum) (16843009.0*value));
- }
- )
- inline int ClampToCanvas(const int offset,const int range)
- {
- return clamp(offset, (int)0, range-1);
- }
- )
- inline CLQuantum ClampToQuantum(const float value)
- {
- return (CLQuantum) (clamp(value, 0.0f, QuantumRange) + 0.5f);
- }
- )
- inline uint ScaleQuantumToMap(CLQuantum value)
- {
- if (value >= (CLQuantum) MaxMap)
- return ((uint)MaxMap);
- else
- return ((uint)value);
- }
- )
- inline float PerceptibleReciprocal(const float x)
- {
- float sign = x < (float) 0.0 ? (float) -1.0 : (float) 1.0;
- return((sign*x) >= MagickEpsilon ? (float) 1.0/x : sign*((float) 1.0/MagickEpsilon));
- }
- )
- inline float RoundToUnity(const float value)
- {
- return clamp(value,0.0f,1.0f);
- }
- )
- inline unsigned int getPixelIndex(const unsigned int number_channels,
- const unsigned int columns, const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y)
- {
- return (x * number_channels) + (y * columns * number_channels);
- }
- inline float getPixelRed(const __global CLQuantum *p) { return (float)*p; }
- inline float getPixelGreen(const __global CLQuantum *p) { return (float)*(p+1); }
- inline float getPixelBlue(const __global CLQuantum *p) { return (float)*(p+2); }
- inline float getPixelAlpha(const __global CLQuantum *p,const unsigned int number_channels) { return (float)*(p+number_channels-1); }
- inline void setPixelRed(__global CLQuantum *p,const CLQuantum value) { *p=value; }
- inline void setPixelGreen(__global CLQuantum *p,const CLQuantum value) { *(p+1)=value; }
- inline void setPixelBlue(__global CLQuantum *p,const CLQuantum value) { *(p+2)=value; }
- inline void setPixelAlpha(__global CLQuantum *p,const unsigned int number_channels,const CLQuantum value) { *(p+number_channels-1)=value; }
- inline CLQuantum getBlue(CLPixelType p) { return p.x; }
- inline void setBlue(CLPixelType* p, CLQuantum value) { (*p).x = value; }
- inline float getBlueF4(float4 p) { return p.x; }
- inline void setBlueF4(float4* p, float value) { (*p).x = value; }
- inline CLQuantum getGreen(CLPixelType p) { return p.y; }
- inline void setGreen(CLPixelType* p, CLQuantum value) { (*p).y = value; }
- inline float getGreenF4(float4 p) { return p.y; }
- inline void setGreenF4(float4* p, float value) { (*p).y = value; }
- inline CLQuantum getRed(CLPixelType p) { return p.z; }
- inline void setRed(CLPixelType* p, CLQuantum value) { (*p).z = value; }
- inline float getRedF4(float4 p) { return p.z; }
- inline void setRedF4(float4* p, float value) { (*p).z = value; }
- inline CLQuantum getAlpha(CLPixelType p) { return p.w; }
- inline void setAlpha(CLPixelType* p, CLQuantum value) { (*p).w = value; }
- inline float getAlphaF4(float4 p) { return p.w; }
- inline void setAlphaF4(float4* p, float value) { (*p).w = value; }
- inline void ReadChannels(const __global CLQuantum *p, const unsigned int number_channels,
- const ChannelType channel, float *red, float *green, float *blue, float *alpha)
- {
- if ((channel & RedChannel) != 0)
- *red=getPixelRed(p);
- if (number_channels > 2)
- {
- if ((channel & GreenChannel) != 0)
- *green=getPixelGreen(p);
- if ((channel & BlueChannel) != 0)
- *blue=getPixelBlue(p);
- }
- if (((number_channels == 4) || (number_channels == 2)) &&
- ((channel & AlphaChannel) != 0))
- *alpha=getPixelAlpha(p,number_channels);
- }
- inline float4 ReadFloat4(const __global CLQuantum *image, const unsigned int number_channels,
- const unsigned int columns, const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y, const ChannelType channel)
- {
- const __global CLQuantum *p = image + getPixelIndex(number_channels, columns, x, y);
- float red = 0.0f;
- float green = 0.0f;
- float blue = 0.0f;
- float alpha = 0.0f;
- ReadChannels(p, number_channels, channel, &red, &green, &blue, &alpha);
- return (float4)(red, green, blue, alpha);
- }
- inline void WriteChannels(__global CLQuantum *p, const unsigned int number_channels,
- const ChannelType channel, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha)
- {
- if ((channel & RedChannel) != 0)
- setPixelRed(p,ClampToQuantum(red));
- if (number_channels > 2)
- {
- if ((channel & GreenChannel) != 0)
- setPixelGreen(p,ClampToQuantum(green));
- if ((channel & BlueChannel) != 0)
- setPixelBlue(p,ClampToQuantum(blue));
- }
- if (((number_channels == 4) || (number_channels == 2)) &&
- ((channel & AlphaChannel) != 0))
- setPixelAlpha(p,number_channels,ClampToQuantum(alpha));
- }
- inline void WriteFloat4(__global CLQuantum *image, const unsigned int number_channels,
- const unsigned int columns, const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y, const ChannelType channel,
- float4 pixel)
- {
- __global CLQuantum *p = image + getPixelIndex(number_channels, columns, x, y);
- WriteChannels(p, number_channels, channel, pixel.x, pixel.y, pixel.z, pixel.w);
- }
- inline float GetPixelIntensity(const unsigned int colorspace,
- const unsigned int method,float red,float green,float blue)
- {
- float intensity;
- if (colorspace == GRAYColorspace)
- return red;
- switch (method)
- {
- case AveragePixelIntensityMethod:
- {
- intensity=(red+green+blue)/3.0;
- break;
- }
- case BrightnessPixelIntensityMethod:
- {
- intensity=MagickMax(MagickMax(red,green),blue);
- break;
- }
- case LightnessPixelIntensityMethod:
- {
- intensity=(MagickMin(MagickMin(red,green),blue)+
- MagickMax(MagickMax(red,green),blue))/2.0;
- break;
- }
- case MSPixelIntensityMethod:
- {
- intensity=(float) (((float) red*red+green*green+blue*blue)/
- (3.0*QuantumRange));
- break;
- }
- case Rec601LumaPixelIntensityMethod:
- {
- /*
- if (image->colorspace == RGBColorspace)
- {
- red=EncodePixelGamma(red);
- green=EncodePixelGamma(green);
- blue=EncodePixelGamma(blue);
- }
- */
- intensity=0.298839*red+0.586811*green+0.114350*blue;
- break;
- }
- case Rec601LuminancePixelIntensityMethod:
- {
- /*
- if (image->colorspace == sRGBColorspace)
- {
- red=DecodePixelGamma(red);
- green=DecodePixelGamma(green);
- blue=DecodePixelGamma(blue);
- }
- */
- intensity=0.298839*red+0.586811*green+0.114350*blue;
- break;
- }
- case Rec709LumaPixelIntensityMethod:
- default:
- {
- /*
- if (image->colorspace == RGBColorspace)
- {
- red=EncodePixelGamma(red);
- green=EncodePixelGamma(green);
- blue=EncodePixelGamma(blue);
- }
- */
- intensity=0.212656*red+0.715158*green+0.072186*blue;
- break;
- }
- case Rec709LuminancePixelIntensityMethod:
- {
- /*
- if (image->colorspace == sRGBColorspace)
- {
- red=DecodePixelGamma(red);
- green=DecodePixelGamma(green);
- blue=DecodePixelGamma(blue);
- }
- */
- intensity=0.212656*red+0.715158*green+0.072186*blue;
- break;
- }
- case RMSPixelIntensityMethod:
- {
- intensity=(float) (sqrt((float) red*red+green*green+blue*blue)/
- sqrt(3.0));
- break;
- }
- }
- return intensity;
- }
- inline int mirrorBottom(int value)
- {
- return (value < 0) ? - (value) : value;
- }
- inline int mirrorTop(int value, int width)
- {
- return (value >= width) ? (2 * width - value - 1) : value;
- }
- )
-% %
-% %
-% %
-% A d d N o i s e %
-% %
-% %
-% %
- /*
- Part of MWC64X by David Thomas, dt10@imperial.ac.uk
- This is provided under BSD, full license is with the main package.
- See http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~dt10/research
- */
- // Pre: a<M, b<M
- // Post: r=(a+b) mod M
- ulong MWC_AddMod64(ulong a, ulong b, ulong M)
- {
- ulong v=a+b;
- //if( (v>=M) || (v<a) )
- if( (v>=M) || (convert_float(v) < convert_float(a)) ) // workaround for what appears to be an optimizer bug.
- v=v-M;
- return v;
- }
- // Pre: a<M,b<M
- // Post: r=(a*b) mod M
- // This could be done more efficently, but it is portable, and should
- // be easy to understand. It can be replaced with any of the better
- // modular multiplication algorithms (for example if you know you have
- // double precision available or something).
- ulong MWC_MulMod64(ulong a, ulong b, ulong M)
- {
- ulong r=0;
- while(a!=0){
- if(a&1)
- r=MWC_AddMod64(r,b,M);
- b=MWC_AddMod64(b,b,M);
- a=a>>1;
- }
- return r;
- }
- // Pre: a<M, e>=0
- // Post: r=(a^b) mod M
- // This takes at most ~64^2 modular additions, so probably about 2^15 or so instructions on
- // most architectures
- ulong MWC_PowMod64(ulong a, ulong e, ulong M)
- {
- ulong sqr=a, acc=1;
- while(e!=0){
- if(e&1)
- acc=MWC_MulMod64(acc,sqr,M);
- sqr=MWC_MulMod64(sqr,sqr,M);
- e=e>>1;
- }
- return acc;
- }
- uint2 MWC_SkipImpl_Mod64(uint2 curr, ulong A, ulong M, ulong distance)
- {
- ulong m=MWC_PowMod64(A, distance, M);
- ulong x=curr.x*(ulong)A+curr.y;
- x=MWC_MulMod64(x, m, M);
- return (uint2)((uint)(x/A), (uint)(x%A));
- }
- uint2 MWC_SeedImpl_Mod64(ulong A, ulong M, uint vecSize, uint vecOffset, ulong streamBase, ulong streamGap)
- {
- // This is an arbitrary constant for starting LCG jumping from. I didn't
- // want to start from 1, as then you end up with the two or three first values
- // being a bit poor in ones - once you've decided that, one constant is as
- // good as any another. There is no deep mathematical reason for it, I just
- // generated a random number.
