% Compose methods needing such arguments include "BlendCompositeOp" and
% "DisplaceCompositeOp".
-% o "compose:outside-overlay"
-% Modify how the composition is to effect areas not directly covered
-% by the 'composite_image' at the offset given. Normally this is
-% dependant on the 'compose' method, especially Duff-Porter methods.
-% If set to "false" then disable all normal handling of pixels not
-% covered by the composite_image. Typically used for repeated tiling
-% of the composite_image by the calling API.
-% Previous to IM v6.5.3-3 this was called "modify-outside-overlay"
% o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
MagickExport MagickBooleanType CompositeImage(Image *image,
const Image *composite_image,const CompositeOperator compose,
- const MagickBooleanType clip_to_self,const ssize_t x_offset,const ssize_t y_offset,ExceptionInfo *exception)
+ const MagickBooleanType clip_to_self,const ssize_t x_offset,
+ const ssize_t y_offset,ExceptionInfo *exception)
#define CompositeImageTag "Composite/Image"