- ABCs for mapping, items, keys, and values :term:`views <view>`.
+ ABCs for mapping, items, keys, and values :term:`views <dictionary view>`.
+.. class:: Awaitable
+ ABC for :term:`awaitable` objects, which can be used in :keyword:`await`
+ expressions. Custom implementations must provide the :meth:`__await__`
+ method.
+ :term:`Coroutine` objects and instances of the
+ :class:`` ABC are all instances of this ABC.
+ .. note::
+ In CPython, generator-based coroutines (generators decorated with
+ :func:`types.coroutine` or :func:`asyncio.coroutine`) are
+ *awaitables*, even though they do not have an :meth:`__await__` method.
+ Using ``isinstance(gencoro, Awaitable)`` for them will return ``False``.
+ Use :func:`inspect.isawaitable` to detect them.
+ .. versionadded:: 3.5
+.. class:: Coroutine
+ ABC for coroutine compatible classes. These implement the
+ following methods, defined in :ref:`coroutine-objects`:
+ :meth:`~coroutine.send`, :meth:`~coroutine.throw`, and
+ :meth:`~coroutine.close`. Custom implementations must also implement
+ :meth:`__await__`. All :class:`Coroutine` instances are also instances of
+ :class:`Awaitable`. See also the definition of :term:`coroutine`.
+ .. note::
+ In CPython, generator-based coroutines (generators decorated with
+ :func:`types.coroutine` or :func:`asyncio.coroutine`) are
+ *awaitables*, even though they do not have an :meth:`__await__` method.
+ Using ``isinstance(gencoro, Coroutine)`` for them will return ``False``.
+ Use :func:`inspect.isawaitable` to detect them.
+ .. versionadded:: 3.5
+.. class:: AsyncIterable
+ ABC for classes that provide ``__aiter__`` method. See also the
+ definition of :term:`asynchronous iterable`.
+ .. versionadded:: 3.5
+.. class:: AsyncIterator
+ ABC for classes that provide ``__aiter__`` and ``__anext__``
+ methods. See also the definition of :term:`asynchronous iterator`.
+ .. versionadded:: 3.5
These ABCs allow us to ask classes or instances if they provide
particular functionality, for example::