- enum{ MWC_BASEID = 4077358422479273989UL };
- ulong dist=streamBase + (get_global_id(0)*vecSize+vecOffset)*streamGap;
- ulong m=MWC_PowMod64(A, dist, M);
- ulong x=MWC_MulMod64(MWC_BASEID, m, M);
- return (uint2)((uint)(x/A), (uint)(x%A));
- }
- //! Represents the state of a particular generator
- typedef struct{ uint x; uint c; } mwc64x_state_t;
- enum{ MWC64X_A = 4294883355U };
- enum{ MWC64X_M = 18446383549859758079UL };
- void MWC64X_Step(mwc64x_state_t *s)
- {
- uint X=s->x, C=s->c;
- uint Xn=MWC64X_A*X+C;
- uint carry=(uint)(Xn<C); // The (Xn<C) will be zero or one for scalar
- uint Cn=mad_hi(MWC64X_A,X,carry);
- s->x=Xn;
- s->c=Cn;
- }
- void MWC64X_Skip(mwc64x_state_t *s, ulong distance)
- {
- uint2 tmp=MWC_SkipImpl_Mod64((uint2)(s->x,s->c), MWC64X_A, MWC64X_M, distance);
- s->x=tmp.x;
- s->c=tmp.y;
- }
- void MWC64X_SeedStreams(mwc64x_state_t *s, ulong baseOffset, ulong perStreamOffset)
- {
- uint2 tmp=MWC_SeedImpl_Mod64(MWC64X_A, MWC64X_M, 1, 0, baseOffset, perStreamOffset);
- s->x=tmp.x;
- s->c=tmp.y;
- }
- //! Return a 32-bit integer in the range [0..2^32)
- uint MWC64X_NextUint(mwc64x_state_t *s)
- {
- uint res=s->x ^ s->c;
- MWC64X_Step(s);
- return res;
- }
- //
- // End of MWC64X excerpt
- //
- float mwcReadPseudoRandomValue(mwc64x_state_t* rng)
- {
- return (1.0f * MWC64X_NextUint(rng)) / (float)(0xffffffff); // normalized to 1.0
- }
- float mwcGenerateDifferentialNoise(mwc64x_state_t* r, float pixel, NoiseType noise_type, float attenuate)
- {
- float
- alpha,
- beta,
- noise,
- sigma;
- noise = 0.0f;
- alpha=mwcReadPseudoRandomValue(r);
- switch(noise_type)
- {
- case UniformNoise:
- default:
- {
- noise=(pixel+QuantumRange*SigmaUniform*(alpha-0.5f));
- break;
- }
- case GaussianNoise:
- {
- float
- gamma,
- tau;
- if (alpha == 0.0f)
- alpha=1.0f;
- beta=mwcReadPseudoRandomValue(r);
- gamma=sqrt(-2.0f*log(alpha));
- sigma=gamma*cospi((2.0f*beta));
- tau=gamma*sinpi((2.0f*beta));
- noise=pixel+sqrt(pixel)*SigmaGaussian*sigma+QuantumRange*TauGaussian*tau;
- break;
- }
- case ImpulseNoise:
- {
- if (alpha < (SigmaImpulse/2.0f))
- noise=0.0f;
- else
- if (alpha >= (1.0f-(SigmaImpulse/2.0f)))
- noise=QuantumRange;
- else
- noise=pixel;
- break;
- }
- case LaplacianNoise:
- {
- if (alpha <= 0.5f)
- {
- if (alpha <= MagickEpsilon)
- noise=(pixel-QuantumRange);
- else
- noise=(pixel+QuantumRange*SigmaLaplacian*log(2.0f*alpha)+
- 0.5f);
- break;
- }
- beta=1.0f-alpha;
- if (beta <= (0.5f*MagickEpsilon))
- noise=(pixel+QuantumRange);
- else
- noise=(pixel-QuantumRange*SigmaLaplacian*log(2.0f*beta)+0.5f);
- break;
- }
- case MultiplicativeGaussianNoise:
- {
- sigma=1.0f;
- if (alpha > MagickEpsilon)
- sigma=sqrt(-2.0f*log(alpha));
- beta=mwcReadPseudoRandomValue(r);
- noise=(pixel+pixel*SigmaMultiplicativeGaussian*sigma*
- cospi((2.0f*beta))/2.0f);
- break;
- }
- case PoissonNoise:
- {
- float
- poisson;
- unsigned int i;
- poisson=exp(-SigmaPoisson*QuantumScale*pixel);
- for (i=0; alpha > poisson; i++)
- {
- beta=mwcReadPseudoRandomValue(r);
- alpha*=beta;
- }
- noise=(QuantumRange*i/SigmaPoisson);
- break;
- }
- case RandomNoise:
- {
- noise=(QuantumRange*SigmaRandom*alpha);
- break;
- }
- }
- return noise;
- }
- __kernel
- void AddNoise(const __global CLQuantum *image,
- const unsigned int number_channels,const ChannelType channel,
- const unsigned int length,const unsigned int pixelsPerWorkItem,
- const NoiseType noise_type,const float attenuate,const unsigned int seed0,
- const unsigned int seed1,const unsigned int numRandomNumbersPerPixel,
- __global CLQuantum *filteredImage)
- {
- mwc64x_state_t rng;
- rng.x = seed0;
- rng.c = seed1;
- uint span = pixelsPerWorkItem * numRandomNumbersPerPixel; // length of RNG substream each workitem will use
- uint offset = span * get_local_size(0) * get_group_id(0); // offset of this workgroup's RNG substream (in master stream);
- MWC64X_SeedStreams(&rng, offset, span); // Seed the RNG streams
- uint pos = get_group_id(0) * get_local_size(0) * pixelsPerWorkItem * number_channels + (get_local_id(0) * number_channels);
- uint count = pixelsPerWorkItem;
- while (count > 0 && pos < length)
- {
- const __global CLQuantum *p = image + pos;
- __global CLQuantum *q = filteredImage + pos;
- float red;
- float green;
- float blue;
- float alpha;
- ReadChannels(p, number_channels, channel, &red, &green, &blue, &alpha);
- if ((channel & RedChannel) != 0)
- red=mwcGenerateDifferentialNoise(&rng,red,noise_type,attenuate);
- if (number_channels > 2)
- {
- if ((channel & GreenChannel) != 0)
- green=mwcGenerateDifferentialNoise(&rng,green,noise_type,attenuate);
- if ((channel & BlueChannel) != 0)
- blue=mwcGenerateDifferentialNoise(&rng,blue,noise_type,attenuate);
- }
- if (((number_channels == 4) || (number_channels == 2)) &&
- ((channel & AlphaChannel) != 0))
- alpha=mwcGenerateDifferentialNoise(&rng,alpha,noise_type,attenuate);
- WriteChannels(q, number_channels, channel, red, green, blue, alpha);
- pos += (get_local_size(0) * number_channels);
- count--;
- }
- }
- )
-% %
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-% B l u r %
-% %
-% %
-% %
- /*
- Reduce image noise and reduce detail levels by row
- */
- __kernel void BlurRow(const __global CLQuantum *image,
- const unsigned int number_channels,const ChannelType channel,
- __constant float *filter,const unsigned int width,
- const unsigned int imageColumns,const unsigned int imageRows,
- __local float4 *temp,__global float4 *tempImage)
- {
- const int x = get_global_id(0);
- const int y = get_global_id(1);
- const int columns = imageColumns;
- const unsigned int radius = (width-1)/2;
- const int wsize = get_local_size(0);
- const unsigned int loadSize = wsize+width;
- //group coordinate
- const int groupX=get_local_size(0)*get_group_id(0);
- //parallel load and clamp
- for (int i=get_local_id(0); i < loadSize; i=i+get_local_size(0))
- {
- int cx = ClampToCanvas(i + groupX - radius, columns);
- temp[i] = ReadFloat4(image, number_channels, columns, cx, y, channel);
- }
- // barrier
- // only do the work if this is not a patched item
- if (get_global_id(0) < columns)
- {
- // compute
- float4 result = (float4) 0;
- int i = 0;
- for ( ; i+7 < width; )
- {
- for (int j=0; j < 8; j++)
- result+=filter[i+j]*temp[i+j+get_local_id(0)];
- i+=8;
- }
- for ( ; i < width; i++)
- result+=filter[i]*temp[i+get_local_id(0)];
- // write back to global
- tempImage[y*columns+x] = result;
- }
- }
- )
- /*
- Reduce image noise and reduce detail levels by line
- */
- __kernel void BlurColumn(const __global float4 *blurRowData,
- const unsigned int number_channels,const ChannelType channel,
- __constant float *filter,const unsigned int width,
- const unsigned int imageColumns,const unsigned int imageRows,
- __local float4 *temp,__global CLQuantum *filteredImage)
- {
- const int x = get_global_id(0);
- const int y = get_global_id(1);
- const int columns = imageColumns;
- const int rows = imageRows;
- unsigned int radius = (width-1)/2;
- const int wsize = get_local_size(1);
- const unsigned int loadSize = wsize+width;
- //group coordinate
- const int groupX=get_local_size(0)*get_group_id(0);
- const int groupY=get_local_size(1)*get_group_id(1);
- //notice that get_local_size(0) is 1, so
- //groupX=get_group_id(0);
- //parallel load and clamp
- for (int i = get_local_id(1); i < loadSize; i=i+get_local_size(1))
- temp[i] = blurRowData[ClampToCanvas(i+groupY-radius, rows) * columns + groupX];
- // barrier
- // only do the work if this is not a patched item
- if (get_global_id(1) < rows)
- {
- // compute
- float4 result = (float4) 0;
- int i = 0;
- for ( ; i+7 < width; )
- {
- for (int j=0; j < 8; j++)
- result+=filter[i+j]*temp[i+j+get_local_id(1)];
- i+=8;
- }
- for ( ; i < width; i++)
- result+=filter[i]*temp[i+get_local_id(1)];
- // write back to global
- WriteFloat4(filteredImage, number_channels, columns, x, y, channel, result);
- }
- }
- )
-% %
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-% C o m p o s i t e %
-% %
-% %
-% %
- inline float ColorDodge(const float Sca,
- const float Sa,const float Dca,const float Da)
- {
- /*
- Oct 2004 SVG specification.
- */
- if ((Sca*Da+Dca*Sa) >= Sa*Da)
- return(Sa*Da+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- return(Dca*Sa*Sa/(Sa-Sca)+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- /*
- New specification, March 2009 SVG specification. This specification was
- also wrong of non-overlap cases.
- */
- /*
- if ((fabs(Sca-Sa) < MagickEpsilon) && (fabs(Dca) < MagickEpsilon))
- return(Sca*(1.0-Da));
- if (fabs(Sca-Sa) < MagickEpsilon)
- return(Sa*Da+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- return(Sa*MagickMin(Da,Dca*Sa/(Sa-Sca)));
- */
- /*
- Working from first principles using the original formula:
- f(Sc,Dc) = Dc/(1-Sc)
- This works correctly! Looks like the 2004 model was right but just
- required a extra condition for correct handling.
- */
- /*
- if ((fabs(Sca-Sa) < MagickEpsilon) && (fabs(Dca) < MagickEpsilon))
- return(Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- if (fabs(Sca-Sa) < MagickEpsilon)
- return(Sa*Da+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- return(Dca*Sa*Sa/(Sa-Sca)+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- */
- }
- inline void CompositeColorDodge(const float4 *p,
- const float4 *q,float4 *composite) {
- float
- Da,
- gamma,
- Sa;
- Sa=QuantumScale*getAlphaF4(*p); /* simplify and speed up equations */
- Da=QuantumScale*getAlphaF4(*q);
- gamma=RoundToUnity(Sa+Da-Sa*Da); /* over blend, as per SVG doc */
- setAlphaF4(composite,QuantumRange*gamma);
- gamma=QuantumRange/(fabs(gamma) < MagickEpsilon ? MagickEpsilon : gamma);
- setRedF4(composite,gamma*ColorDodge(QuantumScale*getRedF4(*p)*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- getRedF4(*q)*Da,Da));
- setGreenF4(composite,gamma*ColorDodge(QuantumScale*getGreenF4(*p)*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- getGreenF4(*q)*Da,Da));
- setBlueF4(composite,gamma*ColorDodge(QuantumScale*getBlueF4(*p)*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- getBlueF4(*q)*Da,Da));
- }
- )
- inline void MagickPixelCompositePlus(const float4 *p,
- const float alpha,const float4 *q,
- const float beta,float4 *composite)
- {
- float
- gamma;
- float
- Da,
- Sa;
- /*
- Add two pixels with the given opacities.
