+2012-08-21 - version 2.0
+This major version adds some changes not backward compatible with previous versions. Options
+-p and -g are not more used as progress bar and graphs generation are enabled by default now.
+The obsolete -l option use to specify the log file to parse has been reused to specify an
+incremental file. Outside these changes and some bug fix there's also new features:
+ * Using an incremental file with -l option allow to parse multiple time a single log file
+ and to "seek" at the last line parsed during the previous run. Useful if you have a log
+ rotation not sync with your pgbadger run. For exemple you can run somthing like this:
+ pgbadger `find /var/log/postgresql/ -name "postgresql*" -mtime -7 -type f` \
+ -o report_`date +%F`.html -l /var/run/pgbadger/last_run.log
+ * All queries diplayed in the HTML report are now clickable to display or hide a nice
+ SQL query format. This is called SQL format beautifier.
+ * CSV log parser have been entirely rewritten to handle csv with multiline.
+Every one should upgrade.
+ - Change license from BSD like to PostgreSQL license. Request from Robert Treat.
+ - Fix wrong pointer on Connections per host menu. Reported by Jean-Paul Argudo.
+ - Small fix for sql formatting adding scrollbars. Patch by Julien Rouhaud.
+ - Add SQL format beautifier on SQL queries. When you will click on a query it
+ will be beautified. Patch by Gilles Darold
+ - The progress bar is now enabled by default, the -p option has been removed.
+ Use -q | --quiet to disable it. Patch by Gilles Darold
+ - Graphs are now generated by default for HTML output, option -g as been remove
+ and option -G added to allow disabling graph generation. Request from Julien
+ Rouhaud, patch by Gilles Darold.
+ - Remove option -g and -p to the documentation. Patch by Gilles Darold.
+ - Fix case sensitivity in command line options. Patch by Julien Rouhaud.
+ - Add -T|--title option to change report title. Patch by Yury Bushmelev.
+ - Add new option --exclude-file to exclude specific commands with regex stated
+ in a file. This is a rewrite by Gilles Darold of the neoeahit (Vipul) patch.
+ - CSV log parser have been entirely rewritten to handle csv with multiline, it
+ also adds approximative duration for csvlog. Reported by Ludhimila Kendrick,
+ patch by Gilles Darold.
+ - Alphabetical reordering of options list in method usage() and documentation.
+ Patch by Gilles Darold.
+ - Remove obsolete -l | --logfile command line option, the -l option will be reused
+ to specify an incremental file. Patch by Gilles Darold.
+ - Add -l | --last-parsed options to allow incremental run of pgbadger. Patch
+ by Gilles Darold.
+ - Replace call to timelocal_nocheck by timegm_nocheck, to convert date/time into
+ second from the epoch. This should fix timezone issue. Patch by Gilles Darold.
+ - Change regex on log parser to allow missing ending space in log_line_prefix.
+ - This seems a common mistake. Patch by Gilles Darold.
+ - print a warning when an empty log file is found. Patch by Gilles Darold.
+ - Add perltidy rc file to format pgbadger Perl code. Patch from depesz.
2012-07-15 - version 1.2
This version adds some reports and fixes a major issue in log parser. Every one