Cross-compiling mono on an OS X host for a Windows target using
mingw-w64 fails because of undefined __int64 types in a couple of places.
Including <stdint.h> fixes this and allows the OS X host to cross-compile
a Windows mono.
It probably sounds like an obscure use-case, but the wine-mono
project does just this, so ability to cross-compile for Windows on OS X
is crucial to being able to build wine-mono on a Mac.
/* Win64 isn't really supported yet, but this is the first step. And */
/* it might cause error messages to show up in more plausible places. */
/* This needs basetsd.h, which is included by windows.h. */
+ #include <stdint.h>
typedef unsigned __int64 GC_word;
typedef __int64 GC_signed_word;