- */
- Sa=QuantumScale*alpha;
- Da=QuantumScale*beta;
- gamma=RoundToUnity(Sa+Da); /* 'Plus' blending -- not 'Over' blending */
- setAlphaF4(composite,QuantumRange*gamma);
- gamma=PerceptibleReciprocal(gamma);
- setRedF4(composite,gamma*(Sa*getRedF4(*p)+Da*getRedF4(*q)));
- setGreenF4(composite,gamma*(Sa*getGreenF4(*p)+Da*getGreenF4(*q)));
- setBlueF4(composite,gamma*(Sa*getBlueF4(*p)+Da*getBlueF4(*q)));
- }
- )
- inline void MagickPixelCompositeBlend(const float4 *p,
- const float alpha,const float4 *q,
- const float beta,float4 *composite)
- {
- MagickPixelCompositePlus(p,(float) (alpha*
- (getAlphaF4(*p))),q,(float) (beta*
- (getAlphaF4(*q))),composite);
- }
- )
- __kernel
- void Composite(__global CLPixelType *image,
- const unsigned int imageWidth,
- const unsigned int imageHeight,
- const __global CLPixelType *compositeImage,
- const unsigned int compositeWidth,
- const unsigned int compositeHeight,
- const unsigned int compose,
- const ChannelType channel,
- const unsigned int matte,
- const float destination_dissolve,
- const float source_dissolve) {
- uint2 index;
- index.x = get_global_id(0);
- index.y = get_global_id(1);
- if (index.x >= imageWidth
- || index.y >= imageHeight) {
- return;
- }
- const CLPixelType inputPixel = image[index.y*imageWidth+index.x];
- float4 destination;
- setRedF4(&destination,getRed(inputPixel));
- setGreenF4(&destination,getGreen(inputPixel));
- setBlueF4(&destination,getBlue(inputPixel));
- const CLPixelType compositePixel
- = compositeImage[index.y*imageWidth+index.x];
- float4 source;
- setRedF4(&source,getRed(compositePixel));
- setGreenF4(&source,getGreen(compositePixel));
- setBlueF4(&source,getBlue(compositePixel));
- if (matte != 0) {
- setAlphaF4(&destination,getAlpha(inputPixel));
- setAlphaF4(&source,getAlpha(compositePixel));
- }
- else {
- setAlphaF4(&destination,1.0f);
- setAlphaF4(&source,1.0f);
- }
- float4 composite=destination;
- CompositeOperator op = (CompositeOperator)compose;
- switch (op) {
- case ColorDodgeCompositeOp:
- CompositeColorDodge(&source,&destination,&composite);
- break;
- case BlendCompositeOp:
- MagickPixelCompositeBlend(&source,source_dissolve,&destination,
- destination_dissolve,&composite);
- break;
- default:
- // unsupported operators
- break;
- };
- CLPixelType outputPixel;
- setRed(&outputPixel, ClampToQuantum(getRedF4(composite)));
- setGreen(&outputPixel, ClampToQuantum(getGreenF4(composite)));
- setBlue(&outputPixel, ClampToQuantum(getBlueF4(composite)));
- setAlpha(&outputPixel, ClampToQuantum(getAlphaF4(composite)));
- image[index.y*imageWidth+index.x] = outputPixel;
- }
- )
-% %
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-% %
-% C o n t r a s t %
-% %
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-% %
- inline float3 ConvertRGBToHSB(CLPixelType pixel) {
- float3 HueSaturationBrightness;
- HueSaturationBrightness.x = 0.0f; // Hue
- HueSaturationBrightness.y = 0.0f; // Saturation
- HueSaturationBrightness.z = 0.0f; // Brightness
- float r=(float) getRed(pixel);
- float g=(float) getGreen(pixel);
- float b=(float) getBlue(pixel);
- float tmin=MagickMin(MagickMin(r,g),b);
- float tmax=MagickMax(MagickMax(r,g),b);
- if (tmax!=0.0f) {
- float delta=tmax-tmin;
- HueSaturationBrightness.y=delta/tmax;
- HueSaturationBrightness.z=QuantumScale*tmax;
- if (delta != 0.0f) {
- HueSaturationBrightness.x = ((r == tmax)?0.0f:((g == tmax)?2.0f:4.0f));
- HueSaturationBrightness.x += ((r == tmax)?(g-b):((g == tmax)?(b-r):(r-g)))/delta;
- HueSaturationBrightness.x/=6.0f;
- HueSaturationBrightness.x += (HueSaturationBrightness.x < 0.0f)?0.0f:1.0f;
- }
- }
- return HueSaturationBrightness;
- }
- inline CLPixelType ConvertHSBToRGB(float3 HueSaturationBrightness) {
- float hue = HueSaturationBrightness.x;
- float brightness = HueSaturationBrightness.z;
- float saturation = HueSaturationBrightness.y;
- CLPixelType rgb;
- if (saturation == 0.0f) {
- setRed(&rgb,ClampToQuantum(QuantumRange*brightness));
- setGreen(&rgb,getRed(rgb));
- setBlue(&rgb,getRed(rgb));
- }
- else {
- float h=6.0f*(hue-floor(hue));
- float f=h-floor(h);
- float p=brightness*(1.0f-saturation);
- float q=brightness*(1.0f-saturation*f);
- float t=brightness*(1.0f-(saturation*(1.0f-f)));
- float clampedBrightness = ClampToQuantum(QuantumRange*brightness);
- float clamped_t = ClampToQuantum(QuantumRange*t);
- float clamped_p = ClampToQuantum(QuantumRange*p);
- float clamped_q = ClampToQuantum(QuantumRange*q);
- int ih = (int)h;
- setRed(&rgb, (ih == 1)?clamped_q:
- (ih == 2 || ih == 3)?clamped_p:
- (ih == 4)?clamped_t:
- clampedBrightness);
- setGreen(&rgb, (ih == 1 || ih == 2)?clampedBrightness:
- (ih == 3)?clamped_q:
- (ih == 4 || ih == 5)?clamped_p:
- clamped_t);
- setBlue(&rgb, (ih == 2)?clamped_t:
- (ih == 3 || ih == 4)?clampedBrightness:
- (ih == 5)?clamped_q:
- clamped_p);
- }
- return rgb;
- }
- __kernel void Contrast(__global CLPixelType *im, const unsigned int sharpen)
- {
- const int sign = sharpen!=0?1:-1;
- const int x = get_global_id(0);
- const int y = get_global_id(1);
- const int columns = get_global_size(0);
- const int c = x + y * columns;
- CLPixelType pixel = im[c];
- float3 HueSaturationBrightness = ConvertRGBToHSB(pixel);
- float brightness = HueSaturationBrightness.z;
- brightness+=0.5f*sign*(0.5f*(sinpi(brightness-0.5f)+1.0f)-brightness);
- brightness = clamp(brightness,0.0f,1.0f);
- HueSaturationBrightness.z = brightness;
- CLPixelType filteredPixel = ConvertHSBToRGB(HueSaturationBrightness);
- filteredPixel.w = pixel.w;
- im[c] = filteredPixel;
- }
- )
-% %
-% %
-% %
-% C o n t r a s t S t r e t c h %
-% %
-% %
-% %
- /*
- */
- __kernel void Histogram(__global CLPixelType * restrict im,
- const ChannelType channel,
- const unsigned int colorspace,
- const unsigned int method,
- __global uint4 * restrict histogram)
- {
- const int x = get_global_id(0);
- const int y = get_global_id(1);
- const int columns = get_global_size(0);
- const int c = x + y * columns;
- if ((channel & SyncChannels) != 0)
- {
- float red=(float)getRed(im[c]);
- float green=(float)getGreen(im[c]);
- float blue=(float)getBlue(im[c]);
- float intensity = GetPixelIntensity(colorspace, method, red, green, blue);
- uint pos = ScaleQuantumToMap(ClampToQuantum(intensity));
- atomic_inc((__global uint *)(&(histogram[pos]))+2); //red position
- }
- else
- {
- // for equalizing, we always need all channels?
- // otherwise something more
- }
- }
- )
- /*
- */
- __kernel void ContrastStretch(__global CLPixelType * restrict im,
- const ChannelType channel,
- __global CLPixelType * restrict stretch_map,
- const float4 white, const float4 black)
- {
- const int x = get_global_id(0);
- const int y = get_global_id(1);
- const int columns = get_global_size(0);
- const int c = x + y * columns;
- uint ePos;
- CLPixelType oValue, eValue;
- CLQuantum red, green, blue, alpha;
- //read from global
- oValue=im[c];
- if ((channel & RedChannel) != 0)
- {
- if (getRedF4(white) != getRedF4(black))
- {
- ePos = ScaleQuantumToMap(getRed(oValue));
- eValue = stretch_map[ePos];
- red = getRed(eValue);
- }
- }
- if ((channel & GreenChannel) != 0)
- {
- if (getGreenF4(white) != getGreenF4(black))
- {
- ePos = ScaleQuantumToMap(getGreen(oValue));
- eValue = stretch_map[ePos];
- green = getGreen(eValue);
- }
- }
- if ((channel & BlueChannel) != 0)
- {
- if (getBlueF4(white) != getBlueF4(black))
- {
- ePos = ScaleQuantumToMap(getBlue(oValue));
- eValue = stretch_map[ePos];
- blue = getBlue(eValue);
- }
- }
- if ((channel & AlphaChannel) != 0)
- {
- if (getAlphaF4(white) != getAlphaF4(black))
- {
- ePos = ScaleQuantumToMap(getAlpha(oValue));
- eValue = stretch_map[ePos];
- alpha = getAlpha(eValue);
- }
- }
- //write back
- im[c]=(CLPixelType)(blue, green, red, alpha);
- }
- )
-% %
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-% C o n v o l v e %
-% %
-% %
-% %
- __kernel
- void ConvolveOptimized(const __global CLPixelType *input, __global CLPixelType *output,
- const unsigned int imageWidth, const unsigned int imageHeight,
- __constant float *filter, const unsigned int filterWidth, const unsigned int filterHeight,
- const uint matte, const ChannelType channel, __local CLPixelType *pixelLocalCache, __local float* filterCache) {
- int2 blockID;
- blockID.x = get_global_id(0) / get_local_size(0);
- blockID.y = get_global_id(1) / get_local_size(1);
- // image area processed by this workgroup
- int2 imageAreaOrg;
- imageAreaOrg.x = blockID.x * get_local_size(0);
- imageAreaOrg.y = blockID.y * get_local_size(1);
- int2 midFilterDimen;
- midFilterDimen.x = (filterWidth-1)/2;
- midFilterDimen.y = (filterHeight-1)/2;
- int2 cachedAreaOrg = imageAreaOrg - midFilterDimen;
- // dimension of the local cache
- int2 cachedAreaDimen;
- cachedAreaDimen.x = get_local_size(0) + filterWidth - 1;
- cachedAreaDimen.y = get_local_size(1) + filterHeight - 1;
- // cache the pixels accessed by this workgroup in local memory
- int localID = get_local_id(1)*get_local_size(0)+get_local_id(0);
- int cachedAreaNumPixels = cachedAreaDimen.x * cachedAreaDimen.y;
- int groupSize = get_local_size(0) * get_local_size(1);
- for (int i = localID; i < cachedAreaNumPixels; i+=groupSize) {
- int2 cachedAreaIndex;
- cachedAreaIndex.x = i % cachedAreaDimen.x;
- cachedAreaIndex.y = i / cachedAreaDimen.x;
- int2 imagePixelIndex;
- imagePixelIndex = cachedAreaOrg + cachedAreaIndex;
- // only support EdgeVirtualPixelMethod through ClampToCanvas
- // TODO: implement other virtual pixel method
- imagePixelIndex.x = ClampToCanvas(imagePixelIndex.x, imageWidth);
- imagePixelIndex.y = ClampToCanvas(imagePixelIndex.y, imageHeight);
