Problem: Text properties as not adjusted for inserted text.
Solution: Adjust text properties when inserting text.
for (i = 0; i < len; i += n)
if (enc_utf8)
- /* avoid reading past p[len] */
+ // avoid reading past p[len]
n = utfc_ptr2len_len(p + i, len - i);
n = (*mb_ptr2len)(p + i);
ins_char_bytes(char_u *buf, int charlen)
int c = buf[0];
- int newlen; /* nr of bytes inserted */
- int oldlen; /* nr of bytes deleted (0 when not replacing) */
+ int newlen; // nr of bytes inserted
+ int oldlen; // nr of bytes deleted (0 when not replacing)
char_u *p;
char_u *newp;
char_u *oldp;
- int linelen; /* length of old line including NUL */
+ int linelen; // length of old line including NUL
colnr_T col;
linenr_T lnum = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
int i;
curwin->w_p_list = old_list;
- else
- if (oldp[col] != NUL)
+ else if (oldp[col] != NUL)
/* normal replace */
while (i < newlen)
p[i++] = ' ';
- /* Replace the line in the buffer. */
+ // Replace the line in the buffer.
ml_replace(lnum, newp, FALSE);
- /* mark the buffer as changed and prepare for displaying */
- changed_bytes(lnum, col);
+ // mark the buffer as changed and prepare for displaying
+ inserted_bytes(lnum, col, newlen - oldlen);
* If we're in Insert or Replace mode and 'showmatch' is set, then briefly
mch_memmove(newp + col, s, (size_t)newlen);
mch_memmove(newp + col + newlen, oldp + col, (size_t)(oldlen - col + 1));
ml_replace(lnum, newp, FALSE);
- changed_bytes(lnum, col);
+ inserted_bytes(lnum, col, newlen);
curwin->w_cursor.col += newlen;
+ * Like changed_bytes() but also adjust text properties for "added" bytes.
+ * When "added" is negative text was deleted.
+ */
+ void
+inserted_bytes(linenr_T lnum, colnr_T col, int added)
+ changed_bytes(lnum, col);
+ if (curbuf->b_has_textprop && added != 0)
+ adjust_prop_columns(lnum, col, added);
static void
void changed(void);
void changed_int(void);
void changed_bytes(linenr_T lnum, colnr_T col);
+void inserted_bytes(linenr_T lnum, colnr_T col, int added);
void appended_lines(linenr_T lnum, long count);
void appended_lines_mark(linenr_T lnum, long count);
void deleted_lines(linenr_T lnum, long count);
-| +0#af5f00255#ffffff0@1|1| >O+0#0000000&|n|e| +0&#ffff4012|t|w|o| +0&#ffffff0@63
+| +0#af5f00255#ffffff0@1|1| |O+0#0000000&|n|e| +0&#ffff4012|t|w|o| +0&#ffffff0@63
| +0#af5f00255&@1|2| |N+0#0000000#ffff4012|u|m|b|é|r| |1+0#4040ff13&|2|3| +0#0000000&|ä|n|d| |t|h|œ|n| |4+0#4040ff13&|¾|7|.+0#0000000&| +0&#ffffff0@46
-| +0#af5f00255&@1|3| |T+0#0000000#ffff4012|h|r+0&#ffffff0|e@1| @65
+| +0#af5f00255&@1|3| |-+0#0000000#ffff4012@1|x+0&#ffffff0|a+0#4040ff13&@1|x+0#0000000&|-@1|x+0#4040ff13&|b@1|x+0#0000000&|-@1|x|c+0#4040ff13&@1|x|-+0#0000000&@1|x+0#4040ff13&|d@1>x|-+0#0000000&@1| @44
|~+0#4040ff13&| @73
|~| @73
-| +0#0000000&@56|1|,|1| @10|A|l@1|
+| +0#0000000&@56|3|,|2|4| @9|A|l@1|
call writefile([
- \ "call setline(1, ['One two', 'Numbér 123 änd thœn 4¾7.', 'Three'])",
+ \ "call setline(1, ['One two', 'Numbér 123 änd thœn 4¾7.', '--aa--bb--cc--dd--'])",
\ "hi NumberProp ctermfg=blue",
\ "hi LongProp ctermbg=yellow",
\ "call prop_type_add('number', {'highlight': 'NumberProp'})",
\ "call prop_type_add('long', {'highlight': 'LongProp'})",
+ \ "call prop_type_add('start', {'highlight': 'NumberProp', 'start_incl': 1})",
+ \ "call prop_type_add('end', {'highlight': 'NumberProp', 'end_incl': 1})",
+ \ "call prop_type_add('both', {'highlight': 'NumberProp', 'start_incl': 1, 'end_incl': 1})",
\ "call prop_add(1, 4, {'end_lnum': 3, 'end_col': 3, 'type': 'long'})",
\ "call prop_add(2, 9, {'length': 3, 'type': 'number'})",
\ "call prop_add(2, 24, {'length': 4, 'type': 'number'})",
+ \ "call prop_add(3, 3, {'length': 2, 'type': 'number'})",
+ \ "call prop_add(3, 7, {'length': 2, 'type': 'start'})",
+ \ "call prop_add(3, 11, {'length': 2, 'type': 'end'})",
+ \ "call prop_add(3, 15, {'length': 2, 'type': 'both'})",
\ "set number",
\ "hi clear SpellBad",
\ "set spell",
+ \ "normal 3G0llix\<Esc>lllix\<Esc>lllix\<Esc>lllix\<Esc>lllix\<Esc>lllix\<Esc>lllix\<Esc>lllix\<Esc>",
\], 'XtestProp')
let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XtestProp', {'rows': 6})
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_textprop_01', {})
* Adjust the columns of text properties in line "lnum" after position "col" to
* shift by "bytes_added" (can be negative).
+ * Note that "col" is zero-based, while tp_col is one-based.
+ * Only for the current buffer.
+ * Called is expected to check b_has_textprop and "bytes_added" being non-zero.
-adjust_prop_columns(linenr_T lnum UNUSED, colnr_T col UNUSED, int bytes_added UNUSED)
+adjust_prop_columns(linenr_T lnum, colnr_T col, int bytes_added)
- // TODO
+ int proplen;
+ char_u *props;
+ textprop_T tmp_prop;
+ proptype_T *pt;
+ int dirty = FALSE;
+ int i;
+ proplen = get_text_props(curbuf, lnum, &props, TRUE);
+ if (proplen == 0)
+ return;
+ for (i = 0; i < proplen; ++i)
+ {
+ mch_memmove(&tmp_prop, props + i * sizeof(textprop_T),
+ sizeof(textprop_T));
+ pt = text_prop_type_by_id(curbuf, tmp_prop.tp_type);
+ if (tmp_prop.tp_col >= col + (pt != NULL && (pt->pt_flags & PT_FLAG_INS_START_INCL) ? 2 : 1))
+ {
+ tmp_prop.tp_col += bytes_added;
+ dirty = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (tmp_prop.tp_col + tmp_prop.tp_len > col + (pt != NULL && (pt->pt_flags & PT_FLAG_INS_END_INCL) ? 0 : 1))
+ {
+ tmp_prop.tp_len += bytes_added;
+ dirty = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (dirty)
+ {
+ curbuf->b_ml.ml_flags |= ML_LINE_DIRTY;
+ mch_memmove(props + i * sizeof(textprop_T), &tmp_prop,
+ sizeof(textprop_T));
+ }
+ }
#endif // FEAT_TEXT_PROP
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 678,