- pixelLocalCache[i] = input[imagePixelIndex.y * imageWidth + imagePixelIndex.x];
- }
- // cache the filter
- for (int i = localID; i < filterHeight*filterWidth; i+=groupSize) {
- filterCache[i] = filter[i];
- }
- int2 imageIndex;
- imageIndex.x = imageAreaOrg.x + get_local_id(0);
- imageIndex.y = imageAreaOrg.y + get_local_id(1);
- // if out-of-range, stops here and quit
- if (imageIndex.x >= imageWidth
- || imageIndex.y >= imageHeight) {
- return;
- }
- int filterIndex = 0;
- float4 sum = (float4)0.0f;
- float gamma = 0.0f;
- if (((channel & AlphaChannel) == 0) || (matte == 0)) {
- int cacheIndexY = get_local_id(1);
- for (int j = 0; j < filterHeight; j++) {
- int cacheIndexX = get_local_id(0);
- for (int i = 0; i < filterWidth; i++) {
- CLPixelType p = pixelLocalCache[cacheIndexY*cachedAreaDimen.x + cacheIndexX];
- float f = filterCache[filterIndex];
- sum.x += f * p.x;
- sum.y += f * p.y;
- sum.z += f * p.z;
- sum.w += f * p.w;
- gamma += f;
- filterIndex++;
- cacheIndexX++;
- }
- cacheIndexY++;
- }
- }
- else {
- int cacheIndexY = get_local_id(1);
- for (int j = 0; j < filterHeight; j++) {
- int cacheIndexX = get_local_id(0);
- for (int i = 0; i < filterWidth; i++) {
- CLPixelType p = pixelLocalCache[cacheIndexY*cachedAreaDimen.x + cacheIndexX];
- float alpha = QuantumScale*p.w;
- float f = filterCache[filterIndex];
- float g = alpha * f;
- sum.x += g*p.x;
- sum.y += g*p.y;
- sum.z += g*p.z;
- sum.w += f*p.w;
- gamma += g;
- filterIndex++;
- cacheIndexX++;
- }
- cacheIndexY++;
- }
- gamma = PerceptibleReciprocal(gamma);
- sum.xyz = gamma*sum.xyz;
- }
- CLPixelType outputPixel;
- outputPixel.x = ClampToQuantum(sum.x);
- outputPixel.y = ClampToQuantum(sum.y);
- outputPixel.z = ClampToQuantum(sum.z);
- outputPixel.w = ((channel & AlphaChannel)!=0)?ClampToQuantum(sum.w):input[imageIndex.y * imageWidth + imageIndex.x].w;
- output[imageIndex.y * imageWidth + imageIndex.x] = outputPixel;
- }
- )
- __kernel
- void Convolve(const __global CLPixelType *input, __global CLPixelType *output,
- const uint imageWidth, const uint imageHeight,
- __constant float *filter, const unsigned int filterWidth, const unsigned int filterHeight,
- const uint matte, const ChannelType channel) {
- int2 imageIndex;
- imageIndex.x = get_global_id(0);
- imageIndex.y = get_global_id(1);
- /*
- unsigned int imageWidth = get_global_size(0);
- unsigned int imageHeight = get_global_size(1);
- */
- if (imageIndex.x >= imageWidth
- || imageIndex.y >= imageHeight)
- return;
- int2 midFilterDimen;
- midFilterDimen.x = (filterWidth-1)/2;
- midFilterDimen.y = (filterHeight-1)/2;
- int filterIndex = 0;
- float4 sum = (float4)0.0f;
- float gamma = 0.0f;
- if (((channel & AlphaChannel) == 0) || (matte == 0)) {
- for (int j = 0; j < filterHeight; j++) {
- int2 inputPixelIndex;
- inputPixelIndex.y = imageIndex.y - midFilterDimen.y + j;
- inputPixelIndex.y = ClampToCanvas(inputPixelIndex.y, imageHeight);
- for (int i = 0; i < filterWidth; i++) {
- inputPixelIndex.x = imageIndex.x - midFilterDimen.x + i;
- inputPixelIndex.x = ClampToCanvas(inputPixelIndex.x, imageWidth);
- CLPixelType p = input[inputPixelIndex.y * imageWidth + inputPixelIndex.x];
- float f = filter[filterIndex];
- sum.x += f * p.x;
- sum.y += f * p.y;
- sum.z += f * p.z;
- sum.w += f * p.w;
- gamma += f;
- filterIndex++;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- for (int j = 0; j < filterHeight; j++) {
- int2 inputPixelIndex;
- inputPixelIndex.y = imageIndex.y - midFilterDimen.y + j;
- inputPixelIndex.y = ClampToCanvas(inputPixelIndex.y, imageHeight);
- for (int i = 0; i < filterWidth; i++) {
- inputPixelIndex.x = imageIndex.x - midFilterDimen.x + i;
- inputPixelIndex.x = ClampToCanvas(inputPixelIndex.x, imageWidth);
- CLPixelType p = input[inputPixelIndex.y * imageWidth + inputPixelIndex.x];
- float alpha = QuantumScale*p.w;
- float f = filter[filterIndex];
- float g = alpha * f;
- sum.x += g*p.x;
- sum.y += g*p.y;
- sum.z += g*p.z;
- sum.w += f*p.w;
- gamma += g;
- filterIndex++;
- }
- }
- gamma = PerceptibleReciprocal(gamma);
- sum.xyz = gamma*sum.xyz;
- }
- CLPixelType outputPixel;
- outputPixel.x = ClampToQuantum(sum.x);
- outputPixel.y = ClampToQuantum(sum.y);
- outputPixel.z = ClampToQuantum(sum.z);
- outputPixel.w = ((channel & AlphaChannel)!=0)?ClampToQuantum(sum.w):input[imageIndex.y * imageWidth + imageIndex.x].w;
- output[imageIndex.y * imageWidth + imageIndex.x] = outputPixel;
- }
- )
-% %
-% %
-% %
-% D e s p e c k l e %
-% %
-% %
-% %
- __kernel void HullPass1(const __global CLPixelType *inputImage, __global CLPixelType *outputImage
- , const unsigned int imageWidth, const unsigned int imageHeight
- , const int2 offset, const int polarity, const int matte) {
- int x = get_global_id(0);
- int y = get_global_id(1);
- CLPixelType v = inputImage[y*imageWidth+x];
- int2 neighbor;
- neighbor.y = y + offset.y;
- neighbor.x = x + offset.x;
- int2 clampedNeighbor;
- clampedNeighbor.x = ClampToCanvas(neighbor.x, imageWidth);
- clampedNeighbor.y = ClampToCanvas(neighbor.y, imageHeight);
- CLPixelType r = (clampedNeighbor.x == neighbor.x
- && clampedNeighbor.y == neighbor.y)?inputImage[clampedNeighbor.y*imageWidth+clampedNeighbor.x]
- :(CLPixelType)0;
- int sv[4];
- sv[0] = (int)v.x;
- sv[1] = (int)v.y;
- sv[2] = (int)v.z;
- sv[3] = (int)v.w;
- int sr[4];
- sr[0] = (int)r.x;
- sr[1] = (int)r.y;
- sr[2] = (int)r.z;
- sr[3] = (int)r.w;
- if (polarity > 0) {
- \n #pragma unroll 4\n
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- sv[i] = (sr[i] >= (sv[i]+ScaleCharToQuantum(2)))?(sv[i]+ScaleCharToQuantum(1)):sv[i];
- }
- }
- else {
- \n #pragma unroll 4\n
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- sv[i] = (sr[i] <= (sv[i]-ScaleCharToQuantum(2)))?(sv[i]-ScaleCharToQuantum(1)):sv[i];
- }
- }
- v.x = (CLQuantum)sv[0];
- v.y = (CLQuantum)sv[1];
- v.z = (CLQuantum)sv[2];
- if (matte!=0)
- v.w = (CLQuantum)sv[3];
- outputImage[y*imageWidth+x] = v;
- }
- )
- __kernel void HullPass2(const __global CLPixelType *inputImage, __global CLPixelType *outputImage
- , const unsigned int imageWidth, const unsigned int imageHeight
- , const int2 offset, const int polarity, const int matte) {
- int x = get_global_id(0);
- int y = get_global_id(1);
- CLPixelType v = inputImage[y*imageWidth+x];
- int2 neighbor, clampedNeighbor;
- neighbor.y = y + offset.y;
- neighbor.x = x + offset.x;
- clampedNeighbor.x = ClampToCanvas(neighbor.x, imageWidth);
- clampedNeighbor.y = ClampToCanvas(neighbor.y, imageHeight);
- CLPixelType r = (clampedNeighbor.x == neighbor.x
- && clampedNeighbor.y == neighbor.y)?inputImage[clampedNeighbor.y*imageWidth+clampedNeighbor.x]
- :(CLPixelType)0;
- neighbor.y = y - offset.y;
- neighbor.x = x - offset.x;
- clampedNeighbor.x = ClampToCanvas(neighbor.x, imageWidth);
- clampedNeighbor.y = ClampToCanvas(neighbor.y, imageHeight);
- CLPixelType s = (clampedNeighbor.x == neighbor.x
- && clampedNeighbor.y == neighbor.y)?inputImage[clampedNeighbor.y*imageWidth+clampedNeighbor.x]
- :(CLPixelType)0;
- int sv[4];
- sv[0] = (int)v.x;
- sv[1] = (int)v.y;
- sv[2] = (int)v.z;
- sv[3] = (int)v.w;
- int sr[4];
- sr[0] = (int)r.x;
- sr[1] = (int)r.y;
- sr[2] = (int)r.z;
- sr[3] = (int)r.w;
- int ss[4];
- ss[0] = (int)s.x;
- ss[1] = (int)s.y;
- ss[2] = (int)s.z;
- ss[3] = (int)s.w;
- if (polarity > 0) {
- \n #pragma unroll 4\n
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- //sv[i] = (ss[i] >= (sv[i]+ScaleCharToQuantum(2)) && sr[i] > sv[i] ) ? (sv[i]+ScaleCharToQuantum(1)):sv[i];
- //
- //sv[i] =(!( (int)(ss[i] >= (sv[i]+ScaleCharToQuantum(2))) && (int) (sr[i] > sv[i] ) )) ? sv[i]:(sv[i]+ScaleCharToQuantum(1));
- //sv[i] =(( (int)( ss[i] < (sv[i]+ScaleCharToQuantum(2))) || (int) ( sr[i] <= sv[i] ) )) ? sv[i]:(sv[i]+ScaleCharToQuantum(1));
- sv[i] =(( (int)( ss[i] < (sv[i]+ScaleCharToQuantum(2))) + (int) ( sr[i] <= sv[i] ) ) !=0) ? sv[i]:(sv[i]+ScaleCharToQuantum(1));
- }
- }
- else {
- \n #pragma unroll 4\n
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- //sv[i] = (ss[i] <= (sv[i]-ScaleCharToQuantum(2)) && sr[i] < sv[i] ) ? (sv[i]-ScaleCharToQuantum(1)):sv[i];
- //
- //sv[i] = ( (int)(ss[i] <= (sv[i]-ScaleCharToQuantum(2)) ) + (int)( sr[i] < sv[i] ) ==0) ? sv[i]:(sv[i]-ScaleCharToQuantum(1));
- sv[i] = (( (int)(ss[i] > (sv[i]-ScaleCharToQuantum(2))) + (int)( sr[i] >= sv[i] )) !=0) ? sv[i]:(sv[i]-ScaleCharToQuantum(1));
- }
- }
- v.x = (CLQuantum)sv[0];
- v.y = (CLQuantum)sv[1];
- v.z = (CLQuantum)sv[2];
- if (matte!=0)
- v.w = (CLQuantum)sv[3];
- outputImage[y*imageWidth+x] = v;
- }
- )
-% %
-% %
-% %
-% E q u a l i z e %
-% %
-% %
-% %
- /*
- */
- __kernel void Equalize(__global CLPixelType * restrict im,
- const ChannelType channel,
- __global CLPixelType * restrict equalize_map,
- const float4 white, const float4 black)
- {
- const int x = get_global_id(0);
- const int y = get_global_id(1);
- const int columns = get_global_size(0);
- const int c = x + y * columns;
- uint ePos;
- CLPixelType oValue, eValue;
- CLQuantum red, green, blue, alpha;
- //read from global
- oValue=im[c];
- if ((channel & SyncChannels) != 0)
- {
- if (getRedF4(white) != getRedF4(black))
- {
- ePos = ScaleQuantumToMap(getRed(oValue));
- eValue = equalize_map[ePos];
- red = getRed(eValue);
- ePos = ScaleQuantumToMap(getGreen(oValue));
- eValue = equalize_map[ePos];
- green = getRed(eValue);
- ePos = ScaleQuantumToMap(getBlue(oValue));
- eValue = equalize_map[ePos];
- blue = getRed(eValue);
- ePos = ScaleQuantumToMap(getAlpha(oValue));
- eValue = equalize_map[ePos];
- alpha = getRed(eValue);
- //write back
- im[c]=(CLPixelType)(blue, green, red, alpha);
- }
- }
- // for equalizing, we always need all channels?
- // otherwise something more
- }
- )
-% %
-% %
-% %
-% F u n c t i o n %
-% %
-% %
-% %
- /*
- apply FunctionImageChannel(braightness-contrast)
- */
- CLQuantum ApplyFunction(float pixel,const MagickFunction function,
- const unsigned int number_parameters,__constant float *parameters)
- {
- float result = 0.0f;
- switch (function)
- {
- case PolynomialFunction:
- {
- for (unsigned int i=0; i < number_parameters; i++)
- result = result*QuantumScale*pixel + parameters[i];
- result *= QuantumRange;
- break;
- }
- case SinusoidFunction:
- {
- float freq,phase,ampl,bias;
- freq = ( number_parameters >= 1 ) ? parameters[0] : 1.0f;
- phase = ( number_parameters >= 2 ) ? parameters[1] : 0.0f;
- ampl = ( number_parameters >= 3 ) ? parameters[2] : 0.5f;
- bias = ( number_parameters >= 4 ) ? parameters[3] : 0.5f;
- result = QuantumRange*(ampl*sin(2.0f*MagickPI*
- (freq*QuantumScale*pixel + phase/360.0f)) + bias);
- break;
- }
- case ArcsinFunction:
- {
- float width,range,center,bias;
- width = ( number_parameters >= 1 ) ? parameters[0] : 1.0f;
- center = ( number_parameters >= 2 ) ? parameters[1] : 0.5f;
- range = ( number_parameters >= 3 ) ? parameters[2] : 1.0f;
- bias = ( number_parameters >= 4 ) ? parameters[3] : 0.5f;
- result = 2.0f/width*(QuantumScale*pixel - center);
- result = range/MagickPI*asin(result)+bias;
- result = ( result <= -1.0f ) ? bias - range/2.0f : result;
- result = ( result >= 1.0f ) ? bias + range/2.0f : result;
- result *= QuantumRange;
- break;
- }
- case ArctanFunction:
- {
- float slope,range,center,bias;
- slope = ( number_parameters >= 1 ) ? parameters[0] : 1.0f;
- center = ( number_parameters >= 2 ) ? parameters[1] : 0.5f;
- range = ( number_parameters >= 3 ) ? parameters[2] : 1.0f;
- bias = ( number_parameters >= 4 ) ? parameters[3] : 0.5f;
- result = MagickPI*slope*(QuantumScale*pixel-center);
- result = QuantumRange*(range/MagickPI*atan(result) + bias);
- break;
- }
- case UndefinedFunction:
- break;
- }
- return(ClampToQuantum(result));
- }
- )
- /*
- Improve brightness / contrast of the image
- channel : define which channel is improved
- function : the function called to enchance the brightness contrast
- number_parameters : numbers of parameters
- parameters : the parameter
- */
- __kernel void ComputeFunction(__global CLQuantum *image,const unsigned int number_channels,
- const ChannelType channel,const MagickFunction function,const unsigned int number_parameters,
- __constant float *parameters)
- {
- const unsigned int x = get_global_id(0);
- const unsigned int y = get_global_id(1);
- const unsigned int columns = get_global_size(0);
- __global CLQuantum *p = image + getPixelIndex(number_channels, columns, x, y);
- float red;
- float green;
- float blue;
- float alpha;
- ReadChannels(p, number_channels, channel, &red, &green, &blue, &alpha);
- if ((channel & RedChannel) != 0)
- red=ApplyFunction(red, function, number_parameters, parameters);
- if (number_channels > 2)
- {
- if ((channel & GreenChannel) != 0)
- green=ApplyFunction(green, function, number_parameters, parameters);
- if ((channel & BlueChannel) != 0)
- blue=ApplyFunction(blue, function, number_parameters, parameters);
- }
- if (((number_channels == 4) || (number_channels == 2)) &&
- ((channel & AlphaChannel) != 0))
- alpha=ApplyFunction(alpha, function, number_parameters, parameters);
- WriteChannels(p, number_channels, channel, red, green, blue, alpha);
- }
- )
-% %
-% %
-% %
-% G r a y s c a l e %
-% %
-% %
-% %
- __kernel void Grayscale(__global CLQuantum *image,const int number_channels,
- const unsigned int colorspace,const unsigned int method)
- {
- const unsigned int x = get_global_id(0);
- const unsigned int y = get_global_id(1);
- const unsigned int columns = get_global_size(0);
- __global CLQuantum *p = image + getPixelIndex(number_channels, columns, x, y);
- float
- blue,
- green,
- red;
- red=getPixelRed(p);
- green=getPixelGreen(p);
- blue=getPixelBlue(p);
- CLQuantum intensity=ClampToQuantum(GetPixelIntensity(colorspace, method, red, green, blue));
- setPixelRed(p,intensity);
- setPixelGreen(p,intensity);
- setPixelBlue(p,intensity);
- }
- )
-% %
-% %
-% %
-% L o c a l C o n t r a s t %
-% %
-% %
-% %
- __kernel void LocalContrastBlurRow(__global CLPixelType *srcImage, __global CLPixelType *dstImage, __global float *tmpImage,
- const int radius,
- const int imageWidth,
- const int imageHeight)
- {
- const float4 RGB = ((float4)(0.2126f, 0.7152f, 0.0722f, 0.0f));
- int x = get_local_id(0);
- int y = get_global_id(1);
- global CLPixelType *src = srcImage + y * imageWidth;
- for (int i = x; i < imageWidth; i += get_local_size(0)) {
- float sum = 0.0f;
- float weight = 1.0f;
- int j = i - radius;
- while ((j + 7) < i) {
- for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) // Unroll 8x
- sum += (weight + k) * dot(RGB, convert_float4(src[mirrorBottom(j+k)]));
- weight += 8.0f;
- j+=8;
- }
- while (j < i) {
- sum += weight * dot(RGB, convert_float4(src[mirrorBottom(j)]));
- weight += 1.0f;
- ++j;
- }
- while ((j + 7) < radius + i) {
- for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) // Unroll 8x
- sum += (weight - k) * dot(RGB, convert_float4(src[mirrorTop(j + k, imageWidth)]));
- weight -= 8.0f;
- j+=8;
- }
- while (j < radius + i) {
- sum += weight * dot(RGB, convert_float4(src[mirrorTop(j, imageWidth)]));
- weight -= 1.0f;
- ++j;
- }
- tmpImage[i + y * imageWidth] = sum / ((radius + 1) * (radius + 1));
- }
- }
- )
- __kernel void LocalContrastBlurApplyColumn(__global CLPixelType *srcImage, __global CLPixelType *dstImage, __global float *blurImage,
- const int radius,
- const float strength,
- const int imageWidth,
- const int imageHeight)
- {
- const float4 RGB = (float4)(0.2126f, 0.7152f, 0.0722f, 0.0f);
- int x = get_global_id(0);
- int y = get_global_id(1);
- if ((x >= imageWidth) || (y >= imageHeight))
- return;
- global float *src = blurImage + x;
- float sum = 0.0f;
- float weight = 1.0f;
- int j = y - radius;
- while ((j + 7) < y) {
- for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) // Unroll 8x
- sum += (weight + k) * src[mirrorBottom(j+k) * imageWidth];
- weight += 8.0f;
- j+=8;
- }
- while (j < y) {
- sum += weight * src[mirrorBottom(j) * imageWidth];
- weight += 1.0f;
- ++j;
- }
- while ((j + 7) < radius + y) {
- for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) // Unroll 8x
- sum += (weight - k) * src[mirrorTop(j + k, imageHeight) * imageWidth];
- weight -= 8.0f;
- j+=8;
- }
- while (j < radius + y) {
- sum += weight * src[mirrorTop(j, imageHeight) * imageWidth];
- weight -= 1.0f;
- ++j;
- }
- CLPixelType pixel = srcImage[x + y * imageWidth];
- float srcVal = dot(RGB, convert_float4(pixel));
- float mult = (srcVal - (sum / ((radius + 1) * (radius + 1)))) * (strength / 100.0f);
- mult = (srcVal + mult) / srcVal;
- pixel.x = ClampToQuantum(pixel.x * mult);
- pixel.y = ClampToQuantum(pixel.y * mult);
- pixel.z = ClampToQuantum(pixel.z * mult);
- dstImage[x + y * imageWidth] = pixel;
- }
- )
-% %
-% %
-% %
-% M o d u l a t e %
-% %
-% %
-% %
- inline void ConvertRGBToHSL(const CLQuantum red,const CLQuantum green, const CLQuantum blue,
- float *hue, float *saturation, float *lightness)
- {
- float
- c,
- tmax,
- tmin;
- /*
- Convert RGB to HSL colorspace.
- */
- tmax=MagickMax(QuantumScale*red,MagickMax(QuantumScale*green, QuantumScale*blue));
- tmin=MagickMin(QuantumScale*red,MagickMin(QuantumScale*green, QuantumScale*blue));
- c=tmax-tmin;
- *lightness=(tmax+tmin)/2.0;
- if (c <= 0.0)
- {
- *hue=0.0;
- *saturation=0.0;
- return;
- }
- if (tmax == (QuantumScale*red))
- {
- *hue=(QuantumScale*green-QuantumScale*blue)/c;
- if ((QuantumScale*green) < (QuantumScale*blue))
- *hue+=6.0;
- }
- else
- if (tmax == (QuantumScale*green))
- *hue=2.0+(QuantumScale*blue-QuantumScale*red)/c;
- else
- *hue=4.0+(QuantumScale*red-QuantumScale*green)/c;
- *hue*=60.0/360.0;
- if (*lightness <= 0.5)
- *saturation=c/(2.0*(*lightness));
- else
- *saturation=c/(2.0-2.0*(*lightness));
- }
- inline void ConvertHSLToRGB(const float hue,const float saturation, const float lightness,
- CLQuantum *red,CLQuantum *green,CLQuantum *blue)
- {
- float
- b,
- c,
- g,
- h,
- tmin,
- r,
- x;
- /*
- Convert HSL to RGB colorspace.
- */
- h=hue*360.0;
- if (lightness <= 0.5)
- c=2.0*lightness*saturation;
- else
- c=(2.0-2.0*lightness)*saturation;
- tmin=lightness-0.5*c;
- h-=360.0*floor(h/360.0);
- h/=60.0;
- x=c*(1.0-fabs(h-2.0*floor(h/2.0)-1.0));
- switch ((int) floor(h) % 6)
- {
- case 0:
- {
- r=tmin+c;
- g=tmin+x;
- b=tmin;
- break;
- }
- case 1:
- {
- r=tmin+x;
- g=tmin+c;
- b=tmin;
- break;
- }
- case 2:
- {
- r=tmin;
- g=tmin+c;
- b=tmin+x;
- break;
- }
- case 3:
- {
- r=tmin;
- g=tmin+x;
- b=tmin+c;
- break;
- }
- case 4:
- {
- r=tmin+x;
- g=tmin;
- b=tmin+c;
- break;
- }
- case 5:
- {
- r=tmin+c;
- g=tmin;
- b=tmin+x;
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- r=0.0;
- g=0.0;
- b=0.0;
- }
- }
- *red=ClampToQuantum(QuantumRange*r);
- *green=ClampToQuantum(QuantumRange*g);
- *blue=ClampToQuantum(QuantumRange*b);
- }
- inline void ModulateHSL(const float percent_hue, const float percent_saturation,const float percent_lightness,
- CLQuantum *red,CLQuantum *green,CLQuantum *blue)
- {
- float
- hue,
- lightness,
- saturation;
- /*
- Increase or decrease color lightness, saturation, or hue.
- */
- ConvertRGBToHSL(*red,*green,*blue,&hue,&saturation,&lightness);
- hue+=0.5*(0.01*percent_hue-1.0);
- while (hue < 0.0)
- hue+=1.0;
- while (hue >= 1.0)
- hue-=1.0;
- saturation*=0.01*percent_saturation;
- lightness*=0.01*percent_lightness;
- ConvertHSLToRGB(hue,saturation,lightness,red,green,blue);
- }
- __kernel void Modulate(__global CLPixelType *im,
- const float percent_brightness,
- const float percent_hue,
- const float percent_saturation,
- const int colorspace)
- {
- const int x = get_global_id(0);
- const int y = get_global_id(1);
- const int columns = get_global_size(0);
- const int c = x + y * columns;
- CLPixelType pixel = im[c];
- CLQuantum
- blue,
- green,
- red;
- red=getRed(pixel);
- green=getGreen(pixel);
- blue=getBlue(pixel);
- switch (colorspace)
- {
- case HSLColorspace:
- default:
- {
- ModulateHSL(percent_hue, percent_saturation, percent_brightness,
- &red, &green, &blue);
- }
- }
- CLPixelType filteredPixel;
- setRed(&filteredPixel, red);
- setGreen(&filteredPixel, green);
- setBlue(&filteredPixel, blue);
- filteredPixel.w = pixel.w;
- im[c] = filteredPixel;
- }
- )
-% %
-% %
-% %
-% M o t i o n B l u r %
-% %
-% %
-% %
- __kernel
- void MotionBlur(const __global CLPixelType *input, __global CLPixelType *output,
- const unsigned int imageWidth, const unsigned int imageHeight,
- const __global float *filter, const unsigned int width, const __global int2* offset,
- const float4 bias,
- const ChannelType channel, const unsigned int matte) {
- int2 currentPixel;
- currentPixel.x = get_global_id(0);
- currentPixel.y = get_global_id(1);
- if (currentPixel.x >= imageWidth
- || currentPixel.y >= imageHeight)
- return;
- float4 pixel;
- pixel.x = (float)bias.x;
- pixel.y = (float)bias.y;
- pixel.z = (float)bias.z;
- pixel.w = (float)bias.w;
- if (((channel & AlphaChannel) == 0) || (matte == 0)) {
- for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
- // only support EdgeVirtualPixelMethod through ClampToCanvas
- // TODO: implement other virtual pixel method
- int2 samplePixel = currentPixel + offset[i];
- samplePixel.x = ClampToCanvas(samplePixel.x, imageWidth);
- samplePixel.y = ClampToCanvas(samplePixel.y, imageHeight);
- CLPixelType samplePixelValue = input[ samplePixel.y * imageWidth + samplePixel.x];
- pixel.x += (filter[i] * (float)samplePixelValue.x);
- pixel.y += (filter[i] * (float)samplePixelValue.y);
- pixel.z += (filter[i] * (float)samplePixelValue.z);
- pixel.w += (filter[i] * (float)samplePixelValue.w);
- }
- CLPixelType outputPixel;
- outputPixel.x = ClampToQuantum(pixel.x);
- outputPixel.y = ClampToQuantum(pixel.y);
- outputPixel.z = ClampToQuantum(pixel.z);
- outputPixel.w = ClampToQuantum(pixel.w);
- output[currentPixel.y * imageWidth + currentPixel.x] = outputPixel;
- }
- else {
- float gamma = 0.0f;
- for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
- // only support EdgeVirtualPixelMethod through ClampToCanvas
- // TODO: implement other virtual pixel method
- int2 samplePixel = currentPixel + offset[i];
- samplePixel.x = ClampToCanvas(samplePixel.x, imageWidth);
- samplePixel.y = ClampToCanvas(samplePixel.y, imageHeight);
- CLPixelType samplePixelValue = input[ samplePixel.y * imageWidth + samplePixel.x];
- float alpha = QuantumScale*samplePixelValue.w;
- float k = filter[i];
- pixel.x = pixel.x + k * alpha * samplePixelValue.x;
- pixel.y = pixel.y + k * alpha * samplePixelValue.y;
- pixel.z = pixel.z + k * alpha * samplePixelValue.z;
- pixel.w += k * alpha * samplePixelValue.w;
- gamma+=k*alpha;
- }
- gamma = PerceptibleReciprocal(gamma);
- pixel.xyz = gamma*pixel.xyz;
- CLPixelType outputPixel;
- outputPixel.x = ClampToQuantum(pixel.x);
- outputPixel.y = ClampToQuantum(pixel.y);
- outputPixel.z = ClampToQuantum(pixel.z);
- outputPixel.w = ClampToQuantum(pixel.w);
- output[currentPixel.y * imageWidth + currentPixel.x] = outputPixel;
- }
- }
- )
-% %
-% %
-% %
-% R e s i z e %
-% %
-% %
-% %
- // Based on Box from resize.c
- float BoxResizeFilter(const float x)
- {
- return 1.0f;
- }
- )
- // Based on CubicBC from resize.c
- float CubicBC(const float x,const __global float* resizeFilterCoefficients)
- {
- /*
- Cubic Filters using B,C determined values:
- Mitchell-Netravali B = 1/3 C = 1/3 "Balanced" cubic spline filter
- Catmull-Rom B = 0 C = 1/2 Interpolatory and exact on linears
- Spline B = 1 C = 0 B-Spline Gaussian approximation
- Hermite B = 0 C = 0 B-Spline interpolator
- See paper by Mitchell and Netravali, Reconstruction Filters in Computer
- Graphics Computer Graphics, Volume 22, Number 4, August 1988
- http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/fussell/courses/cs384g/lectures/mitchell/
- Mitchell.pdf.
- Coefficents are determined from B,C values:
- P0 = ( 6 - 2*B )/6 = coeff[0]
- P1 = 0
- P2 = (-18 +12*B + 6*C )/6 = coeff[1]
- P3 = ( 12 - 9*B - 6*C )/6 = coeff[2]
- Q0 = ( 8*B +24*C )/6 = coeff[3]
- Q1 = ( -12*B -48*C )/6 = coeff[4]
- Q2 = ( 6*B +30*C )/6 = coeff[5]
- Q3 = ( - 1*B - 6*C )/6 = coeff[6]
- which are used to define the filter:
- P0 + P1*x + P2*x^2 + P3*x^3 0 <= x < 1
- Q0 + Q1*x + Q2*x^2 + Q3*x^3 1 <= x < 2
- which ensures function is continuous in value and derivative (slope).
- */
- if (x < 1.0)
- return(resizeFilterCoefficients[0]+x*(x*
- (resizeFilterCoefficients[1]+x*resizeFilterCoefficients[2])));
- if (x < 2.0)
- return(resizeFilterCoefficients[3]+x*(resizeFilterCoefficients[4]+x*
- (resizeFilterCoefficients[5]+x*resizeFilterCoefficients[6])));
- return(0.0);
- }
- )
- float Sinc(const float x)
- {
- if (x != 0.0f)
- {
- const float alpha=(float) (MagickPI*x);
- return sinpi(x)/alpha;
- }
- return(1.0f);
- }
- )
- float Triangle(const float x)
- {
- /*
- 1st order (linear) B-Spline, bilinear interpolation, Tent 1D filter, or
- a Bartlett 2D Cone filter. Also used as a Bartlett Windowing function
- for Sinc().
- */
- return ((x<1.0f)?(1.0f-x):0.0f);
- }
- )
- float Hann(const float x)
- {
- /*
- Cosine window function:
- 0.5+0.5*cos(pi*x).
- */
- const float cosine=cos((MagickPI*x));
- return(0.5f+0.5f*cosine);
- }
- )
- float Hamming(const float x)
- {
- /*
- Offset cosine window function:
- .54 + .46 cos(pi x).
- */
- const float cosine=cos((MagickPI*x));
- return(0.54f+0.46f*cosine);
- }
- )
- float Blackman(const float x)
- {
- /*
- Blackman: 2nd order cosine windowing function:
- 0.42 + 0.5 cos(pi x) + 0.08 cos(2pi x)
- Refactored by Chantal Racette and Nicolas Robidoux to one trig call and
- five flops.
- */
- const float cosine=cos((MagickPI*x));
- return(0.34f+cosine*(0.5f+cosine*0.16f));
- }
- )
- inline float applyResizeFilter(const float x, const ResizeWeightingFunctionType filterType, const __global float* filterCoefficients)
- {
- switch (filterType)
- {
- /* Call Sinc even for SincFast to get better precision on GPU
- and to avoid thread divergence. Sinc is pretty fast on GPU anyway...*/
- case SincWeightingFunction:
- case SincFastWeightingFunction:
- return Sinc(x);
- case CubicBCWeightingFunction:
- return CubicBC(x,filterCoefficients);
- case BoxWeightingFunction:
- return BoxResizeFilter(x);
- case TriangleWeightingFunction:
- return Triangle(x);
- case HannWeightingFunction:
- return Hann(x);
- case HammingWeightingFunction:
- return Hamming(x);
- case BlackmanWeightingFunction:
- return Blackman(x);
- default:
- return 0.0f;
- }
- }
- )
- inline float getResizeFilterWeight(const __global float* resizeFilterCubicCoefficients, const ResizeWeightingFunctionType resizeFilterType
- , const ResizeWeightingFunctionType resizeWindowType
- , const float resizeFilterScale, const float resizeWindowSupport, const float resizeFilterBlur, const float x)
- {
- float scale;
- float xBlur = fabs(x/resizeFilterBlur);
- if (resizeWindowSupport < MagickEpsilon
- || resizeWindowType == BoxWeightingFunction)
- {
- scale = 1.0f;
- }
- else
- {
- scale = resizeFilterScale;
- scale = applyResizeFilter(xBlur*scale, resizeWindowType, resizeFilterCubicCoefficients);
- }
- float weight = scale * applyResizeFilter(xBlur, resizeFilterType, resizeFilterCubicCoefficients);
- return weight;
- }
- )
- ;
- const char *accelerateKernels2 =
- inline unsigned int getNumWorkItemsPerPixel(const unsigned int pixelPerWorkgroup, const unsigned int numWorkItems) {
- return (numWorkItems/pixelPerWorkgroup);
- }
- // returns the index of the pixel for the current workitem to compute.
- // returns -1 if this workitem doesn't need to participate in any computation
- inline int pixelToCompute(const unsigned itemID, const unsigned int pixelPerWorkgroup, const unsigned int numWorkItems) {
- const unsigned int numWorkItemsPerPixel = getNumWorkItemsPerPixel(pixelPerWorkgroup, numWorkItems);
- int pixelIndex = itemID/numWorkItemsPerPixel;
- pixelIndex = (pixelIndex<pixelPerWorkgroup)?pixelIndex:-1;
- return pixelIndex;
- }
- )
- __kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(256, 1, 1)))
- void ResizeHorizontalFilter(const __global CLQuantum *inputImage, const unsigned int number_channels,
- const unsigned int inputColumns, const unsigned int inputRows, __global CLQuantum *filteredImage,
- const unsigned int filteredColumns, const unsigned int filteredRows, const float xFactor,
- const int resizeFilterType, const int resizeWindowType, const __global float *resizeFilterCubicCoefficients,
- const float resizeFilterScale, const float resizeFilterSupport, const float resizeFilterWindowSupport,
- const float resizeFilterBlur, __local CLQuantum *inputImageCache, const int numCachedPixels,
- const unsigned int pixelPerWorkgroup, const unsigned int pixelChunkSize,
- __local float4 *outputPixelCache, __local float *densityCache, __local float *gammaCache)
- {
- // calculate the range of resized image pixels computed by this workgroup
- const unsigned int startX = get_group_id(0)*pixelPerWorkgroup;
- const unsigned int stopX = MagickMin(startX + pixelPerWorkgroup,filteredColumns);
- const unsigned int actualNumPixelToCompute = stopX - startX;
- // calculate the range of input image pixels to cache
- float scale = MagickMax(1.0f/xFactor+MagickEpsilon ,1.0f);
- const float support = MagickMax(scale*resizeFilterSupport,0.5f);
- scale = PerceptibleReciprocal(scale);
- const int cacheRangeStartX = MagickMax((int)((startX+0.5f)/xFactor+MagickEpsilon-support+0.5f),(int)(0));
- const int cacheRangeEndX = MagickMin((int)(cacheRangeStartX + numCachedPixels), (int)inputColumns);
- // cache the input pixels into local memory
- const unsigned int y = get_global_id(1);
- const unsigned int pos = getPixelIndex(number_channels, inputColumns, cacheRangeStartX, y);
- const unsigned int num_elements = (cacheRangeEndX - cacheRangeStartX) * number_channels;
- event_t e = async_work_group_copy(inputImageCache, inputImage + pos, num_elements, 0);
- wait_group_events(1, &e);
- unsigned int alpha_index = (number_channels == 4) || (number_channels == 2) ? number_channels - 1 : 0;
- unsigned int totalNumChunks = (actualNumPixelToCompute+pixelChunkSize-1)/pixelChunkSize;
- for (unsigned int chunk = 0; chunk < totalNumChunks; chunk++)
- {
- const unsigned int chunkStartX = startX + chunk*pixelChunkSize;
- const unsigned int chunkStopX = MagickMin(chunkStartX + pixelChunkSize, stopX);
- const unsigned int actualNumPixelInThisChunk = chunkStopX - chunkStartX;
- // determine which resized pixel computed by this workitem
- const unsigned int itemID = get_local_id(0);
- const unsigned int numItems = getNumWorkItemsPerPixel(actualNumPixelInThisChunk, get_local_size(0));
- const int pixelIndex = pixelToCompute(itemID, actualNumPixelInThisChunk, get_local_size(0));
- float4 filteredPixel = (float4)0.0f;
- float density = 0.0f;
- float gamma = 0.0f;
- // -1 means this workitem doesn't participate in the computation
- if (pixelIndex != -1)
- {
- // x coordinated of the resized pixel computed by this workitem
- const int x = chunkStartX + pixelIndex;
- // calculate how many steps required for this pixel
- const float bisect = (x+0.5)/xFactor+MagickEpsilon;
- const unsigned int start = (unsigned int)MagickMax(bisect-support+0.5f,0.0f);
- const unsigned int stop = (unsigned int)MagickMin(bisect+support+0.5f,(float)inputColumns);
- const unsigned int n = stop - start;
- // calculate how many steps this workitem will contribute
- unsigned int numStepsPerWorkItem = n / numItems;
- numStepsPerWorkItem += ((numItems*numStepsPerWorkItem)==n?0:1);
- const unsigned int startStep = (itemID%numItems)*numStepsPerWorkItem;
- if (startStep < n)
- {
- const unsigned int stopStep = MagickMin(startStep+numStepsPerWorkItem, n);
- unsigned int cacheIndex = start+startStep-cacheRangeStartX;
- for (unsigned int i = startStep; i < stopStep; i++, cacheIndex++)
- {
- float weight = getResizeFilterWeight(resizeFilterCubicCoefficients,
- (ResizeWeightingFunctionType) resizeFilterType,
- (ResizeWeightingFunctionType) resizeWindowType,
- resizeFilterScale, resizeFilterWindowSupport,
- resizeFilterBlur, scale*(start + i - bisect + 0.5));
- float4 cp = (float4) 0;
- __local CLQuantum *p = inputImageCache + (cacheIndex*number_channels);
- cp.x = (float) *(p);
- if (number_channels > 2)
- {
- cp.y = (float) *(p + 1);
- cp.z = (float) *(p + 2);
- }
- if (alpha_index != 0)
- {
- cp.w = (float) *(p + alpha_index);
- float alpha = weight * QuantumScale * cp.w;
- filteredPixel.x += alpha * cp.x;
- filteredPixel.y += alpha * cp.y;
- filteredPixel.z += alpha * cp.z;
- filteredPixel.w += weight * cp.w;
- gamma += alpha;
- }
- else
- filteredPixel += ((float4) weight)*cp;
- density += weight;
- }
- }
- }
- // initialize the accumulators to zero
- if (itemID < actualNumPixelInThisChunk) {
- outputPixelCache[itemID] = (float4)0.0f;
- densityCache[itemID] = 0.0f;
- if (alpha_index != 0)
- gammaCache[itemID] = 0.0f;
- }
- // accumulatte the filtered pixel value and the density
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
- if (pixelIndex != -1) {
- if (itemID%numItems == i) {
- outputPixelCache[pixelIndex]+=filteredPixel;
- densityCache[pixelIndex]+=density;
- if (alpha_index != 0)
- gammaCache[pixelIndex]+=gamma;
- }
- }
- }
- if (itemID < actualNumPixelInThisChunk)
- {
- float4 filteredPixel = outputPixelCache[itemID];
- float gamma = 0.0f;
- if (alpha_index != 0)
- gamma = gammaCache[itemID];
- float density = densityCache[itemID];
- if ((density != 0.0f) && (density != 1.0f))
- {
- density = PerceptibleReciprocal(density);
- filteredPixel *= (float4) density;
- gamma *= density;
- }
- if (alpha_index != 0)
- {
- gamma = PerceptibleReciprocal(gamma);
- filteredPixel.x *= gamma;
- filteredPixel.y *= gamma;
- filteredPixel.z *= gamma;
- }
- WriteFloat4(filteredImage, number_channels, filteredColumns, chunkStartX + itemID, y, AllChannels, filteredPixel);
- }
- }
- }
- )
- __kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(1, 256, 1)))
- void ResizeVerticalFilter(const __global CLQuantum *inputImage, const unsigned int number_channels,
- const unsigned int inputColumns, const unsigned int inputRows, __global CLQuantum *filteredImage,
- const unsigned int filteredColumns, const unsigned int filteredRows, const float yFactor,
- const int resizeFilterType, const int resizeWindowType, const __global float *resizeFilterCubicCoefficients,
- const float resizeFilterScale, const float resizeFilterSupport, const float resizeFilterWindowSupport,
- const float resizeFilterBlur, __local CLQuantum *inputImageCache, const int numCachedPixels,
- const unsigned int pixelPerWorkgroup, const unsigned int pixelChunkSize,
- __local float4 *outputPixelCache, __local float *densityCache, __local float *gammaCache)
- {
- // calculate the range of resized image pixels computed by this workgroup
- const unsigned int startY = get_group_id(1)*pixelPerWorkgroup;
- const unsigned int stopY = MagickMin(startY + pixelPerWorkgroup,filteredRows);
- const unsigned int actualNumPixelToCompute = stopY - startY;
- // calculate the range of input image pixels to cache
- float scale = MagickMax(1.0f/yFactor+MagickEpsilon ,1.0f);
- const float support = MagickMax(scale*resizeFilterSupport,0.5f);
- scale = PerceptibleReciprocal(scale);
- const int cacheRangeStartY = MagickMax((int)((startY+0.5f)/yFactor+MagickEpsilon-support+0.5f),(int)(0));
- const int cacheRangeEndY = MagickMin((int)(cacheRangeStartY + numCachedPixels), (int)inputRows);
- // cache the input pixels into local memory
- const unsigned int x = get_global_id(0);
- unsigned int pos = getPixelIndex(number_channels, inputColumns, x, cacheRangeStartY);
- unsigned int rangeLength = cacheRangeEndY-cacheRangeStartY;
- unsigned int stride = inputColumns * number_channels;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < number_channels; i++)
- {
- event_t e = async_work_group_strided_copy(inputImageCache + (rangeLength*i), inputImage+pos+i, rangeLength, stride, 0);
- wait_group_events(1,&e);
- }
- unsigned int alpha_index = (number_channels == 4) || (number_channels == 2) ? number_channels - 1 : 0;
- unsigned int totalNumChunks = (actualNumPixelToCompute+pixelChunkSize-1)/pixelChunkSize;
- for (unsigned int chunk = 0; chunk < totalNumChunks; chunk++)
- {
- const unsigned int chunkStartY = startY + chunk*pixelChunkSize;
- const unsigned int chunkStopY = MagickMin(chunkStartY + pixelChunkSize, stopY);
- const unsigned int actualNumPixelInThisChunk = chunkStopY - chunkStartY;
- // determine which resized pixel computed by this workitem
- const unsigned int itemID = get_local_id(1);
- const unsigned int numItems = getNumWorkItemsPerPixel(actualNumPixelInThisChunk, get_local_size(1));
- const int pixelIndex = pixelToCompute(itemID, actualNumPixelInThisChunk, get_local_size(1));
- float4 filteredPixel = (float4)0.0f;
- float density = 0.0f;
- float gamma = 0.0f;
- // -1 means this workitem doesn't participate in the computation
- if (pixelIndex != -1)
- {
- // x coordinated of the resized pixel computed by this workitem
- const int y = chunkStartY + pixelIndex;
- // calculate how many steps required for this pixel
- const float bisect = (y+0.5)/yFactor+MagickEpsilon;
- const unsigned int start = (unsigned int)MagickMax(bisect-support+0.5f,0.0f);
- const unsigned int stop = (unsigned int)MagickMin(bisect+support+0.5f,(float)inputRows);
- const unsigned int n = stop - start;
- // calculate how many steps this workitem will contribute
- unsigned int numStepsPerWorkItem = n / numItems;
- numStepsPerWorkItem += ((numItems*numStepsPerWorkItem)==n?0:1);
- const unsigned int startStep = (itemID%numItems)*numStepsPerWorkItem;
- if (startStep < n)
- {
- const unsigned int stopStep = MagickMin(startStep+numStepsPerWorkItem, n);
- unsigned int cacheIndex = start+startStep-cacheRangeStartY;
- for (unsigned int i = startStep; i < stopStep; i++, cacheIndex++)
- {
- float weight = getResizeFilterWeight(resizeFilterCubicCoefficients,
- (ResizeWeightingFunctionType) resizeFilterType,
- (ResizeWeightingFunctionType) resizeWindowType,
- resizeFilterScale, resizeFilterWindowSupport,
- resizeFilterBlur, scale*(start + i - bisect + 0.5));
- float4 cp = (float4)0.0f;
- __local CLQuantum *p = inputImageCache + cacheIndex;
- cp.x = (float) *(p);
- if (number_channels > 2)
- {
- cp.y = (float) *(p + rangeLength);
- cp.z = (float) *(p + (rangeLength * 2));
- }
- if (alpha_index != 0)
- {
- cp.w = (float) *(p + (rangeLength * alpha_index));
- float alpha = weight * QuantumScale * cp.w;
- filteredPixel.x += alpha * cp.x;
- filteredPixel.y += alpha * cp.y;
- filteredPixel.z += alpha * cp.z;
- filteredPixel.w += weight * cp.w;
- gamma += alpha;
- }
- else
- filteredPixel += ((float4) weight)*cp;
- density += weight;
- }
- }
- }
- // initialize the accumulators to zero
- if (itemID < actualNumPixelInThisChunk) {
- outputPixelCache[itemID] = (float4)0.0f;
- densityCache[itemID] = 0.0f;
- if (alpha_index != 0)
- gammaCache[itemID] = 0.0f;
- }
- // accumulatte the filtered pixel value and the density
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
- if (pixelIndex != -1) {
- if (itemID%numItems == i) {
- outputPixelCache[pixelIndex]+=filteredPixel;
- densityCache[pixelIndex]+=density;
- if (alpha_index != 0)
- gammaCache[pixelIndex]+=gamma;
- }
- }
- }
- if (itemID < actualNumPixelInThisChunk)
- {
- float4 filteredPixel = outputPixelCache[itemID];
- float gamma = 0.0f;
- if (alpha_index != 0)
- gamma = gammaCache[itemID];
- float density = densityCache[itemID];
- if ((density != 0.0f) && (density != 1.0f))
- {
- density = PerceptibleReciprocal(density);
- filteredPixel *= (float4) density;
- gamma *= density;
- }
- if (alpha_index != 0)
- {
- gamma = PerceptibleReciprocal(gamma);
- filteredPixel.x *= gamma;
- filteredPixel.y *= gamma;
- filteredPixel.z *= gamma;
- }
- WriteFloat4(filteredImage, number_channels, filteredColumns, x, chunkStartY + itemID, AllChannels, filteredPixel);
- }
- }
- }
- )
-% %
-% %
-% %
-% R o t a t i o n a l B l u r %
-% %
-% %
-% %
- __kernel void RotationalBlur(const __global CLQuantum *image,const unsigned int number_channels,
- const unsigned int channel,const float4 bias,const float2 blurCenter,__constant float *cos_theta,
- __constant float *sin_theta,const unsigned int cossin_theta_size,__global CLQuantum *filteredImage)
- {
- const int x = get_global_id(0);
- const int y = get_global_id(1);
- const int columns = get_global_size(0);
- const int rows = get_global_size(1);
- unsigned int step = 1;
- float center_x = (float) x - blurCenter.x;
- float center_y = (float) y - blurCenter.y;
- float radius = hypot(center_x, center_y);
- float blur_radius = hypot(blurCenter.x, blurCenter.y);
- if (radius > MagickEpsilon)
- {
- step = (unsigned int) (blur_radius / radius);
- if (step == 0)
- step = 1;
- if (step >= cossin_theta_size)
- step = cossin_theta_size-1;
- }
- float4 result = bias;
- float normalize = 0.0f;
- float gamma = 0.0f;
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<cossin_theta_size; i+=step)
- {
- int cx = ClampToCanvas(blurCenter.x+center_x*cos_theta[i]-center_y*sin_theta[i]+0.5f,columns);
- int cy = ClampToCanvas(blurCenter.y+center_x*sin_theta[i]+center_y*cos_theta[i]+0.5f,rows);
- float4 pixel = ReadFloat4(image, number_channels, columns, cx, cy, channel);
- if ((number_channels == 4) || (number_channels == 2))
- {
- float alpha = (float)(QuantumScale*pixel.w);
- gamma += alpha;
- result.x += alpha * pixel.x;
- result.y += alpha * pixel.y;
- result.z += alpha * pixel.z;
- result.w += pixel.w;
- }
- else
- result += pixel;
- normalize += 1.0f;
- }
- normalize = PerceptibleReciprocal(normalize);
- if ((number_channels == 4) || (number_channels == 2))
- {
- gamma = PerceptibleReciprocal(gamma);
- result.x *= gamma;
- result.y *= gamma;
- result.z *= gamma;
- result.w *= normalize;
- }
- else
- result *= normalize;
- WriteFloat4(filteredImage, number_channels, columns, x, y, channel, result);
- }
- )
-% %
-% %
-% %
-% U n s h a r p M a s k %
-% %
-% %
-% %
- __kernel void UnsharpMaskBlurColumn(const __global CLQuantum* image,
- const __global float4 *blurRowData,const unsigned int number_channels,
- const ChannelType channel,const unsigned int columns,
- const unsigned int rows,__local float4* cachedData,
- __local float* cachedFilter,const __global float *filter,
- const unsigned int width,const float gain, const float threshold,
- __global CLQuantum *filteredImage)
- {
- const unsigned int radius = (width-1)/2;
- // cache the pixel shared by the workgroup
- const int groupX = get_group_id(0);
- const int groupStartY = get_group_id(1)*get_local_size(1) - radius;
- const int groupStopY = (get_group_id(1)+1)*get_local_size(1) + radius;
- if ((groupStartY >= 0) && (groupStopY < rows))
- {
- event_t e = async_work_group_strided_copy(cachedData,
- blurRowData+groupStartY*columns+groupX,groupStopY-groupStartY,columns,0);
- wait_group_events(1,&e);
- }
- else
- {
- for (int i = get_local_id(1); i < (groupStopY - groupStartY); i+=get_local_size(1))
- cachedData[i] = blurRowData[ClampToCanvas(groupStartY+i,rows)*columns + groupX];
- }
- // cache the filter as well
- event_t e = async_work_group_copy(cachedFilter,filter,width,0);
- wait_group_events(1,&e);
- // only do the work if this is not a patched item
- const int cy = get_global_id(1);
- if (cy < rows)
- {
- float4 blurredPixel = (float4) 0.0f;
- int i = 0;
- for ( ; i+7 < width; )
- {
- for (int j=0; j < 8; j++, i++)
- blurredPixel+=cachedFilter[i+j]*cachedData[i+j+get_local_id(1)];
- }
- for ( ; i < width; i++)
- blurredPixel+=cachedFilter[i]*cachedData[i+get_local_id(1)];
- float4 inputImagePixel = ReadFloat4(image,number_channels,columns,groupX,cy,channel);
- float4 outputPixel = inputImagePixel - blurredPixel;
- float quantumThreshold = QuantumRange*threshold;
- int4 mask = isless(fabs(2.0f*outputPixel), (float4)quantumThreshold);
- outputPixel = select(inputImagePixel + outputPixel * gain, inputImagePixel, mask);
- //write back
- WriteFloat4(filteredImage,number_channels,columns,groupX,cy,channel,outputPixel);
- }
- }
- )
- __kernel void UnsharpMask(const __global CLQuantum *image,const unsigned int number_channels,
- const ChannelType channel,__constant float *filter,const unsigned int width,
- const unsigned int columns,const unsigned int rows,__local float4 *pixels,
- const float gain,const float threshold,__global CLQuantum *filteredImage)
- {
- const unsigned int x = get_global_id(0);
- const unsigned int y = get_global_id(1);
- const unsigned int radius = (width - 1) / 2;
- int row = y - radius;
- int baseRow = get_group_id(1) * get_local_size(1) - radius;
- int endRow = (get_group_id(1) + 1) * get_local_size(1) + radius;
- while (row < endRow) {
- int srcy = (row < 0) ? -row : row; // mirror pad
- srcy = (srcy >= rows) ? (2 * rows - srcy - 1) : srcy;
- float4 value = 0.0f;
- int ix = x - radius;
- int i = 0;
- while (i + 7 < width) {
- for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) { // unrolled
- int srcx = ix + j;
- srcx = (srcx < 0) ? -srcx : srcx;
- srcx = (srcx >= columns) ? (2 * columns - srcx - 1) : srcx;
- value += filter[i + j] * ReadFloat4(image, number_channels, columns, srcx, srcy, channel);
- }
- ix += 8;
- i += 8;
- }
- while (i < width) {
- int srcx = (ix < 0) ? -ix : ix; // mirror pad
- srcx = (srcx >= columns) ? (2 * columns - srcx - 1) : srcx;
- value += filter[i] * ReadFloat4(image, number_channels, columns, srcx, srcy, channel);
- ++i;
- ++ix;
- }
- pixels[(row - baseRow) * get_local_size(0) + get_local_id(0)] = value;
- row += get_local_size(1);
- }
- const int px = get_local_id(0);
- const int py = get_local_id(1);
- const int prp = get_local_size(0);
- float4 value = (float4)(0.0f);
- int i = 0;
- while (i + 7 < width) {
- for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) // unrolled
- value += (float4)(filter[i]) * pixels[px + (py + i + j) * prp];
- i += 8;
- }
- while (i < width) {
- value += (float4)(filter[i]) * pixels[px + (py + i) * prp];
- ++i;
- }
- float4 srcPixel = ReadFloat4(image, number_channels, columns, x, y, channel);
- float4 diff = srcPixel - value;
- float quantumThreshold = QuantumRange*threshold;
- int4 mask = isless(fabs(2.0f * diff), (float4)quantumThreshold);
- value = select(srcPixel + diff * gain, srcPixel, mask);
- if ((x < columns) && (y < rows))
- WriteFloat4(filteredImage, number_channels, columns, x, y, channel, value);
- }
- )
- __kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(64, 4, 1)))
- void WaveletDenoise(__global CLQuantum *srcImage,__global CLQuantum *dstImage,
- const unsigned int number_channels,const unsigned int max_channels,
- const float threshold,const int passes,const unsigned int imageWidth,
- const unsigned int imageHeight)
- {
- const int pad = (1 << (passes - 1));
- const int tileSize = 64;
- const int tileRowPixels = 64;
- const float noise[] = { 0.8002, 0.2735, 0.1202, 0.0585, 0.0291, 0.0152, 0.0080, 0.0044 };
- CLQuantum stage[48]; // 16 * 3 (we only need 3 channels)
- local float buffer[64 * 64];
- int srcx = get_group_id(0) * (tileSize - 2 * pad) - pad + get_local_id(0);
- int srcy = get_group_id(1) * (tileSize - 2 * pad) - pad;
- for (int i = get_local_id(1); i < tileSize; i += get_local_size(1)) {
- int pos = (mirrorTop(mirrorBottom(srcx), imageWidth) * number_channels) +
- (mirrorTop(mirrorBottom(srcy + i), imageHeight)) * imageWidth * number_channels;
- for (int channel = 0; channel < max_channels; ++channel)
- stage[(i / 4) + (16 * channel)] = srcImage[pos + channel];
- }
- for (int channel = 0; channel < max_channels; ++channel) {
- // Load LDS
- for (int i = get_local_id(1); i < tileSize; i += get_local_size(1))
- buffer[get_local_id(0) + i * tileRowPixels] = convert_float(stage[(i / 4) + (16 * channel)]);
- // Process
- float tmp[16];
- float accum[16];
- float pixel;
- for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
- accum[i]=0.0f;
- for (int pass = 0; pass < passes; ++pass) {
- const int radius = 1 << pass;
- const int x = get_local_id(0);
- const float thresh = threshold * noise[pass];
- // Apply horizontal hat
- for (int i = get_local_id(1); i < tileSize; i += get_local_size(1)) {
- const int offset = i * tileRowPixels;
- if (pass == 0)
- tmp[i / 4] = buffer[x + offset]; // snapshot input on first pass
- pixel = 0.5f * tmp[i / 4] + 0.25 * (buffer[mirrorBottom(x - radius) + offset] + buffer[mirrorTop(x + radius, tileSize) + offset]);
- buffer[x + offset] = pixel;
- }
- // Apply vertical hat
- for (int i = get_local_id(1); i < tileSize; i += get_local_size(1)) {
- pixel = 0.5f * buffer[x + i * tileRowPixels] + 0.25 * (buffer[x + mirrorBottom(i - radius) * tileRowPixels] + buffer[x + mirrorTop(i + radius, tileRowPixels) * tileRowPixels]);
- float delta = tmp[i / 4] - pixel;
- tmp[i / 4] = pixel; // hold output in tmp until all workitems are done
- if (delta < -thresh)
- delta += thresh;
- else if (delta > thresh)
- delta -= thresh;
- else
- delta = 0;
- accum[i / 4] += delta;
- }
- if (pass < passes - 1)
- for (int i = get_local_id(1); i < tileSize; i += get_local_size(1))
- buffer[x + i * tileRowPixels] = tmp[i / 4]; // store lowpass for next pass
- else // last pass
- for (int i = get_local_id(1); i < tileSize; i += get_local_size(1))
- accum[i / 4] += tmp[i / 4]; // add the lowpass signal back to output
- }
- for (int i = get_local_id(1); i < tileSize; i += get_local_size(1))
- stage[(i / 4) + (16 * channel)] = ClampToQuantum(accum[i / 4]);
- }
- // Write from stage to output
- if ((get_local_id(0) >= pad) && (get_local_id(0) < tileSize - pad) && (srcx >= 0) && (srcx < imageWidth)) {
- for (int i = get_local_id(1); i < tileSize; i += get_local_size(1)) {
- if ((i >= pad) && (i < tileSize - pad) && (srcy + i >= 0) && (srcy + i < imageHeight)) {
- int pos = (srcx * number_channels) + ((srcy + i) * (imageWidth * number_channels));
- for (int channel = 0; channel < max_channels; ++channel) {
- dstImage[pos + channel] = stage[(i / 4) + (16 * channel)];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- )
- ;
extern MagickPrivate Image
*AccelerateAddNoiseImage(const Image*,const NoiseType,ExceptionInfo *),
*AccelerateBlurImage(const Image *,const double,const double,ExceptionInfo *),